The following story occurred in 2012, but it did not come to my attention until now. It's a moving story of animal love, devotion, and intelligence. It happened in Chile, where a mother dog went into a building on fire to rescue all her pups.
That was not all. She placed her babies on the fire truck, so that they would be safe while she carried on with her rescue. All but one puppy survived.
Incredible photos of heroic mother dog carrying her ten-day-old puppies from a blazing home to safety
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Touching pictures of a dog rescuing her ten-day-old puppies from a house fire and carrying them to safety. The blaze broke out at a home in Santa Rosa de Temuco, Chile, after a car bomb went off.
The mother dog - a German Shepherd mix called Amanda - risked her life to pick up the puppies in her mouth and carried them from the burning house to the safety of the fire truck.
She ran between the house and truck over and over again until all puppies were safe. After rescuing all of her pups from the blaze, Amanda sat down next to them, protecting them with her body as the firefighters fought the blaze.
Amanda and her puppies were then taken to a vet where one puppy called Amparo, who had suffered severe burns, died. The other four puppies were doing well.
The vet, Felipe Lara, told Soy Chile that Amanda had defended her puppies when they tried to take them away from her to care for them. Eventually she let them check over her pups but she wanted to stay with ailing Amparo and did not want to let her from her sight.
In Spanish:
Soy Chile: Murió uno de los cachorritos salvados de un incendio por una perra en Temuco | soychile.cl
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