
I hit the pause button because I simply stopped caring anymore....
We are heading into the new DARK AGES, and there will never be another Renaissance or rebirth anymore - because western civilization has chosen to commit cultural and demographic suicide.
We can still choose to ignore the signs, but by the end of the century the West will be unrecognizable, and much of what is good about it will be forever lost, drowned by religious extremism, intolerance, and gruesome violence imported from elsewhere.
For a preview, take a look at what some European neighborhoods, and even entire cities, are morphing into these days. Heavily armed military in the streets, no-go zones, crime and squalor on beautiful areas that used to be tourist magnets.
For many years I have watched my world unfold in a manner that does not make any sense.
We can still choose to ignore the signs, but by the end of the century the West will be unrecognizable, and much of what is good about it will be forever lost, drowned by religious extremism, intolerance, and gruesome violence imported from elsewhere.
For many years I have watched my world unfold in a manner that does not make any sense.
Let's take an arbitrary date to start, say, September 11, 2001. You might have expected logic and reason to prevail in our reaction to this attack. But no. On the ashes of more than 3000 American lives, our governments have bizarrely turned Islam into a protected ideology, and we have gone along with it.

Not only is criticism of Islam frowned upon in the West, but censorship is being consolidated in bodies of legislation to silence and even incarcerate those who dare to question the tenets of Islam and the behavior of its followers. Even exposing historical facts that show this ideology in an unfavorable light is now being censored online. Normal intellectual discussion on Islam is now characterized as hate, and subject to professional ostracism and even prosecution.
Schools actively promote Islam to a degree that borders on outright indoctrination. Why would leftist educators be so fond and protective of Islam, a doctrine that opposes everything leftists hold dear? Because they regard Islam as a tool to destroy western civilization. Leftist hatred of western civilization and traditional conservative values is stronger than their sense of self-preservation.
In spite of all our faults, in the past at least we were able to identify our enemies. to name them, and in some instances to fight them as well. Today we invite the enemy to settle on our shores, all financed by taxpayers.
In spite of all our faults, in the past at least we were able to identify our enemies. to name them, and in some instances to fight them as well. Today we invite the enemy to settle on our shores, all financed by taxpayers.
The case of Israel is stunning. Underneath the appearance of a government that fights terrorism and celebrates Jewish nationhood, there is an undercurrent akin to treason.
Ever since the 1967 victory the leftist Israeli elite in government, business, media, education and other areas of influence is actively undermining the country.
Several times Israeli governments have offered the Arabs a state on historically Jewish land, and every time the Arabs have rejected it. Ironically, it's Arab intransigence that has saved Israel from partition and obliteration (imagine trying to defend an Israel as narrow as 9 miles wide.).
In the meantime, in spite of all the Israeli rhetoric and choreography of IDF military response to relentless terror, the Israeli elite continues to empower the Arabs.....
In spite of several Arab attempts to exterminate the Jews of Israel (with their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, close collaboration with Hitler, then with the genocidal Arab invasions of 1948, 1967 and 1973, Israelis are still willing to share their heritage land with them.
Never mind that the Arab occupation of Israel exists as a result of the 7th century Muslim invasion of the Holy Land - the same conquest that devoured the rest of the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Europe.
While Germans have been vilified for their killing of Jews, the Arabs - Nazi accomplices during the Holocaust and Nazi admirers today - are to be rewarded with another Muslim state on Jewish land (Jordan is the other one).
The endemic Jewish passivity in face of recurrent carnage of Jewish men, women and children at the hands of Arab terrorists is a disgrace. What the treasonous political ruling class in Israel does is to contain terror, at best, rather than to truly protect the Jewish population and the viability of the State of Israel. And the Israeli population is still duped as to the true intentions of their political class.

Jews are mostly liberal and leftists, and so they stubbornly support open borders and limitless migration of Muslims into the West, regardless of consequences. And among those consequences is the alarming spike in anti-Semitic attacks by Muslims in Europe. European Jews have been beaten up, tortured, and murdered by Muslims following the directions of the Koran to hate and kill Jews.
Imams routinely preach genocidal and anti-Semitic incitement from their mosques in the West. There are video recordings of some of these instances as evidence, but authorities choose to persecute criticism of Islam instead. For additional evidence of how the West is importing genocidal anti-Semitism one has only to read parts of the Koran, and how it demonizes Jews and other non-Muslims.
In spite of several Arab attempts to exterminate the Jews of Israel (with their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, close collaboration with Hitler, then with the genocidal Arab invasions of 1948, 1967 and 1973, Israelis are still willing to share their heritage land with them.
Never mind that the Arab occupation of Israel exists as a result of the 7th century Muslim invasion of the Holy Land - the same conquest that devoured the rest of the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Europe.
While Germans have been vilified for their killing of Jews, the Arabs - Nazi accomplices during the Holocaust and Nazi admirers today - are to be rewarded with another Muslim state on Jewish land (Jordan is the other one).
The endemic Jewish passivity in face of recurrent carnage of Jewish men, women and children at the hands of Arab terrorists is a disgrace. What the treasonous political ruling class in Israel does is to contain terror, at best, rather than to truly protect the Jewish population and the viability of the State of Israel. And the Israeli population is still duped as to the true intentions of their political class.

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Palestinian Arab leader Amin Al-Husseini, meets with Hitler prior to planning with Hitler's henchmen for the complete extermination of Middle Eastern Jews. Al-Husseini's Nazi SS Waffen Division made up of Bosnian Muslims committed gruesome war crimes in Eastern Euope.
READ SUMMARY: http://www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com/amin_en.html
For an astute insight into the State of Israel's present reality, read Dr Martin Sherman's columns on Israel National News.
For an astute insight into the State of Israel's present reality, read Dr Martin Sherman's columns on Israel National News.
Jews are mostly liberal and leftists, and so they stubbornly support open borders and limitless migration of Muslims into the West, regardless of consequences. And among those consequences is the alarming spike in anti-Semitic attacks by Muslims in Europe. European Jews have been beaten up, tortured, and murdered by Muslims following the directions of the Koran to hate and kill Jews.
Imams routinely preach genocidal and anti-Semitic incitement from their mosques in the West. There are video recordings of some of these instances as evidence, but authorities choose to persecute criticism of Islam instead. For additional evidence of how the West is importing genocidal anti-Semitism one has only to read parts of the Koran, and how it demonizes Jews and other non-Muslims.
Then there is the undermining of traditional values. I belong to a generation that had a real childhood. Today children's minds are being warped by indoctrination on sexual deviancy, even as early as first grade, under the rubric of sex-ed. Just another weapon to destroy society. The scientific basis for sex and genetics is being ignored in the name of 'tolerance'.
Social media have enslaved too many of us. These media use dark psychological methods to manipulate users' thoughts and emotions, and to harvest personal information, which they weaponize to remodel society on a grand scale. It is a sinister agenda, and although aware of it, people continue to submit to their addiction.
Which leads me to what is the last straw for this blogger: Our passivity. No matter what terrible act of terror or government censorship occurs, we can accurately predict a passive and incongruent social reaction.
After the 9/11 attack you would have expected a steady campaign of information on what Islam really is. Instead we were told to repeat the mantra of Islam as a religion of peace.
After Europe became flooded with millions of migrants from Africa and the Middle East followed by a sharp spike in violent crime you would have expected some reaction.... any reaction of opposition. But there was nothing but timid murmurs of disapproval, afraid of being called racists. Angela Merkel and her cohorts are still in power perpetrating the destruction of European civilization ...
So in view of all of the above and much more, all I can say is that I've given up - and although I keep up with the news, I do it now with a great sense of detachment. I'm watching the dismantlement of Western civilization - and if millions of those directly affected don't care, I won't either.
I will probably post again, most likely on the subject of science. But I need a break. In the meantime I wish you visitors the best. Enjoy life.
CONTINUE READING - including UPDATES on Diversity