When Benjamin made Nancy cry
SATIRE By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig
My friend is an old journalist. He is also a journalist of the old school. By that I mean he tends to do things the old way. I'll just call him Frank. He asked me not to use his real name.
Frank writes for a Midwest newspaper. He's a tough no-nonsense type of guy. He's also smart and fearless.
We have known each other for decades already, so I was intrigued when he gave me a call to say he needed someone to talk to.
The man seemed shaken and upset. We agreed to meet right away at a coffee shop.
He was already sitting at a booth facing the door when I came in. Frank does not drink but he seemed to be in need of a serious drink. His tie was askew, had dark circles under his eyes, and a confused look on his face.
"Anyway, we are short staffed and my boss asked me to cover the Israeli PM's speech to Congress. I agreed. An easy assignment. And I could use a little vacation trip to Washington, I thought. How wrong I was. This, Zbiegniew, has been a life-changing experience for me."
"Please explain," I asked.
"Well, first of all I tried to get some background. I knew I could not dream of interviewing the president, so I tried some of his closest advisors. Man, that was tough.

"We all know that the president cares about Israel," I said.
"OK, he does, but I wanted to go beyond that and discuss the issue that brought Benyamin to Washington, that is, the Iranian nuke negotiations.
"And let me tell you: I've never seen public officials so nervous before. No. Nervous is not the right word. It was more as if I had somehow committed a social faux pas. You know what I mean?
As if I had offended them.
"I couldn't understand it," Frank continued. " When I insisted on discussing the issue they became increasingly defensive.
"It's not as if I was asking them about a close relative's secret scandal. I was just asking about negotiations with a foreign country on something as important as a nuclear weapon."
"These discussions are delicate," I told Frank. "You have to take into account the cultural differences, and the seriousness of the possible outcomes."
"Certainly," said Frank, as he gulped down his third cup of coffee. "But I was not asking for their secret codes. I just wanted to know the basics, you know? What is the final goal; do they consider the Iranian trustworthy; how are they going to verify that the Iranians stick to the agreement; how well are Iranians abiding by previous agreements; and so on.
"Let me tell you. It was a struggle," said Frank asking for another coffee. "All they kept telling me was that I need to trust the president, that he could not possible be wrong and make a bad agreement.

"Finally a White House aide had some pity on me. He took me aside, sat me down, and told me this was the new Washington.
"I was the elderly guy from the boondocks, and he was going to be generous and decipher the new Washington manners code for me.
"I was the elderly guy from the boondocks, and he was going to be generous and decipher the new Washington manners code for me.
"First of all, the aide said, it's bad form to question the president's decisions.
"But he's the elected president of the country, I argued. He's supposed to be under media scrutiny. It's normal. It's tradition.
"Not in this case, said the aide. You see, it's regarded as RACIST to question his judgment."
At this point Frank held his head with both his hands in a gesture that could have been puzzlement - but was most likely despair, and got a faraway look on his eyes.
"OMG, Zbiegniew," he sighed.
"OMG, Zbiegniew," he sighed.
"Please tell me more," I urged Frank.
"Well, I was so confused I asked the aide to please elaborate. He was rather vague but what I got from him was that questioning the president's judgment was questioning everything about him and his suitability for the office because of his race. Or something like that. The president had already determined his deal with the Iranians was the best possible deal, and so this must be true. Questioning it was tantamount to sacrilege."
"That explains Nancy," I ventured.
Nancy Pelosi |
"Exactly!" said Frank. "Nancy's reaction to the Israeli PM's speech was the most graphic expression of this new Washington. Like most Democrats she adores President Obama, and as a delicate, sensitive woman she was rendered into tears when seeing the Israeli PM challenge the president. And in front of Congress! It was beyond bad manners. It was sacrilege.
"She was so shaken by this experience" - continued Frank - "that she turned her back on the PM in the middle of the speech, as if she had seen horns on the man. I think she crossed herself, but I'm not sure.
"Now, I realize I'm not the only one who has made such faux pas, continued Frank. A teenager - a black teenager at that - had the temerity of posting a video of himself criticizing the president, and I heard that as punishment Facebook just suspended his account.
"I'm rather thankful to that White House aide," said Frank, finally. "I'll have to be very careful how I word my news report now. I'm nearing retirement and I don't want to jeopardize my job. But I needed to talk to someone, Zbiegniew, I just needed a shoulder to cry on. Thanks for coming over."
"Anytime, Frank. Anytime."
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Copyright Zbigniew Zwgstkstwig
Cartoons above:
See more cartoons and satire on this blog
The facts behind the satire
Benyamin Netanyahu made Nancy Pelosi cry
Right: Nancy delighted to meet Syrian President Assad.
What Nancy Pelosi does not want you to know - or remember -
including that unauthorized visit to President Assad.
What Nancy Pelosi did
while the country was focused on the Israeli PM speech
Report: Boehner Cut Deal With Nancy Pelosi to Use Netanyahu Speech as Cover to Fund Obama’s Executive Amnesty
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