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Palestinian terror is still being excused by western governments and media as "resistance," and therefore as legitimate violence.
However, Palestinians' violent nature is no different from that of other Muslims in Syria, Iraq, and Africa, who bomb their countrymen to pieces, or from that of Muslims in Europe and America who attack innocent civilians in the streets, airports, and in their own homes - in the name of Allah.
No matter how much carnage Muslims inflict on so many different people all over the world, when they kill Jews the international community - governments and media included - give them a sort of free pass to commit murder - just because their victims are Jews.
The following story has attracted some media attention, but there are literally thousands of Israelis who have been maimed or killed by Palestinians, and whose suffering is completely ignored by the media and by EU and US governments, - which continue to send a steady flow of money to the perpetrators, so that they can keep on killing Jews and calling it "resistance".
Daily Mail: British taxpayers pay Palestinian terrorists who left this British woman for dead and killed her friend £9,000 each every year - as a 'REWARD'
- Tour guide Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of Palestinian violence in which Kristine Luken, an American, was killed by two Palestinian terrorists
- After tying the women up the terrorists launched a savage attack.
- Miss Luken died from her stab wounds. Miss Wilson still bears a seven-inch scar on her stomach and, more than five years on, breathing still causes her pain.
- Ms Wilson said: ‘We were held for 30 minutes at knife point then gagged and bound before being butchered with machetes.
- ‘I watched my friend chopped up before my eyes, and only survived because I played dead, despite being stabbed 13 times and having over 30 bones broken by the sheer force of the blows.
- ‘Each time he plunged his machete into me I could hear my bones crunch, and also my flesh ripping from the serrated blade.
- Reports revealed the now incarcerated assailants are being paid a monthly stipend equivalent to £750 each effectively from the Palestinian Authority (PA)
- The Mail on Sunday exposed how ‘reward’ payments are going via the PA - which UK aid gives more than £24million each year - to terrorists
- If you want to end the madness, you can sign the petition HERE
Listen to Kay Wilson's short testimony at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
on the following VIDEO:
on the following VIDEO:
Watch VIDEO interviews with survivor Kate Wilson, and with Ian Birrell, the Daily Mail reporter who exposed how the British government pays salaries to Muslim Arab terrorists through its aid to the Palestinian Authority. (Very brief audio difficulties at the end of the video.)
How Europe has contracted out the Palestinians to continue its centuries-long war against the Jews:
- Europe has long regarded gruesome Palestinian terror as "resistance," not terror
- Europe has also elevated Palestinian Authority Chief, Mahmoud Abbas, financial mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes, and relentless inciter to violence to Jews, to respectable statesman status
- In January 2015 the French government invited Mahmoud Abbas to an anti-terror march in Paris attended by most world leaders, while telling the Israeli PM to stay home because he made them "uncomfortable".
- The European Union and the United States government) have been financing a corrupt, dictatorial, and violent regime in the Palestinian Authority in the hope that they can use Arabs to partition Israel and thus facilitate its dismantlement.
- Following the Nazi example of boycotting Jews, the European Union is currently engaged in labeling and boycotting Israeli goods from the Jewish heartland.
- Europe wants Israel to give the Biblical Jewish heartland to the descendants of Muslim invaders who conquered the Land of Israel in the 7th century, and call the Jewish presence in their own ancient land as illegitimate.
Continue reading Daily Mail report on Kay Wilson`s ordeal, and see links to related news stories on how Britain and the EU are funding illegal Muslim Arab settlements in Israel, the building of a palace for Mahmoud Abbas, and some of the most gruesome terror committed by Palestinians, including the butchering of the Fogel children, and at least one involving cannibalism. ALSO READ Daily Mail article on how the UK encouraged genocidal Arab attack against Israel back in 1948.
Daily Mail - Two Palestinian terrorists who repeatedly stabbed a British woman in a brutal attack and killed her friend are now each receiving at least £9,000 in ‘blood money’ every year with the help of UK aid.
Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of violence in Jerusalem in which Kristine Luken, an American, was killed.
The attackers were eventually caught and, after admitting their crimes, were sent to prison.
But Ms Wilson was horrified to learn from news reports that her assailants were being paid a monthly stipend equivalent to £750 each effectively from the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Last week The Mail on Sunday exposed how ‘reward’ payments are going via the PA to thousands of terrorists and to hundreds of other prisoners in Israeli jails.
Ms Wilson, 51, and her friend were hiking in the Judean Hills in 2010 when the two men pounced on them, believing both women to be Jewish, although Miss Luken was Christian. After tying the women up the terrorists launched a savage attack.
Miss Luken died from her stab wounds. Miss Wilson still bears a seven-inch scar on her stomach and, more than five years on, breathing still causes her pain.
Ms Wilson said: ‘We were held for 30 minutes at knife point then gagged and bound before being butchered with machetes.
‘I watched my friend chopped up before my eyes, and only survived because I played dead, despite being stabbed 13 times and having over 30 bones broken by the sheer force of the blows.
‘Each time he plunged his machete into me I could hear my bones crunch, and also my flesh ripping from the serrated blade.
‘They left, only to return moments later and roll me over, and I watched him plunge the knife into my chest, just missing my heart.’
Remarkably, she managed to get to her feet and begin walking after her attackers left again.
Ms Wilson`s injuries. The UK gives the Palestinian Authority £24million each year. |
She said: ‘I could hear my lungs filling with blood and I was aware that each step might be my last.’
Somehow, she struggled almost a mile to the car park where she’s left her vehicle and raised the alarm. Her life was saved by a Muslim Arab-Israeli surgeon.
The attackers – Aiad Fatfata and Kifah Ghanimat – were later arrested, tried and given lengthy life sentences in 2011 and are still in prison.
But months after the convictions Miss Wilson discovered the men’s families were being paid. She said: ‘I call it their execution stipends. In court, I learned from their own mouths, that Kristine, a Christian, was murdered because they assumed she was Jewish.
‘That is outrageous in itself. But when I, as a proud British citizen, discover that my homeland is paying their families a monthly income, the absolute unfairness of it all is just devastating.
Ms Wilson was horrified to learn from news reports that her assailants,one of whom as Kifah Ghanimat, pictured, were being paid a monthly stipend equivalent to £750 each effectively from the Palestinian Authority.
In the second video on this page, Ms Wilson tells how the accused were laughing in court. One of them had already murdered another woman before the 2010 attack on Ms Wilson and Ms Luken.
‘I thank God for all the people who have signed The Mail on Sunday’s petition to Parliament because that proves to me that the British do still care and they have a huge sense of fairness.
‘How can two men hold machetes and hack at two innocent women without even blinking an eye? They were actually yawning and smirking in court. No wonder if they knew there was a cash incentive from the British Government.
‘I’m pro-peace. I have spoken out many times since this happened. Jewish, Christian or Muslim, we all have to learn to live together. But if we want a viable peace we must stop these payments.’
Miss Wilson, who was born in London but moved to Israel 30 years ago, works for an non-governmental organisation called Standwithus which seeks to promote religious tolerance and understanding.
Miss Wilson, who was born in London but moved to Israel 30 years ago, works for an non-governmental organisation called Standwithus which seeks to promote religious tolerance and understanding.
She contacted The Mail on Sunday after we reported last week how, in the West Bank and Gaza, despite promises by the PA to end the practice of paying aid money to convicted terrorists, they simply duped the West by allowing the Palestine Liberation Organisation to hand out the cash instead.
Britain gives £72 million a year to Palestine, more than one-third of which goes straight to the PA.
It openly admits supporting terrorists, whom it hails as heroes for fighting illegal occupation, awarding lifetime payments that rise depending on time spent in jail and the seriousness of crimes. Extra amounts are added for dependants, according to the Israeli NGO, Palestinian Media Watch.
Miss Wilson’s lawyer, Gavi Mairone, said: ‘These two men were part of a terrorist cell and they are aligned with Fatah, the armed wing of the PLO. In prison they are with the Fatah group and are paid money by the Palestinian Authority, like the others.’
The Department for International Development (DFID) denies that any British cash reaches terrorists and says its payments to the PA are ‘ring-fenced’ for specific projects.
Critics point out that the money from the UK and other Western countries frees up other funds to be passed on to the terrorists. Our investigation found Britain funded the PLO until last year.
Former prisoners and the families of terrorists we spoke to confirmed receiving cash from both the PA and the PLO.
Miss Wilson believes that while the ‘ blood money’ issue has been aired in Israel it is only now being taken seriously in the West. ‘This is why your investigation is so important,’ she said.
The Mail on Sunday tried to contact the PA but our messages were not responded to.
The Mail on Sunday has launched a petition on the official Parliamentary website calling on the Government to scrap the law requiring us to spend a fixed 0.7 per cent of national wealth on foreign aid. The figure is currently £12 billion and will rise to £16 billion by 2020.
Rather than helping people who desperately need it, much of this money is wasted and the Great British Giveaway fuels corruption, funds despots and corrodes democracy in developing nations.
If you want to stop this madness and see that our money is better spent, click here:
The link will take you to the Parliamentary petitions web site where our petition is displayed. Once you have signed it, please share it with your family and friends using social media. You must be a UK resident or citizen to sign.
Please note that signing the petition will entail you clicking on a link sent to your email inbox.
100,000 people have signed the petition, which will force politicians to at least consider a parliamentary debate on the issue. But more signatures will give the argument to reconsider that aid budget even more weight.
When Muslim Arabs attack Jews in daily brutal and often lethal acts of terror in Israel, the international media headlines start by highlighting the "death of Palestinians" by police, and only as a side note we learn that the terrorists were neutralized in the act of murdering Jews.
An example from CBS:
February 3, 2016 - The "three Palestinians killed" were terrorists who carried out a combined shooting and stabbing attack that cost a policewoman her life, and were shot dead at the scene.
An example from the Associated Press:
It's only because the Daily Mail exposed the shocking waste of British taxpayers' money in supporting the corrupt and terrorist Palestinian regime that this issue has prompted British citizens to sign petition to stop using their money to reward murderous terrorists with generous salaries.
Read more about the media`s whitewashing Muslim terror in Israel
Honest Reporting - Website dedicated at exposing media bias against Israel
Palestinian Media Watch
What Palestinian leaders and their official media say, in their own words.
Palestinian incitement against Jews, including on children educational TV
Sunday, March 27, 2016
BRITAIN along with the EU is funding the construction of ILLEGAL ARAB SETTLEMENTS on Jewish land in Israel
Israelis have been consistently denouncing Europe's funding of Palestinian terror for years - But only now the UK Daily Mail seems to notice.
The tone is one of outrage at the waste of money, but not so much at the immoral European support for Muslim terrorists who kill Jews.
This support is particularly egregious since European countries, including Britain, collaborated with the Nazi genocide of Jews.
This support is particularly egregious since European countries, including Britain, collaborated with the Nazi genocide of Jews.
The British and US allied governments refused visas to desperate Jews during the Nazi persecutions, and then they refused to bomb the railroads leading to the Nazi death camps because - according to private conversations - they did not want too many Jewish survivors after the war who would want entry into their homeland, the land of Israel.
Neither president Roosevelt nor Winston Churchill wanted to do anything that would upset their oil-rich Arab friends. So not only the Germans, but their French, British, and other collaborators have Jewish blood on their hands.
And the centuries-old European war against the Jews continues, this time with generous funding and moral support for Arab terrorists. This is what Europe is funding in Israel.
Watch Video.
Watch Video.
The Fogel family of parents and three children, including a baby,
butchered by Palestinians who later said they were proud of what they did.
butchered by Palestinians who later said they were proud of what they did.
The incarcerated murderers - like other terrorists - now receiving salaries as a reward by the 'moderate' Palestinian Authority.
All paid for by you, the European and US taxpayers.
DAILY MAIL - Revealed, how UK aid funds TERRORISTS: After yet more budget cuts, another £12bn of your taxes are being splurged on foreign hand-outs for militants, killers, Palestinian palaces and jobs that don't exist.
- The scandal of how Britain fritters away billions in foreign aid – including paying salaries to convicted terrorists who have murdered hundreds of innocent people – is exposed today by a major MoS investigation.
- The shocking revelation that thousands of Palestinian terrorists, including men who have masterminded suicide bombings and murdered children, are given cash handouts from aid money will cause anger and disbelief, particularly in the wake of the Brussels massacres.
- Our probe exposed how huge amounts of taxpayers’ cash, that critics say should be spent in Britain, is being ‘squandered’ on wasteful schemes elsewhere by the Department For International Development (DFID) and Foreign Office.
Despite claims of astonishing waste, the Government maintains a dogged adherence to the commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of the nation’s income on foreign aid – the highest proportion of any of the world’s major economies – even though last year it had to borrow £70 billion.
In a two-month global investigation we have also exposed how:
- As Europe and Britain’s migrant crisis has spiralled out of control, a BBC Somali radio drama funded by the British taxpayer heard characters trading tips on how to become an illegal immigrant into Europe
- More than £5 million of UK money went to a US think-tank that spent £12 million on a new HQ in Washington
- Officials from pariah state North Korea were flown to Britain for English lessons.
- Music teachers were sent around the world to teach children in 17 countries songs such as Scarborough Fair
Our dossier, painstakingly compiled over two months by correspondents worldwide, lifts the lid on a ‘culture of waste’ at bloated DFID. It is driven by the ‘mantra’ that 0.7 per cent of Gross National Income (GNI) must be spent on foreign aid. Britain is the first G7 country to enshrine the aim in law.
The revelations will raise serious questions about the Government’s slavish determination to stick to that commitment, which critics say inevitably results in a frantic race to spend cash – even on projects with only a slim chance of achieving their goal.
Today The Mail on Sunday launches a major campaign to end the aid madness, along with an online petition on the Downing Street website aimed at securing a Commons debate on the 0.7 per cent pledge.
Tory MP for Shipley, Philip Davies, said he hoped the MoS petition would ‘knock some sense into the Government’.
He said: ‘At a time when we are making cutbacks at home it is completely unjustifiable to keep increasing year on year the amount we are spending on overseas aid.
We can’t look after everybody in the whole world when we are struggling to look after some people in our own country.’
Fellow Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said that throwing cash at ‘silly’ projects left less money available for emergency aid such as assistance for Syrian refugees.
‘This is a bad way of spending public money. So much of this money is going on deeply silly and unnecessary things.’
The hefty burden of the overseas aid commitment was underlined in Chancellor George Osborne’s shambolic Budget pledge to cut £1.3 billion from disability benefits earlier this month – since reversed.
The hefty burden of the overseas aid commitment was underlined in Chancellor George Osborne’s shambolic Budget pledge to cut £1.3 billion from disability benefits earlier this month – since reversed.
The proposed cut, which led to the damaging resignation of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, amounted to just over a tenth of the £12 billion spent on foreign aid.
We dug beneath the headline figures on DFID’s websites to reveal waste and misguided largesse which seemed to extend to virtually every corner of the globe and which will shock readers.
In the West Bank and Gaza, despite promises by the ruling Palestinian Authority (PA) to end the practice of paying aid money to convicted terrorists, our investigation revealed that they had simply duped the West by allowing the Palestine Liberation Organisation to hand out the cash instead.
Britain gives £72 million a year to the Palestinians, more than one-third of which goes straight to the Palestinian Authority. It openly admits (financially) supporting terrorists whom it hails as heroes for fighting illegal occupation, awarding lifetime payments that rise depending on time spent in jail and the seriousness of crimes.
One Hamas master bomber has reportedly been given more than £100,000. Other ‘salaries’ go to the families of suicide bombers and even teenagers involved in the latest upsurge of deadly attacks on Israel.
DFID and the European Union are still effectively supporting these payments to thousands of terrorists – despite claims to have ended such links two years ago. This was confirmed to the MoS by former prisoners and families receiving the cash, and in official statements by the PA.
We also visited a lavish £8 million palace that Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is having built on the West Bank.
Other highlights of the bizarre catalogue of aid include £8,000 spent to send Tony Blair’s former spin doctor to lecture in Armenia, and £36,000 to set up a ‘friendly’ football match between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Last night a Government spokesman said: ‘UK aid is spent where it is most needed and is subject to rigorous internal and external checks and scrutiny at all stages.
‘The Government has realigned the UK’s aid strategy, cutting wasteful programmes and making sure spending is firmly in the UK’s national interest. Alongside an increased defence budget and the UK’s world class diplomatic service, our aid programme is helping to create a more prosperous and stable world in which the UK can stand tall and flourish.’
UK Aid pays terrorists
Ahmad Musa sits beside me, a convicted double murderer sentenced to life in prison. As we talk, I ask him if he did indeed kill the two men. ‘Yes, I shot them dead,’ he replies.
Yet we do not meet in a jail cell. Musa is free, released after just five years. For he is a Palestinian terrorist and he was liberated under a peace deal.
Like thousands more Palestinian prisoners, including jihadi bombers and killers of children, Musa enjoys his freedom after being awarded a ‘salary’ for life.
He gets £605 every month, others get far more. If they die, the cash goes to their family. These men are seen as terrorists, certainly by Israel, and many in the West. But, astonishingly, the money behind these payments – described by some as ‘rewards for murder’ – flows from British and European taxpayers.
The UK cash comes from the Department for International Development, which will give up to £25.5million this year to the ruling Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of a £72million aid package.
Our investigation discovered that the PA passes millions on to the infamous Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) – which in turn gives it to convicted terrorists locked up in Israeli prisons and their families.

The UK cash comes from the Department for International Development, which will give up to £25.5million this year to the ruling Palestinian Authority (PA) as part of a £72million aid package.
Our investigation discovered that the PA passes millions on to the infamous Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) – which in turn gives it to convicted terrorists locked up in Israeli prisons and their families.
Among them are Amjad and Hakim Awad, cousins who killed Ehud and Ruth Fogel and their three children in their West Bank home in 2011. It is estimated that Amjad alone may have been paid up to £16,000 from the fund so far.
Photo on the right:
Hakim Awad (centre, smiling) was also sentenced to life for the murder of the Fogel family. Both killers are estimated to have earned around £16,000 since they were convicted five years ago.
Also on the payroll is Abdallah Barghouti, the Hamas bomb-maker who was sentenced to life after attacks in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. It is thought he has received payments totaling £106,000.
The UK Department for International Development - (Dfid) confirms that the PLO makes such payments, calling them ‘social welfare’ provisions for prisoners’ families.
It denies, however, that any British cash reaches terrorists, with the PLO taking over such payments two years ago from the PA after an international outcry.
But a Mail on Sunday investigation has found that Britain funded the PLO until last year and that the PA openly boasts of still funding salaries of convicted terrorists, even in its own official statements.
Former prisoners and the families of terrorists we have spoken to also confirmed receiving cash from both the PA and the PLO.
British aid money is supposed to be rebuilding and developing the Palestinian territories. However a devastating new report to be released this week by Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli NGO, suggests that Western donors have been duped by assertions that the Authority no longer funds terrorists.
Some Hamas terrorist masterminds have reportedly been given more than £100,000.
Other ‘salaries’ go to relatives of suicide bombers and even teenagers involved in the latest upsurge of deadly attacks on Israel. Several ex-prisoners confirmed to me that they were paid monthly stipends that started in jail.
One said they also received a ‘bonus’ on leaving prison and lucrative civil service job offers, the most senior posts going to those serving more than 15 years behind bars, even though they are not qualified.
PA officials openly defend such stipends. Amr Nasser, adviser to the minister of social affairs, said: ‘It is not a crime to be fighting occupation. These people are heroes.
‘We could be giving them much more money and it would not be enough.’
Nasser added that, if Palestine won independence, the government would seek reparations from Britain for its historic role in encouraging Zionism, saying ‘You should pay us more money.’
Nasser added that, if Palestine won independence, the government would seek reparations from Britain for its historic role in encouraging Zionism, saying ‘You should pay us more money.’
Tory MP Andrew Percy said last night: ‘How can we justify foreign aid as a noble endeavour when taxpayers money goes to pay terrorists? The government has got to get a grip.’
The four million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza receive the highest aid support per head in the world. Few would deny they face unique problems given checkpoints, tough crackdowns and disputed settlements.

In recent months the standoff with Israel has led to fresh violence, with Israelis shot and stabbed and hundreds of Palestinians shot by Israelis. Critics says such attacks are encouraged by the PA diverting funds from public services into generous salaries for convicted terrorists.
Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, said: ‘This serves as a huge financial incentive to carry out acts of terror against Jews.
‘Is it imaginable for a Western government to contemplate subsidising acts of mass murder and terror in this fashion? Yet that is effectively what is happening.’
Among those paid is Abdallah Bargouti, a Hamas leader given 67 life sentences for lethal attacks in 2001 and 2002, including a restaurant bombing that killed 15 diners. He is thought to have earned more than £100,000 since conviction, handed to his family.
The cash-strapped PA relies on foreign aid for nearly half its budget. Yet it gives £79 million a year to prisoners locked up in Israeli jails, former prisoners and their families.
Although DFID says the salaries are ‘social welfare’ provisions, they go to people convicted of ‘acts of resistance’.
The department also insists payments come from the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), which was handed responsibility for prisoner welfare two years ago after concerns over aiding terrorism were raised in Westminster and Brussels.
Yet the father of two brothers jailed for gun attacks on Israeli settlers and soldiers told me he received monthly payments of £428 from the PA as well as £285 from the PLO.
Britain has provided aid in the past to the PLO, although this ceased last year.
The Palestinian Media Watch report suggests that Western donors have been misled by detailing documents and official statements exposing how the PA still funds the salaries of convicted terrorists. (It is a case of wink-wink, you lie, we pretend to believe you. Here is the money.)
The Palestinian Media Watch report suggests that Western donors have been misled by detailing documents and official statements exposing how the PA still funds the salaries of convicted terrorists. (It is a case of wink-wink, you lie, we pretend to believe you. Here is the money.)
Evidence includes the Ministry of Finance saying in an official statement last year it transfers almost half its budget to Gaza, adding this includes ‘the salaries of prisoners, the released and the families of the Martyrs and wounded.’
The report also reveals the PA transferred an extra 444m shekels to the PLO in 2015 - significantly, only marginally more than the 442m shekel budget given to its own Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs the previous year before it transferred responsibility.
Itamar Marcus, the report’s author, said: ‘There is wilful blindness by the UK and EU, who were happy not to even carry out the simplest investigation.’
The group also claims to have discovered two cases of individuals who carried out attacks for cash.
In one, Khalad Rajoub, a father of seven arrested for attempted murder two years ago, told police he had big debts and planned to die during an attack.
He is reported to have said: ‘My family would get money and live comfortably… my children would get a monthly allowance.’

Pet project: The £8million palace built by Palestine, which has received £72million of foreign aid
Pet project: The £8million palace built by Palestine, which has received £72million of foreign aid
A DFID spokesman denied funding terrorism and defended aid support to the PA. ‘This helps build Palestinian institutions and promotes economic growth.’
We give Palestine £72million... so they build an £8million palace.
The sprawling building sits high on a hill, a presidential palace looking down imperiously on thousands of beleaguered West Bank residents crammed in below.
When I visited the impressive mansion on six acres of land, builders were putting finishing touches to its fine limestone walls and water displays. ‘This is like a five-star hotel,’ one security guard told me. ‘It has two helipads, two swimming pools, a Jacuzzi, restaurant… all the latest technology.’
This £9 million palace in Sudra, just weeks away from opening, was designed for Mahmoud Abbas – a president whose domain is so dependent on aid that last year his Palestinian Authority had to pass an emergency budget when some was held up by Israel.
Britain is sending £72 million this year to Palestine, where there is high unemployment, widespread poverty and one in three people are on food aid. Yet cash pours into Abbas’s pet project. A local man said: ‘When people pass here, they spit on the ground.’
In a nearby refugee camp holding 14,000 people, I asked the council leader his view of the palace. ‘Spitting is the least I want to do when I see it – I want to demolish it myself,’ said Mahmoud Mubarak, who added they were struggling to find cash for a community hall.
When a young Palestinian sees this going up, they wonder why it is being built with funds that should go on the people.
When a young Palestinian sees this going up, they wonder why it is being built with funds that should go on the people.
‘If you sit at home with a leaking roof, no food, no money and no job, it’s very upsetting,’ he said.
Queue for UK aid money...for jobs that don't exist
In Gaza – a place where there is rampant poverty – I witnessed bizarre scenes: long queues of people at bank cashpoints.
It was pay day for thousands of civil servants whose salaries are supported by Western aid, even though they have had no jobs since 2007.
Mahmoud, an accountant, said he was given more than £1,000 a month. ‘I just sit at home, spending time with my family. Sometimes I travel abroad to visit relatives,’ he said.
Others admitted to second jobs as shopkeepers and taxi drivers. One ex-teacher, who still draws his £6,000-a-year salary, confessed to running a dairy, completing a master’s degree in Britain and working as a journalist.
Getting paid from Britain while living here means you can have a good life,’ he said.
The salary payments are a legacy of the Palestinian divisions since Hamas took control of Gaza from Fatah, the rival faction recognised by the international community.
At least 60,000 officials were told to stop working by Fatah yet are still being paid. Many of them have been replaced by Hamas officials.
Mohammad Aboshair, 37, a police officer, said: ‘We hoped it would not last long. It is really wrong to stay in our homes and get paid without jobs. I wanted to serve my country, not become a burden – this is crazy.’
Three years ago auditors urged the EU to stop the salaries. Critics condemned ‘blatant misuse of taxpayers’ money’ that undermined the credibility of Brussels when millions of Europeans were jobless.
Dfid sources said the cash went only to civil servants on an approved EU list and insisted they took precautions to ensure British aid did not support Hamas.
Three years ago auditors urged the EU to stop the salaries. Critics condemned ‘blatant misuse of taxpayers’ money’ that undermined the credibility of Brussels when millions of Europeans were jobless.
Dfid sources said the cash went only to civil servants on an approved EU list and insisted they took precautions to ensure British aid did not support Hamas.
And here
Recently the Daily Mail published another article about the immoral and wasteful financial aid to Palestinians, and the EU building of illegal Arab settlements on Jewish land:
Monday, March 14, 2016
- Europe murdered 6 million Jews and today it labels and BOYCOTTS Israeli products, and funds illegal Arab construction and anti-Israeli organizations that undermine security and the law in Israel
- EU illegal construction has been going on for at least SEVEN YEARS while Israeli authorities have done almost nothing to stop it because of an ongoing semi-secret agenda of surrender.
REGAVIM's short video about illegal Arab construction, and the erosion of Israeli sovereignty all over the land, on both sides of the Green Line - with full complicity of left-wing Israeli authorities.
and here: http://regavim.org/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/thetruthfrom
And - #regavim
EXCLUSIVE BY THE UK DAILY MAIL: Outrage as EU claims diplomatic immunity after using OUR aid money to 'meddle in the Middle East' by building on disputed Judea and Samaria (West Bank) land
The EU has built more than 1,000 buildings on the West Bank without planning permission, as well as roads and other infrastructure
They are at 40 locations in Area C, which was placed under Israeli jurisdiction by international law by the Oslo Accords signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority
The buildings are given to Palestinians and paid for using aid money from European countries, including Britain
REGAVIM, an Israeli NGO, launched legal action against the EU
But the EU is claiming diplomatic immunity to avoid being taken to court, MailOnline has learnt
MPs have expressed their fury, branding the EU's actions 'dodgy'
An EU spokesperson said its establishing Arab facts on the ground on Jewish land were 'humanitarian'
The EU is claiming diplomatic immunity after using taxpayers' money to build unauthorised settlements and roads on Israeli parts of the West Bank, MailOnline can reveal.
REGAVIM, an Israeli NGO, launched legal action after photographing EU flags flying above buildings on land placed under Israeli jurisdiction by the Oslo Accords, to which the EU is a signatory. EU bureaucrats are avoiding court by citing diplomatic rules.
The buildings, which are given to Palestinians, are intended to 'pave the way' for more land to be brought under Palestinian control, according to official EU papers. A fraction of them are bulldozed by Israel only for the EU to repeatedly rebuild them, generating more costs for the taxpayer.
Leaked documents obtained by MailOnline show that the EU – which receives £350million per week from Britain – is using diplomatic rules to place officials above the law, foiling attempts to hold bureaucrats accountable.
British MPs have expressed outrage that the EU is using aid money to 'meddle' in a foreign territorial dispute, and branded its actions 'dodgy'.

READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE, along with other related articles:
Western funding
Europe funds terror and hate promotion
Even though western powers have requested that their funding be used for non-terrorism related purposes, any financial assistance given to the Palestinian Authority frees up other funds to be used for supporting terror and paying terrorist salaries, as Palestinian Media Watch has documented.
Therefore, any financial assistance given to the PA that is not conditioned on the cessation of incitement indirectly funds terror and hate promotion.
Read excellent website Palestinian Media Watch news archive on Europe's complicity with Arab terror that kills Jews
http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=520 |
- The Mail on Sunday has launched a petition on the official Parliamentary website calling on the Government to scrap the law requiring us to spend a fixed 0.7 per cent of national wealth on foreign aid. The figure is currently £12 billion and will rise to £16 billion by 2020.
- Rather than helping people who desperately need it, much of this money is wasted and the Great British Giveaway fuels corruption, funds despots and corrodes democracy in developing nations.
- If you want to stop this madness and see that our money is better spent, click here:
- The link will take you to the Parliamentary petitions web site where our petition is displayed. Once you have signed it, please share it with your family and friends using social media. You must be a UK resident or citizen to sign.
- If our petition gets 10,000 signatures, the Government will be forced to respond.
- If 100,000 sign, it will be considered for a debate in Parliament.
- If you want to end the madness, sign our petition here
We spend an eye-watering fixed 0.7 per cent of our nation’s income on aid – the highest of any of the major economies.
The fixed rate massively encourages waste and over-spending. It’s time to find money for projects, NOT projects for money.
Crack down on the contractors getting rich and inflating profits.
All project audits should be done by firms and experts who do not do similar work themselves. Either run projects or evaluate them, not both.
Scrap those aid schemes that are benefiting and propping up repressive one-party states, such as Rwanda and Ethiopia.
Abandon Programme Partnership Arrangements – big payments to favoured charities that are ‘bungs’, not project-based.
Establish an independent whistleblowing unit with investigative powers and annual reports. The Dfid version is notoriously lax and ineffective.
Give more resources to inspect firms, crack down on contractors, probe projects and sectors, and encourage a tougher stance on corruption, waste and human rights abuses.
English lessons for North Korea
English funds for an Afghan-Pakistani football match
- Read about the daily Muslim attacks on Jews in Israel
- Read about the lynching of two innocent Jewish men in Ramallah by a Palestinian mob with cannibalistic behavior
The British betrayal of their
League of Nations Mandate for Palestine
Read more
Britain funding payments to murderers of the Fogel Family
- Scenes of the massacre.
Terrorism Against Israel:
Comprehensive Listing of Fatalities since 1993
Arch terrorist, Chief of the Palestinian Authority, financial mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes, warmly greeted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Francois Hollande:
LINK TO the previous March 27 article based on the Daily Mail series on British funding of Palestinian terror
EXPOSED: THE UK ENCOURAGED GENOCIDAL ARAB ATTACK ON ISRAEL back in 1948 - And to this day it continues to support those same aims under the guise of "land for peace"
On this page:
Continue reading.
See pictures of the War of Independence
and a brief outline of the War
Intelligence obtained by the French secret services in the Middle East sheds new light on Britain’s role in the Arab-Israeli War of Independence.
British Prime Minister Clement Attlee and Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin
On this page:
- Read research article by historian Meir Zamir
- See photos of the Israeli War of Independence - 1947-48
- See map for UN proposed partition of Israel then
- See map of White House and EU proposed partition of Israel now.
- And read brief outline of the War of Independence by historian Netanel Lorch
September 11, 1947. On the eve of the Arab League’s political committee meeting to decide on the Arab response to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) report [supporting the end of the British mandate and partitioning the land between Jews and Arabs], the Lebanese newspaper L’Orient published an article.
Continue reading.
See pictures of the War of Independence
and a brief outline of the War
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