A rare occurrence: a public discussion about the truth of Islam
Everybody is getting into the act of defending Islam. Recently it was actor Ben Affleck. He sparred against comedian Bill Maher - who hates all religions, by the way. And then the media lit up with strong reactions, including serious editorials.
These were not scholars discussing the issue. They were an actor and a comedian. But they were taken seriously enough, perhaps because there is such a fear of public discussion about the issue.
Everybody is getting into the act of defending Islam. Recently it was actor Ben Affleck. He sparred against comedian Bill Maher - who hates all religions, by the way. And then the media lit up with strong reactions, including serious editorials.
Ben Affleck |
The subsequent media debate centered on Islam and Islamophobia, but again it missed the point: standing up for the real victims.
(While I will use the term "liberal" to refer to the most fervent defenders of Islam in the West, it's a fact that even our most conservative citizens go out of their way not to say anything critical of Islam as a religion. If they dare to express such an opinion, they will preface it with a disclaimer assuring us that they are not referring to Islam per se, but to the fanatics who misunderstand it.)
Liberals defend Islam, while they denigrate other religions
(While I will use the term "liberal" to refer to the most fervent defenders of Islam in the West, it's a fact that even our most conservative citizens go out of their way not to say anything critical of Islam as a religion. If they dare to express such an opinion, they will preface it with a disclaimer assuring us that they are not referring to Islam per se, but to the fanatics who misunderstand it.)
Liberals defend Islam, while they denigrate other religions
Well-meaning liberals vehemently defend Islam as a religion of peace - even though they know very little about it. They don't mind, however, denigrating Christians and dismissing their rights.
If they have read the Koran at all, it's in the whitewashed English version for Western liberal consumption. The real thing, the Arabic version of the Koran and the Hadith, are specific as to what Islam is truly about: not a religion of peace but one of conquest and forced imposition of Sharia Law on the vanquished, where non-Muslims (if allowed to live at all), and women, are completely subservient.
Britain - Incitement to murder from early age - Read more |
Images of a more tolerant Islam are rare, dwindling, and are nothing but deviations from true Islam.
Lebanon used to be a moderate country. Now it's a dysfunctional and violent place.
Turkey, once lauded as a society tolerant of secularism, is now rapidly turning into a genuine Islamic state.
Liberal intolerance for any questioning of Islam's peaceful nature
Liberals admonish us we should not judge Islam because of the acts of a few radicals, and tell us that anyone who questions Islam's peaceful nature is guilty of "Islamophobia" - a word synonymous with bigotry and intolerance. Don't dare question Islam's peaceful nature or we'll label you a bigot and a racist.
Lebanon used to be a moderate country. Now it's a dysfunctional and violent place.
Turkey, once lauded as a society tolerant of secularism, is now rapidly turning into a genuine Islamic state.
Liberals admonish us we should not judge Islam because of the acts of a few radicals, and tell us that anyone who questions Islam's peaceful nature is guilty of "Islamophobia" - a word synonymous with bigotry and intolerance. Don't dare question Islam's peaceful nature or we'll label you a bigot and a racist.
Where liberals are wrong
They are defending an ideology - Islam - about which they know nothing or next to nothing - while betraying the victims of Islam and dismissing their human rights.
Islam is powerful. It rules over numerous countries and hundreds of millions of people. Islam is wealthy. Islam is influential. Islam is fearsome. Islam can make European writers go silent and into hiding with only the issuing of a Fatwa.
While liberals blame the "Israeli lobby," Islam is already ensconced deep inside American governmental and educational institutions.
A few weeks ago it was disclosed that the Brookings Institution, a think tank that advises the US Congress, is funded by Qatar, a state that finances terrorists.
The extent of their control is barely mentioned or noticed because people fear being tarnished with the Islamophobia label. Or worse, to be targeted with a defamation or discrimination lawsuit.
Islam has enormous amounts of money, thanks to all that oil and other enterprises that provide the elite with unlimited funds. Islam - although not monolithic - is behind enormously powerful organizations.
The dangerously muddled liberal minds
Being a liberal used to mean helping the downtrodden, the victims of the powerful. That has changed now. Liberals defend powerful Islam but betray victims that include women and girls, children, and ethnic and religious minorities.
Liberals - so supportive of homosexual rights - take no notice that liberals and homosexuals would be persecuted under the same Islam they so strongly defend, while in Israel they would be free and safe.
The muddled liberal mind is now defending the perpetrators while abandoning their victims.
Human rights advocates point their guns at Israel and its alleged "occupation," while oblivious to the flagrant and often violent persecution of dissenters and Christians in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority.
Many of the victims attributed to Israeli fire in the last conflict with Gaza were due to Hamas killings of dissenters. A very opportunistic action, since Hamas got rid of dissenters while inflating the list of "innocent civilians" killed by Israel.
How to help the victims of Islam?
Demanding that Islamic countries change their laws is absurd. A true Muslim MUST be faithful to the tenets of Islam. The best you can do is to hope that with a little pressure from our governments they will be more lenient. That's all. But that's far from being "moderate".
Humanitarians could start at home. There is a growing Muslim population in the West, who want to be good Muslims and live under Sharia Law as much as possible.
If the West submits to accommodating their demands in the name of tolerance - it is forsaking the victims of Sharia Law: usually women and children. This is one of the most blatant example of how the West gets it all wrong.
The key issue: Protect Western Muslims from apostasy laws
If you want to see a moderate Islam, deal with the apostasy laws.
There are many Muslims who genuinely would like to abandon Islam, or to profess their own modern interpretation of Islam, but who are unable to do so due to fear for their lives. They need to be helped and protected through specific legislation.
The reason why Islam is still stuck in the 7th century is that the rejection of Islam, and even relatively minor dissent or questioning of Islam by Muslims, are punishable by death.
While you can walk out of Christianity, Judaism, and many other religions, without having to fear for your life - that's not permitted by Islam. In simple words, you are not allowed to change your mind. Strange how this does not seem to disturb liberals, who otherwise are always calling for more freedom of thought and expression.
Ben Affleck defends Islam - Video
Debating Islamism - Affleck and Maher - How far we've come, by Jonathan Tobin
To confront these facts is not an act of prejudice or Islamophobia. Nor does it serve to foment hate. Rather, it is part of an effort to support and empower those Muslims who believe that the Islamist approach is abhorrent to them but who are often silenced or intimidated by radicals and their supposedly more moderate fellow travelers. A Muslim world in which radical beliefs are part of the mainstream needs to be reformed from within. This is necessary precisely because it is the not the desire of the West or of sane people anywhere to be at war with all Muslims.
Read more - http://www.israpundit.org/archives/63601226
History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government
Searching for moderate Islam, by Daniel Greenfield
Executions in Gaza.
August 7, 2014 - Hamas allegedly rounds up Fatah members and other dissidents for execution over 'collaboration' charges, as dissent simmers in Gaza.
Exposed: Qatar (which finances jihadis) also funds the Brookings Institution, which advises the US Congress
No Mr. President, Islamics are the real Islam
Is the West to blame for Muslim terror and ISIS?
Islam's history of violent conquest, following the dictates of its sacred texts
The Religion of Peace
Myths of Islam
Islam apostasy law according to the Koran
Myths of Islam
Islam apostasy law according to the Koran
Slavery in Islam (which still exists)
Slavery in Islam (which still exists)
Creeping Sharia
Money Jihad
Bulletin on the oppression of women by Islam
Professor Bill Warren explaining why we are afraid of Islam.
Prof. Bill Warren - Political Islam - http://www.politicalislam.com/
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