Politicizing saints against Israel
- but not against Islam
The Pope recently canonized two Christian nuns making them "saints". This announcement was made under big fanfare as the Pope also recognized the never-before existing Islamic State of Palestine, along with calling terrorist Mahmoud Abbas - the financial mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre - an "angel of peace".
The blog Elder of Ziyon has posted more details on one of these nuns that the Vatican and the media chose to hide.
EOZ writes: Were these poor Catholic women under brutal Israeli occupation? Did anyone call them "Palestinian" before 1970?
There is one fact in the life of one of the new saints, Sister Mariam Baouardy, that could be understood in a completely different context.
Betrothed in an arranged marriage at age 13, she refused to go along with it, insisting on a religious life. As punishment for her disobedience, her uncle hired her out as a domestic servant, making sure she had the lowest and most menial of jobs. A Muslim servant with whom she worked began to act as her friend with an eye to converting her from Christianity (to Islam). On 8 September 1858, Mary convinced him she would never abandon her faith; in response he cut her throat and dumped her in an alley. Mary lived, an apparition of the Virgin Mary treated her wound, and she left her uncle’s house forever.
So this Catholic saint had her throat slashed by a Muslim because she didn't want to convert to Islam.
Perhaps Sister Mariam's canonization indicates that the Catholic Church considers Islam to be a violent, intolerant religion!
But no one will be quoted with that theory.
Perhaps Sister Mariam's canonization indicates that the Catholic Church considers Islam to be a violent, intolerant religion!
But no one will be quoted with that theory.
- Although Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims in the thousands, the Pope recognizes the Islamic State of Palestine, where Christians are being harassed and persecuted
- The Christian Church's wicked alliance with Islam as long as Muslims keep killing Jews and threatening to destroy Israel
Despite the acceptance by all Western nations, including, at the beginning, the Communist bloc, the Vatican's recognition of Israel occurred only in 1993.

Pope John Paul met TWELVE times with his beloved friend, and fellow Israel-hater, terrorist Yassir Arafat
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- The Vatican loved German Nazis too and saved more than 1000 of them by providing them with false IDs so that they could escape justice
THEN AND NOW - German Nazis and Muslim Nazis
The Vatican cheerfully allies itself with the killers of Jews
SATIRE by Zbigniew Zwgstkstwig
It's getting hard to keep up with Pope Francis' daily reinterpretation of morality. If it's sinful, we approve it, he seems to say. If it kills Jews, we honor and celebrate it.
This is becoming so disturbing that I felt compelled to discuss it with a top Vatican official the other day.
'What's going on?' I asked Father Sudicio, an advisor at the Vatican. 'Can you tell me why this pope is going out of his way to side with issues that most of us consider unsavory, immoral, corrupt, or plain criminal?'
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"ISRAEL IS THE ONLY SAFE PLACE FOR CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST" says Father Gabriel Nadaf, leader of Christian Aramaeans in Israel, who recently rejected their "ARAB" designation, in favor of ARAMAEAN
Greek Orthodox priest Father Gabriel Nadaf defends Israel before the UNHRC, calls on it to end anti-Israel 'witch hunt.'
Photo: Father Nadaf speaking at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
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- May the world hear your cries for help
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