The following short video starts with the usual UN delegates' condemnation of Israel. However this time they were shocked when a Palestinian speaker dared to tell the world the truth.
VIDEO - Shocked U.N. Delegates as PLO Abuses Exposed by Palestinian Hero

By Anne Bayefsky
The United Nations has made a deal with the Palestinians to fund a $65 million legal pogrom directed at Israel. The party on the Palestinian side was referred to as the "Government of the State of Palestine."
More specifically, the "United Nations plans to pay eight UN bodies $64,838,510 between the years of 2018 and 2022 to hunt down individual Israelis and to smear Israel as a criminal state.
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UN WATCH YouTube Channel

The United Nations has failed its mandate. It is rife with corruption, and it has allowed itself to become ideologically weaponized by an alliance of despotic states that vote in unison in favor of an agenda promoted by oil-rich Arab countries.
Welcome to 2017 at the United Nations, where the following regimes are among those chosen to define, promote and protect human rights for the world:
UN Agency Makes ‘Kill White Farmers’ Mugabe ‘Goodwill Ambassador’
Critics: UN Squandering U.S. Aid for Reconstruction Projects in Christian, Yazidi Areas of Iraq
In unsubtle critique, Israel gifts UNESCO Arch of Titus replica
2017 Palestinian textbooks (used by @UNRWA) remain as false and hateful as ever
6 Reasons Trump Should Stop Funding U.N. Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency
6 Major Problems with UN Chief Promoting Palestinian State
UN SPENDS 4 TIMES MORE ON A PALESTINIAN THAN ON A SYRIAN http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/396589
PAUL GHERKIN The UN Does Not Want Palestinian Terrorists to be Held Accountable
UN CHIEF CONDEMNS DEATH OF PALESTINIAN RIOTERS http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/232824
UNESCO Supports Terrorism - Bassam Tawil
The EURO-ARAB centric UNESCO has passed another anti-Israel biased resolution regarding Jerusalem’s Old City and its ancient walls
UN declares ancient Jewish holy site is "Palestinian"

Anne Bayefsky's article continues:
The eight UN bodies or agencies to receive the funds are:
- Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
- UNICEF (the children's fund)
- The UN Development Program
- UN Women
- UN Habitat
- The World Health Organization
- UNRWA (the Palestinian refugee agency).
Except for UNESCO, which the United States no longer supports, 22% of the money will come from American taxpayers.
The deal, first signed and disseminated in Arabic on June 15, 2017, is part of the "UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the occupied Palestinian territory for 2018-2022."
Lawfare at the UN in Israel's case goes by the stage name of "accountability." It includes accusing Israel of war crimes, apartheid, and crimes against humanity; sending spurious cases to the International Criminal Court; engaging in boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaigns to destroy the economic well-being of Israel; and making false accusations of violations of fabricated "international law" -- in particular criminalizing Israel's right of self-defense. The goal is unambiguous: the demonization and destruction of the Jewish state.
Lawfare is the converse of a negotiated, peaceful resolution of Israeli-Palestinian disputes, as required by existing agreements between the parties.
According to the report that details the deal, the outcome was a product of consultations that involved non-governmental organizations (NGOs) well-known for their extremist ideologies, including the promotion of terrorism and overt anti-Semitism.
An Annex lists some of the specific NGOs consulted -- such as Al-Haq, Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, and the Palestinian NGO Network -- while keeping others confidential.
The deal, first signed and disseminated in Arabic on June 15, 2017, is part of the "UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the occupied Palestinian territory for 2018-2022."
Lawfare at the UN in Israel's case goes by the stage name of "accountability." It includes accusing Israel of war crimes, apartheid, and crimes against humanity; sending spurious cases to the International Criminal Court; engaging in boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaigns to destroy the economic well-being of Israel; and making false accusations of violations of fabricated "international law" -- in particular criminalizing Israel's right of self-defense. The goal is unambiguous: the demonization and destruction of the Jewish state.
Lawfare is the converse of a negotiated, peaceful resolution of Israeli-Palestinian disputes, as required by existing agreements between the parties.
According to the report that details the deal, the outcome was a product of consultations that involved non-governmental organizations (NGOs) well-known for their extremist ideologies, including the promotion of terrorism and overt anti-Semitism.
An Annex lists some of the specific NGOs consulted -- such as Al-Haq, Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, and the Palestinian NGO Network -- while keeping others confidential.
Here is some of the language from the UN Development Assistance Framework:
Strategic Priority 1: Supporting Palestine's path to Independence... the UNCT [the UN "country team"] will focus its interventions on providing support for Palestinian institutions, civil society and individuals to increase the effective use of international mechanisms to uphold accountability. This will be built on increasing knowledge of rights and mechanisms, strengthening capacities to document violations and their impact and on sharpening the ability to advocate effectively for rights to be respected ...
Outcome 1:Human rights mechanisms are increasingly engaged to hold Israel accountable for its obligations under international law. The UN will increase its support for Palestinian institutions (state and non-government) and Palestinian victims of violations to effectively monitor, advocate and seek legal recourse for violations by the occupying power.
This will include training, capacity-building and technical advice to ensure that Palestinian victims and institutions are equipped with the knowledge and tools to effectively access international accountability mechanisms in order to hold Israel accountable for its violations under international law. It will also aim to strengthen the capacity of Palestinian organizations to advocate effectively for the rights of Palestinians in the occupied territory ...
Box 4: Summary of UNDAF Resources Required by Agency and Strategic Priority (US $)
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There was an Epic Moment at the 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, as heads turned and eyes bulged in stunned disbelief—especially in the PLO delegation—as a member of Hamas, Mosab Yousef, took the microphone to expose PLO lies, UN Watch reported.
“I take the floor on behalf of UN Watch,” Yousef began, telling the council he was a member of Hamas who grew up in Ramallah, Samaria.
“I address my words to the Palestinian Authority, which claims to be the ‘sole legitimate representative’ of the Palestinian people,” he continued. “I ask: where does your legitimacy come from? The Palestinian people did not elect you, and they did not appoint you to represent them. You are self-appointed.”
“Your accountability is not to your own people,” Yousef accused. “This is evidenced by your total violation of their human rights. In fact, the Palestinian individuals and their human development is the least of your concerns.”
“You kidnap Palestinian students from campus and torture them in your jails. You torture your political rivals. The suffering of the Palestinian people is the outcome of your selfish political interests. You are the greatest enemy of the Palestinian people,” he continued.
“If Israel did not exist, you would have no one to blame,” he reasoned. “Take responsibility for the outcome of your own actions. You fan the flames of conflict to maintain your abusive power.”
“Finally,” he concluded, “you use this platform to mislead the international community, and to mislead Palestinian society, to believe that Israel is responsible for the problems you create.”
CNN reported back in 2010 that when Yousef was growing up he wanted to be a fighter because that was expected of Arab children in the disputed territories, and because he was the eldest son of Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef.
He was arrested by Israeli security at age 10, during the First Intifada, for throwing rocks at Israelis, and was later arrested and jailed numerous times by Israel. In fact, he was widely considered his father’s heir apparent in the Hamas organization.
His doubts about Islam and Hamas began forming when he realized just how brutal Hamas was, and hated how Hamas was using the misery of Arab children and adults to achieve its goals.
Surprisingly, his views about Israel changed when he was interrogated by the clandestine police Shin Bet in 1996, with methods he considered humane, compared to Hamas’ torture of suspected collaborators. Disgusted with Hamas, Yousef accepted a Shin Bet offer to become an informant within the Islamist terror group’s lead
Yousef was considered the Shin Bet’s most reliable source inside the Hamas leadership, earning the nickname “Green Prince.” The intelligence he provided led to the exposure of a number of Hamas cells as well as the prevention of dozens of suicide bombings and assassination attempts inside Israel.
He insists that he did not inform for money, but instead acted with ideological and religious motives, in order to save lives. He also claims he supplied intelligence on the condition that the exposed targets not be eliminated.
His information ahs led to the detention of several key leaders, including Hamas leader Ibrahim Hamid, and PLO terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti. Yousef claims his information exposed a 2001 plot to assassinate Shimon Peres. In 2010, his former Shin Bet operator told the Daily Telegraph, “many people owe him their lives and don’t even know it.”
http://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/palestinian-authority/ambushed-un-heads-turn-in-stunned-disbelief-as-plo-lies-exposed-by-former-hamas-leader/2017/09/28/UN WATCH YouTube Channel

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE UNITED NATIONS? Here is the answer in a short and fact-filled VIDEO by Anne Bayefsky at the Oxford Union Debate on the subject of the UN as a failing institution
The United Nations has failed its mandate. It is rife with corruption, and it has allowed itself to become ideologically weaponized by an alliance of despotic states that vote in unison in favor of an agenda promoted by oil-rich Arab countries.
As part of the Oxford Union Debate on the subject of "This House Believes the UN is a Failing Institution" last November, Professor Anne Bayefsky succinctly described exactly why it is true.
Welcome to 2017 at the United Nations, where the following regimes are among those chosen to define, promote and protect human rights for the world:
- Misogynistic Iran is on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, and on the Executive Board of UNESCO, the U.N. agency for education science and culture, where the fundamentalist regime also helps oversee the accreditation of human rights groups.
- Misogynistic Saudi Arabia is on the Executive Board of U.N. Women, the agency for gender equality and empowerment of women, and on the U.N. Human Rights Council.
- Genocidal Sudan is on UNESCO’s Executive Board as well as its committee which rules on human rights petitions from individuals worldwide. The regime also sits on the U.N. Committee on NGOs, the powerful 19-nation group that decides which human rights groups have standing at the world body.
- Oppressive Venezuela, which has imprisoned democratic opposition leaders and caused mass hunger, is on the U.N. Human Rights Council, and on the Executive Board of the U.N. Development Program.
- Genocidal Syria holds a senior post on the U.N. decolonization committee charged with upholding fundamental human rights in opposing the “subjugation, domination and exploitation” of people, with Assad’s ambassador, Bashar Ja’afari, serving as Rapporteur.
- Totalitarian China was just re-elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council, and sits on the UNESCO Executive Board.
- Communist Cuba was just re-elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council, and sits on the U.N. Committee on NGOs, where it harasses human rights groups that dare to raise the Castro government’s human rights abuses.
UN Agency Makes ‘Kill White Farmers’ Mugabe ‘Goodwill Ambassador’
Critics: UN Squandering U.S. Aid for Reconstruction Projects in Christian, Yazidi Areas of Iraq
In unsubtle critique, Israel gifts UNESCO Arch of Titus replica
2017 Palestinian textbooks (used by @UNRWA) remain as false and hateful as ever
6 Reasons Trump Should Stop Funding U.N. Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency
6 Major Problems with UN Chief Promoting Palestinian State
UN SPENDS 4 TIMES MORE ON A PALESTINIAN THAN ON A SYRIAN http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/396589
PAUL GHERKIN The UN Does Not Want Palestinian Terrorists to be Held Accountable
UN CHIEF CONDEMNS DEATH OF PALESTINIAN RIOTERS http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/232824
UNESCO Supports Terrorism - Bassam Tawil
The EURO-ARAB centric UNESCO has passed another anti-Israel biased resolution regarding Jerusalem’s Old City and its ancient walls
UN declares ancient Jewish holy site is "Palestinian"
The Palestinians’ "Creativity for Hate" Abu Toameh
Hypocritical Palestinian Leaders (and Their Families) Not Only Palestinians To Use Israeli Hospitals
Order provides for sentences from 1 year to life imprisonment for violators; 30 sites blocked, 5 journalists arrested under law so far. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/233846
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After decades of fiery rhetoric against Israel including accusations of genocide and war crimes, PA diplomat turns to Israel for transplant.
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Abbas's advisor defends payment to terrorists as social responsibility
GREENFIELD You can’t be pro-Palestinian and a feminist
PA delegation at UNESCO again attempts passage of anti-Israeli resolution, goal now to sever connection between Israel and Hebron. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/231317
The PA has rewarded terrorist Nasser Awais with more than half a million shekels for planning terror attacks in which 14 were murdered http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/231044
Central Bureau of Statistics: Women read more books than men, half of Arabs don't read at all.
Despite retractions of support from Norway and the UN, Arab village council that named women's center after infamous terrorist unfazed. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/230423
Terrorists are admired figures in once fair Sweden.
Look no further than the Abbas family fortune, acquired during his tenure as president of the Palestinian Authority nearly 12 years ago.
Medics describe vicious attack on MDA staff attempting to treat patient. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/230293
PA chairman praises prisoners serving time for murder and terrorism as 'heroes,' says their demands, including more TV, must be met. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/230220
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