VIDEO by Black Pigeon
You can skip the introduction to his talk by clicking on the 13.17 minute of this video.
Larry Elder's website with shows, blogs and more
CRN Radio - Larry Elder shows
- Muhammad Ali was a racist, but that's OK because he was black.
- Speaking to David Frost in 1969, Ali bluntly stated that he believed “all Jews” are “devils."
- Like other racial separatists, Ali lambasted Zionism as an omnipresent threat. He repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and openly supported terrorists aiming to kill Jews.
- He disregarded the fact that it was Jews who worked hard alongside blacks for civil rights in the South, and that they have been at the forefront since in the push for legal and social equality for blacks.
- Two Jewish young men were assassinated for participating in the Freedom Rides.
- Muhammad Ali echoed the KKK in his opposition to interracial dating and marriage.
- “A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman,” he said in a Playboy interview. The same fate, he said, should also await any black woman guilty of dating outside of her race. “Then she dies. Kill her too.”
- Hulk Hogan made some comments in a private conversation about his reluctance to see his daughters dating black men, and the whole country turned against him. He was ostracized, his contract cancelled, his merchandise removed.
- Only white racism is regarded as objectionable.
- Non-white people are regarded as either non-capable of being racist, or if they are obviously so - like Muhammad Ali - then not guilty just because of the color of their skin.

Racist Muhammad Ali versus Hulk Hogan
VIDEO - Larry Elder: Why Black people owe Jewish people greater respect (short version)
Their ongoing legacy of helping blacks achieve full civil rights
Larry Elder is a well-known talk radio host.
VIDEO - Larry Elder complete talk
on black anti-Semitism.
He is funny and entertaining. You can skip the introduction to his talk by clicking on the 13.17 minute of this video.
Larry Elder's website with shows, blogs and more
CRN Radio - Larry Elder shows
Did you know that the Afro-American rights organization NAACP removed the name of its Jewish co-founder from its website?
- Revisionist History Continues as NAACP Removes Jewish Founder From Website
- The NAACP - an organization which was co-founded, heavily financed, and materially and morally supported by Jews throughout the years has turned its back on the Jews and erases their involvement.
- New York, NY (July 19, 2010) It is a sad state of affairs that Henry Moskowitz, Ph.D., one of the original co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), has been excluded from the list of prominent "People" under the History heading of the new NAACP Website.
- Of all the founders of the NAACP, it is only Dr. Moskowitz (1879-1936) which is missing, leaving a gaping hole in the history of the organization.
Muhammad Ali's
forgotten legacy of anti-Semitism
While boxing legend earned many Jewish fans, his legacy of anti-Semitism, racial separatism mirrored white supremacism.
By David Rosenberg
When three-time heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali passed away last Friday, media outlets were swamped with eulogies for the 74-year-old former boxer, highlighting his cultural impact at the height of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s.
Indeed, Ali’s legacy goes far beyond the ring. His conversion to Islam in 1964 marked his metamorphosis from mere athlete to cultural icon, becoming a symbol of “Black Power” and radical black identity.
Ali famously defied the draft in 1967 at the height of the Vietnam War, using the opportunity to decry “white imperialism."
Ali famously defied the draft in 1967 at the height of the Vietnam War, using the opportunity to decry “white imperialism."
“No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over,” said Ali. “This is the day when such evils must come to an end.”
Mirroring militants like the Black Panthers, Ali embraced an ideology not of racial reconciliation and egalitarianism, but of racial separatism, one which was rife with disparaging views on non-blacks in general – and Jews in particular.
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Despite a long history of comments assailing Jews and decrying Zionism, Ali nevertheless won many Jewish admirers, and on the occasion of his death won praise from a slew prominent Jews. Former Israeli Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein will represent the State of Israel at Ali’s funeral, and the former boxing champ will be eulogized by Jewish actor and comedian Billy Crystal.
Ali’s hatred of Israel and support for anti-Jewish terrorism during his decades-long boxing career, many of his Jewish supporters claim, were tempered with age later in life, as they note his Jewish son-in-law and his participation in a Bar Mitzvah ceremony for his grandson.
For much of his life, however, little differentiated Ali’s views both on race and the Jewish people from the rhetoric emanating from white supremacist circles.
Like his white counterparts, Ali abhorred mixed race couples, saying that blacks engaged in romantic relationships with people of another race deserved to be put to death.
Mohammed Ali's racist ideology was strongly influenced
by Malcolm X, an American Muslim
Like his white counterparts, Ali abhorred mixed race couples, saying that blacks engaged in romantic relationships with people of another race deserved to be put to death.
“A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman,” he said in a Playboy interview. The same fate, he said, should also await any black woman guilty of dating outside of her race. “Then she dies. Kill her too.”
"Oust the Zionist invaders"
Like other racial separatists, Ali lambasted Zionism as an omnipresent threat. He repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and openly supported terrorists aiming to kill Jews.
“In my name and the name of all Muslims in America, I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland and oust the Zionist invaders,” Ali said during a trip to Lebanon.
Ali famously sought the release of 700 terrorists held by Israel, referring to them as “brothers."
Using Zionism as a code-word for Jews, Ali blamed Zionism for a plethora of cultural issues, frequently asserting that “the Zionists” control America – and by extension, the world.
"You know the entire power structure is Zionist,” Ali told India Today in 1980. “They control America; they control the world. They are really against the Islam religion. So whenever a Muslim does something wrong, they blame the religion.”
"All Jews are devils"
In his professional career, Ali blamed Jews for perceived setbacks, telling the New York Times in 1970 that it was “those Jewish promoters” who tried to prevent him from getting back in the ring with Joe Frazier.
Speaking to David Frost in 1969, Ali bluntly stated that he believed “all Jews” are “devils." Mistakenly interpreting the word gentile to mean non-Jewish whites, Ali stated “all Jews and gentiles are devils.”
In 1984, Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, an affliction which gradually reduced his involvement in public life.
In his later years, Ali did abandon the kind of harsh rhetoric and stark racial separatism that characterized his boxing career.
While the former heavyweight champion had refused in 1985 to negotiate for the release of Americans held captive in Lebanon during a trip to free Arab terrorists held by Israel, in 1990 he travelled to Iraq to press Saddam Hussein to release Western hostages. In 2002 he publicly pleaded with Daniel Pearl’s captors to set him free.
The significant Jewish contribution to the Afro-American civil rights struggle
- FBI poster featuring Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner,
- All three civil rights workers, two of them Jewish, were murdered by white segregationists in Mississippi for promoting civil rights for blacks in the American south.
- What would those Jewish victims say today about their effort and sacrifice, when the Afro-American community has turned so viciously anti-Semitic?
- Now the grandchildren of Jewish civil rights activists who gave so much of their time, effort, and in instances their lives for blacks - are being hounded by a coalition of blacks and Muslims at US colleges and universities just for being Jewish. Who would have thought....
Black-Jewish Relations in the South
As far back as the 19th century, Jewish storekeepers were virtually the only Southern merchants who addressed black customers as “Mr.” and “Mrs.” and permitted them to try on clothing.
By the early 20th century, a few Southern Jews even ventured to speak out against the evils of white supremacy.
In 1929, Louis Isaac Jaffe, editorial writer for the Norfolk Virginia-Pilot won the Pulitzer Prize for his denunciation of lynching and the reactionary Harry Byrd political machine.
Julius Rosenwald chairman of Sears Roebuck, contributed more generously in behalf of Southern blacks than did any philanthropist in American history.
Rosenwald was Chicagoan, but his munificence was continued by his daughter, Edith Stern of New Orleans, whose Stern Family Fund in later years contributed vast sums to civil rights activities in the South.
It was known, too, that Southern Jews privately tended to be more liberal on the race issue than Southern gentiles, and often quietly provided manpower and funds for civil rights causes.
Yet, away from large, modern cities like Atlanta and New Orleans, Southern Jews felt obliged to walk a narrow line. Most were merchants, dependent on the good will of their neighbors.
In the Deep South, if they hesitated to join White Citizens Councils, they felt the pressure immediately. “The money dried up at the banks and loans were called in,” recalled a Jewish storekeeper “If you had a restaurant, linen was not picked up. If you owned a store, the local police could play havoc with you on the fire laws.”
Low Profile
Most local Jews then tended to adopt a low profile on the race issue. At the express wish of their congregations, a majority of Southern rabbis similarly agreed to be restrained.
No more than six or seven of them in the entire South worked openly to promote the cause of civil rights. But, of these, Rabbi Julian Feibelman of New Orleans opened the doors of his Temple Sinai in 1949 for a lecture by Ralph Bunche, the black United Nations ambassador, permitting the first major integrated audience in New Orleans history.
At the height of the anti-integration effort, in 1957, Rabbi Ira Sanders of Little Rock testified before the Arkansas Senate against pending segregationist bills. Rabbi Perry Nussbaum of Jackson, Mississippi, also courageously lent his support to the integration effort, as did Rabbis Jacob Rothschild of Atlanta, Emmet Frank of Alexandria, and Charles Mantingand of Birmingham. Yet these men stood well ahead of their constituencies.
If Southern Jews believed that a low profile would permit them to continue living peacefully, they were wrong. Klan groups exploited the integration crisis to launch acts of anti-Semitic violence.
In one year, from November 1957 through October 1958, temples and other Jewish communal edifices were bombed in Atlanta, Nashville, Jacksonville, and Miami, and undetonated dynamite was found under synagogues in Birmingham, Charlotte, and Gastonia, North Carolina. Some rabbis received telephone death threats.
No one was injured, and local and state authorities in every instance joined newspapers and communal leaders in condemning the outrages and in tracking down, prosecuting, and convicting the perpetrators. Much of the South was urbanizing and modernizing, after all. But an older residue of folkloristic suspicion evidently survived even against veteran, local Jews.
Heather Booth, a Jewish student active in SNCC, playing guitar for Fannie Lou Hamer during the Freedom Summer Project in Mississippi, 1964
Northern Jews
More than any other factor, it was the participation of Northern Jews in the Civil Rights movement that tapped that residue.
These were the people, it is recalled, who were the earliest supporters of the fledgling National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Jews also were the earliest supporters of the Urban League, founded in New York in 1911 to help newly arrived black migrants from the rural South.
The International Ladies Garment Workers Union and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers took the lead in organizing “our black brothers” for union membership (over the opposition of the American Federation of Labor national board).
And, in the climactic civil rights drives of the 1950s and 1960s, Jewish participation was all but overwhelming.
In the landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling itself, the Supreme Court accepted the research of the black sociologist Kenneth Clark that segregation placed the stamp of inferiority on black children.
Clark’s study had been commissioned by the American Jewish Committee, and it appeared in the amicus curiae brief the Committee submitted to the court. The Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress also submitted amicus curiae briefs in behalf of the cause.
Once the judgment was issued, these Jewish defense organizations continued to file legal briefs in civil rights cases dealing with housing, employment, education, and public accommodation. Many local and state desegregation regulations actually were drafted in the offices of the Jewish agencies.
Individual Heroes
Jewish participation in the Civil Rights movement far transcended institutional associations. One black leader in Mississippi estimated that, in the 1960s, the critical decade of the voter-registration drives, “as many as 90 percent of the civil rights lawyers in Mississippi were Jewish.”
Large numbers of them were recent graduates of Ivy League law schools. They worked around the clock analyzing welfare standards, the bail system, arrest procedures, justice-of-the-peace rulings. Racing from one Southern town to another, they obtained parade permits and issued complaints on jail beatings and intimidation.
Jews similarly made up at least 30 percent of the white volunteers who rode freedom buses to the South, registered blacks, and picketed segregated establishments. Among them were several dozen Reform rabbis who marched among the demonstrators in Selma and Birmingham.
A number were arrested. Others were taken into custody for attempting to desegregate a swimming pool in St. Augustine, Florida. One of the demonstrating rabbis, Arthur Lelyveld, was severely beaten in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
A young physician, Edward Sachar, volunteering his medical services to the freedom marchers, nearly lost his life as his automobile was forced off a Mississippi back road by local rednecks.
Two young New Yorkers, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, served in 1964 as voting-registration volunteers in Meridian, Mississippi. One of their coworkers was a young black Mississippian, James Chaney.
Together they were waylaid and murdered by Klansmen, their bodies dumped in a secret grave. As much as any single factor, it was the nationwide attention given the discovery of their corpses that accelerated passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
The Jews had long since achieved their own political and economic breakthrough. Rarely had any community gone to such lengths to share its painfully achieved status with others.
Comparing Muhammad Ali
to Donald Trump?
The following is a column by British Mail Online journalist Piers Morgan on the almost taboo subject of Muhammad Ali's racism.
You will notice how he tries to soften his rather mild attempt to speak the truth by making a rather unsuitable comparison between Muhammad Ali's virulently racist and supremacist ideology in his early years, with Donald Trump's comments about Mexicans and Muslims who come to the US to do harm.
This false moral equivalence between the two men - who were good friends, by the way - did not protect Piers Morgan from the expected backlash from Muhammad Ali fans. Lesson: don't ever call a person of color a "racist" - no matter how racist he may be.
Trump and Ali were friends for decades, and Ali even attended Trump’s 2005 wedding to his current wife, Melania. They are seen here in 2001
Piers Morgan: Muhammad Ali WAS a racist who repented. Trump ISN’T a racist but he too needs to sing a more tolerant tune
Yesterday, I began trending on Twitter for something I said about Muhammad Ali. It was this:
‘Muhammad Ali said far more inflammatory/racist things about whites than Donald Trump ever has about Muslims.’
I posted this after watching a deluge of bile explode at Trump on social media when he paid tribute to Ali following the boxing legend’s death.
Trump and Ali had been friends for decades, and Ali even attended Trump’s 2005 wedding to his current wife, Melania.
But these trifling details didn’t matter to the howling mob who believe that Trump’s a racist Hitler-esque Muslim-hater and therefore had to be mocked and abused for his ‘sickening hypocrisy’.
I didn’t intend to disrespect Ali with my tweet, as many claimed.
Why would I when just 24 hours earlier I had written a heartfelt tribute to him as the greatest superstar icon of my lifetime?
But I did intend to offer the anti-Trump brigade some historical perspective about their own hero as they vented their collective spleen.
Of course, that spleen then promptly vented itself on me, but I make no apology.
It is a fact that Muhammad Ali said a lot of very inflammatory, racist things after he joined, in the ‘60s, the Nation of Islam, a virulent organisation run by Elijah Mohammed.
Frankly, Ali’s statements during his 10-year status as the group’s most famous ‘frontman’ were not just outrageously racist but also anti-Semitic, sexist and homophobic.
All Jews and gentiles are devils,’ he once declared. ‘Blacks are no devils. Everything black people doing wrong comes from (the white people): Drinking, smoking, prostitution, homosexuality, stealing, gambling. It all comes from (the white people).’
He called for a complete separation of the races.
‘Integration is wrong, we don’t want to live with the white man. I’m sure no intelligent white person in his or her right mind wants black men and women marrying their white sons and daughters and in return introducing their grandchildren to half brown, kinky haired people. I want to be with my own. No women on this whole earth can please me and cook for me and socialise and talk to me like an American black woman. You can’t take no Chinese man and give him no Puerto Rican woman and talking like they’re in love and emotionally in love and physically.’
Explaining why he believed all white men were also ‘the devil’, Ali said:
‘I’ve heard Elijah Muhammad say that many white people mean right and in their heart want to do right. But if 10,000 rattle snakes were coming down the aisle right there and I had a door I could shut, and one thousands of those snakes meant right, they didn’t want to bite me and I knew they were good. Should I let those rattle snakes come down, hoping those one thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I close the door and stay safe?’
White people, he said, ‘kill our men…and rape our women daily.’
Ali’s rampant racism even extended to wanting blacks who had sex with whites murdered.
‘A black man should be killed if he’s messing around with a white women,’ he said.
And if a black woman was messing with a white man? ‘Then she dies. Kill her too.’
Imagine if Donald Trump said any of these things about blacks or Muslims?
Ali’s opinions drew strong criticism even from civil rights champion Dr Martin Luther King, who commented: ‘When Cassius Clay joined the Black Muslims, he became a champion of racial segregation and that is what we are fighting against.’
So let’s cut the absurd, deluded pretence that Muhammad Ali wasn’t a man who spewed a lot of very hateful, racist claptrap when he was young, because he indisputably did.
But then Ali grew up, matured and in the process changed dramatically in his views and beliefs.
‘The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life,’ he memorably observed.
And Ali didn’t waste a day, morphing from angry firebrand activity to public advocate for global peace and harmony.
“Over the years my religion has changed and my spirituality has evolved,’ he latterly explained, ‘religion and spirituality are very different, but people often confuse the two. Some things cannot be taught, but they can be awakened in the heart. Spirituality is recognizing the divine light that is within us all. It doesn’t belong to any particular religion; it belongs to everyone. We all have the same God, we just serve him differently…It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Muslim, a Christian, or a Jew. When you believe in God, you should believe that all people are part of one family. If you love God, you can’t love only some of his children.”
Donald Trump should heed those words carefully.
He and Ali are of course very different people but they shared many qualities too: both bombastic, supremely cocky showmen with a love for belittling opponents, talking up their own genius, fighting with everything that moved and skilfully manipulating the media to fuel their personal and professional brands.
As Trump now prepares to take on Hillary Clinton for the presidency, he may wish to take a leaf out of his old friend Ali’s book and dial down some of his own race-charged rhetoric.
I don’t believe Trump’s a racist. But his call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. was an unnecessarily inflammatory and unworkable plan. And I don’t think he’s doing himself any favours by inferring the judge presiding over his Trump University lawsuit is biased because of his Mexican heritage.
After the San Bernadino terror attack in California last year, which killed 20 people, Ali issued a fierce statement condemning the perpetrators for hijacking Islam for nefarious means.
‘We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda,’ he said. ‘I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about the killing of innocent people in Paris, San Bernadino or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.’
Ali then called on political leaders to ‘use their position to bring understanding about Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is.’
As the world pays tribute this week to The Greatest, let’s not try to sugar-coat what he was or gloss over what he became.
Muhammad Ali will leave many great legacies, in and out of the ring.
But the message he promoted about Islam in his later years may well turn out to be his most important.
Let our political leaders do as he said and draw a clear line between the vast majority of real, peace-loving Muslims and the murderous barbaric ISIS extremists who use Islam to falsely justify their violence.
Then compel them to do what they can to help those good, decent Muslims root out and eradicate those who currently give their faith such a bad name.
Muhammad Ali was wrong about many things he spouted as a provocative young man, but right about so many as he reached old age.
Let us all, Donald Trump included, learn from his wisdom and act upon it.
THE SELF DECEPTION OF CASSIUS CLAY and the incomprehensible public adulation for MUHAMMAD ALI
- The ABSURD Afro-American embrace of Islam, an ideology guilty of the genocide of 120 Africans during the Arab Slave Trade.
- Arab ownership of African slaves goes on to this day
READ MORE and watch videos about Islam's endorsing of slavery, and the ongoing Muslim ownership of black slaves
- Brutal assaults against whites in the first week of July 2015
- Crime statistics debunk the view of blacks as innocent victims of racism.
- And whites are more likely to be killed by police than blacks.
- The long history of Democrat racism and of Republican efforts to expand Afro-American civil rights
- Also, how Jews even gave their lives in the struggle for Afro-American civil rights, only to be paid back with vicious black anti-Semitism
led by Reverend Al Sharpton
Read more
The History of Black Anti-Semitism in America
Anti-Semitism has had a long history among African Americans. In the 1920s, for instance, the “buy-black” campaign of the black-nationalist leader Marcus Garvey was explicitly targeted against Jews, and Garvey later spoke admiringly of Adolf Hitler.
In February 1948 the black writer James Baldwin acknowledged how widespread anti-Semitism was in his community, writing: “Georgia has the Negro and Harlem has the Jew.”
See videos on black anti-Semitism
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