Anti-Israel propaganda presents the distorted view of Israel as an occupier of Arab land, a military giant oppressing the Palestinians, who have to resort to throwing rocks and launching low-tech rockets to liberate their land.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, Israel has always been, and continues to be, another David facing a much larger Goliath: the much better armed Arab world and Iran.
The following video is a must.
In only four minutes it explains what odds is Israel facing today, who are its enemies, and how well armed they are.
As you watch it, please keep in mind that the United States has been arming Israel's enemies with the latest military weapons and technology for many decades already. And that the White House and the European Union generously finance the terrorist Palestinian Authority that kills Jews and wants to destroy the state of Israel - one "peace" at the time.
Considering the troubled history of US-Israel relations, it is quite obvious that while US presidents pledge support to Israel with one hand, with the other they arming and empowering Israel's enemies.
Three times Arab countries have tried to destroy Israel and massacre the Jews
They tried it in 1948. Then in 1967. Then in 1973.
After that they used the tricks of US diplomacy, and got the Sinai and Gaza without firing a single shot (both of which became cauldrons of jihadism).
When Arabs lose a war, it's just another failure.
They always recover, with the help from the USA. To try again.
If Israel loses just one war, it would suffer a second Holocaust.
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964. That was long before the 1967 war when Israel was attacked by a coalition of Arab countries who wanted to massacre all Israelis. The attackers asked the Arabs to get out of the way and flee, so that their armies could better deal with the Jews.
The Arab Refugees
Those Arabs who fled to other Arab countries are still called "refugees". A separate United Nations refugee agency - UNRWA - was set up especially for to keep them in refugee camps indefinitely and never give them a chance for a new life elsewhere, as is the case with other refugees. They live miserable lives and are used as pawns in the war against Israel.
The Liberation of Jewish Land in 1967
In the war of 1967 the Jews won against all odds, and on top of that they managed to liberate Biblical Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights - an act that the Arabs and their friends would eventually call "the occupation".
Who is the Real Occupier?
This term 'occupation' is misleading because Jews lived on the land for thousands of years, while the Arabs came in from the Saudi peninsula in the 7th century as conquerors and OCCUPIERS. Jews are the indigenous people of Israel. Half of Israeli Jews are refugees from Arab countries or their children - they are not Europeans.
Is it Peace that the Arabs seek?
So, what was the original intent of the PLO? To destroy Israel. All of it.
And the "resistance," as they call it, is not a struggle using stones and home-made rockets. The resistance is terror that has killed or maimed thousands of Israelis.
Just this week a US court determined that the PLO was responsible for acts of terror against American citizens, and awarded the US victims' families the amount of $218.5 million.
To this day the 'moderate' Palestinian Authority (PA) pays salaries to the families of terrorists who kill Jews, and the perpetrators are officially honored as heroes.
To this day the PA incites terror and demonizes Jews.
And that's just the 'moderate' Palestinians. Hamas does not even pretend to be moderate. They are quite open in their genocidal intents.
Add to that the military wing of 'moderate' Fatah, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, whose job is to terrorize Israelis. So while Mahmoud Abbas wears his expensive and elegant suit and attends diplomatic meetings, his armed wing wrecks havoc among Israelis.
But that's not all. Israel has uncovered ISIS cells in Judea and Samaria (West Bank). ISIS is already established in Gaza.
In the meantime Hamas and Fatah have been at each other's throats for years. Sometimes they appear to get along, and sometimes they kill each other. That's the Middle East.
Does the World need Another Dysfunctional Arab State?
So the questions that we need to ask is what kind of state would result from the Two-States solution?
The answer is obvious. Just look at their culture right now. And look at the never stopping bloodshed in the neighborhood.
Muslims have been slaughtering each other ever since the death of Mohammed, when they could not agree on his legitimate successor (Shia-Sunni divide). Do we expect them to ever make peace with the Jews?
Video link
Danny Ayalon, Founder of the "Truth About Israel", Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Israeli Ambassador to the United States explains the facts relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on his YouTube channel.
Palestinian terrorism verdict shatters long-held myths and illusions
US court awards millions to American victims of Palestinian terror
Palestinian Authority pays salaries to terrorists - news file
Palestinian Authority consistently and officially honor terrorists as martyrs and heroes - news file
What Palestinians really think and really want - in their own words
Palestinian Media Watch (recommended)

Arab refugees - Discrimination and abuse of Palestinian refugees by ARAB countries
By Prof. Francisco Gil-White (Prof. Gil-White is not Jewish)
Part 2 - http://www.hirhome.com/israel/hirally2.htm
On the following map the State of Israel is that tiny sliver in red.
The Arabs want it.
On the following map the State of Israel is that tiny sliver in red.
The Arabs want it.
All countries in green on this map are Arab countries.
Much of the rest of Africa and Asia is Muslim as well.
Those populations became Muslim through brutal conquest and occupation,
much like ISIS is conquering territory these days.

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