A joint review panel has recommended the federal government approve Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline project. 
This pipeline would transport Tar Sands products to the British Columbia coast, to be exported by oil tankers to Asia.
With greater ocean traffic, an oil spill is a certainty.
The report said that although impacts of a large oil spill would be huge, the panel believes the conditions put on the project will help implement appropriate and effective spill prevention measures.

Enbridge has been directed to develop liability coverage of $950 million, but it would have to include many components — such as having $100 million ready in cash to address the initial costs of a spill.

Read the news report here - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/northern-gateway-pipeline-recommended-for-federal-approval-with-conditions-1.2470465

What about our whales, our dolphins.... How would money be able to repair the damage to the ecosystem? 

Still killing wildlife
Aerial pictures of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523669/Mesmerizing-photos-Gulfs-210-MILLION-gallon-oil-slick.html
