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- Several youngsters threw three puppies into a fire and enjoyed themselves watching them burn alive screaming in agony.
- Then they proudly posted the video on Facebook.
- This act of shocking cruelty happened in the city of Hyderabad in India.
- Hyderabad was created by a Muslim ruler in 1591, and has had a large Muslim population since.
- Hindus suffered from one of the largest genocides in history at the hands of the Muslim conqueror: 80 million murdered.
BARE NAKED ISLAM - Islam decrees that dogs are impure, and so they have always been the subject of sadistic cruelty by Muslim populations all over the world.
- Dogs continue to suffer at the hands of Muslims.
- In the Arab town of Rahat in Israel, Muslim children have been known to mutilate and set dogs on fire for fun.
Indian Express: In yet another dastardly attack on dogs, five minor boys have been sent for counseling by police after they burnt three stray dog puppies alive in Pathanwadi area of Musheerabad in Hyderabad on Wednesday.
The Muslim genocide of Hindus: 80 million over centuries of conquest
The Muslim cap known as Taqiya
IRAN TORTURES STRAY DOGS TO DEATH by injecting them with an acid that corrodes their insides while the animal is still alive
- Muslim hatred of dogs endorsed by religious texts
- Muslim animal abuse in Europe
- Links to articles of Muslim abuse of animals for fun
DOGS BURNED TO DEATH WHEN ARSONISTS SET FIRE TO SHELTER IN ARAB TOWN IN ISRAEL - Islam regards dogs as impure and are often the subject of severe abuse
The boys also video recorded the shocking incident as the days-old puppies tried to crawl out of the fire that they set off using leaves and garbage.
From the video it appears that the boys played with the pups for sometime in the afternoon and then started a fire for fun.
Then the boys dragged the three pups by their tails and hurled them into the fire. The blood-curling cries of the puppies could be heard in the video which someone uploaded on Facebook. The boys took turns using sticks to push back the crawling puppies back into the fire, and watched them burn alive.
From the video it appears that the boys played with the pups for sometime in the afternoon and then started a fire for fun.
Then the boys dragged the three pups by their tails and hurled them into the fire. The blood-curling cries of the puppies could be heard in the video which someone uploaded on Facebook. The boys took turns using sticks to push back the crawling puppies back into the fire, and watched them burn alive.
Continue reading and watch VIDEO
This report via Bare Naked Islam
Other sources
Animal lovers and activists who watched the video lodged a complaint at Mushreerabad Police Station. An official said that the five were minors and they were sent for counselling.
This development comes weeks after two final year MBBS students threw a dog from the terrace of a three-storey building. The incident was first reported after students uploaded the video footage on social media and it went viral.
This report via Bare Naked Islam
Other sources
The Muslim genocide of Hindus: 80 million over centuries of conquest
The Muslim cap known as Taqiya
IRAN TORTURES STRAY DOGS TO DEATH by injecting them with an acid that corrodes their insides while the animal is still alive
- Muslim hatred of dogs endorsed by religious texts
- Muslim animal abuse in Europe
- Links to articles of Muslim abuse of animals for fun
- Palestinians shoot dogs and throw the agonizing animals into garbage cans
- Palestinians throw bagged live puppies at IDF over a wall
- Bedouin children of Arab town of Rahat mutilate and burn dogs for fun - Police do nothing because it's part of the culture.
- Palestinians torture cattle in Gaza. Australia suspends exports.
- Islamic dog hatred and cruelty and animal rights activists' silence.
Islamic Dog Hatred &
Animal Rights Activists’ Silence
There have been many cases, both in Europe and North America, of Muslim taxi and bus drivers refusing to let dogs in (even guide dogs for the blind); of police not letting dogs near Muslim suspects or prisoners; of Muslim prison inmates being given new clothes and bedding after police sniffer dogs search their cells.
Pronouncements about dogs are not in the Quran but are numerous in the various hadiths, collections of traditions containing sayings and deeds of the prophet Muhammad which form the basis of Islamic law.
Dogs for Muslims are “impure,” “unclean” and “evil.” For example, the Muslim website Islam Q&A says:
It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep a dog, unless he needs this dog for hunting, guarding livestock or guarding crops…
With regard to keeping dogs, this is haraam [forbidden by God] and is in fact a major sin, because the one who keeps a dog, except those for which an exception has been made, will have two qiraats [a measure of rewards for good actions] deducted from his reward every day.
It is by the wisdom of Allaah that like calls to like and evil calls to evil. It is said that the kaafirs, Jews, Christians and communists in the east and the west all keep dogs, Allaah forbid. Each one takes his dog with him and cleans it every day with soap and other cleansing agents. But even if he were to clean it with the water of all the seas in the world and all the soap in the world, it would never become pure! Because its impurity is inherent, and inherent impurity cannot be cleansed except by destroying it and erasing it altogether.
Another Islamic site, Albalagh, explains:
Jibra’eel (Álayhi Salaam) said that we, the group of Angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or pictures. (Sahih Muslim Hadith no.3928)
In the light of these Ahaadith and other narrations it is not permissible to keep dogs as pets. The household is deprived of the Mercy of Allah Taãla.
Religious traditions hold that if a dog – or woman – passes in front of you as you prepare to pray, it pollutes your purity and negates your prayer. Dogs are permissible as watchdogs or for other utilitarian purposes but not simply for companionship. Abou El Fadl says this zealous adherence to doctrine led one religious authority to advise a Muslim that his pet dog was evil and should be driven away by cutting off its food and water.
Hasan Küçük, a city councillor for the Islam Democrats in the Hague, the Netherland’s third city, even proposed that the city ban all dogs, which was promptly rebuked by Paul ter Linden, the councillor for Geert Wilders’ PVV party, who told him: “In this country pet ownership is legal. Whoever disagrees with this should move to another country.”
What is interesting is the reaction – or rather lack thereof – of the animal rights movement, too afraid, if it means touching Islamic sensitivities, to speak up even for animals.
I think that we’ll see more and more of these cases, in the Netherlands and elsewhere. Then we’ll see where the “animal defenders” really stand and whether they consider their Leftist ideology more important than the animals’ well-being or not.
Just in the same way as European police, social services, school teachers and even parents are prepared to throw children under the bus, so animal rights people are ready to sacrifice animals: not being considered racist or Islamophobic is more important for all of them.
That this is the case is obvious from the way groups for animal welfare are – and want to remain – blissfully ignorant of what Islam is, the threat that its growth poses to the West and in particular the danger that Islamization represents for animals.
There’s hardly any point in fighting for the advancement in the status of animals in law and public conscience when in a few decades our countries will regress to being dominated by a 7th-century cult replete with superstitions about black dogs and whose “religious” festivals are celebrated by slaughtering millions of fully-conscious animals in front of children who will quickly learn how to use a butcher’s knife.
Full article at Frontpage Magazine:
See more articles
on the Bare Naked Islam website regarding the sadistic treatment of animals in Islam
Caution: BNI posts explicit photos of abuse
You need to be aware of this because it's part of Muslim culture,
and Muslims are your neighbors now.
Please read BNI news compilation for your pet's sake.
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