- The threat of nuclear power plants has been mostly hidden from us by a very effective nuclear industry propaganda machine.
- They have told us that they are "clean energy," without mentioning that to this day there is no safe way to store or dispose of nuclear waste, which keeps accumulating in dangerous amounts.
- They don't tell us that the life of a nuclear power plant is relatively short (just a few decades), and that the cost of decommissioning them is extremely high, and the process definitely not "clean".
- And they don't tell us of the many close calls that NPPs suffer each year, threatening the lives of millions of people.
- A natural disaster or a terror attack, such an EMP event (caused by a giant solar flare or a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere) would fry the electric grid, unleashing the meltdown of nuclear power plants which need electricity to run.
New York State Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant still leaking dangerous amounts of radioactive material into groundwater used as drinking water by millions of New York State residents
Who needs terrorists, when our worst enemy is our own ineptitude.
An uncontrollable flow from the Indian Point nuclear power plant - 25 miles from New York City - continues to leak into groundwater, which leads to the Hudson River, the drinking water source for millions of people in the area.
RT reports - Health and environment commissioners were ordered by Governor Andrew Cuomo to begin an investigation into the leak of “radioactive tritium-contaminated water” at the Indian Point nuclear power plant after the operator, Entergy Nuclear Operations, raised the alarm.
One of the three wells in question, according to Cuomo’s statement, had “radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000 percent,” while in total the company reported “alarming levels of radioactivity” at three monitoring wells.
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The Indian Point nuclear power plant, 25 miles north of New York City, is located in Buchanan, and sits on the east bank of the Hudson River. It supplies about 30 percent of the energy to New York City. The site includes two operating Westinghouse pressurized water reactors – Indian Point 2 and Indian Point 3. The plant also has the permanently shut-down Indian Point 1 unit reactor.
The cause of the contamination is unknown. According to the operator the contamination has not spread off-site and does not pose an immediate threat to public health.. Yet Cuomo noted that his first concern is for the “health and safety of the residents close to the facility.”
Governor Cuomo |
The Governor also stressed that authorities must ensure that the “groundwater leak does not pose a threat,” calling the “latest failure” at Indian Point “unacceptable.”
He tasked Department of Environmental Conservation’s acting commissioner, Basil Seggos, and the Health Department commissioner, Howard Zucker to “employ all available measures, including working with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to determine the extent of the release, its likely duration, cause and potential impacts to the environment and public health.”
Cuomo has been pushing to close the Indian Point facility for several years, arguing it is not possible to safely operate a reactor so close to the nation's largest metropolitan area. Some 20 million residents live within 50 miles of the plant.
New York Daily News: Environmentalists, who have called for the plant to shut down during the probe, said there have been too many leaks and other problems at the plant over the years.
“The news just keeps getting worse,” said Paul Gallay, president of the watchdog group Riverkeeper. “Our concerns go beyond the spike in tritium levels. This is about a disturbing recurrence of serious malfunctions — seven over the last eight months.”
Journalist Roger Witherspoon, Energy Matters, reports: While Entergy focuses attention on tritium, a radioactive form of water and the predominant contaminant leaking from the plant’s cooling system, the actual leak contains a basket of radioactive elements, including Strontium-90, Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, and Nickel-63 according to an assessment by the New York Department of State as part of its Coastal Zone Management Assessment. ( http://bit.ly/1Kf8iOY )
The Coastal Zone Assessment, released November, 2015, expressed concern about the periodic leaks into the Hudson River because it serves as a direct water source for Poughkeepsie, Wappingers Falls, Highland, Port Ewen, East Fishkill, Hyde Park, and the Village of Rhinebeck. It is also a backup water source for some 9 million residents of New York City and Westchester County.
“Tritium,” explained David Lochbaum, nuclear safety expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists, “is just the first item reported. It tends to be the leading edge of any spill since it is the lightest and most mobile of the radioactive contaminants. The other isotopes slow down as they go through the soil. That other stuff is on its way, however. Tritium just wins the race.”
Indeed, ongoing monitoring by the NY State Department of Health (http://on.ny.gov/1WhlQu7 ) has found detectable deposits of a broad variety of radioactive isotopes above and below the Indian Point discharge site into the fast-moving Hudson River tidal estuary that the Native Americans referred to as “the river that runs both ways.”
The Coastal Zone Assessment, released November, 2015, expressed concern about the periodic leaks into the Hudson River because it serves as a direct water source for Poughkeepsie, Wappingers Falls, Highland, Port Ewen, East Fishkill, Hyde Park, and the Village of Rhinebeck. It is also a backup water source for some 9 million residents of New York City and Westchester County.
“Tritium,” explained David Lochbaum, nuclear safety expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists, “is just the first item reported. It tends to be the leading edge of any spill since it is the lightest and most mobile of the radioactive contaminants. The other isotopes slow down as they go through the soil. That other stuff is on its way, however. Tritium just wins the race.”
Indeed, ongoing monitoring by the NY State Department of Health (http://on.ny.gov/1WhlQu7 ) has found detectable deposits of a broad variety of radioactive isotopes above and below the Indian Point discharge site into the fast-moving Hudson River tidal estuary that the Native Americans referred to as “the river that runs both ways.”
Indian Point schematics provided by the NRC show the site of the leak or leaks is roughly 69 feet above the Hudson River at the beginning of a groundwater flow that widens to about 80 feet as it rushes downward, pools above the bedrock and then flows inexorably into the Hudson River. (http://bit.ly/1QaQ7WT )
Once the contaminants enter that groundwater flow there is no system at Indian Point to remove them. Entergy representatives declined to comment on planned and unplanned radioactive discharges into the environment.
Continue reading Witherspoon's report here: https://spoonsenergymatters.wordpress.com/2016/02/12/indian-point-contaminates-the-hudson-river-with-uncontrollable-radioactive-flow/
Riverkeeper - Equipment failures and human error are the nexus of catastrophic nuclear accidents,” said Marilyn Elie of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition’s Leadership Council.
“Indian Point has had a series of relatively small incidents because of equipment failures and faulty judgment on the part of staff in the last year. How bad does it have to get before the risk is apparent to all? We are all safer with the plant closed. The lives of 20 million people who live within 50 miles of the reactors are at risk, as are their families, pets and property.”
“Tritiated water is just the tip of the iceberg,” continues Elie. “This water will invariably carry with it other radioactive isotopes that are found inside of containment, all deadly and all carcinogenic. It needs to be noted that these isotopes are released regularly and routinely in water through the discharge canal that leads to the Hudson River in far greater quantities than seem to be happening now. There is no safe level of exposure to low level radiation and yet we live with this in our community year after year.”
“Indian Point has had a series of relatively small incidents because of equipment failures and faulty judgment on the part of staff in the last year. How bad does it have to get before the risk is apparent to all? We are all safer with the plant closed. The lives of 20 million people who live within 50 miles of the reactors are at risk, as are their families, pets and property.”
“Tritiated water is just the tip of the iceberg,” continues Elie. “This water will invariably carry with it other radioactive isotopes that are found inside of containment, all deadly and all carcinogenic. It needs to be noted that these isotopes are released regularly and routinely in water through the discharge canal that leads to the Hudson River in far greater quantities than seem to be happening now. There is no safe level of exposure to low level radiation and yet we live with this in our community year after year.”
VIA ENENEWS: TV: Shocking number of cancers around leaking nuclear plant near NYC… Tens of
thousands of cases recently reported… “More than anywhere else in US”… “Why is
this story not being covered by everybody?” — Teacher: “I can’t believe the
number of teachers who have gotten cancer”
Indian Point – We are flirting with catastrophe’, The Big
Picture RT, Feb 16, 2016:
NY Daily News
Activist Post
Enenews - Indian Point
Enenews - Cluster of cancer cases in the Indian Point area
April 11, 2015:
- An EMP event from a nuclear bomb or a major solar flare would fry the electrical grid and ALL ELECTRONICS indefinitely
- Nuclear power plants would suffer full meltdown
- There would be millions of victims of radiation, violence, and famine
A giant solar flare could also fry the grid and turn America back to the Stone Age
US Congress warned that MILLIONS of Americans could die from EMP collapse of the electrical grid and subsequent nuclear power plant meltdowns
- Read what experts have to say about PREPAREDNESS. Could you survive with your own resources for a period of years?
Read more
- It might get us next time. So what are governments doing to prepare? NOTHING
- A major solar flare would destroy electronics and our power grid, and cause the meltdown of nuclear power plants

The real life scenario would be a lot worse
You will notice that the above article tries to present a major solar flare hitting Earth as one of those regular disasters we are getting used to. More damaging, but survivable.
Not so. Not for everyone. The impact of losing our electronics would in the first place paralyze everything on Earth. For example, most vehicles are computerized. There would be no transportation, no movement of goods, supermarkets would run out of food. Cities would be without drinkable water. Policing would be in the hands of gangs and vigilantes. Patients depending on medication would have none once supplies run out.
Once our power grid is fried, there is no way to repair it or replace it. Parts are not manufactured in America. We would be in the dark for a very long time.
Also keep in mind that aside from a large solar flare headed our way, an act of terror such as the explosion of a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere would also cause an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) effect with the same consequences for our electronics.
The most nightmarish part of this scenario is the inevitable meltdown of nuclear power plants. NPPs need electricity to function.
An eruption of the Yellowstone mega volcano could unleash devastation and famine over the North American continent. It would also send nuclear power plants into meltdown.
Learn more about Yellowstone, and be prepared: See list of 50 of the best prepper websites.
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