Illegal aliens call to morph America into Mexico, or to make it part of Mexico - high crime, lawlessness, drug cartels, and dysfunctional and corrupt government included. It's their right to free expression.
And when they beat up Americans for supporting Trump, we call that "democratic right to dissent".
See more hilarious political cartoons

Man identifies as a GOAT and lives like one
Read more -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3612748/Why-decided-life-London-goat-Switzerland.html
Read more -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3612748/Why-decided-life-London-goat-Switzerland.html

Skeletons in the most unlikely of places. Donald Trump raises questions on the apparent suicide of Vince Foster, the highest-ranking government official to die under mysterious circumstances since the death of John F. Kennedy

Cartoon: Uri Fink www.ticp.org.il
Unless the bomb is against Israel.
The White House would say "too bad" and get on with the business of the day.

Kennedy's legacy, versus Obama's legacy. Obama to force schools to comply with his mandate to allow males in girls bathrooms. Allegedly as a measure to make transgendered men feel more accepted, this policy literally opens the door to any male to LEGALLY enter a female restroom. Aside from schools, other public institutions are expected to comply as well.
IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL - OBAMA ADVISER BEN RHODES ADMITS THE WHITE HOUSE SOLD THE AMERICAN PUBLIC A PACK OF LIES - He also admits the US media acts as an "echo chamber" for the White House narrative. Read more -
Cartoon: Jewish Press Cartoons- Asher Schwartz via TICP - The Israeli Cartoon Project
IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL - OBAMA ADVISER BEN RHODES ADMITS THE WHITE HOUSE SOLD THE AMERICAN PUBLIC A PACK OF LIES - He also admits the US media acts as an "echo chamber" for the White House narrative. Read more -
Cartoon: Jewish Press Cartoons- Asher Schwartz via TICP - The Israeli Cartoon Project
- $28 MILION Palestinian Museum (built with your foreign aid tax dollars) has its grand opening without a single exhibit.
Palestinian Arabs have no culture of their own, other than that inherited from the Muslim invader who conquered the land in the 7th century.
- Muslims arrived in Israel long after Jews had created Jewish kingdoms of Israel and Judea in the land, and a civilization that still guides traditional western values.
The media's different standards for Republicans made obvious.

Cheeky Paul Ryan tells Donald Trump what to think regardless of Trump's massive support by Republicans.
But the real cause of airport security check delays is not really TSA incompetence but Muslim terror. Americans have forgotten about that and blame the TSA for delays and for the degrading body searches they are forced to endure. Read more:

Whether Hillary or Bernie get the Democrat nomination, it's really Obama Lite or Obama on steroids.

Democrat Congresswoman Elizabeth Warren has falsely claimed to have American Indian heritage. We live in times when you can claim any identity and race you want - regardless of science - and demand to be accepted as such - because that's how you feel, and personal feelings are more important than science. Not long ago Rachel Dolezal, a "black" NAACP leader, was exposed as being 100% white. But if she feels Afro-American, that's what counts, say her supporters.

Leaked documents confirm that FACEBOOK routinely suppresses news that do not follow left-wing doctrine. It's all part of the leftist indoctrination of America.
And here
Exposed: Facebook routinely censors conservative comments and points of view. They just don't want you to know anything except the leftist, liberal ideology.
They also allow all kinds of anti-Israel hatred on their pages, but censor comments and news that expose Palestinians' racism and violence.
Facebook caught in the act:
Israelis set up two identical Facebook pages, using the same derogatory terms. In one they blamed the Jews, in the other the Palestinians. Facebook censored the anti-Palestinian page, but it left the anti-Israel page to run with no censorship whatsoever.
FACEBOOK is also uncompromisingly pro-Islam.
FACEBOOK PAGE PROMOTES MUSLIM FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/05/26/facebook-community-page-touts-female-genital-mutilation/
Hillary in a typical "I'm not a crook" Richard Nixon moment

Hillary Clinton would place so many limits on gun ownership, as to make the Second Amendment completely meaningless. She is accused of wanting to disarm law-abiding citizens, while she is surrounded by gun-totting bodyguards.

The media's selective outrage: They scrutinize details in the Trump campaign, while deliberately ignoring the major national scandals in Hillary Clinton's political record.

Venezuela - another Socialist paradise of forced distribution of wealth, where people are resorting to eating cats and dogs. Oil-dependent, the country is broke, store shelves are empty, no medicine or other supplies in hospitals, no electric power.... VOTE BERNIE SANDERS
Read more - LA Times: Venezuelans wait 7 hours for groceries...

This cartoon is not recent but it's still relevant as the West continues to bow to an ideology that hates our values. The Muslim outreach was a program where they imported Muslims with no particular scientific background to be included in NASA projects so as to make them feel valued. There is no record of their actual contribution to the programs.
Read more

Without the State of Israel, the land would be overrun with Islamists and complete mayhem.
That's what happened to the Sinai, after Israel handed it over to Egypt.
That's what happened to Gaza, after Israel handed it over to the Palestinians.
That's the way the Syrian part of Golan is. Fortunately Israel never surrendered the Israeli Golan.
- Israel besieged by Muslim Arab terror and the European Union labeling and boycotting of Israeli goods.
- What a coincidence, Hitler also ordered the boycott of Jews, and was also allied with the Palestinians during World War II.
- The Palestinian leader at that time, the Mufti of Jerusalem, lived in Berlin and designed, along with Hitler and top Nazi chiefs, the Final Solution - the genocide of Jews in Europe and the Middle East.
- Today, in addition to boycotting Israeli goods from the heartland, the European Union and European countries individually fund Palestinian Authority salaries to terrorists who kill and maim Jews.
- The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken.
- The murderers and all other terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through generous funding of the Palestinian Authority
Listen to Kay Wilson's short testimony at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on the following VIDEO:

See more cartoons and satire on this blog
Antonio Branco
Rick McKee
Michael Ramirez
Dana Summers
Lisa Benson
Gary Varvel
Ken Catalino
Chip Bok
Bruce Plante
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Dry Bones (Israeli cartoons)
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Colonel Richard Kemp https://twitter.com/COLRICHARDKEMP?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Anne Bayefsky (Human Rights scholar) https://twitter.com/AnneBayefsky?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Adam Milstein https://twitter.com/AdamMilstein
Red Brasco https://twitter.com/redbrasco
Noah Pollak https://twitter.com/NoahPollak
Andreas Fagerbakke https://twitter.com/afagerbakke
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