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Although Arabs admit attack on Jewish motorist was pre-planned, authorities say his murder was "NOT terror"
- 63-year-old Avraham Ben-Tzion hy''d was murdered by three Arab assailants
- The three admitted to police they planned to attack their victim, spray him with tear gas and steal his car
- After the driver was sprayed with tear gas and neutralized, the suspects ran him over and killed him.
- First responders: victim was hit with a blunt instrument
- Daughter: he suffered severe head injuries, including a broken skull. He was beaten to death.
- Police: It was an ordinary crime, a traffic accident.
- Lawyer: police have an interest in hiding terror attacks by covering them up as criminal incidents
- At the bottom of this page see links to previous articles on repeated police coverups of Arab terror, and how the Israeli left sabotages justice and erodes the security of the country.
Police coverup of Arab terror is an ongoing problem. It is all part of a policy where authorities find it more expedient to appease Arabs than to do justice.
And that is not all. Even when justice is done, it is only a matter of only a few years and the perpetrators are freed in "gestures" aimed at enticing the Palestinian Authority to engage in "peace talks". Thousands of Arab criminals - many of them with Jewish blood on their hands - have been released, only to engage in terror again.
This happens no matter what party has the majority in the Knesset. The left rules the country from positions of authority - such as the self-selected judges at the Supreme Court. The present "right wing" PM Netanyahu has appointed left wingers to key positions in his government and the top military. Acts of terror occur every day in Israel with complete impunity. They just don't make the news. They involve stabbings, running over pedestrians, and most often using rocks and firebombs.
Road terror could be easily prevented through sting operations and by prosecuting any rock thrower in sight. Authorities deliberately try to avoid confronting Arab road terror gangs, although Jews keep getting injured and even murdered by them. An IDF (army) judge once characterized those Arabs as merely "mischievous".
Since Arabs rock throwers usually target motorists who live across the Green Line, authorities' passivity may have an insidious and darker motive: to undermine security in the settlements to eventually facilitate the surrender of the land to the Arabs. Partition is the official policy of the current government.
Following are the pictures of baby Adele Biton, who was left permanently brain damaged by rocks thrown into the vehicle she was riding, and Asher Palmer and his son Yonatan, both killed by rock throwers.
Road terror could be easily prevented through sting operations and by prosecuting any rock thrower in sight. Authorities deliberately try to avoid confronting Arab road terror gangs, although Jews keep getting injured and even murdered by them. An IDF (army) judge once characterized those Arabs as merely "mischievous".
Since Arabs rock throwers usually target motorists who live across the Green Line, authorities' passivity may have an insidious and darker motive: to undermine security in the settlements to eventually facilitate the surrender of the land to the Arabs. Partition is the official policy of the current government.
Following are the pictures of baby Adele Biton, who was left permanently brain damaged by rocks thrown into the vehicle she was riding, and Asher Palmer and his son Yonatan, both killed by rock throwers.
The current case of Avraham Ben Tzion
Attorney Yossi Fuchs, chairperson of the Legal Forum for Israel, on Wednesday criticized the police statement the day before claiming that a pre-planned lethal hit-and-run car attack was a crime and not a terror attack.
In the incident, 63-year-old Avraham Ben-Tzion hy''d was murdered by three Arab assailants at the Alon Junction in Samaria.
According to Fuchs, details of the case make it clear this is a case of terrorism and not a "traffic accident" as police claimed.
"It's hard to understand why after the driver was sprayed with tear gas and neutralized, the suspects ran him over and killed him. There's concern that the police have an interest in hiding terror attacks by covering them up as criminal incidents. This is also how it was in the murder of Netanel Arami and other incidents," said Fuchs.
Ben-Tzion's daughter Revital rejected the police claim that that her father wasn't killed in a terrorist attack, noting "he was brutally assaulted and suffered severe head injuries and a fractured skull."
"Magen David Adom (ambulance) officials said he was hit with a blunt instrument. Eventually, he was beaten to death. If they just wanted to take the car, they could have just taken it and driven away," said Revital.
December 15: Israeli authorities claim the pre-planned attack to douse Israeli motorist with tear gas, steal a vehicle is a 'crime' and not terror. Is it another cover-up?
The Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) and the Israel Police's Central District have declared a hit-and-run in Samaria a crime - not a terror attack - Tuesday, despite repeated claims by the victim's family that the accident was a car rampage.
Three Arabs were arrested earlier this month in connection to the accident, which fatally wounded 63 year-old Avraham Ben-Tzion as he was standing at the Alon Intersection on December 1.
The hit-and-run was intentional, however; the three admitted that they had planned to lightly hit an Israeli motorist, then spray him or her with tear gas and steal the vehicle as the driver inspected the damage. Ben-Tzion, the eventual victim, was killed unintentionally as the three made a U-turn in his vehicle.
Since then, the police admitted that they have arrested more suspects in the attack, this time on charges of selling stolen parts from the vehicle. However, Ben-Tzion's family has been outspoken against the quiet handling given to the attack, which they have repeatedly accused the Israel Police of covering up.
His daughter Revital added that her family has faced a difficult series of emotions following the announcement. "It's a feeling of turning one's back, that this common," she said. "This event wasn't even in the headlines. There is a sense that there may be systemic considerations not related to our story, regarding the security situation."
Frustration against the security establishment has peaked after several incidents, including the attempted murder of Temple Mount rights activist Yehuda Glick, the murders of 27-year-old construction worker Netanel Arami hy"d and 19-year-old Shelly Dadon hy"d were played down by the Israel Police and Internal Security Ministry.
The ongoing problem of police coverup
of Arab terror - A few cases:
Other cases include the 2014 murder of Netanel Arami by Arab co-workers.
The 2011 murder of Rabbi Moshe Talbi hy''d, only recognized as a terror victim three-and-a-half years after he was shot to death in a framed suicide.
Asher Palmer and Yonatan hy''d, his less-than-a-year-old infant son, who were murdered in a rock attack on their car in 2011 and declared victims of terror a full week later.
Shelly Dadon hy''d, brutally stabbed to death by an Arab taxi driver in May and recognized as a terror victim over two-and-a-half months later.
The above cases were recognized by police as terror only after persistent struggle by their families, who disclosed clear evidence of terror to the media. In one case the community even took to the streets to demand proper action by police.
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) judge dismisses rock throwing by Arabs as merely "mischievous"
although they have injured and even killed Jews this way. That's the Israeli left for you.
although they have injured and even killed Jews this way. That's the Israeli left for you.
Nobel laureate says the leftist Supreme Court is corrupt and represents the greatest danger to Israel.
The insidious influence of the Israeli left and the erosion of Israel from within.
Read more and access numerous links for further information.
Police coverup of terror
This article too has numerous links to shocking information that will open your eyes to the fact that the most dangerous enemy of Israel is not the Arabs but the Israeli left.
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