- The silver lining beneath the increasing ugliness and violence of American politics is the unintended exposure of hidden agendas.
- For instance, while claiming to be fighting fascism, leftists anti-fa groups enthusiastically adopt methods (brown-shirt mob brutality) and ideology (violent enforcement of censorship) from fascism itself.
- In the meantime anti-fa and their sympathisers in the media and political establishment very cleverly call every opponent a racist and a 'Nazi,' thereby justifying physical attacks and even death threats.
- They still cannot explain how Jews can be called occupiers of historically Jewish land, while Muslims, whose ancestors arrived as conquerors and settlers starting in the 7th century AD, can possibly be regarded as the indigenous owners of the land.
- It's not just archaeological evidence that legitimizes Jewish ownership of Judea and Samaria, or West Bank as some call it. There are historical records from long before Arabs had usurped the word Palestinian, attesting that this is Jewish land.
- The world Palestinian was created by the Romans who, after burning Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple, and slaughtering and slaving much of the Jewish population, decided to erase all evidence of Jews and the kingdoms of Israel and Judea by renaming the land "Palestine".
- And so, through centuries of Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Ottoman and British occupation, Christians and later on Muslims continued to refer to the land as Palestine until Jews reconstituted their country in 1948.
- Between the Roman conquest and the new State of Israel there was never another country there. Which country are the Jews occupying the land from? Jordan occupied it for a while, but Jordan was a creation of the British. Transjordan, later called the kingdom of Jordan, was built on Jewish land. It never existed before in history.
- Europe now wants to carve out Muslim Palestine out of ancient Jewish land. Since Europe can't drop bombs on Israel, they do the next best thing which is to fund vicious anti-Israel propaganda, and contract Arabs out to kill Jews.
- In the name of humanitarian aid, Germany, France, and the UK, among many other countries, are generous financial contributors to Palestinian terror. Some Jewish victims are survivors of concentration camps. Hitler missed killing them, now Europe pays Arabs to finish them off.

The US and Europe pay millions to the Palestinians, way more per capita than to any other group in the world. The Palestinian Authority in turn uses that money to indoctrinate children into hating and killing Jews, and then pays terrorists and criminals a monthly salary if they are imprisoned for acts against Israel and the Jews, including murder. When the perpetrators are killed in action, then the families receive a generous pension. The terrorists are then glorified as martyrs and have schools and other public places named after them. Europe and the US condone and finance all this, while they fight Muslim terror at home.

- The mainstream media have hitched their wagon to the Palestinian narrative because many of their advertisers and funders are committed to that cause.
- So leaving all facts and logic aside, the media denounces what they call the Israeli occupation of Arab land, while at the very same time they continue to publish archaeological and scholarly news that give irrefutable evidence of Jewish history in Israel going back thousands of years.
- In any other context this media ideological schizophrenia and their contortions to balance two contradictory narratives could be hysterically funny. In the present context, the media's support for Palestinian murderous 'resistance' makes them accomplices with anti-Semitism and genocide against Jews.
Clay seals used over 2,700 years ago in Israel's First Temple era reveal the identity of letter senders in the ancient city of Jerusalem

The pro-Palestinian Daily Mail, a reputable center-right British newspaper, temporarily leaves aside its pro-Palestinian stance and reports:
- Excavations in the City of David National Park uncovered dozens of the seals
- Most evidence of correspondence in the city was destroyed by fire in 586 BC
- Some bear biblical names, several of which are still used today, like Pinchas
- One particularly interesting seal mentions a man named Achiav ben Menachem

Ancient seals used by bureaucrats and officials in the Kingdom of Judah over 2,700 years ago have been unearthed by archaeologists
Excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the City of David National Park in Jerusalem uncovered dozens of the seals. The bullae, from which the Hebrew word for stamp, bul, is derived, are small pieces of clay which in ancient times served as seals for letters.
A letter which arrived with its seal broken was a sign that the letter had been opened before reaching its destination. Although letters did not survive the fire which consumed Jerusalem at its destruction, the seals, which were made of material that is similar to pottery, were well preserved. They attest to the existence of the letters and their senders.
A letter which arrived with its seal broken was a sign that the letter had been opened before reaching its destination. Although letters did not survive the fire which consumed Jerusalem at its destruction, the seals, which were made of material that is similar to pottery, were well preserved. They attest to the existence of the letters and their senders.

Ortal Chalaf and Dr. Joe Uziel, directors of the excavation for the IAA, said in a statement: 'In the numerous excavations at the City of David, dozens of seals were unearthed, bearing witness to the developed administration of the city in the First Temple period.

Some of the seals bear biblical names, several of which are still used today, such as Pinchas (pictured)
'The earliest seals bear mostly a series of pictures. It appears that instead of writing the names of the clerks, symbols were used to show who the signatory was, or what he was sealing.
'In later stages of the period, from the time of King Hezekiah (around 700 BCE) and up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE, the seals bear the names of clerks in early Hebrew script. Through these findings, we learn not only about the developed administrative systems in the city, but also about the residents and those who served in the civil service.'
Some of the seals bear biblical names, several of which are still used today, such as Pinchas. One particularly interesting seal mentions a man by the name of Achiav ben Menachem. These two names are known in the context of the Kingdom of Israel. Menachem was a king of Israel, while Achiav does not appear in the Bible. But his name resembles that of Achav (Ahab), the infamous king of Israel from the tales of the prophet Elija.
Though the spelling of the name differs somewhat, it appears to be the same name. The version of the name that appears on the seal also features in the Book of Jeremiah in the Septuagint, as well as in Flavius Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews.
The various stamps, along with other archaeological findings discovered in the recent excavations, will be exhibited to the public on September 7th at the 18th City of David research conference.
Some of the seals bear biblical names, several of which are still used today, such as Pinchas. One particularly interesting seal mentions a man by the name of Achiav ben Menachem. These two names are known in the context of the Kingdom of Israel. Menachem was a king of Israel, while Achiav does not appear in the Bible. But his name resembles that of Achav (Ahab), the infamous king of Israel from the tales of the prophet Elija.
Though the spelling of the name differs somewhat, it appears to be the same name. The version of the name that appears on the seal also features in the Book of Jeremiah in the Septuagint, as well as in Flavius Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews.
The various stamps, along with other archaeological findings discovered in the recent excavations, will be exhibited to the public on September 7th at the 18th City of David research conference.

A letter which arrived with its seal broken was a sign that the letter had been opened before reaching its destination. One particularly interesting seal mentions a man by the name of Achiav ben Menachem (pictured)

Days before Tisha B'Av fast, excavation unearths artifacts from Kingdom of Judea in 1st Temple period - and evidence of city's destruction
They Were Here on Tisha B’Av: New Evidence of Babylonian Destruction Discovered in City of David

- It dates from a time when the Jewish kingdom of JUDAH was an ally of EGYPT
- The area belonging to the Kingdom of Judah (or Judea) is now being claimed by descendants of Muslims who invaded it in the seventh century
This building is part of a series of buildings, including a gate and towers, which were built in the second half of the tenth century BCE (the time of King Solomon), as part of the Ophel fortifications (highlighted in red) of the new government complex that connected the city of David with the Temple Mount.

A propaganda poster on Palestinian media calling for the slaughter of Jews. All courtesy of generous funding by American and European taxpayers.

Here are a few images of media headlines after terror attacks in Israel, in which the Palestinian terrorists were killed or wounded by police.
These headlines invariably highlight the terrorists' loss of life first. As an afterthought, if at all, they note the fact that they were killed as they perpetrated a terror attack against innocent Jews.
In other headlines not shown here the attack seems to originate from objects, such as a weapon, or a car - not from the terrorist himself.
These are not journalistic aberrations. It is the rule. This is how editorial departments frame the issue of Muslim terror when the victims are Jews.

In the fine print you will learn that the terrorists had murdered three Israeli police.

TORONTO STAR - Knife attacks - two words apparently dissociated from the perpetrators. Who killed the Palestinians is perfectly clear: Israeli police.

Nothing to do with terror. Nothing to do with Islam. Completely sanitized from Palestinian terror. This was a mass attack on Jews sitting at a Tel Aviv café.
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