
The two images are factual and depict how Palestinians in authority deal with adversaries, dissenters and those accused of collaboration.
The posters appeared on several campuses but were taken down under orders from university authorities. This is puzzling, as those who are anti-Israel are free to allege all kinds of defamatory and inciteful allegations against the Jewish state, do it in downright genocidal and anti-Semitic language, and still get away with it in the name of freedom of speech.
These photographs depicting how Palestinians deal with opponents were ordered taken down by university authorities at UCLA and other campuses.

The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has accused the posters of constituting hate speech, specifically of being “Islamophobic” and “anti-Arab.” This is a typical SJP deception since the posters say nothing about Islam or Arabs.
SJP at UCLA and on campuses across the country, however, is a hate group that targets Jews and their supporters, spreads lies about the Jewish state and calls for its destruction — an act of genocide.
For a full account of the many examples of SJP’s Israel-hating radicalism, check out the group’s profile here on the Freedom Center’s Discover the Network website.
It relates the origins, development, funding sources and connections, and activities of SJP including the campus staging of Israeli Apartheid Week designed to portray Israelis as genocidal oppressors.
That annual campaign includes students simulating the rape or killing of pregnant Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers, the establishment of mock checkpoints where the SJP harasses passing students, the placement of fake eviction notices on the dormitory doors of Jewish students, the display of “Apartheid” walls bearing images and text accusing Israeli Jews of genocide, and the harassment of Jewish students.
The Discover the Network profile further notes that support for terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades has been common at SJP chapters across the United States, and that some chapters hold annual commemorations for the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.
And yet the response of campus newspapers to the posters so far has been, not to investigate these actions and connections, but to circle the wagons around Students for Justice in Palestine.
SJP students routinely chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”; they cheer for the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of Jews.
The same group has hosted SJP co-founder Hatem Bazian, who allegedly raised money for Hamas, Taher Herzallah, who said that Hamas rockets “are an oppressed people’s cry for help,” and Alison Weir, who trafficked in blood libels, according to Daniel Greenfield of FrontPageMag.com.
There has been widespread support for SJP by university media and authorities.
The University of Virginia paper’s response to the controversy was typical: it described SJP as “an organization advocating for human rights” and quoted SJP President Yahiya Saad as asserting that it is a humanitarian organization – no mention whatsoever of SJP’s radical activism, proving that serious journalism is dead and that SJP wields considerable nationwide influence on our nation’s campuses.
The photos are factual. They are samples of how Palestinians interpret justice.
Here is the photo of the body Ribhi Badawi being dragged along the Gaza streets
because of suspicion of collaboration with Israel.
Badawi was a member of the Al Qaeda-inspired Islamist group Jaljalat (Reuters)
Continue reading, and see links to references
Also see official reports on Palestinians' persecution of journalists, and moderates, and official statistics of Palestinians' violent abuse of children, women, dissenters, and more.
His family denies Badawi was a collaborator, and that he was a loyal Al Qaeda-inspired terrorist in Gaza.
With reports from:
UCLA chancellor condemns posters fighting anti-Semitism
Freedom Center - The anti-SJP posters
Check out SJP's hypocrisy
Palestinian accused of collaboration dragged by Hamas from a motorcycle
Family denies that Ribhi Badawi was a spy
University media circle the wagons around the anti-Semitic SJP
Profile of the group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on Discover the Networks
SJP believes that Israel has no legitimate, legal right to exist as an independent state.
(This is puzzling, since it was the Arabs from the Arabian peninsula who invaded and occupied Jewish land in the 7th century. Arabs are the real occupiers, while Jews have resided on the land for thousands of years. The ancient kingdoms of Judah and Israel are well acknowledged in all history books. When people demand a Palestinian State, they are supporting the Islamic conqueror and occupier.)
THE IRONY: Progressive Jews who have loyally funded and supported the Democrat Party now see their own college kids persecuted and assaulted by the Obama crowd (Muslims, Latinos, Blacks) for just being Jews.
Read more
Justice in Gaza:

Read more
Palestinians sexually assault non-Muslim human rights activists.
The victims are asked to remain silent for the sake of the cause.
Whistleblowers speak out.
February 2015: Silencing journalists
Terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) operating in Gaza have united with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah faction to silence Palestinian journalists, Arab affairs journalist Khaled Abu Toameh writes in an article for the Gatestone Institute.
(Yes, ISIS cells are already operating in Gaza and the West Bank)
Wall Street Journal - What happens to Palestinians Moderates
Shot in the streets with a pistol to the head after midday prayers.
One of the myths about the Middle East is that there would be peace if only Israel courted Palestinian moderates. This might be possible if any Palestinian who harbored such a thought wasn't summarily executed.
See photo of the man being executed that was printed on the poster above.
Palestinian cartoons and posters calling for murder of Jews -
Disturbing images of sadistic violence
Violence is rife in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority. Child abuse is normal.
From the "State of Palestine Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014" (done jointly by UNICEF, the PA and the UNFPA) we see that there are many child marriages in the territories:
91.5% of PalArab kids experienced psychological aggression or physical punishment during the last one month in the survey.
And how terrible is life under "occupation"?
Stunting in children is about 7%, much lower than almost every Arab country. 95% of households have satellite dishes (94% in Gaza.) 99.9% of houses have electricity, finished roofs and finished floors.
The real problems in the territories get swept under the rug because of the world's obsession with Israel. If people loved Palestinians as much as they pretend, then issues like these would be in the forefront, and not buried in reports that no journalist would ever bother to read.
The routinely strongly pro-Palestinian United Nations presents a rare report about Palestinian violations of human rights:
Violations by Hamas against Palestinians (November 2012 to November 2013)
- Palestinians were also victims of Hamas indiscriminate rocket fire. Hamas fired 65 rockets and 15 mortar shells from Gaza towards Israel, with an additional 19 rockets and five mortars landing within Gaza and 20 rockets exploding at the launching site. The rockets are indiscriminate and a violation of international law.
- No measures have been taken to investigate violations of international humanitarian law by Hamas or other armed groups in Gaza, including the direct targeting of civilians and the indiscriminate firing of rockets towards Israel.
- Widespread cases of arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment.
- Many detainees were subjected to shabeh (stress position for extended periods of time) and sleep deprivation, with their heads covered with a bag up to a few weeks.
- Members of political parties, journalists, social media activists and academics were arbitrarily detained. They were ill-treated and, in some cases, tortured because of opinions expressed through different media platforms, including social media, and their involvement in activities considered to be political and against Hamas or their policies.
- Restrictions to the enjoyment of the rights to freedoms of expression and opinion and of peaceful assembly.
- Dispersion of a number of peaceful demonstrations using excessive or unnecessary force.
- Since 2008, Hamas courts have issued 60 and upheld eight death sentences previously issued by the courts of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.Hamas executed three persons, bringing to a total of 17 the number of executions since its takeover of Gaza.
- Denial of the right to receive legal assistance, the use of ill-treatment and torture during interrogations and violations of the right to a fair trial by both civilian and military courts of persons later sentenced to death.
Violations by the Palestinian Authority against Palestinians (November 2012 to November 2013)
- Arrest and questioning of journalists for work deemed to be critical of the PA.
- Palestinians arrested for distributing political leaflets, branding this action as criminal.
- Dispersion of a number of peaceful demonstrations using excessive or unnecessary force, some resulting in deaths.
- Arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees including detainees linked to political opposition groups.
- Lack of effective and transparent investigation into cases of unlawful killing, torture and ill-treatment involving the Palestinian security forces.
- Lack of measures to curtail widespread cases of violence against women, including “honour killings,” and dozens of cases of gender-based killings.
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