A choreography of deceit in Norway -
while the crowds and the media fall for it
Dr. Bill Warner speaks of deception (Takiyya)
as sanctioned by Islam's sacred texts.
It's acceptable to lie to non-Muslims
as long as the lie advances Islam
4 minute video
- Peace Circle organizer Muhammad Ali Christi has told the media he hates Jews, and has falsely accused Jews of many things, including the 9/11 attacks
- The title of one of his speeches was "Therefore I hate Jews and Gays"
- For the first time there is a significant surge of protest against the Islamization of Europe, and in favor of a moratorium on Muslim immigration.
- European Muslims notice how the tide is turning against them, and so their leadership tries to stem it with positive PR such as the Peace Circle.
- Muslims are attempting to portray the anti-Islamization movement as the equivalent of anti-Semitism.
- Media Hoax: Pictures from multiple angles show that there were not enough people to form a ring, so the locals (about 20) instead formed a horizontal line in front of the synagogue. But they still call it a "ring". (Breitbart).
- See extensive reference list at the end of this page for links and articles on Islam ideology and the Islamization of the West.
Following are excerpts of media comments on the fake Peace Circle of Oslo.
There are some troubling elements with the event.
Elements like the apparent linking of antisemitism with “Islamophobia.”
Chanting “No to anti-Semitism, no to Islamophobia,” Norway’s Muslims formed what they called a ring of peace a week after Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, a Danish-born son of Palestinian immigrants, killed two people at a synagogue and an event promoting free speech in Copenhagen last weekend.
When you fail to leave your own agenda at home, this isn’t about protecting victims, it’s about you grinding your “Islamophobia” narrative.
But some members of his community said the event was tainted because of anti-Semitic statements that one of its eight organizers made in 2008, and because he said this week that he dislikes people who support Israel.
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Ok, people can change, but Chisti is still clearly anti-Israel. And while he seems to post against the likes of ISIS, he also has posted this on his FB page, which seems to back Jihad.
Ok, people can change, but Chisti is still clearly anti-Israel. And while he seems to post against the likes of ISIS, he also has posted this on his FB page, which seems to back Jihad.
· October 21, 2014 ·
“When I am in the battlefield, I love it more than my wedding night with the most beautiful of women”
Khalid bin Walid(r.a)
Khalid bin Walid(r.a)
Read more
MEDIA HOAX - The weekend’s feel-good story about a Muslim “ring of peace” formed to “protect” Jews at an Oslo synagogue turned out to be a complete fabrication by the mainstream media, according to an eyewitness report, local officials, and attendees’ photos.
local news outlet explained how the media got to its “1,300 Muslims” number. “According to police, there were 1300 persons present in the event. Very many of them ethnic Norwegians,” read a translated report from Osloby.no.
Demonstrators also reportedly chanted, “No to anti-Semitism, no to Islamophobia,” conflating criticism of Islam and hatred of Jews.
Photos pulled off of social media appear to corroborate the narrative that only twenty or so people formed the “peace ring.”
Multiple news outlets, including wire services for hundreds of news sites, ran with the false narrative that 1,000 or more people–sometimes all of them Muslim–formed the ring of peace outside of the Oslo synagogue.
The AP incorrectly reported, “More than 1,000 people have formed a ‘ring of peace’ outside Oslo’s main synagogue at the initiative of a group of young Muslims.”
AFP reports almost identically, “More than 1,000 people formed a ‘ring of peace’ Saturday outside Oslo’s main synagogue at the initiative of a group of young Muslims.
The newswire agency has no excuse for the false report, as it had a photographer taking shots of the “ring” at the scene–and one shows a man who appears to be at the end of the line of hand-holders, with his left hand in his pocket.

The far-left Think Progress site published a story titled, “More Than A Thousand Muslims Form Human Shield Around Norewegian Synagogue After Copenhagen Attacks.”
Even Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported, “More than 1,000 Muslims formed a human shield around an Oslo synagogue on February 21, offering symbolic protection for the city’s Jewish community and condemning an attack on a synagogue in neighboring Denmark the previous weekend.”
In even worse news, it appears as if the organizer of the Muslim “peace ring” is a virulent anti-Semite, 9/11 truther, a gay-basher, and an Israel-hater.
Israel Matzav reports:
A big deal has been made this weekend about a 'peace ring' that was formed by about 1,000 people - 'many of them Muslims' - around an Oslo synagogue. But the 'peace ring' has already been tainted.
The organizers, many of them Muslims, had planned the initiative with the endorsement of the Jewish community to protest the slaying on Feb. 15 by an Islamist of a Jewish volunteer guard at the main synagogue of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ervin Kohn, head of the Jewish community of Oslo, told JTA he thought the initiative was “extremely positive” and said it could change the dynamics of minority relations in Scandinavia.
But some members of his community said the event was tainted because of anti-Semitic statements that one of its eight organizers made in 2008, and because he said this week that he dislikes people who support Israel.
Ali Chishti confirmed on Saturday in an interview with Verdens Gang, a highbrow Norwegian newspaper, that he delivered on March 22, 2008, in Oslo a speech on the alleged involvement of Jews in planning the 9/11 Twin Towers bombings in New York. The speech’s title was: ”Therefore I Hate Jews and Gays,” the paper reported, though Chishti said he was not the one who came up with the title.
“There were several thousand Jews away from work in the World Trade Center, and why there were more Jews in Mumbai when Pakistani terrorists attacked than usual?” he said then, repeating the conspiracy theory that Jews knew in advance of the attack that killed thousands.
“Jews are a small group, but everyone knows that they have a lot of power,” he said.
In Saturday interviews, he retracted his words. In an interview with the daily Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, he said they were “anti-Semitic” and “unacceptable.”
“I was angry,” he told Verdens Gang. “I have since changed my views.” But he also said he “dislikes” people who support “an occupying force that has been condemned in several United Nations resolutions.”
“I think it is important to distinguish between being critical of Israel and anti-Semitism,” he also told Verdens Gang.
We've all heard that one before. But as has been proven time and time again, non-Jews who are anti-Israel are anti-Semitic.
Zionism is a Jewish and a European ideology. It was born in Europe as a response to a hatred of Jews. A hatred whose very name, anti-Semitism, was coined by a Jew hater who wanted his hatred to sound more scientific. Every time you hear someone arguing they can’t be anti-Semitic because they’re a Semite you’ll see his effort bearing fruit.
The only reason Israel exists is because of Europe’s shabby treatment of Jews. The fact that in the 21st century Jews are still abandoning Europe to flock to Israel is a harsh reminder of European failure vis a vis the Jews. No wonder European politicians are taking it personally it’s a harsh indictment of their ineffectiveness.
In April in Southampton at a conference entitled ‘International Law and the State of Israel’ Zionism will be attacked on the grounds of human rights. This is Europe’s big issue.
The liberal breeding ground for ideas of tolerance, enlightenment and many other nice, fluffy philosophies will always have an issue with Zionism, a Jewish ideology that holds a mirror up to ‘enlightened’ Europe and shows it the real reflection of itself.
After all how enlightened can Europe be if the Jews can’t find a home there? Rather than deal with the ramifications of such a question European intellectuals would far rather attack and attempt to de-legitimise Israel. It’s easier and requires a great deal less soul searching.
In Southampton the usual arguments against Israel will be rolled out. Israel will be attacked as an ethnic state that doesn’t provide human rights or democracy for all it’s citizens. It will be decried as supremacist when in reality it’s existence is simply the result of Jews creating a state where they can find the equality that so eluded them in Europe. Of course if Europe had provided these rights to Jews in the first place Zionism would never have been born.
Furthermore if the Europeans had managed to create an environment where Jews were treated as equals they wouldn’t be fleeing now.
Zionism serves to tell Europeans that the societies of which they’re so proud are failing. It’s this critique which is the reason we see such utter defensiveness on a Channel 4 interview where an Israeli journalist who exposed anti-Semitism was accused of “provocation.”
We see it when politicians react to an Israeli Prime Minister’s call for Jews to leave Europe with righteous indignation and personal attacks.
It’s much easier to celebrate the irrelevant actions of a couple of Muslim activists or to attack Bibi Netanyahu or even to post armed guards to synagogues than it is to change the underlying problems in European society that ensure thousands of young European Muslims are running off to fight and die in the Islamic State.
For years it was presented as two little boys, one Jewish, one Arab, just wanting to live in peace.
Pro-Arab, and pro-partition-of-Israel activists are desperate to bolster their non-existent arguments for Arabs wanting to live in peace with the Jews, that they resort to deceptions such as this one. A choreographed picture was presented as fact.
The two children were Jews posing for an article on McLeans magazine trying to sell the supposed benefits of the Oslo Accords. The signing of the Oslo Accords - meant to empower the Palestinians - unleashed vicious Arab violence that resulted in the murder and maiming of thousands of Israelis - in the name of "peace".
Israel Matzav reports:
The Israeli boy in the yarmulke is Zvi Shapiro, the son of two secular American-Israelis. The Palestinian boy is Zemer Aloni, an Israeli Jew.
The only real aspect of the photo is that the boys were indeed friends and that the picture was taken in their Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Tor, which straddles the 1949 armistice line and contains both a Jewish and an Arab section.
The boys grew up on the Jewish side of the neighborhood, and while they both recall interactions with Palestinians, neither counted close friends on the other side of the line.
The picture was taken by Ricki Rosen, an American photojournalist who has been covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for 26 years. Rosen snapped the photo on assignment for Maclean’s, the national news magazine of Canada, for a cover story about the Oslo Peace Accords.
Rosen said that the magazine’s art director was so specific in what he wanted that he even drew her a picture — one boy in a yarmulke, the other in a keffiyeh shot from the back walking down a long road, which was supposed to symbolize the road to peace. He didn’t care whether the boys were actually Israelis or Palestinians, nor did it occur to him that the Palestinian’s keffiyeh would be styled in a way more typical for elderly Palestinian men than for young boys.
“It was a symbolic illustration,” said Rosen. “It was never supposed to be a documentary photo.” She also took other real-life photos for the same article.
Rosen, who also lived in Abu Tor, asked her neighbor Haim Shapiro, then a reporter for the Jerusalem Post, if he would be willing to volunteer his young son for the Jewish boy in the assignment. “If there was any place to find a Palestinian kid who would agree to do this, it would have been Abu Tor,” said Rosen. “But I didn’t look because I thought it would be a very difficult thing.
"The relations had completely broken down after the first intifada, and Palestinians were very fearful of being seen as collaborating with Israelis because collaborators were being killed.”
Instead, Zvi Shapiro’s best friend Zemer Aloni, who lived a block away, would wear the keffiyeh. Aloni said that the fact that he has “Eastern roots” — his father is an Iranian Jew — made him an appropriate choice for the job.
On the day of the shoot, Rosen brought a keffiyeh that she used to leave on her dashboard on reporting trips to the West Bank during the first intifada — a safeguard against her vehicle being pelted by stones and Molotov cocktails — and dressed 12-year-old Aloni in it. Zvi Shapiro, then 11, donned a yarmulke, and the two went for a walk on the nearby Sherover Promenade.
Source - http://israelmatzav.blogspot.ca/2014/12/just-like-peace-it-represents.html“Ricki told us to just talk to each other,” said Shaprio. “It’s also funny because I don’t think we would have necessarily put our arms around each other the way we are.” Rosen shot several images of the pair that day, including one from the front that is rarely reproduced.
Antisemitism - A website reporting ongoing anti-Semitic attacks, many of them in Europe, many of them perpetrated by followers of the Religion of Peace.
Europe News - An overview of terror and Islamization in Europe
Bill Warner - Political Islam (recommended)
Money Jihad (recommended)
The Muslim Issue
Soeren Kern
Creeping Sharia
Gates of Vienna
Geert Wilders
Tundra Tabloids
Andrew Bostom
Vlad Tepes
The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Jihad Watch
Palestinian Media Watch
Militant Islam Monitor
Barenaked Islam
The Religion of Peace - 25,176 Muslim attacks since 9/11
The Myths of Islam
Islam's history
Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons
Killings for Islam
Koran as hate speech
Islam terror and genocide through the centuries
Professor Bill Warner: Video - Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam. He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.
Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam
Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam
Other sources
Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.
ISIS is selling women as slaves. Nothing new, as you can see. Slavery is part of Islam
Myths of Islam -
The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) - http://civilusdefendus.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/4-stages-of-islamic-conquest/
What the Koran says about violence -
Islam and human rights
Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)
Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.
ISIS is selling women as slaves. Nothing new, as you can see. Slavery is part of Islam
Myths of Islam -
The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) - http://civilusdefendus.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/4-stages-of-islamic-conquest/
What the Koran says about violence -
Islam and human rights
Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)
The greatest genocide:
At least 250 million non-Muslims slaughtered by Islam through the centuries
At least 250 million non-Muslims slaughtered by Islam through the centuries
The PEGIDA anti-Islamization movement in Europe
What the media are hiding
The PEGIDA anti-Islamization movement in Europe
What the media are hiding
More Islam-related articles on this blog
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