Russian city wakes up to find it is covered in BLUE snow: Bizarre weather strikes remote area that was hit by a meteorite in 2013
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Yesterday, local media reported people’s concerns – and a news presenter Alexandra Artamonova, from Telefact, said she felt a ‘sweet taste in the mouth’ simply from standing near the snow. She added that people had been complaining of a sore throat after passing near the contaminated area.
It was also reported that the government had not responded to the case.
Local resident Dmitry Kudryonok told RT.com: ‘As the sun rose today, everyone notices the blue rooftops, blue parking lots. We started panicking a bit.’ He added the snow, which he said smelt a little bit like iron, brightened up the area’s gloomy surroundings.

Two years ago, more than 1,500 people were injured from flying glass and debris after a relatively small asteroid exploded in the atmosphere over Chelyabinsk.
The meteor, which exploded near the city in February 2013, was the largest recorded meteor strike in more than a century.
2007 - Putrid smelling orange snow falls in Siberia
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