VIDEO: Canadian journalist EZRA LEVANT's first impressions of Merkel's Europe - With UPDATES
March 8 - Meet European dissidents fighting back against radical Islam
March 7 - Meet the hero of Cologne who rescued women from Muslim sexual attackers in Cologne on New Year's Eve
March 4 - HEARTBREAKING: Meet the Salman Rushdie of Sweden and other European freedom fighters
What's worse, asks Ezra Levant, being threatened by Muslim assassins, or being persecuted by their own government for daring to criticize Islam? European governments victimize those who stand for freedom of expression and for human rights for non-Muslims
What's Scandinavia's future? Most likely the steady and complete surrender to Islam. Europeans did not fight back when they had the power to do so, so they will not fight back when they become a minority under Islam.
March 3 - Yazidi refugees in Germany STILL threatened by Muslims
March 2: What happens when Muslims in Cologne are asked about New Year's rape riot?
March 1: Inside Malmo's Muslim district
February 29 - General view of Merkel's Eurabia
March 8 - Meet European dissidents fighting back against radical Islam
March 7 - Meet the hero of Cologne who rescued women from Muslim sexual attackers in Cologne on New Year's Eve
March 4 - HEARTBREAKING: Meet the Salman Rushdie of Sweden and other European freedom fighters
What's worse, asks Ezra Levant, being threatened by Muslim assassins, or being persecuted by their own government for daring to criticize Islam? European governments victimize those who stand for freedom of expression and for human rights for non-Muslims
What's Scandinavia's future? Most likely the steady and complete surrender to Islam. Europeans did not fight back when they had the power to do so, so they will not fight back when they become a minority under Islam.
March 3 - Yazidi refugees in Germany STILL threatened by Muslims
March 2: What happens when Muslims in Cologne are asked about New Year's rape riot?
March 1: Inside Malmo's Muslim district
Video VIA http://www.barenakedislam.com/
February 29 - General view of Merkel's Eurabia
Video VIA Allah's Willing Executioners
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGy6uV7yqGWDeUWTZzT3ZEg
WEBSITE http://www.therebel.media/
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGy6uV7yqGWDeUWTZzT3ZEg
WEBSITE http://www.therebel.media/
One notion that you often hear is that Germany's policy of allowing millions of Muslim migrants to come into the EU is based on a sense of guilt for their part in the slaughter of six million Jews during the Holocaust.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Germany and the European countries that were Hitler's accomplices in the rounding up and persecution of Jews have been for decades openly antagonistic to Israel, and at the forefront of an effort to boycott Israel and to force its partition for the creation of an Islamic state on Jewish land.
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Nothing could be further from the truth. Germany and the European countries that were Hitler's accomplices in the rounding up and persecution of Jews have been for decades openly antagonistic to Israel, and at the forefront of an effort to boycott Israel and to force its partition for the creation of an Islamic state on Jewish land.
The land in question is Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria - the Biblical and historical Israel. But Europeans delegitimize Israelis as "occupiers," while they call the descendants of Muslims who invaded the Land of Israel in the Seventh Century the rightful claimants to the land.
IRONICALLY Palestinian Muslims were allies of Hitler in the design and implementation of the Final Solution. Germany had to pay compensation to victims of Nazi crimes, but Islam is regarded as a respectable ideology, and Palestinian Arabs - in spite of their relentless terror against Jews - have been turned into victims to whom Israel apparently owes another country (they already have Jordan).
VIDEO - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement
The Palestinian active role in the Holocaust.
A special kind of hate - Pat Condell
These are the Palestinian Nazis that Europe loves, funds, and pampers - because they kill Jews, and because they are Europe's best hope for the destruction of Israel. You could say that Europe has contracted them out to complete Hitler's mission.
From today's news headlines:
EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS PALESTINIAN TERROR AND ANTI-SEMITISM - European Union approves FIRST aid package for 2016 - more to come during the year. It's $274 MILLION, some of it earmarked for education services.
UNRWA, which the EU and the White House are also helping to fund, is staffed by members of Hamas. This UN agency is in charge of Palestinian education. Palestinian textbooks are rife with historical falsehoods and anti-Semitism.
UNRWA teachers have been exposed for posting genocidal images and messages on Facebook and other social media. This is what the EU and the Obama administration are contributing to.
The Facebook posts and Twitter feeds in question are filled with antisemitic memes and pro-Palestinian terrorism cartoons – all encouraging the killing of Jews.
Watchdog’s Exposure Has UNRWA Warning Teachers Not to Reveal Jew-Hatred on Facebook
A review of dozens of Palestinian Authority educational books for the 2015-2016 school year found that the PA education system continues to encourage terror against Jews and completely ignores the Holocaust in history books discussing World War II. In addition, this year's textbooks continue to systematically erase the State of Israel from maps and texts.
EU PAYING FOR NAZI-STYLE PROPAGANDA and activities demonizing Israel and the Jews
Individual EU countries, notoriously Germany, also provide millions of dollars to so-called non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to demonize Israel and undermine the law in that country, by incitement and outright provocation of Jews living behind the Green Line.
NGO Monitor: The German government spends millions funding organizations that contribute to the growing demonization of Israel and BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns, in direct contradiction to German foreign policy. These NGOs oppose peace and negotiations, and promote narratives that reject the legitimacy of a Jewish state.
How the Palestinian Authority spends aid money. Visit this website with the latest news, and dozens of sections providing evidence of how PA government officials and media demonize Jews, incite to murder Jews, glorify and honor those who manage to stab, shoot, or blow up Jews, and aim to drive all Jews out of "Palestine" - meaning not just the "occupied" land but entire Israel.
Palestinian Media Watch - http://www.palwatch.org/
Continue reading
The EU and the US State Department relentless undermining of Israel's sovereignty and security happens under the nose of Israeli authorities. Some of those authorities have been elected as "right wing", but turn left once in power. Others are government-appointed self-avowed left wingers. They all share a hidden agenda of allowing the constant erosion of Israel in a stealth form of surrender - in contrast to past governments that openly gave away the Sinai to Egypt and Gaza to the Arabs - for "peace".
The 'right wing' government led by PM Netanyahu knows that if it were to partition the land there would be a national revolt. Unwilling to deal with it, they slowly but surely continue to weaken the Jewish hold on the land, allowing Arab illegal construction to proliferate everywhere, and to punish Jews who dare to call for the upholding of Jewish rights according to the law.
The leftist government appeasement and collaboration with Muslims you see in Europe today has been going on in Israel for decades - whether under so-called right-wing or central-left governments.
It's become a sad joke how Israeli voters elect right-wing politicians, who once in power invariably implement left-wing policies aimed at disempowering Jewish sovereignty over the land.
Jewish construction across the Green Line has been frozen for years, while illegal Arab construction keeps spreading all over the Jewish heartland.
In the meantime Palestinian Arabs keep on murdering Jews, honoring the terrorists that kill Jews, and spouting Nazi propaganda that demonizes all Jews - while the Israeli government sits and watches it all doing just the bare minimum to keep some control over the terror spree - but nothing concerning the establishment of Palestinian facts on the ground that advance their agenda of takeover of the land.
And by the way, a powerful piece of evidence that Germany NEVER FELT guilty for the Holocaust is that it was reluctant to find and punish Nazi war criminals. They continued to receive pensions from the state, and many of them even worked in government after the war.
Billions of Marks from German taxpayers are beingpaid to Nazi war criminals and are called “victim”pensions. A spokesman for the German Ministry of Labor confirmed that additional assistance money is being spent on war criminals but claimed that nothing could be changed because of constitutional reasons. Thechairman of Germany's Jewish Community, Ignaz Bubis, was shocked. He had never thought that “such people” were getting additional financial payments from the German government.
Germany defends pensions for SS veterans
More than half a century after World War II, the German authorities have acknowledged that war disability pensions are still being paid to members of Waffen-SS units and even to war criminals.
Partition of the land leaving it only 9 miles wide is only the first step in the eventual dismantling of Israel. Billions of Euros and Dollars have been provided by the EU and the US State Department for the undermining of the State of Israel, and for Muslim who commit acts of terror that kill Jews.
Furthermore, Germany and other EU countries have been funding and encouraging the Muslim takeover not only of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (the west bank of the Jordan river) - but all of Israel.
And while condemning the legal presence of Jews in their own ancient land, the European Union's funding of illegal Arab construction has grown by 450%. http://www.israpundit.org/archives/63612913Furthermore, Germany and other EU countries have been funding and encouraging the Muslim takeover not only of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (the west bank of the Jordan river) - but all of Israel.
The EU and the US State Department relentless undermining of Israel's sovereignty and security happens under the nose of Israeli authorities. Some of those authorities have been elected as "right wing", but turn left once in power. Others are government-appointed self-avowed left wingers. They all share a hidden agenda of allowing the constant erosion of Israel in a stealth form of surrender - in contrast to past governments that openly gave away the Sinai to Egypt and Gaza to the Arabs - for "peace".
The 'right wing' government led by PM Netanyahu knows that if it were to partition the land there would be a national revolt. Unwilling to deal with it, they slowly but surely continue to weaken the Jewish hold on the land, allowing Arab illegal construction to proliferate everywhere, and to punish Jews who dare to call for the upholding of Jewish rights according to the law.
The leftist government appeasement and collaboration with Muslims you see in Europe today has been going on in Israel for decades - whether under so-called right-wing or central-left governments.
It's become a sad joke how Israeli voters elect right-wing politicians, who once in power invariably implement left-wing policies aimed at disempowering Jewish sovereignty over the land.
Jewish construction across the Green Line has been frozen for years, while illegal Arab construction keeps spreading all over the Jewish heartland.
In the meantime Palestinian Arabs keep on murdering Jews, honoring the terrorists that kill Jews, and spouting Nazi propaganda that demonizes all Jews - while the Israeli government sits and watches it all doing just the bare minimum to keep some control over the terror spree - but nothing concerning the establishment of Palestinian facts on the ground that advance their agenda of takeover of the land.
And by the way, a powerful piece of evidence that Germany NEVER FELT guilty for the Holocaust is that it was reluctant to find and punish Nazi war criminals. They continued to receive pensions from the state, and many of them even worked in government after the war.
Billions of Marks from German taxpayers are beingpaid to Nazi war criminals and are called “victim”pensions. A spokesman for the German Ministry of Labor confirmed that additional assistance money is being spent on war criminals but claimed that nothing could be changed because of constitutional reasons. Thechairman of Germany's Jewish Community, Ignaz Bubis, was shocked. He had never thought that “such people” were getting additional financial payments from the German government.
Germany defends pensions for SS veterans
More than half a century after World War II, the German authorities have acknowledged that war disability pensions are still being paid to members of Waffen-SS units and even to war criminals.

- Influence from foreign governments
- Recurrent cases of corruption.
Photo: Brutal pogrom by Israeli police against the Jewish youth of Amona during a mass expulsion. Expulsions of Jews from their homes in Israel happen from time to time. The media just does not report them.
- Ongoing Muslim attacks on Jews in Israel
- The lynching of two innocent Jewish men in Ramallah by a Palestinian mob with cannibalistic behavior
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
EUROPE DECIDES TO LABEL AND BOYCOTT JEWISH GOODS from Israeli Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem on the anniversary of KRISTALLNACHT, the Nazi pogrom against German Jews of November 9, 1938.
- The European Union shamelessly follows NAZI TRADITION, as they also boycotted Jewish businesses before implementing the Final Solution
Angela Merkel warmly greets arch-terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, the financial mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes - now chief of the Palestinian Authority.
Read more
How Muslims have brought virulent and violent anti-Semitism back to the West - Why the Left refuses to talk about Muslim Anti-Semitism - And a summary of Muslim attacks against Jews in France
A rabbi, his two young children and another young girl were shot and killed at a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse.
Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 30, was on his way to drop off his kids at the Gan Rachi kindergarten, adjacent to the Ozar Hatorah school where he teaches, when he was gunned down along with his two sons Gavriel and Aryeh, 6 and 3 years old. Myriam Monsenego, 8, the daughter of the school director, was shot as well and died of her wounds shortly after.
The Muslim murderer was so proud of his unspeakably evil work that he uploaded sickening video to the Internet showing him executing a helpless, terrified 8-year-old girl, officials said. Mohammed Merah is seen yanking Myriam Monsenego by her hair — then firing a bullet into her head while he holds her.
Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 30, was on his way to drop off his kids at the Gan Rachi kindergarten, adjacent to the Ozar Hatorah school where he teaches, when he was gunned down along with his two sons Gavriel and Aryeh, 6 and 3 years old. Myriam Monsenego, 8, the daughter of the school director, was shot as well and died of her wounds shortly after.
The Muslim murderer was so proud of his unspeakably evil work that he uploaded sickening video to the Internet showing him executing a helpless, terrified 8-year-old girl, officials said. Mohammed Merah is seen yanking Myriam Monsenego by her hair — then firing a bullet into her head while he holds her.
During the German occupation of Europe, the main leader of the Palestinian Arabs was the Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini. He saw major parallels between Islam and Nazism.
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Al Husseini with Hitler |
Al-Husseini identified seven important points of similarity between the two in a lecture to the members of the SS division of Bosnian Muslims which he had helped establish.
The German researcher, Matthias Kuentzel, mentions the mutual common aims of Islam and Nazism in his book in German whose title translates as Jihad and Hatred of Jews.
Palestinians with one of their home-made Nazi flags.
They idolize Hitler.
Israel National News - Defense and Security news archive
Israeli news - Jewish Press
News analysis - Israpundit
Muslim Palestinian terror
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