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Writer and Jerusalem Post editor Caroline Glick confronts Danish ambassador at a Diplomatic Conference with a frank exposure of European double standards and OBSESSIVE nitpicking of Israel while ignoring the truly horrendous violations of human rights in the Muslim Middle East.
The five-minute discussion starts with the Danish ambassador Jesper Vahr telling Israel that Jews should be happy they are judged by higher standards because "you are one of us".
What did he exactly mean by that? Like us, as in human? Like us, as in civilized? If so, what can we infer from his attitude towards those who are not "like us" and who are supported and funded by Britain?
In spite of the ambassador's words about Israelis being "one of us," Arab lives are worth more to the US and EU governments, that go apoplectic every time Arabs are killed during aggressive confrontations with Israeli armed forces - but are completely indifferent to the many Jews who are attacked on a daily basis by Palestinians, and quite often murdered.
In spite of the ambassador's words about Israelis being "one of us," Arab lives are worth more to the US and EU governments, that go apoplectic every time Arabs are killed during aggressive confrontations with Israeli armed forces - but are completely indifferent to the many Jews who are attacked on a daily basis by Palestinians, and quite often murdered.
Also notice that in the ambassador's and in other statements about Israel, the country is portrayed as a powerful state against a small number of Palestinian Arabs.
The conflict is and has always been between Israel and the Muslim world.
Israel is truly a David against an army of Goliaths.
Iranian leaders threaten Israel daily with annihilation.
The Turkish government too engages in threats and joins the chorus demonizing Israel.
And Arab countries prepare themselves for the next war with Israel with weapons provided by the United States of America.
The White House recently sold $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar. Qatar is known for arming and financing Hamas and other terror groups.
To the US and EU governments, the Arabs are tools for the destruction of Israel.
And on whose side is the supposedly civilized world - Europe and the United States?
On the side of those with a genocidal past and genocidal intentions: The anti-Semitic Muslim world.
The so-called Palestinians were collaborators with the Nazis. This is something that is never mentioned. See article with historical evidence at the end of this page.
And today Europe and the United States have the gall of demanding Israel's partition to reward Nazi collaborators with a terror state on Jewish land.
Watch this clip from the conference with Caroline Glick and the Danish ambassador - It's only five minutes long.
In it Caroline Glick gives an impassionate response to the ambassador's insulting attitude towards Israel. She denounces Europe's true motives for their single-minded obsession with the Jews for the past 2000 years.
Video link -
Watch the whole 52 minute Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference video here:
Caroline Glick has received several awards in recognition of her work.
Read about her background in journalism, politics, and more:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Read about her background in journalism, politics, and more:
Watch the whole 52 minute Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference video here:
Diplomatic Conference:
Danish ambassador and JPost's Caroline Glick exchange verbal blows over EU attitude toward Israel
By TOVAH LAZAROFF \ Jerusalem Post
Jerusalem Post - Europe should apply a double standard to Israel when judging its actions compared to other Middle Eastern nations, Danish Ambassador Jesper Vahr said on Thursday, causing sparks to fly at the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in the capital.
“Israel should insist that we discriminate, that we apply double standards, this is because you are one of us,” Vahr said during a panel discussion on relations between Israel and Europe.
Israelis sometimes ask why Europe applies a different standard to its neighboring countries, such as Syria, Vahr said. “Those are not the standards that you are being judged by. It is not the standards that Israel would want to be judged by,” he said.
Israel should want to be held to European standards, not Middle Eastern ones, he said.
“So I think you have the right to insist that we apply double standards and put you to the same standards as all the rest of the countries in the European context.”
The Jerusalem Post’s diplomatic correspondent, Herb Keinon, who moderated the panel, asked Vahr if his statement couldn’t be seen as “patronizing” to the Palestinians.
Vahr responded: “I am not sure it is,” particularly given that Israel is the stronger party in the conflict and the Palestinians are the weaker one.
It is “natural,” Vahr said, to engage differently with Israel, a country with whom Europe, including Denmark, has an extensive cooperative relationship with in trade and cultural affairs.
Vahr’s comments angered Caroline B. Glick, the Post’s senior contributing editor, who retorted that they were a “statement of contempt for our intelligence.”
“I consider Europe’s keen interest in the Middle East, specifically Israel, to be an obsession,” she said. “It is an obsession that Jews have seen from Europeans from the time of Jesus.”
Glick was particularly struck by Vahr’s reference to a common culture between Israel and Europe.
“We have this whole common culture, I mean really? We respect international law. You guys make it up,” she said.
In 2001, the United Nations Security Council approved a binding resolution that bars UN member states from funding or supporting terrorist organizations, Glick said.
That resolution, she said, has not stopped Europe from “funneling billions of euros into rebuilding terrorist-controlled Gaza.
“This is in contravention of binding international law that you signed onto,” she charged.
But when it comes to Israel, Europe simply invents international law, Glick said. Europe acts as if it is required by law to sanction Israel for activity over the pre-1967 lines in West Bank settlements and Jerusalem, even though there is no such binding international legislation, she said.
“There is no such binding law. You guys are funding settlements in Western Sahara.
You are funding them directly,” she said. “This is not a double standard. This is a singular standard for Israel. This is not about international law. It is about an obsessive, compulsive need to constantly pick at the Jewish state,” she said.
After receiving applause from the audience, Glick continued: “No, I do not want to be proud that you are looking at us in a different standard from our neighbors because you are not looking at our neighbors as human beings.
“What you are saying is that they are objects. The only actor in this entire region are the people they are trying to annihilate.
“The only people who are supposed to be judged for our actions, and always poorly, are the people who are doing everything possible – more than Europe, more than the US, more than anyone – in order to protect the lives of the Palestinians,” she said.
“Israel should insist that we discriminate, that we apply double standards, this is because you are one of us,” Vahr said during a panel discussion on relations between Israel and Europe.
Israelis sometimes ask why Europe applies a different standard to its neighboring countries, such as Syria, Vahr said. “Those are not the standards that you are being judged by. It is not the standards that Israel would want to be judged by,” he said.
Israel should want to be held to European standards, not Middle Eastern ones, he said.
“So I think you have the right to insist that we apply double standards and put you to the same standards as all the rest of the countries in the European context.”
The Jerusalem Post’s diplomatic correspondent, Herb Keinon, who moderated the panel, asked Vahr if his statement couldn’t be seen as “patronizing” to the Palestinians.
Vahr responded: “I am not sure it is,” particularly given that Israel is the stronger party in the conflict and the Palestinians are the weaker one.
It is “natural,” Vahr said, to engage differently with Israel, a country with whom Europe, including Denmark, has an extensive cooperative relationship with in trade and cultural affairs.
Vahr’s comments angered Caroline B. Glick, the Post’s senior contributing editor, who retorted that they were a “statement of contempt for our intelligence.”
“I consider Europe’s keen interest in the Middle East, specifically Israel, to be an obsession,” she said. “It is an obsession that Jews have seen from Europeans from the time of Jesus.”
Glick was particularly struck by Vahr’s reference to a common culture between Israel and Europe.
“We have this whole common culture, I mean really? We respect international law. You guys make it up,” she said.
In 2001, the United Nations Security Council approved a binding resolution that bars UN member states from funding or supporting terrorist organizations, Glick said.
That resolution, she said, has not stopped Europe from “funneling billions of euros into rebuilding terrorist-controlled Gaza.
“This is in contravention of binding international law that you signed onto,” she charged.
But when it comes to Israel, Europe simply invents international law, Glick said. Europe acts as if it is required by law to sanction Israel for activity over the pre-1967 lines in West Bank settlements and Jerusalem, even though there is no such binding international legislation, she said.
“There is no such binding law. You guys are funding settlements in Western Sahara.
You are funding them directly,” she said. “This is not a double standard. This is a singular standard for Israel. This is not about international law. It is about an obsessive, compulsive need to constantly pick at the Jewish state,” she said.
After receiving applause from the audience, Glick continued: “No, I do not want to be proud that you are looking at us in a different standard from our neighbors because you are not looking at our neighbors as human beings.
“What you are saying is that they are objects. The only actor in this entire region are the people they are trying to annihilate.
“The only people who are supposed to be judged for our actions, and always poorly, are the people who are doing everything possible – more than Europe, more than the US, more than anyone – in order to protect the lives of the Palestinians,” she said.
Continue reading how the EU omits the words 'Jews' and 'Israel' at Holocaust memorials, how at least one anti-racism organization banned Jews from attending one, and how EU and US taxpayers fund terror in Israel.
and with video from:
Only dead Jews are acceptable to Europeans. Sometimes not even those are worth of mention.
Ireland current Holocaust remembrance ceremonies deliberately and officially omits all references to Israel.
European Union minister Catherine Ashton omitted all mention of the word "Jew" during January 2014 Holocaust commmoration.
Anti-racist organization in Norway specifically asks that Jews do not attend a Kristallnacht remembrance ceremony.
To Ireland Holocaust memorial organizer: If you mention the word Israel, you're fired.
December 2014 - Organisers of a national Holocaust memorial event have banned any mention of Israel.
The trustees of Holocaust Educational Trust Ireland (HETI) have instructed the host of the country's main Shoah memorial event in January "not to refer to the Jewish State or the State of Israel during any part of the ceremony".
The ban follows a similar bar imposed just days before this year's Holocaust Memorial Day in Ireland, when long-standing host Yanky Fachler was told to avoid mentioning Israel.
He reluctantly complied when his objections fell on deaf ears but, afterwards, complained in writing to the organising body, HETI - only to be told the rule will again apply at January's event at Dublin's Mansion House.
Six days later, Mr Fachler then received a letter from HETI chair Peter Cassells telling him he was being replaced after 12 years in the job.
Mr Fachler said: "Four days before HMD this year, Lynn Jackson of HETI gave me an ultimatum that I was not to mention Israel in my narrative as the MC. I felt like I'd been hit very hard in my stomach. I couldn't believe it. I was absolutely shocked.
"I was not going to pull out four days before the event but I said this was very wrong, very dangerous. I believe that it plays directly into the hands of everyone who doesn't like Jews or Israel and I find it very sad that apparently the two Jewish members of the board did this."
In the letter sacking the host, Mr Cassells wrote: "Earlier this year the Department [of Justice and Equality] asked us to review and refresh the commemoration. I am writing to let you know that, arising from the review, we will be engaging a new MC."
The Justice and Equality Minister at the time, Alan Shatter, confirmed that a meeting took place with HETI, but emphatically denied that he had asked for Mr Fachler to be removed from his position.
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Via -
The then Minister for Foreign Affairs for the European Union Catherine Ashton does NOT mention the word JEW even once during January 2014 Holocaust commemoration ceremonies.
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She deleted the Jews from the Holocaust. By that deletion, she denied the essence of the Holocaust, its Jew-hate.
Her statement said, ’we honour all those brutally killed during this darkest period of European history. We also especially would like to honour those acted with courage and self-sacrifice to protect their fellow citizens from persecution.’
These words may sound nice. But the truth is, this Jewish event is not about Europe. It’s not about ‘fellow citizens’.
Holocaust Remembrance is about Jews.
It’s about Jew-hate. It’s about what happens when the early stages of official Jew-hate (such as we see in Palestinian leadership) is ignored. It’s about remembering how many Jews were murdered by pure hate—and thinking if only for a moment about making sure that such hate never again gains such power.
Ashton’s omission suggests that she cannot bring herself to say the word, ‘Jew’ even in front of Jews. It suggests that her imbalanced support for the PA is more than an oversight. It suggests that her threat to punish only Jews if peace talks fail is no accident.
“Number of times word ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ mentioned in statement by Catherine Ashtonon Holocaust Remembrance Day: 0,” said Joshua Davidovich, a news editor at the Times of Israel, on Twitter.
“Lady (EU) Ashton manages great feat in honor of Holocaust Day. She does away with the Jews,” tweeted blogger Yisrael Medad.
Another wrote, “So bad is #antisemitism in #EU & so cowardly is Catherine Ashton -won’t even mention Jews when speaking of#Holocaust.”
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European anti-racism organization asked that the Jews of Bergen, Norway, be banned from attending Kristallnacht ceremony.
November 2014 - Anti-racism activists in Norway have refused to participate in a Holocaust commemoration because members of the Jewish community were also invited to it, according to a Norwegian blog cited by the International Business Times (IBT).
According to blog “Norway, Israel and the Jews,” Norwegian organization New SOS Racisme – which claims to act against racism – demanded that the "Zionist Jews of Bergen" be banned from attending the Kristallnacht memorial event held earlier this week.
They "refused to participate in the Kristallnacht commemoration since a representative from the Mosaic Congregation [a conservative Jewish Congregation ] was invited. Yes, they balked at a Jew participating," the blog commented.
IBT noted that the incident occurred “a few days after Denmark's ceremony in Norrebro district, marking the Holocaust, was used to raise money for Gaza, following the 2014 Israel-Gaza war.”
To the world the only acceptable Jew is a dead one
American and European taxpayers funding terror in Israel
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Muslim money, Muslim votes, and historical anti-Semitism - Meanwhile they ignore the desperate plight of Christians, Kurds, Yazidis, and other minorities in the Middle East
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on how the West has contracted out the Arabs for the destabilizing, partition, and eventual destruction of Israel and the Jews.
Israel is not just facing Palestinian terror but the whole Muslim world.
Egypt preparing for next war against Israel
Palestinians - Nazis then, Nazis now.

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