- Hallel Yafa Ariel, 13 years old, was on summer vacation, having just finished the 8th grade when, on the early morning of June 29, she was stabbed dozens of times in her bed by a Palestinian terrorist. He also tried to decapitate her.
- The terrorist-murderer was 17 years old, Muhammad Taraiyre, from the village of Bani Naim.
- Typically Palestinians choose Jewish children, women, and the elderly as targets of terror. The killer went straight for her bedroom, so he had already targeted this particular child.
- Her murder may have been inspired by an exceptionally vile statement made this week by a high PA official, Abbas’ advisor and Fatah Central Committee member Sultan Abu Al-Einein, who urged Arabs to seek out Israelis in order to cut off their heads. The killer was trying to decapitate the child, but he also inflicted other lethal stab wounds on her.
- Palestinian officials are already hailing the killer as a hero.
- The killer's mother already stated that she was proud of her son. She and her family will immediately begin receiving a salary as reward for the killing of a Jew. Salaries to terrorists are paid for with aid money received from US and EU taxpayers.
The family and the community react in sorrow
The father of 13-year-old Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, spoke: "Hallel loved living here, loved the place. She wasn't afraid of anyone. She never imagined - nor did anyone else - that an evil person, one of 1.5 billion Muslims who just want to drown the world in rivers of blood. That's what they live for. It's terrible, just think about it: A little girl who did nothing."
The local Jewish community issued a statement: "The local Arab population works in Kiryat Arba without any sense of discrimination. Even thirty minutes after the murder, Arabs were seen working in the town unhindered. Our fight is not with the Arabs, but with the Jihad — a supremacist ideology."
Palestinian leaders' incitement to kill Jews continues
The statement was made during an interview with Donia Al-Watan, an independent Palestinian news agency, about building peaceful and normal relations with Israel, according to Palestinian Media Watch. Abu Al-Einein explained that he rejects “negotiations, meetings, and normalization” activities and believes that when a Palestinian meets an Israeli he should kill him.
VIDEO - The Knife and the Message
UPDATE - July 1, 2016
President Obama has failed to make any kind of statement of condolences to the family and to Israel. The State Department confirmed she was a US citizen and much later, under public pressure, issued a statement of condemnation of this crime.
The White House and the EU do NOT regard the murder of Jews by Muslims as terror.
The White House and the EU do NOT regard the murder of Jews by Muslims as terror.
During the January 2015 Paris peace march against terror, the French government invited arch-terrorist Palestinian chief Mahmoud Abbas (who had bragged of having killed 11,000 Israelis) as a guest of honor.
Those same French authorities told the Israeli PM to stay home because he would make them uncomfortable. This after Muslim terrorists had gone on a murder spree that had killed several French journalists at Charlie Hebdo magazine, and a number of Jewish customers at a Kosher deli.
Continue reading and see articles and videos on previous acts of carnage by Palestinians, including those against the Fogel family, where terrorists killed several small children, and later smiled and said they were very proud of their acts. They are now in prison receiving salaries paid for by the Palestinian Authority, generously funded by US-EU taxpayers.

After the bloody terror attack in November 2014 in which four rabbis were murdered during prayer in a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood of western Jerusalem, this Abbas advisor posted pictures of the dead rabbis and a shot of a pool of their blood on his Facebook page to celebrate the murder. He wrote that the butchering of the rabbis with axes and kitchen knives was “the heroic operation at the religious Zionist institute.”
Halel Yafa Ariel with her family
“Regarding the matter of normalization [with Israel] and the participation of members of the Fatah leadership and members of the PLO Executive Committee in Israeli conferences, Abu Al-Einein said: ‘If you would ask me about my personal position, I would tell you — every place you find an Israeli cut off his head. Likewise, I am against talks, negotiations, meetings, and normalization in all its forms with the Israeli occupation,’” Donia Al-Watan reported.
According to PMW, based on his previous statements and Facebook posts it is clear that his statement promoting murder should be taken literally. Abu Al-Einein has stated in the past that killing Jews and Israelis is not merely a Palestinian national goal but is what Allah demands of Palestinians as an Islamic necessity.

After the bloody terror attack in November 2014 in which four rabbis were murdered during prayer in a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood of western Jerusalem, this Abbas advisor posted pictures of the dead rabbis and a shot of a pool of their blood on his Facebook page to celebrate the murder. He wrote that the butchering of the rabbis with axes and kitchen knives was “the heroic operation at the religious Zionist institute.”
The Coordinator of Government Activities in Judea and Samaria, Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, warned on his Facebook page that Abu al-Einein’s incitements would have “repercussions.”
“Such words, in the summer of 2016, in a region that wakes up and falls asleep to the news of terrorist actions… cannot be allowed to stay within the bounds of rhetoric,” Maj. Gen. Mordechai warned.
Considering that Hallel Ariel’s killer was attempting to cut her throat while stabbing her body repeatedly, it could be established that Abbas’ advisor’s instructions were the driving force behind the despicable attack and that the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories should at least pick the man up for questioning.
Her house, where she should have been safe.
Rushed to hospital in critical condition,
she soon succumbed to her injuries
Her bedroom. A place where the 13 year old dreamed of her future,
became the scene of the worst nightmare at the hands of an Arab from a neighboring village.
Muslim culture: The murderer of an innocent Jewish child is hailed as a hero by authorities and his own family.
Fatah’s official Facebook page immediately posted his picture, declaring him a Martyr – “Shahid,” the highest honor achievable in Islam according to the Palestinian Authority.
WAFA, the official PA news agency, likewise honored the terrorist, referring to him as a Martyr – “Shahid.”
According to Palestinian Authority law, the family of today’s murderer will immediately start receiving a monthly PA stipend that the PA pays to the families of all the “Martyrs.”
The mother of the terrorist told a local Hebron news network that her son was “a hero” who made her “proud”:
“My son is a hero. He made me proud. My son died as a Martyr defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, he [my son] has joined the Martyrs before him, and he is not better than them. Allah willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine. Allah be praised.” Local Hebron News Network http://alkhalil.ps/, June 30, 2016]
“Every place you find an Israeli cut off his head.” [Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]
Posted text: “Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Taraireh, who carried out today’s operation in which one female settler was killed, and a male settler was injured” - [Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2016]
A Muslim culture of hate and violence
1165 ISRAELI ARABS have been killed by other Arabs since the year 2000.
These are Arabs with full civil rights, jobs, freedom of movement.
Give Palestinians a state? It would turn into another Syria, with factions fighting each other, and ISIS taking over the territory.
Read more:

She had so much joy and creativity to give to mankind.
Her killer had only hate and death to offer.
That's the difference between the Jewish and the Arab cultures.
The terrorist not only killed Hallel, but also destroyed her family.
There is no getting over such a deep loss. Ever.
Abbas' advisor and Fatah Central Committee member, Sultan Abu Al-Einein: “Every place you find an Israeli - cut off his head”
Archives: Abu Al-Einein: Killing rabbis while they pray is “Allah's will” (2014);
Abbas' advisor and Fatah Central Committee member Sultan Abu Al-Einein is one of the many Fatah leaders who regularly refute the myth that Fatah is moderate and peace promoting. During an interview with a Palestinian news agency about building peaceful and normal relations with Israel, Abu Al-Einein explained that he rejects “negotiations, meetings, and normalization” activities and believes when a Palestinian meets an Israeli he should kill him:
Mahmoud Abbas' advisor, Sultan Abu Al-Einein:“Regarding the matter of normalization [with Israel] and the participation of members of the Fatah leadership and members of the PLO Executive Committee in Israeli conferences, Abu Al-Einein said: ‘If you would ask me about my personal position, I would tell you - every place you find an Israeli cut off his head. Likewise, I am against talks, negotiations, meetings, and normalization in all its forms with the Israeli occupation.’”
[Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]
Based on his previous statements and Facebook posts it is clear that his statement promoting murder should be taken literally.
Abu Al-Einein has stated in the past that killing Jews/Israelis is not merely a Palestinian national goal but is what Allah demands of Palestinians as an Islamic necessity.
After a bloody terror attack in November 2014 in which 4 rabbis were murdered during prayer in a synagogue in Jerusalem, Abbas’ advisor posted pictures of the dead rabbis and a picture of their blood on his Facebook page to celebrate the murder.
He wrote that the butchering of the rabbis with axes and kitchen knives was "the heroic operation at the religious Zionist institute.”
The next day Abbas’ advisor posted more text explaining that according to his view of Islam the murder of rabbis at prayer is something that Allah desires. Murdering rabbis in the synagogue, he said, makes the murderer a “soldier of Allah”:
“Blessed be your quality weapons, the wheels of your cars, your axes and kitchen knives. By Allah, these are stronger than the arsenals of our enemy, because [it’s] according to Allah's will. We are the soldiers of Allah."
[Facebook page of Abbas' advisor and Fatah Central Committee member
Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Nov. 19, 2014]
Abu Al-Einein also glorified many of the terrorists who murdered Israelis during the recent terror wave. For example, he wrote to the terrorist who killed one and wounded 11 during an attack in the central bus station in the Israeli city Be’er Sheva:
“We loved you, while you sowed life for all Palestinians.” [Sultan Abu Al-Einein’s Facebook page, Oct. 19, 2015]
Sultan Abu Al-Einein's terror support is typical of many of the leaders of Abbas' Fatah movement.
All paid for by you, the European and US taxpayers.
Mail On Sunday investigation shows that UK money has funded terrorists
£72million was given to Palestine, which spent £8million on a new palace
One Hamas master bomber has reportedly been given more than £100,000.
Other ‘salaries’ go to the families of suicide bombers and even teenagers involved in the latest upsurge of deadly attacks on Israel.
The UK Department for International Development - (Dfid) confirms that the PLO makes such payments, calling them ‘social welfare’ provisions for prisoners’ families.
A Mail on Sunday investigation found that Britain funded the PLO until last year and that the PA openly boasts of still funding salaries of convicted terrorists, even in its own official statements.
We also visited a lavish £8 million palace (above) that Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is having built on the West Bank.
The cash-strapped PA relies on foreign aid for nearly half its budget. Yet it gives £79 million to criminals and terrorists in Israeli jails, former prisoners, and their families.
Britain has complained about this ongoing Palestinian payment-for-terror, and relied on reassurances that their money is not used for that purpose. But it's a case of wilful blindness. WINK-WINK, you tell us a lie, we pretend to believe you.
£5.9million was given to a US-based think-tank which has a £12million HQ
You can sign the MoS petition to force a Commons debate on spending
British taxpayers' money has been used for at least seven years for the construction or ILLEGAL ARAB SETTLEMENTS on Jewish land.
EU taxpayers' money is also used to fund "non-governmental" organizations (NGOs) that engage in demonizing Israel and encouraging Arab violence, terror and hate.
European countries individually, along with the European Union, are actively engaged in pushing for the partition of Israel, in the mistaken belief that being strongly pro-Palestinian and sacrificing Israel will prevent Muslim terror in their own countries.
Historically, countries such as Italy and Switzerland - as it has been officially revealed - allowed wanted Palestinian terrorists free rein within their borders, in a secret agreement with them that would spare their populations from Arab terror.
Britain has the added dishonor of having violated the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine after World War I, partitioning land that was recognized as being for the reconstitution of a Jewish state, and giving it to a brand-new Arab country they created out of the blue. They named it Transjordan, today 's the Kingdom of Jordan.
During the Mandate the British consistently sided with Arab terrorists that massacred Jews. They allowed Arabs to arm themselves while they disarmed the Jews. Hours before Israel's declaration of Independence, the British went back home, hoping that the much numerous Arabs would destroy the Jews through genocide.
The British and European lack of shame for what they did or failed to do during the Holocaust is evident by their decades-long support for Arab terrorists, and persistent bias against the Jewish state.
Father: I trained my daughter to love, you trained your son to kill
State Department statement
What it means
Anti-Terror March in Paris, January 2015 - French government to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu:
Stay home, you make us uncomfortable. Terrorist Mahmoud Abbas who has killed thousands of Jews, however, is very welcome.


Ari Soffer - Arutz Sheva - The Palestinian Authority is funded almost entirely by state donors, its most generous benefactors including none other than the United States of America, and a host of European states, chief among them the United Kingdom.
It is by now the worst-kept secret in the international aid industry (and what a lucrative industry that is) that a large portion of that money goes towards not just incitement and indoctrination - whether in schools and mosques, or official PA youth clubs and sporting events - but directly into the pockets of Palestinian terrorists and their families.
Your tax money is essentially bankrolling the murderers of our children.
And they're not even shy about it.
Just recently, at an iftar meal to break the Ramadan fast in Ramallah, PA "Prime Minister" Rami Hamdallah vowed to increase spending to support "heroic" terrorists.
This support, he boasted, included increasing the monthly wage paid to every terrorist imprisoned for carrying out an attack, as well as upping the cash prize awarded to every Palestinian family which offers up one of its children as a "martyr."
Daily Mail exposes the immoral UK and EU funding of Arab terror against Jews
This support is particularly egregious since European countries, including Britain, collaborated with the Nazi genocide of Jews.
The British and US allied governments refused visas to desperate Jews during the Nazi persecutions, and then they refused to bomb the railroads leading to the Nazi death camps because - according to private conversations - they did not want too many Jewish survivors after the war who would want entry into their homeland, the land of Israel.
Neither president Roosevelt nor Winston Churchill wanted to do anything that would upset their oil-rich Arab friends. So not only the Germans, but their French, British, and other collaborators have Jewish blood on their hands.
And the centuries-old European war against the Jews continues, this time with generous funding and moral support for Arab terrorists. This is what Europe is funding in Israel.
Watch Video.
Watch Video.
The Fogel family of parents and three children, including a baby, butchered by Palestinians who later said they were proud of what they did.
The incarcerated murderers - like other terrorists - now receiving salaries as a reward by the 'moderate' Palestinian Authority.
All paid for by you, the European and US taxpayers.
DAILY MAIL - Revealed, how UK aid funds TERRORISTS: After yet more budget cuts, another £12bn of your taxes are being splurged on foreign hand-outs for militants, killers, Palestinian palaces and jobs that don't exist.
UK Aid pays terrorists
Ahmad Musa sits beside me, a convicted double murderer sentenced to life in prison. As we talk, I ask him if he did indeed kill the two men. ‘Yes, I shot them dead,’ he replies.
Yet we do not meet in a jail cell. Musa is free, released after just five years. For he is a Palestinian terrorist and he was liberated under a peace deal.
Like thousands more Palestinian prisoners, including jihadi bombers and killers of children, Musa enjoys his freedom after being awarded a ‘salary’ for life.
He gets £605 every month, others get far more. If they die, the cash goes to their family. These men are seen as terrorists, certainly by Israel, and many in the West. But, astonishingly, the money behind these payments – described by some as ‘rewards for murder’ – flows from British and European taxpayers.
The UK cash comes from the Department for International Development, which will give up to £25.5million this year to the ruling Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of a £72million aid package.
Our investigation discovered that the PA passes millions on to the infamous Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) – which in turn gives it to convicted terrorists locked up in Israeli prisons and their families.

The UK cash comes from the Department for International Development, which will give up to £25.5million this year to the ruling Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of a £72million aid package.
Our investigation discovered that the PA passes millions on to the infamous Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) – which in turn gives it to convicted terrorists locked up in Israeli prisons and their families.
Among them are Amjad and Hakim Awad, cousins who killed Ehud and Ruth Fogel and their three children in their West Bank home in 2011. It is estimated that Amjad alone may have been paid up to £16,000 from the fund so far.
Photo on the right:
Hakim Awad (centre, smiling) was also sentenced to life for the murder of the Fogel family. Both killers are estimated to have earned around £16,000 since they were convicted five years ago.
READ MORE http://ottersandsciencenews.blogspot.ca/2016/04/how-britain-funds-palestinian-terror.html
- The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken.
- The murderers and all other terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through generous funding of the Palestinian Authority
Listen to Kay Wilson's short testimony at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on the following VIDEO:
News Sources - Murder of Hallel Jaffa Ariel
All she wanted was to be a dancer
Father: I trained my daughter to love, you trained your son to kill
Security officer recounts the attack
US and EU - Your money is killing us - Ari Soffer
State Department statement
What it means
Israel National News - Arutz Sheva - News archive of this terror attack
Palestinian Media Watch reports:
Anti-Terror March in Paris, January 2015 - French government to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu:
Stay home, you make us uncomfortable. Terrorist Mahmoud Abbas who has killed thousands of Jews, however, is very welcome.
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