- Fast friends: Ontario, Canada, SPCA seeks home for a horse and alpaca who have strong bond.
- George the alpaca is the protector, the horse whisperer.
- Lexi is a nervous mare who is afraid of people and other animals.
- They are inseparable. They were brought together into a foster farm recently on the advice of veterinary doctors.
In a Facebook post, the animal agency said they are seeking a home for George, a male adult alpaca, and Lexi, a nine-year-old Belgian-Clydesdale mixed mare.

According to the animal welfare agency, Lexi is not yet broken in, and is nervous.
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With reports and photos from:
CTV News - http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/fast-friends-spca-seeks-home-for-horse-alpaca-who-have-strong-bond-1.2292858
Huffington Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/03/24/horse-alpaca-adoption-together-ontario-spca_n_6927498.html?
Cheetah's Puppy BFF Won't Leave His Side During Surgery (VIDEO)
Depressed Goat Mr. G Won't Eat Until He's Reunited With His Donkey Best Friend Jellybean (VIDEO) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/26/depressed-goat_n_5391433.html?ir=Canada
"She will need a home that is willing to work with her and build up her trust," the SPCA said in a Facebook post. "She has had very minimal handling prior to coming into our care, but has been making great progress at our foster farm with learning to trust people."
In a separate post, the SPCA noted that they'd like to be able to find a home for both George and Lexi.
"If possible, we would like to keep them together," the agency said. "(George) is always by (Lexi's) side, and when in their stall he is constantly chatting with her."
Anyone interested in more information about the two animals can contact Insp. Sara Munoz at 905-898-7122 ext. 337 or by email at smunoz@ospca.on.ca.
It's far from the first time we've heard about such an adorable animal coupling.
Last year a sad goat named Mr. G who refused to eat for six days until he was reunited with his friend Jellybean, a burro.
Then, there was the story about a puppy, Raina, who refused to leave the side of Ruuxa, a cheetah, when he had to go in for surgery.
We're just happy Lexi and George found each other, and hopefully, will soon find someone to keep them together forever.
Watch CTV news video here: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=577157
With reports and photos from:
CTV News - http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/fast-friends-spca-seeks-home-for-horse-alpaca-who-have-strong-bond-1.2292858
Huffington Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/03/24/horse-alpaca-adoption-together-ontario-spca_n_6927498.html?
Cheetah's Puppy BFF Won't Leave His Side During Surgery (VIDEO)
Depressed Goat Mr. G Won't Eat Until He's Reunited With His Donkey Best Friend Jellybean (VIDEO) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/26/depressed-goat_n_5391433.html?ir=Canada
More stories of animal friendships with other animals and with humans on this blog
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