If a declining birth rate in Europe is the problem, the logical solution is NOT to bring in millions of hateful and lawless migrants, but to subsidize European couples to raise more children.
That would have been a lot cheaper than spending billions of euros policing cities against Muslim crime and terror, while witnessing the end of European Civilization.
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Image via http://searchlight-germany.blogspot.ca/ |
asks author Jack Engelhard:
Authorities need look no further than Angela Merkel as the prime suspect for the latest carnage in Brussels.
More than anyone, it was Merkel who opened the floodgates to the migrants -- armies of men without women posing as refugees from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan found trampling throughout Europe. When they are caught misbehaving, they smirk and say, “I am here as a guest of Angela Merkel,” and they are correct and nearly untouchable.
Merkel stands by her open borders policy, the safety of her people be damned. Over the past 12 months, more then a million of them have already crossed into Germany alone; 300,000 have been given asylum. Of Brussels at this hour, all Western Europe leadership is guilty with Merkel sharing the largest part of the blame. These are her pets.
“Don’t go out unless you have to” is the hot new message circulating throughout Europe now that the “refugees” have arrived. You could get raped. You could also get killed, and that’s what happened when the citizens of Brussels dared to go out Tuesday morning during rush hour. Scores were slain and wounded from yet another Islamic terror attack and people all over want to know how to make this stop.
(Read entire column by Jack Engelhard
further down this page.)
Actually, Jack Engelhard is only partially right. It's not just Merkel's fault. The insidious plan to flood Europe with Muslims started long before she came to power. She just accelerated the process to such an extreme that people could not help but NOTICE its effects.
But long before Merkel it was previous German governments hat imported tens of thousands of Muslim Turks into the country as "guest workers". Eventually the government gave them full German citizenship, well aware that Islam and modern European values don't mix. German Turks live in parallel cultural ghettos, with different customs, beliefs and loyalties than the rest of the German population. Merkel says Islam belongs in Germany. But Muslims want to see Germany as belonging to the larger Islamic nation - one more conquered territory.
But long before Merkel it was previous German governments hat imported tens of thousands of Muslim Turks into the country as "guest workers". Eventually the government gave them full German citizenship, well aware that Islam and modern European values don't mix. German Turks live in parallel cultural ghettos, with different customs, beliefs and loyalties than the rest of the German population. Merkel says Islam belongs in Germany. But Muslims want to see Germany as belonging to the larger Islamic nation - one more conquered territory.
Tony Blair |
The British Labour Party PM Tony Blair deceived his people by lying about the numbers of African and Asian migrants it was importing, and about the wonders of diversity.
By the time the British realized that there was a flood of Muslims invading their island, it was too late. The Labour Party's secret agenda was to increase the party's voting base by importing migrants who would be dependent on Labour Party policies of generous social benefits. That's the formula, by the way, being used by leftists in the US, Canada, and other western countries.
Today non-whites constitute the majority of the London population, and in only two or three decades, Muslims will be the majority in the country. Read more HERE about the degradation of Britain into a cultural Muslim colony, and about 'conman' Tony Blair - as exposed in a recent book.
Sweden too is by now beyond salvation, as it gradually transforms itself into the first Muslim country of Western Europe - to be soon followed by others.
France too is already fully colonized by Islam, with the usual NO-GO Zones, recurrent Muslim crime and terror, and cities such as Marseille that are predominantly Muslim.
France too is already fully colonized by Islam, with the usual NO-GO Zones, recurrent Muslim crime and terror, and cities such as Marseille that are predominantly Muslim.
Was this part of a Grand Conspiracy? The creation of the European Union, with its open borders and EU bureaucratic dictatorship, had the effect of weakening national sovereignty and preventing individual countries from deciding who could cross their borders.
Add to that a left-wing educational system that eroded traditional social values and patriotism all over Western Europe. The inherent message for children was that they had to pay for the military and colonial sins of their grandparents by subordinating their culture to that of African and Middle Eastern newcomers, lest they be regarded as 'racists'.
According to this indoctrination, European culture was NOT superior to third world cultures, and nothing to be proud about. This was an ideological softening of the target, so that there would be no resistance to the planned demographic extinction of the European people.
This control over the population is reaching Orwellian proportions, as the mere criticism of Islam is regarded as a criminal offense. People are literally afraid to speak out, not just of fear of a Muslim fatwa, but of their own governments' censorship policies.
Western males have been so feminized by leftist ideology and neutered by feminism, that as Muslims rape their wives and daughters, all they do is hide somewhere in silence.
Britain, which will hold a referendum in a few months on whether to remain part of the EU or not, is being bullied and threatened by EU countries into remaining enslaved to it. Then we'll see whether the British still have a remnant of their former sense of patriotism and independence, or whether they'll bow to slavery as imposed by Merkel and the EU. Whatever it decides, the country is already culturally lost, as Sharia Law is already creeping into society and national institutions.
Destroying European civilization and reducing its inhabitants to a terrorized minority - That's Europe's present and future. Just don't say anything, or you'll be branded as a RACIST.
The crime of destroying European civilization is being perpetrated right in front of its citizens by the continent's own political leaders and bureaucratic administrators.
Those traitors are active accomplices in the ethnic cleansing of the European indigenous population through a relentless wave of Muslim migration.
And it's not just demographics. They are knowingly importing migrants who follow a religion of violence and intolerance, and whose core beliefs make it impossible for them to integrate into modern Europe.
European police refuse to protect innocent citizens from rapes, terror, and other crimes, choosing to tell women and the public in general to just adjust to the Muslim culture of rape and violence and become more cautious, not go out so much, and not go out alone.
And then they proceed - under orders by the highest authorities - to cover up information of crimes committed by Muslims, whether migrants or long-established residents, so as to protect the perpetrators. Police coverups in Germany and Sweden, for example, have been repeatedly exposed by the alternative media.
This conspiracy, dereliction of duties, and crime coverups would be regarded as criminal in any court of law.
European authorities are handing over control of entire neighborhoods to Muslim criminals and terrorists. This is phase one for the surrender of entire countries to Islam, as Muslim demographics will, in two or three decades, overtake the European majority.
Why are these criminal authorities still in power?
Why hasn't there been peaceful but massive protests, strong enough to force new elections? Or to exit from the nation-destructive European Union?
Why are these criminal authorities still in power?
Why hasn't there been peaceful but massive protests, strong enough to force new elections? Or to exit from the nation-destructive European Union?
PEGIDA rallies with citizens waving the national flag, partial victories in German regional elections, and the French rise of a milder version of the National Front won't stop the destruction of Europe unless millions express their disgust by bringing business-as-usual to a halt.
The latest German regional elections were a rebuke to Angela Merkel's party policies, and yet she stated that she will proceed undeterred with her failed unlimited Muslim migration into Germany and into Europe. That's because Merkel can sense the pusillanimous attitude of her electorate, more afraid of being called "racist" than of seeing European civilization disappear forever, replaced by African and the Middle Eastern cultures.
Symbolic gestures won't stop terror or European leadership treason |
And what is wrong with Europeans who react to each act of carnage perpetrated by hateful foreigners living among them by laying flowers and lighting candles at the site of those horrors, while being extra careful not to say anything that might offend those who hate them?
There is enough evidence to conduct Nuremberg Trials against traitors in each of the countries now overwhelmed by Muslim overpopulation and criminality, such as Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, among others.
BREAKING NEWS: Intelligence centers in Brussels, as well as in other Western countries, knew that terrorists would strike the Zaventem airport and, probably, the city's railway in the near future. However, they did not properly appreciate the imminent threat and the limited follow-up investigation was insufficient to avoid the tragedy.
BREAKING NEWS: Belgian authorities did NOTHING when back in June Turkey's president Erdogan revealed that they had arrested Belgian Ibrahim El Bakraoui, one of the Brussels bombers back, and were deporting him back to Belgium - and even warning Belgian authorities that he was a dangerous militant.
Turkey got no reply. Erdogan said “despite our warnings that this person was a foreign terrorist fighter, Belgium could not establish any links with terrorism.”
Belgian brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui were the suicide bombers who struck in airport and Metro train.
- Israel was among those who warned Belgium ahead of the terrorist attack at the Zaventem airport in Brussels, Channel 2 News reported on Wednesday.
- According to the report, Israel provided Belgium with concrete information on security breaches at the airport, where the first of two attacks on the Belgian capital took place on Tuesday, and claimed that "there are serious security deficiencies at the airport in Brussels".
- The warnings reportedly came from Israeli security officials who are responsible to check airports across Europe in which flights to and from Israel depart and land. Those officials identified the security-related issues at the Zaventem airport and updated the Belgians about them.
- The Channel 2 News follows a report on an Israeli newspaper earlier which said that Belgian intelligence services received specific warnings ahead of Tuesday's attacks but failed to properly investigate them.
- According to an Israeli newspaper the intelligence centers in Brussels, as well as in other Western countries, knew that terrorists would strike the Zaventem airport and, probably, the city's railway in the near future.
- However, the newspaper said, they did not properly appreciate the imminent threat and the limited follow-up investigation was insufficient to avoid the tragedy.
- Also on Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country had warned Belgium about Ibrahim El Bakraoui, one of the two suicide bombers at the airport, but Belgium failed to act on the warnings.
And did you know how Muslims too over the district of Molenbeek in Brussels? Two ways: (1) Through lax European immigration polices, and (2) through a leftist Brussels mayor who gave Muslims free rein to settle there and to conduct their criminal activities without police surveillance. Anyone who questioned either points was automatically accused of racism.
This huge wave of immigration made it impossible for people to integrate properly, and all criticism was silenced. Of course, as a result, the new immigrants voted en masse for the Belgian Socialist Party, so Mayor Moureaux stayed in power. It’s not too dissimilar to the game played by the Labour Party in many cities and towns in the North of England.
Read more about the leftist betrayal of Brussels by its own mayor HERE
Read more about the leftist betrayal of Brussels by its own mayor HERE
Look at this map. It shows a Muslim colony installed right in the city of Brussels, the heart of the European Union and NATO - an area that is basically run and occupied by its Muslim population, a NO-GO zone for Belgian citizens, and where police do not dare to enter unless heavily armed and in large numbers.
By Jack Engelhard
More than anyone, it was Merkel who opened the floodgates to the migrants -- armies of men without women posing as refugees from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan found trampling throughout Europe.
When they are caught misbehaving, they smirk and say, “I am here as a guest of Angela Merkel,” and they are correct and nearly untouchable.
Merkel stands by her open borders policy, the safety of her people be damned.
Over the past 12 months, more then a million of them have already crossed into Germany alone; 300,000 have been given asylum.
Of Brussels at this hour, all Western Europe leadership is guilty with Merkel sharing the largest part of the blame. These are her pets.
“Don’t go out unless you have to” is the hot new message circulating throughout Europe now that the “refugees” have arrived. You could get raped.
You could also get killed, and that’s what happened when the citizens of Brussels dared to go out Tuesday morning during rush hour. Scores were slain and wounded from yet another Islamic terror attack and people all over want to know how to make this stop.
Stop the influx. How’s that for an idea that needs no Einstein? Deport them instead. Maybe starting with Merkel, who invited the stampede.
The Saudis and the princes from the other Gulf States have it neatly figured out.
Those titled Arabs don’t want that crowd within 100 miles even though they are fellow Muslims. But they do not want that type entering their borders, bringing with them their license to rape, their rivalries and tribal feuds, hell no, so why not Europe, and Europe says, sure, why not? Bring them on!
How clueless!
This is how. Only a few days ago, there they sat around a big table in Brussels, the smooth rulers of the EU, congratulating themselves on the capture of the final “mastermind” behind the November attack in Paris that killed 130. The French president was there, the Belgium prime minister was there and all the rest together expressed joy to the world that Salah Abdeslam had been caught.
Merkel sent in her gratitude for the superb police work.
At the moment they were hi-fiving the one success, 10,000 more “refugees” streamed in, plenty of them likewise “masterminds.”
Can no one do the math?
We pass the point of absurdity when “open borders” imperils us all throughout the world. There is no stopping the mad dash across continents.
Nor can we stop the madness that afflicts the world’s leaders.
Merkel and the rest of you clueless rulers of Europe, your misguided liberal sympathies and migrant leniencies are killing us.
Hence, Obama has chimed in his condolences for the pain in Brussels. “The entire world must unite,” he said. Yeah, sure, thanks. Will do.
Now back to the game, Mr. President.
Employing European wisdom, he wants to bring more of them into the United States. Thanks again.
Likewise Hillary and Trudeau. First the condolences followed by “we must resist Islamophobia” and keep the influx coming.
Hillary demands that we bring in 65,000 of them. Trudeau is ahead of her. He’s already got them in Canada.
It takes no prophet to know what’s coming for Canada and what’s next for the United States.
Don’t blame the terrorists, only. They are murderers but they know what they are doing.
The same cannot be said for the men and women who run our world.
Jack Engelhard's columns' archive
November 23, 2015
A left-wing mayor facilitated the Muslim district of Molenbeek to become Jihad Central in Belgium
So Brussels is on lockdown due to the heightened terror threat. Trains have been cancelled, people have been told to stay away from crowded areas, meaning that the centre is deserted and sporting events have been postponed. It’s no surprise really because about half a mile north-west of Brussels city centre lies the shabby suburb of Molenbeek.

A neighborhood of Moroccan Muslims, poverty, and fundamentalism, in the heart of Brussels.
It is one of Brussels’ nineteen districts. This run down area of the Belgian capital has become the epicentre of a media storm during the past week as a number of the terrorists behind the appalling Paris attacks came from Molenbeek.
Having an inquisitive mind, I wanted to find out what Molenbeek was really like.
So when I bumped into Breitbart London’s Raheem Kassam in Brussels and he asked if I would go on a fact-finding mission to Europe’s centre of Jihad, I thought I’d give it a go.
So we planned to take a lengthy walk around the area the following day with the leader of the Swedish Democrats Jimmie Akesson.
Before we set off, I decided to learn a little bit about the history of the suburb and find out why it has become so notorious for Islamism.
Well you won’t be surprised to find the root of the problem is a hard-line socialist of the Jeremy Corbyn school of Left wing lunacy.
In 1992 Phillipe Moureaux – a prominent Brussels socialist – became the Mayor of Molenbeek. He remained in that post until 2012.
Phillippe Moreaux, former mayor of Molenbeek
During his twenty years in office, any questioning of the demographic change in Molenbeek was shut down as “racist”, and Moureaux pursued his policies of multiculturalism and “diversity” with gusto.
During Moureaux’s reign of madness the population of Molenbeek exploded.
Continue reading this and an additional article about the tragic fate of the district of Molenbeek here:
Turkey warned Belgium
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