This following video captured by a dashboard camera elicits many questions. Here are some of them, and their possible answers.
Why did this slightly built woman engaged in this attack she had no possible way of carrying out without being shot at?
In that part of the world women, girls, and sometimes males as well, have no other choice, after having committed some moral transgression.
Maybe a girl gets raped and her death is a way of restoring honor to her family. Maybe she defied her parents by refusing to marry someone. The reasons can be many.
Maybe a girl gets raped and her death is a way of restoring honor to her family. Maybe she defied her parents by refusing to marry someone. The reasons can be many.
More useful to the family dead than alive. Suffering from the effects of Muslim inbreeding (marrying cousins is almost the rule), mental and physical disabilities are common, and people suffering from them are regarded as too much of a burden. After the terrorists are either incarcerated or killed, the Palestinian Authority hails them as heroes and pays salaries to their families for life - with US and EU aid money, by the way.
Why didn't the Israeli soldiers tackle this woman and wrest the knife away from her?
Because attackers are sometimes armed with suicide vests.
Why did they show such reluctance to shoot her?
Because the IDF brass are ideologically leftist - that is pro-Palestinian - and the troops are under orders to avoid injuring Palestinians no matter what they do. When attacked by lethal firebombs, soldiers choose to run instead of confronting the murderous attackers. Those are orders. According to Israeli authorities, a dead Israeli soldier is better than a dead Palestinian.
The Times of Israel says she sought out Israeli civilian victims at the bus stop. This was not some noble attempt to sabotage an IDF military operation. It was just a plain hateful, slashing attack on Israel's soft-underbelly - its bus-traveling civilians at a bus stop. As it turned out, she did encounter soldiers. Did she come there with suicide on her mind, as several previous Arab-on-Israeli attackers were later found to have done?
David Israel of The Jewish Press writes:
On Tuesday a knife wielding female Arab terrorist approached a hitchhiking post at the Gitai Avisar junction in Samaria, an incident that ended in her death. However, the enclosed dashboard camera record of the incident reveals a troubling fact about the encounter: throughout the incident, it is painfully obvious that the two armed IDF soldiers are afraid to shoot the attacker.
They are afraid – but they are not afraid of the terrorist. They are afraid to use their weapon against her and they do everything to avoid having to pull the trigger. It takes the two soldiers a full 10 seconds, during which they keep retreating from the knife waving attacker, ordering her back as she continues to advance zombie fashion, until they are forced to shoot her.
Continue reading, watch VIDEO, and see related article on how 14 centuries of inbreeding, indoctrination, and harsh upbringing have damaged the Muslim mind (article by EU psychologist).
Then, as the attacker, who is very much alive, continues to writhe in pain on the ground, the soldiers fail to eliminate her, exposing themselves to the real danger of being blown up by an explosive device she could be carrying, or if she got up again with her knife as the Bezeq terrorist did. There is even a point in the video where the two soldiers simultaneously look behind them, losing line of sight with the still-moving terrorist.
If ever there were proof of the damage that the IDF leadership has inflicted on the ability of the soldiers on the ground to defend themselves effectively against crazed terrorist attackers — this one should be played round-the-clock at IDF headquarters.
This is a video of soldiers plagued by the fear of being prosecuted for their righteous actions and a fear of being forced to use their weapon against a dangerous terrorist who has clearly stepped beyond the rational realm.
VIDEO - The action begins around 0:20.
WHEN ISRAELI SOLDIERS describe their experiences at the frontline, they all used very similar expressions: “shame,” “humiliation,” “castration,” and “impotence.”
ORDERS: Just take it, do not react.
Arabs kicking Israeli soldier on the ground.
Just take it.
IDF BRASS: Arab lives are more valuable than Israeli lives
Just take it.
Enlisted soldiers and reservists from across the political spectrum expose the IDF failure in Judea and Samaria stone throwing and firebombing incidents: silence, ignoring reality, conflicting commands, entrenchment and escape.
The above testimony of a soldiers who has served at the Judea and Samaria front is not unique. It is part of several dozen testimonies accumulated in recent weeks by researchers for Makor Rishon from reserves soldiers and enlisted men, and they all tell a very similar story:
They use boulders to smash windshields and the skulls of Jewish drivers |
In hundreds of events of Arab provocation which frequently included stone and firebomb throwing at IDF soldiers, the IDF reaction has been silence, ignoring the provocations, entrenchment and escape.
The soldiers who were interviewed belong to the full political and cultural span: religious and secular, left and right wing.
When asked to describe their experiences at the frontline, they all used very similar expressions: “shame,” “humiliation,” “castration,” and “impotence.”
They firebomb soldiers, civilians vehicles, buildings |
They spoke freely of situations where they ran away or hid from Arabs.
“We went out to do a block and check between two villages at one in the morning,” M., 28, a company commander who did his reserve duty near Ramallah, recalled.
“We went out to do a block and check between two villages at one in the morning,” M., 28, a company commander who did his reserve duty near Ramallah, recalled.
“After 15 minutes in the field, we started hearing whistles from the nearby village. We realized they were going to violate the public order. We were eight altogether, I was the chief. I knew it would take time to receive backup if we asked for it. I said, ‘It’s jot for us,” and we pulled out. We simply vanished. We ran.
“I came out of it nervous. I felt defeated. My soldiers told me, there we go again, fleeing the scene. IDF defeatism. I felt we had been brought out there as pawns in a game of chess, just to show up, not to act.”
Arabs firebomb cars with passengers inside |
Many soldiers argue that they aren’t being permitted to take care of violations of the public order, as well as of rock and firebomb throwing, while the number of these events keeps going up.
“You stand there like a dummy with nothing to do,” L., 25, a recently discharged Armor officer who served in Judea and Samaria related.
“The policy is ‘Restraint,’ they call it ‘Containment,’ all kind of laundered words and nonsense. We are completely neutralized. We are soldiers with weapons, five magazines each, but our hands are cuffed behind our backs. We’re not permitted to defend ourselves at the most elementary level. How is it even conceivable that someone would raise his hand on an IDF soldiers and would get to remain standing, even smiling? But that’s the atmosphere right now.”
In recent weeks, enlisted and reservist IDF soldiers started a Facebook group called “Let the IDF Win,” whose goal is to educate the public and bring about a substantial change in the rules of engagement.
Senior IDF officers insist there’s nothing wrong with the rules of engagement, only in their application. Many agree that there is a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding, even defeatism, born by a permanent disconnect between the top brass and the fighting men and women on the ground.
The most damaging component here is the threat of an investigation, should soldier react forcefully to Arab provocation.
The most damaging component here is the threat of an investigation, should soldier react forcefully to Arab provocation.
“The spirit has changed,” L. explains. “There’s no longer an eagerness for action, for confrontation. Our feeling, as middle rank officers, is that even when action is called for, you’re better off not acting. If you do something, it’ll only end up with investigations and trouble.”
L. described a situation where an Arab “mooned” him right in front of his face. He says he felt humiliated, but when his soldiers urged him to shoot the Arab with a rubber bullet, preferably right in the “moon,” he told them to calm down.
“Because when the investigators ask me why I shot him, and I said it was because I felt humiliated, that’s not a good enough answer,” he explains.
Sergeant Y., 33, an infantry reservist, originally from France, was injured from rock throwing in Nebi Salach this winter. “I’m lying down and above me they’re throwing rocks. Not tennis ball-size rocks, cinder blocks, cement blocks, ceramic tiles – they each weigh as much as 50 lbs. And no one is responding. My buddies are saying, ‘We asked for permission.’ And I’m waiting -–and nothing happens.”
The IDF Spokesperson’s Office’s response reads like something written by a team of legal and psychological experts:
“The IDF forces in Judea and Samaria are challenged daily by a complex reality requiring professionalism and determination together with judgment. The rules of engagement in Judea and Samaria facilitate an appropriate range of responses to a wide variety of threats faced by IDF forces and they are tested occasionally according to evaluations.
"It must be stressed that taking immediate action against violators of the public order and popular terror activists does not negate determined and effective action, and at its root lies the understanding that as small a number of injured as possible would help guard the security stability in the region.”
“Popular terror activists?”
These people are sick, honestly, they need help.
Minister of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of the Jewish Home party Naftali Bennett last week criticized the military and called to change the rules of engagement.
“The IDF must change the practices of engagement, to allow IDF fighters and citizens to protect themselves,” Bennett wrote on his Facebook page. “The IDF must allocate more forces and act more deeply if needed,” Bennett added. “I will work very hard to restore security to the residents of Judea and Samaria. Before it’s too late.”
It may require more than Facebook, though.
IDF soldiers in training meet a canine friend.
RELATED ARTICLE on the mental deterioration caused by 14 centuries of Muslim indoctrination, harsh upbringing, and inbreeding.
- The tortuous sexual lives and minds of the followers of ISLAM
- Dr. Nicolai Sennels explains why Islam creates psychopaths
- GENETICS AND EPIGENETICS - What 14 centuries of indoctrination and inbreeding have done to Muslims
On this page:
- Sexuality is extremely conflicted in Islam, leading to frustration, depravity, rape, and violence.
- Article: In Afghanistan, where Omar's parents were raised, men use little boys for sexual pleasure. Western troops who became aware of this were ordered by their commanders not to interfere with local customs.
- Islam has shaped the mindset of many generations since the 7th century through culture, history and indoctrination.
- The science of epigenetics demonstrates that cultural, emotional, and physical experiences change the way our genes are expressed, and that those changes are inheritable. There is more than ideas to the way Muslim behave.
- Article: Epigenetics and How Your Grandparents' Traumatic Experiences Left a Mark on Your Genes
- Fourteen centuries of Islamic lifestyle have left an indelible mark in the mind of current generations.
- Therefore it is not easy to deprogram Muslim fanaticism through reasoning, or even through exposure to the advantages of a liberal upbringing in the West.
- Article by psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who has specialized in the treatment of Muslims: How Islam Creates Sociopaths
- Additional article by Dr Nicolai Sennels: How Muslim Inbreeding impacts health, intelligence, and society
- Perhaps it is time we used science to understand why Muslim factions have been killing each other for 14 centuries (Sunni-Shia conflict), and why no reasonable accommodation on the part of Israel has been able to solve the Israeli-Muslim conflict.
ALSO: The sciences of genetics and epigenetics show how ISLAM's inbreeding, indoctrination and traditional practices cause inheritable damage leading to violence, rape and cognitive deficiency
From IDF news archive:
Defending their tiny country. If Arabs ever won a war against Israel, the Jewish population would be massacred in one giant genocide.
The Arabs tried it three times already: 1948, 1967, 1973.
1.5 Billion Arabs against 6 million Israelis.
That is the true nature of this war.
SOLDIER ARRESTED FOR COCKING WEAPON AT ARAB http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/211406
IDF CHIEF OF STAFF EIZENKOT PUTS SOLDIERS LIVES IN DANGER by ordering them not to hurt Arabs even as they throw firebombs. He then dismisses the Talmud as "slogan"
IDF Court Acquits Arab Who Severely Injured Woman of Attempted Murder
Women also serve in the IDF
ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ACCEPTS CLAIM THAT TERRORIST who repeatedly stabbed soldier was NOT a terrorist. The poor fellow just wanted to commit suicide
HERO SOLDIER WHO PREVENTED MAJOR TERROR ATTACK BEING INVESTIGATED by Attorney General for shooting terrorist after she had been neutralized http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/204841#.Vm25KpvSmM8
Jewish Ethiopian IDF soldier praying
'In the End We'll Burn'
Soldiers release video from inside a pillbox showing the extreme danger and frustration caused by the strict restrictions on opening fire.
This Ongoing War Blog
Israel National News - Arutz Sheva
Jewish Press
Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Media Watch - Arabs in their own words
Israeli authorities persecution of Jewish dissidents
Israpundit (commentary)
Israeli authorities persecution of Jewish dissidents
Israpundit (commentary)
What you need to know
Terror attacks by the numbers:
- 145 Stabbings
- 49 Shootings
- 29 Car Rammings
- 1 Suicide Bombing
June 29, 2016
- She had dreamed of becoming a dancer
- Top Palestinian Authority (PA) official recently urged his people to decapitate Israelis
- The PA government honors the killer as a hero, and his mother says she is very proud of him
- Families of PA terrorists who kill Jews are rewarded with a lifetime pension, paid for by EU and US taxpayers donations to the PA
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