Forget Grumpy Cat! Talented feline with a fondness for standing up on his hind legs like a meerkat is the latest picture-perfect pet to take the internet by storm. Despite his disgruntled face, George is the friendliest cat the family have ever met.
He turned a liability into an asset. George2Legs has short front legs.
A cat who prefers to stand up on two paws has become the latest feline internet sensation, thanks to his super strong back legs.
George, the Munchkin-Exotic Short Hair cross, perches on his hind legs when he is introduced to someone new, can't see the TV or just fancies a nose around.
When his owner Andrew Park posted a series of pictures on his George2Legs Facebook and Instagram accounts, commenters went crazy for the cute cat and now George has a growing fan base of thousands.
He started showing his ability from the start.
'George is adorable but we have no idea why he stands on his back legs all the time,' Andrew said.
'He just started doing it and now whenever he feels like it, he perches on his back leg like a meerkat.'
Andrew, 28, his wife Koa, 32, and their two children Andyn, three, and Rhyan Patterson, 15, brought George back to their home in Austin, Texas, last August aged just six weeks.
And within a matter of weeks he began happily perching on his back legs - but none of the family know how or why he developed the unusual habit.

The family also have two pugs, Apples and Banana, but George quickly proved he was the king of the castle in the house early on and now the pugs follow him around.
'He has really short front legs - I think it's a genetic mutation linked to the breed - so maybe it's easier to stand up than it is to crawl up somewhere,' Andrew, who works in marketing, said.

'If there's a noise in the other room, he always does it.
'When we think he really wants to look at something or know what's going on we also find him doing it.
'Or if anyone runs a bath - we don't know why but that sends him crazy and he will run in to nudge them and then stand waiting for them.
'But it's completely up to him. We've got no control over it.
'And he started doing it as soon as he was old enough to clamber up.

Worth getting up for? Mr Park explains that George stands up whenever someone new enters the room, if there is food that can be reached, or if he can't see the TV
In a bid to share the joy that George brings them, Andrew and Koa posted a few of his pictures on Facebook and were overwhelmed by the response.
'Once I posted a few snaps on facebook all my friends kept asking me to set up a profile just for him so they could follow what he was doing,' Koa said.
Andrew added: 'When we first started posting on facebook we couldn't believe the kind of response he got so I decided it was time the internet should see George and put some pictures on reddit.
'Then when I woke up the next morning I couldn't believe it - thousands of people were commenting and liking him.
'He brings us so much joy and happiness that we thought we should share that with other people.'
But despite his disgruntled face, George is the friendliest cat the family have ever met.
'When people come round they are just infatuated with him.
'He wakes me up every morning by crawling on my chest and miaow-ing in my face.
'We wish we had taken photos of him sooner.'

Festive fun: George, who is pictured with Mr Park's eldest daughter Rhyan, 15, is used to getting his way around the house

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