What exactly are CIA operatives secretly doing in Israel?
The 15-page booklet, titled "CIA Assessment on Surviving Secondary Screening at Airports While Maintaining Cover," means "to explain and advise CIA operatives on how to deal with secondary screening at airports, as they travel to and from covert CIA operations using false ID. ... The document's overarching predominant advice is to maintain cover, 'no matter what.'
“At Ben-Gurion airport in Israel, the secondary screening room contains trace-detection equipment for explosive residue; tools for dismantling passengers’ personal items for inspection, particularly items unfamiliar to security officers; and a disrobing area, divided by privacy curtains, to conduct strip searches of individuals, if necessary. … Consistent, well-rehearsed, and plausible cover is important for avoiding secondary selection and critical for surviving it,” the document says.
The US long tradition of toppling governments
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The US State Department is in the habit of destabilizing governments and stealthily working for the toppling of regimes it does not like.
The present administration's intense dislike for Israeli PM Netanyahu is not a secret, and neither is its openly stated desire for regime change in Israel.
The State Department use of euphemisms to mask its nefarious intents
The US administration also states its preference for a government "not of the right". And by the right they mean Israelis who uphold documentary evidence of their legal and historical right to their ancient land of Judea and Samaria and oppose the surrendering of Biblical Israel to Islam.
The State Department and the left in general use the word "peace" not as - at the very least - the absence of war, but as the gifting of Jewish land to Islam. So the Secretary of State has been repeatedly emphasizing that the US administration want an Israeli government that will work for "peace", meaning the partition of the country.
The US government desire for the destruction of Israel goes back decades
The American people have stood behind Israel. And so has Congress.
However, ever since the reconstitution of the state of Israel in 1948, the State Department and the White House have dreamed of its demise. They have not said so openly, of course, but they have engaged in machinations and in the implementation of foreign policies detrimental to Israel.
The US hoped that Arab armies would take care of the problem.
When Israel had to confront Arab military assault, the US failed to provide support to Israel. Their hope was that the Arabs would take care of the problem. They did not count on the fact that Israelis tend to win impossible wars.
Then the State Department switched to diplomatic bullying against Israel
So next the US switched tactics and began a diplomatic war of their own against Israel, which worked very well, as Israeli governments were bullied into surrendering Sinai to Egypt, Gaza to the Palestinians, and just before the Arab spring the government was ready to surrender the Golan Heights to Syria and Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians.
And to arming Israel's enemies to the teeth, while enabling a nuclear Iran.
At the same time the US has been busy providing weapons to Egypt and other Arab countries enemies of Israel.
This year the White House sold $11 billion worth of weapons to Qatar, which is a state known for arming and supporting Hamas and other jihadist groups. Thus the US arms Hamas, which in turn attacks Israelis.
The White House has also been enabling Iran - which regularly threatens Israel with annihilation - to become a nuclear power.
The US administration has engaged in humiliating the PM, threatening Israel, and even in a vulgar verbal attack on the PM

The conversation was dutifully leaked to the media as the words of a top White House official, exposing once and for all the US administration dislike for Netanyahu. This act backfired, as even many of the prime minister's opponents came to his defense.
So far the White House has failed to identify and discipline the "White House top official" who uttered those words.
This administration has also engaged in repeated humiliating treatment of the Israeli prime minister. In one instance the president left the PM alone in a White House room to work on Israel's land surrender, while he went off to have a private dinner with his wife.
The White House using the UN and EU as proxies for the international delegitimization of Israel
Not wanting to leave a historical record of being the US administration that officially pushed the button for Israel's demise, the White House has been working with the UN and the EU for relentless attacks on Israel's legitimacy and dignity.
Joseph Klein on Frontpage magazine:
The Obama administration is shamelessly outsourcing the United States’ historic leadership in facilitating negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel of a workable, secure two-state solution to the United Nations and European governments.
In putting its trust in these two centers of anti-Israel sentiment, the Obama administration refuses to say categorically that it would veto a UN Security Council resolution setting some sort of deadline for the creation of a Palestinian state and Israeli withdrawal to the pre-June 1967 lines.
In the words of an unnamed senior U.S. State Department official quoted by Reuters, “These things are all very much in flux, it’s not as if we’re being asked to take a position on any particular Security Council resolution right now. It would be premature for us to discuss documents that are of uncertain status right now.”
In other words, the US is tightening the noose around Israel's neck.
The White House insists on partitioning that tiny sliver in red - Israel -
claiming it will bring peace to the region. Seriously.
Supporting tyranny while destabilizing Israel
Supporting tyranny while destabilizing Israel
Cartoon by Branco - http://legalinsurrection.com/tag/a-f-branco/
Continue reading
Secret CIA manual for sneaking by Israeli airport authorities leaked
Frontpage Magazine - A UN timetable for Israel's destruction
The US pursuing the destruction of Israel.
This article contains a list of interesting historical and legal references.
Supporting dictators, while considering sanctions against Israel
Congress demands clarification of Obama's sanctions against Israel
Humiliating Israel

Fox News - For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation. After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Obama walked out of his meeting with Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a U.S. congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.
2014 - Secretary Kerry threatens Israel
And when Israel complains, the State Department says Israel's criticism of Kerry is "unacceptable".
White House top official calls PM Netanyahu "chickenshit" and a "coward"
What is behind this attack - By Mark Langfan
1.Obama serially lied to Israel, and promised Israel the US wouldn’t allow Iran to construct a nuclear bomb. 2. Obama also extorted and threatened Israel not to attack Iran.
WH official only says statement was "inappropriate" -
ONE REASON behind the White House hostility towards Israel and PM Netanyahu
The White House has been trying to protect Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood all along.
The ways in which the US, among others, orchestrates Israeli foreign and domestic policies
By Prof. Francisco Gil-White (Prof. Gil-White is not Jewish)
US foreign policy regarding Israel
This blog's file
The US and EU role in empowering Arab terrorists and destroying Israel
This blog's file
Obama and Netanyahu cartoon - Asher Schwartz -
Kerry and Netanyahu at the table with Hamas cartoon by Branco
Dry Bones cartoon of Kerry
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