We are being manipulated. We don't always know how, but we sense that political and financial interests have mastered the art of pushing our emotional buttons while exploiting our ignorance in order to advance their agendas.
The list of current issues that are - if not completely manufactured - at least significantly distorted is long.
Here is a small sample:

Until scandals exploded in her face, Hillary Clinton was being pushed as the most logical Democrat candidate to the presidency because she is a woman. In other words, her gender was her leading attribute for the presidency.
Having a woman president trumped all other concerns about her disturbing track record dating back to her years as a lawyer in Arkansas. Feminist propaganda and political correctness has that numbing effect on us.
2) Climate change as the biggest threat ever
It has been defined by top world leaders as the biggest threat to humans and to the planet. It used to be called global warming, but that got discredited very quickly, so the threat was redefined as climate change, which covers all possibilities.
It has been defined by top world leaders as the biggest threat to humans and to the planet. It used to be called global warming, but that got discredited very quickly, so the threat was redefined as climate change, which covers all possibilities.
However, world climate is in constant flux. That shouldn't be "news". The history of planet Earth has been dramatic: continents have shifted again and again; there were times when our atmosphere was toxic to life; and we have had "snowball Earth" periods when our entire planet was covered with ice, although volcanos eventually took care of that.
What is a real threat to humans and to life on this planet is nuclear power in its many forms. Nuclear power plants can go into complete meltdown if our power grid is ever destroyed. And what could do that?
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Illustration of terror nuclear explosion in the atmosphere |
A nuclear device exploded in the atmosphere could cause an EMP effect - an electromagnetic pulse that would fry the power grid and all electronics, unleashing the meltdown of dozens of nuclear power plants in the affected area, which could be the entire United States and Canada. A major solar flare coming in our direction could do the same thing.
That could happen tomorrow. And yet, we are not prepared for that, and the media rarely mentions it.
The destruction of the power grid would plunge Canada and the US into the stone age. Anything that needs computers to function, including transportation, would come to a halt.
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The radioactive plume from Fukushima to our W. coast |
The destruction of the power grid would plunge Canada and the US into the stone age. Anything that needs computers to function, including transportation, would come to a halt.
Nuclear power - and not climate change - is the real nightmare. But we don't hear much about that because those who manipulate us don't want us to turn against nuclear power and the ticking bombs called nuclear power plants. There is too much money invested in them.
Canada, my country, just made a terrific deal to sell tons of uranium to India for their nuclear industry.
3) SHHH - Don't mention OVERPOPULATION
The subject of overpopulation has become taboo, perhaps because it is most prominent among people of color. Although Western women are having fewer babies than ever, people from other cultures continue to reproduce at an alarming rate. Their babies will demand more natural resources, and will originate more waste. They will cut down the remaining trees; continue to poison rivers, lakes, and oceans with their pollution; raise, torture and slaughter billions of animals for consumption, and drive wildlife to extinction.
The subject of overpopulation has become taboo, perhaps because it is most prominent among people of color. Although Western women are having fewer babies than ever, people from other cultures continue to reproduce at an alarming rate. Their babies will demand more natural resources, and will originate more waste. They will cut down the remaining trees; continue to poison rivers, lakes, and oceans with their pollution; raise, torture and slaughter billions of animals for consumption, and drive wildlife to extinction.
Activists who claim to love planet Earth should spend their time advocating for zero population growth instead of the myriad of little projects to make the world "greener".
The fact is that all their so-called green solutions have backfired. Solar panels and wind turbines kill millions of birds.
The problem is not fossil fuels as much as the out-of-control reproductive growth of humans on this planet.
Those are big manipulative projects, and not hard to understand once we have the facts.
But there are other more historical manipulations that have propagated like a virus, covering up or distorting well documented facts and logical thinking.
One of them is calling Israelis "Nazis" while obscuring the enthusiastic participation by the Mufti of Jerusalem, the Palestinian Arab leader at the time, in the design and implementation of the Holocaust.
The genocidal Nazi ideology is still very much alive in the Muslim world, and very particularly among Palestinians, who demonize Jews and plan the eventual destruction of the Jewish people.
The other blatant propaganda manipulation is accusing Israel of Apartheid, while covering up the historical and ongoing discrimination and apartheid against Jews by Muslim societies.
Israeli Apartheid?
Critics like to use the word Apartheid to demonize Israel. This in spite of unquestionable historical facts, which have been paved over with relentless propaganda.
There is no separation between Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews. Israeli Arabs participate fully in Israeli society, except that they don't take part in the defense of the country.
But there is separation between Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority - who used to have Jordanian citizenship until Jordan revoked it - and the rest of Israelis.
But there is separation between Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority - who used to have Jordanian citizenship until Jordan revoked it - and the rest of Israelis.
That separation was not significant until the PLO inflamed the situation with their bloody intifada that killed and injured thousands of Israelis. Fences were built for security, and even a wall went up to protect civilians from snipers.
Activists condemn Israel for not giving Palestinians Israeli citizenship. But how could Israel do that when Palestinians constantly swear to take over Israel and kill the Jews? Palestinian Arabs would not want to become Israelis to contribute to their country, but to destroy it.
The following short article is not a scholarly one. It is merely an outline of facts. But it is a starting point to understand how actual Arab Apartheid against Jews was turned upside down by propaganda to be perceived as Israeli Apartheid against Arabs.
Apartheid, the Truth
By Batya Medad
Apartheid is the epitome of segregation. It was the official term in South Africa for the legal policy of restricting rights of the native Black Africans. Nowadays, people claim that it exits in Israel against Arabs, but the truth is very different.
n.noun An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
There are many more restrictions of Jewish Israelis than on Arabs in Israel.
OK, to be clear, I define "Israel" as the Land of Israel and all of the Land the League of Nations mandated to Great Britain to develop into a Jewish State and Land that Israel liberated in the 1967 Six Days War.
This is the map of the land that the League of Nations had decided should be a Jewish State.
OK, to be clear, I define "Israel" as the Land of Israel and all of the Land the League of Nations mandated to Great Britain to develop into a Jewish State and Land that Israel liberated in the 1967 Six Days War.
This is the map of the land that the League of Nations had decided should be a Jewish State.

Franco-British Boundary Convention Mandate for Palestine Map
Great Britain illegally chopped off much more than half, everything east of the Jordan River and gave it to the Hashemites who were not native to the area at all. They then declared Abdullah the Hashemite as Emir of Transjordan.
The Jordanian monarchy was set up in 1921, with the help of Britain. The sons of Hussein bin Ali, the Sharif and Emir of Mecca from 1908 until 1917, were set up as kings of Iraq and Jordan.
In Jordan, Abdullah I was made Emir of Transjordan, a post he held from 11 April 1921 until Transjordan was granted independence on 25 May 1946 as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.
Abdullah was crowned the country's first king. The country's name was shortened to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 3 April 1949. (Wikipedia)
That's illegal occupation if anything is!!
And if you want to check out a Jewish community and Jewish Rights in Jordan, then and today, you'll easily discover that it's judenrein, yes, the Nazi term for an area cleansed of its Jews.
And if you want to check out a Jewish community and Jewish Rights in Jordan, then and today, you'll easily discover that it's judenrein, yes, the Nazi term for an area cleansed of its Jews.
Judenfrei ("free of Jews") or Judenrein ("clean of Jews") was a Nazi term to designate an area "cleansed" of Jewish presence during The Holocaust.[1] While Judenfrei referred merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish inhabitants, the term Judenrein (literally "clean of Jews") was also used. This had the stronger connotation that any trace of Jewish blood had been removed as an impurity.[2] (Wikipedia)
Please don't ignore the timing of the invention of Jordan.
It's barely a decade before the beginning of Nazism and explains why the Government of Great Britain never protested the Nazi persecution and murder of its Jewish population.
Even though the League of Nations was clear in what it demanded of Great Britain, the British did its best to sabotage the creation of a Jewish State. It only fought the Nazis to preserve its own sovereignty.
Transjordan/Jordan was established for the sole purpose to keep Jews out-- apartheid- of the historic and documented Land of Israel.
Post-World War Two the British helped the Arabs in their attacks on the State of Israel, and was one of the only two countries to recognize Jordan's illegal occupation of what they called the "West Bank," which was the land between the ceasefire lines and the Jordan River.
Transjordan/Jordan was established for the sole purpose to keep Jews out-- apartheid- of the historic and documented Land of Israel.
Post-World War Two the British helped the Arabs in their attacks on the State of Israel, and was one of the only two countries to recognize Jordan's illegal occupation of what they called the "West Bank," which was the land between the ceasefire lines and the Jordan River.
Jewish communities were massacred or forcefully taken from their homes, held in Jordan, and eventually released to Israel. Judenrein state of Jordan.
And today most of the world, including a shocking amount of Jews and Israelis, still support apartheid against Jews in the Land of Israel.
We're condescendingly told that it is for our own good and safety, because if we enter, we may not come out alive.
We're condescendingly told that it is for our own good and safety, because if we enter, we may not come out alive.
Now, they see nothing wrong or immoral in Arab terrorism. They do not condemn or try to stop the terrorist activity, but they placate them by giving them freedom of movement. Yes, the Arabs can travel all over, but we Jewish Israelis can't. That is the "apartheid" we have here. It is against Jews!

Palestinian Authority Apartheid. No Jews allowed. Jews have been lynched for taking a wrong turn and finding themselves near a Palestinian town. The Palestinian Authority rules over areas that are the very heartland of Jewish history, such as the towns of Hebron and Bethlehem.
Why don't natural disaster documentaries tell the truth about threats to nuclear facilities?
This post has references to possible nuclear meltdown caused by natural disasters.
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Snowball Earth
License to Kill: Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats
FEAR OF EMP NUCLEAR ATTACK PROMPTS PENTAGON TO REOPEN CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN - An EMP event from a nuclear bomb or a major solar flare would fry the electrical grid and ALL ELECTRONICS indefinitely - Nuclear power plants would suffer full meltdown - There would be millions of victims of radiation, violence, and famine

EMP file on this blog
One solar flare, or one nuclear device exploded in the atmosphere would unleash Armageddon
The Overpopulation Taboo

Read more
MEDIA MALPRACTICE IN THE COVERAGE OF ISRAEL as exposed by former AP correspondent Matti Friedman
"The international press in Israel had become less an observer of the conflict than a player in it. It had moved away from careful explanation and toward a kind of political character assassination."
Photo: Matti Friedman
The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - The facts
By Eli H. Hertz
Fully referenced account of the Mandate, and how Britain violated it by creating Jordan and by sabotaging the reconstitution of the State of Israel.
Discrimination at Temple Mount
Read news archive on the subject of Temple Mount, and how Jews are harassed by Arabs and arrested by Israeli police for bowing their heads or moving their lips at the most sacred of Jewish sites, which was handed over to the Arabs after the 1967 war, in a gesture of reconciliation.
The Temple Mount is where Solomon's Temple and the Arc of the Covenant were located until destroyed and looted by the Romans.
The Muslim conquerors built a mosque on top of it, hence their efforts to bar Jews from anywhere near it.
Israeli Apartheid in posters
May the world hear your cries for help -
What if Jesus lived in Judea today? He would be called an "occupier".
And remembering the lynching of two Israelis by an Arab mob in the Palestinian town of Ramallah.
Arabs massacre rabbis praying at a Jerusalem synagogue
Israel needs checkpoints and walls to reduce the number of Arab attacks on Jews.
WORLD'S HYPOCRISY OVER ISIS MURDER OF JORDANIAN PILOT and other Muslim victims, while it ignores Jewish victims -
JORDAN is outraged but its government HONORS PALESTINIAN TERRORISTS who murder Jewish civilians -
Jordan's ongoing violation of human rights -
And how Jordan destroyed synagogues and used Jewish tombstones as LATRINES during their occupation of Jerusalem
Discrimination at Temple Mount
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Arabs harassing Jews at Temple Mount |
Read news archive on the subject of Temple Mount, and how Jews are harassed by Arabs and arrested by Israeli police for bowing their heads or moving their lips at the most sacred of Jewish sites, which was handed over to the Arabs after the 1967 war, in a gesture of reconciliation.
The Temple Mount is where Solomon's Temple and the Arc of the Covenant were located until destroyed and looted by the Romans.
The Muslim conquerors built a mosque on top of it, hence their efforts to bar Jews from anywhere near it.
Israeli Apartheid in posters
May the world hear your cries for help -
What if Jesus lived in Judea today? He would be called an "occupier".
And remembering the lynching of two Israelis by an Arab mob in the Palestinian town of Ramallah.
Arabs massacre rabbis praying at a Jerusalem synagogue
Israel needs checkpoints and walls to reduce the number of Arab attacks on Jews.
Jordan's parliament -
A moment of silence for Arab terrorists who murder Jews
JORDAN is outraged but its government HONORS PALESTINIAN TERRORISTS who murder Jewish civilians -
Jordan's ongoing violation of human rights -
And how Jordan destroyed synagogues and used Jewish tombstones as LATRINES during their occupation of Jerusalem
Jews being expelled from their ancient land in Jerusalem by the Jordanian Muslim occupier.
They are seen heading to the Zion gate under the watch of a Jordanian soldier.
More archival photos of Israel

By Salim Mansur
Photo on the right shows the Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, during World War II in conference with Adolf Hitler. While Hitler had originally wanted to expel all European Jews, it was the Palestinian Mufti that prodded the Nazis into exterminating the Jews instead. His plans included death camps in Palestine.

Same genocidal ideology, same symbols, same goals
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