
In the meantime Europeans enthusiastically join the boycott (BDS Movement) of Israeli goods, while Germany and other EU countries fund organizations that demonize Israel.
This is nothing less than a war of attrition against the State of Israel, a war whose ultimate aim is the destruction of all Jews.
Instead of dealing with that and with the ongoing cultural regression brought about by the Islamization of Europe, reporters and observers shift uncomfortably at the idea of reviving Hitler`s parade grounds in Nuremberg.
This is nothing less than a war of attrition against the State of Israel, a war whose ultimate aim is the destruction of all Jews.
Instead of dealing with that and with the ongoing cultural regression brought about by the Islamization of Europe, reporters and observers shift uncomfortably at the idea of reviving Hitler`s parade grounds in Nuremberg.
On this page:
- The ghosts of Nuremberg. Controversy over the idea of spending large sums of public money to revive the ruins of Nuremberg`s Nazi parade grounds. See photos.
- Germany will republish Adolph Hitler`s Mein Kampf in 2016
- The plan to rebuild Hitler`s bunker in Berlin
- Europe continues with its long tradition of targeting Jews, this time by boycotting Israeli goods. Nazis too enforced the boycott of Jewish business.
- The Nazis made Jews wear a yellow-star armband with the Star of David. Europeans today demand that all Israeli products from outside the Israeli ghetto (the 1967 borders) must bear a label saying that they have been produced in the `settlements`.
- European universities and publishing houses are boycotting Israeli academic papers, and students and professors are excluded from Universities just because they are Israeli Jews
- Rise of 1,000 % in anti-Israel crimes in Germany in 2014, according to the German government's own report. The classification "anti-Israel" is meant to disguise the fact that they are fundamentally anti-Semitic.
- The renewed alliance between Nazis - now called Neo-Nazis - and Arabs living in the land of Israel - now called Palestinians.
- The vicious anti-Semitism of the Muslim population of Germany that follows Islam`s 1400 years of persecution and massacres of Jews.
- A little known fact: the Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was a key player in the design and implementation of the Holocaust. He worked in Germany during the war and formed a Nazi Waffen SS division of Bosnian Muslims that perpetrated gruesome atrocities in Eastern Europe. Later he trained a new generation of Palestinian leaders, including Yassir Arafat and current Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas. WATCH VIDEO
Where the ghosts of Nazi monsters lurk: The eerie ruins of the Nuremberg parade grounds where Hitler held his propaganda rallies in front of his goose-stepping faithful.

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- The six square mile site includes 24 towers and a so-called 'Zeppelin Tribune' from which the Nazi leader addressed the party faithful.
- In total, six Nazi Party rallies were held at the Nuremberg rally grounds between 1933 and 1938.
- Hitler chose Nuremberg as the host city as a symbolic heart of his Third Reich.
- The rallies were extremely carefully choreographed events that were designed to be visually inspiring.
- The 1934 rally was filmed by documentary maker Leni Riefenstahl, whose controversial film 'Triumph Of The Will' remains restricted in Germany today.
- Nazi leader Adolf Hitler used the rallies to whip up anti-Semitic feeling in Germany as he prepared the country for World War Two.
- After the war ended, Nuremberg was chosen as the city to host the trial of 24 senior members of the Nazi Party
The ghosts of Nazi monsters haunt these crumbling ruins on the outskirts of a German city that once made mankind hold its breath.
Here they strutted their superman-stuff in choreographed marching, tens of thousands of them telegraphing to all that tomorrow - and the world - belonged to them.
Now the legions of Hitler have turned to dust and the remains of their shock-and-awe playground are rotting stones and crumbling steps, the pathetic leftovers of a regime its crazed creator claimed would last for 1,000 years.
But in a move that has stunned many, city fathers in Nuremberg want to renovate the Nazi Party Rally Grounds at a cost of some £60 million - a bill which would ultimately have to be settled by the German taxpayer.
The choice, say politicians, is starkly simple: replace and renovate the structures which showcased Nazism to a trembling global audience, or let them fall into complete decay.
If the latter course was chosen, huge sections of the six square miles of buildings, roadways, flag towers, tribunes, a ghost railway station and secret rooms which housed the Nazi elite on their hi-de-Hitler days out would have to be permanently sealed off.
But critics fear that would allow the gargantuan edifices to take on an allure of mystery, generating an appeal to modern-day neo-Nazis to come in pilgrimage to the place. And that, they say, cannot be allowed.

Grand scale: The Congress Hall was designed to seat 50,000 of the Nazi Party's supporters and was modelled on the Colosseum in Rome.
(Ironically, the Roman Colosseum was built by Jewish slaves with the Jewish treasure looted by Romans when they destroyed Judea. In Nazi Germany many of these massive projects were financed with loot stolen from German Jewish families - blogger.)
Today a desolate site, where one can imagine the echoes of marching boots and Nazi songs.

History: The buildings are in an six square mile site that includes 24 towers and a so-called 'Zeppelin Tribune' from where Nazi leader Hitler addressed the party faithful
But Ulrich Maly, mayor of Nuremberg plans to go cap-in-hand to central government in Berlin for the cash to renovate the parade grounds and the attendant buildings all around, said the world would 'not tolerate' the destruction of the site.
He said: 'Demolishing the buildings would provoke international outrage – so we are going to renovate the complex, but this does not mean that we are sprucing it up.
'It's not a renovation in that sense. We want to preserve them for people to visit and ponder on Nazism and its crimes. Besides, further demolition is currently impossible because the buildings are protected.
'I realise that many would just like to see the buildings decay. But that means they would become ever-more dangerous and we would have to seal them off completely. So we have decided to renovate - to a certain degree.'

The well-choreographed entrance by Hitler
He knows too the value of the tourist cashflow that the structures generate. Last year, more than 200,000 people took guided tours of the parade grounds with an estimated double that number visiting on their own.
Mayor Maly added: 'We will not be looking for original-style sandstone.'
He envisages a 'slow' restoration that will transform the place into a 'seat of learning about the Third Reich'.
Presently the tribune where Hitler stood with his evil henchmen - Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering, S.S. overlord Heinrich Himmler, party secretary Martin Bormann and propaganda genius Jospeh Goebbels - is open to all.

Railway entrance to the Nuremberg site
Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it annually, most standing for a photograph in the spot where Hitler gazed out at the faithful to make the few promises he would actually keep: war, conquest and bloodshed across the continent.
Roller-bladers bob and weave where once 200,000 brownshirted fanatics screamed 'Sieg Heil!' as cyclists tear along the path where Hitler walked to solemnly inspect his disciples.
Bats, crows and mice squat in the crumbling flag-towers that ring the field.
For the most part, the far-right lunatics have stayed away, choosing other Nazi shrines to worship at.
But the Nuremberg parade grounds constitute the biggest concentration of Nazi buildings in one place and are therefore unique to history.

It was Nuremberg, with its medieval glories, that Hitler chose to become the showcase of his movement and between 1933 and 1938. Six gigantic rallies were held there that bonded Germans to him - and warned the world what was about to follow.
Since his ambitions, and his loyal killers, vanished in defeat in 1945, time has not been kind to the buildings that epitomised the Nazi ideal.
The limestone cladding on the brickwork of the tribune itself loses a little more each day, the steps are weed covered and flaking and visitors are warned that they tread at their own peril.

Ruin: David Schlueter, 22, supports the plan to renovate the site and said: 'It is fascinating to see how Hitler and the Nazis warped Germany from this place. You want to learn, you need to go to the buildings of history'
Inside the tribune, sealed off from public view, MailOnline was treated to a rare glimpse of the fantasy world of the Nazis in a marble-lined hall with swastikas on the damp ceiling and a massive steel cauldron in which fires burned on the holy days of Nazism.
The Nazis may have created a high-tech world of flying rockets, poison gas and streamlined autobahns.
But in their minds the sundials stopped sometime in the Middle Ages and everything was about hocus-pocus racial quackery, rituals and pomp.
On a crumbling wall near the fire chalice are two tattered posters from the 1930's advertising the rallies that drew hundreds of thousands of Nazi followers from across Germany.

It is an eerie, macabre place where Hitler used to wait like a rock-star - as the crowds outside grew ever more frenzied - before making his grand entrance.
So why keep it? Why not let it slide into the decay and ruin that many think it deserves?
After all, parts of it were blown up in the 60's because they were unsafe - why preserve what is left is the question that many ask.
Germans themselves seem divided about the project, especially at a time of austerity in Europe - and a gradual widening of the rich and poor gap in their own country.

Propaganda: historical posters bearing swastikas remain inside the buildings urging people to attend the mass rallies where Hitler preached his evil ideology
Balko Ploschke, now 84, was a 16-year-old volunteer paracutist in 1945 and making his first visit to the parade grounds on the day MailOnline caught up with him as he climbed the weed-covered steps of the VIP stands where the high priests of the movement sat near their cult leader Hitler.
Born in Berlin, but now resident in Coburg, north of Nuremberg, he said: 'I remember how the war was an adventure for me because I was a kid. I didn't know anything about politics.
'But this...this is all about politics, the politics of intolerance and hatred. Of course I think it should be kept. But the price seems too high.
'There are a lot of poor children in Germany that could do with that money. I don't know.'
Inside Nuremberg: a massive steel cauldron in which fires burned on the holy days of Nazism still stands inside a marble-lined hall featuring swastika decorations on the roof
Klaus Schamberger, 71, a pensioner from Nuremberg, has lived with the monstrosity tainting the city's name all his life.
He said: 'It's a pile of architectural s**t and I think it would be better to let it crumble. I think the mayor's proposal to repair it, to keep it as a place of learning, is done honourably.
'And then one day, if its master builder - and one of the most successful mass-murderers of all time - should make it out of hell to look back at what he created, he can look at what sprung out of his brain and see nothing but a pile of rubble.'
Christine Schroeder, 44, a housewife from Nuremberg, said: 'My grandfather came here. He said the atmosphere was "intoxicating" when Hitler spoke. After the war I think he was a little embarrassed that he had fallen for Hitler like everyone else.
'When I heard about the plan to renovate the area I admit I was all for it. But the costs are high too. Yet we must not be accused of trying to destroy the past simply because we don't like it. Hitler happened and he happened here.
'Coming here, and to the museum they built in the Congress Hall across the lake, is a history lesson. You learn more about history drinking in the atmosphere of a place than you do from a dusty old book.
'That's why I believe, whatever the cost, the place must be maintained. It is our legacy, our history, our Germany, however uncomfortable that might be.
'We owe it to future generations to be able to show them what happened here and to say: "Never again".'
David Schlueter, 22, a history student from Frankfurt, is studying the history of the Nazi movement for one of his papers.
He toured the Documentation Centre in the Congress Hall - unfinished but TWICE as big as the Colosseum in Rome - and said: 'It is fascinating to see how Hitler and the Nazis warped Germany from this place. You want to learn, you need to go to the buildings of history.
'No-one would think about pulling down the Colosseum because Christians were fed to lions there, or paving over the battlefields of WW1 to build a supermarket. This is a unique place in history and it must be preserved.'
When Albert Speer, Hitler's court architect who escaped the hangman's noose at the postwar trial of Nazi leaders set in Nuremberg by taking responsibility for the regime's crimes, designed the rally grounds he built into them what he called his 'theory of ruin value'.
Speer wrote: 'By using special materials and by applying certain principles of statics, we should be able to build structures which even in a state of decay, after hundreds or (such were our reckonings) thousands of years would more or less resemble Roman models.'
He got his sums badly wrong and the Jerry-built structures seem just that - collapsing like sandstone castles less than 100 years after they were built.
Some of the buildings of Nazism, it seems, were just as shoddy as the misfits and murderers who put them up.
Mein Kampf to be republished in Germany in 2016

Hitler's bunker in Berlin to be rebuilt

The German government provides millions of Euros annually, through direct and indirect funding processes, to highly politicized NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that operate in Germany, Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. Most of the funding to NGOs is transferred through German Stiftungen (foundations) which have become prevalent actors in Israeli society.
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(excellent website, recommended)
Germany hides anti-Semitism under the label anti-Israel
A recently published by the German government details that last year there was a whopping 1,000% rise in anti-Israeli crimes and violent assaults, and a 25% rise in anti-Semitic crimes and attacks.
The latter figure includes physical assaults on Jews, as well as vandalistic attacks on synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, in addition to incitement at protests.
According to expert Elias Paz, the German anti-Semites have found a way to cover their hatred of Jews in an increasingly internationally acceptable camouflage of antagonism against Israel.
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The European Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement - BDS
If labeling Jewish goods sounds darkly reminiscent, it does as well to Germany’s neo-Nazi groups, who have recently co-opted the country’s BDS movement.
The 1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians said merely that Jerusalem is a subject for final-status negotiations, not a “settlement.”
The European Union itself defines Jerusalem as a corpus separatum — a “separate body” whose status is subject to negotiation — rather than occupied territory.

Photo: Then - Nazis boycotting Jewish business then.
Now - Europeans boycott Israel, and in particular all goods produced outside the Israeli ghetto, in the so-called settlements built in ancient Biblical Jewish land.
More broadly, the drive to label Israeli merchandise has allowed Germany’s resurgent far-right to push its way to the front of the anti-Israel movement.
In 2009, Jürgen Rieger, a Holocaust denier and then-deputy chairman of the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party of Germany, called on Germans to boycott Israel.
In 2012, the party submitted a legislative initiative in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to mark Israeli products. Udo Pastörs, the NPD’s leader in the state, has declared Germany a “Jew Republic.”
To its credit, the German government did not join the 16 out of 28 European foreign ministers who signed on a letter calling for labeling of Israeli products from the 'occupied territories.'
But among those who did sign on was Austria, the birthplace of Nazism, which is still trying to portray itself as a victim of Nazism 80 years later. Here's Weinthal again:
To its credit, Germany did not sign a European foreign ministers’ letter calling for product labeling. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration has demonstrated it has learned from its nation’s history: The first phase of the Holocaust, after all, started with targeting Jewish businesses with the crude Nazi slogan “Kauf nicht bei Juden” (Don’t buy from Jews).
While visiting Israel in 2014, Merkel said flatly that boycotting Israel “is not an option for Germany.”
Nevertheless, 16 of the 28 EU foreign ministers did sign the sanctions letter, including regional leaders France and Britain, and Germany’s neighbor (and Hitler’s birthplace) Austria.
The similarities between the BDS movement and the beginnings of Nazism are stunning and too obvious to miss. Obviously, that's of no concern to Europe.
Jews are excluded from European Universities
just because they are Israelis
It's the 1930s all over again
By Giulio Meotti
In 2002, the year of the beginning of the academic campaign against Israel, Paul Zinger, the head of the Scientific Association of Israel, revealed that more than seven thousand scientific research projects are sent from Israel abroad every year.
Dozens of scientific papers were returned that year, with the terse explanation: "We refuse to examine any document from Israel".
That phenomenon now seems out of control.
Among the silent measures taken by the boycotters is refusing to participate in conferences held in Israel, ignoring requests to write letters of recommendation for Israeli scholars looking for promotions, and refusing contributions from Israeli scholars.
Students and teachers are banned from European universities just because they are Israeli Jews. Does it ring a bell?
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London Nazi Rally to Stand
in 'Solidarity' With Palestinians
Neo-Nazi organizer of anti-Semitic rally in Golders Green urges fellow fascists to destroy Israeli flags and copies of the Talmud.
One of the organizers of a neo-Nazi demonstration targeting the heart of London's Jewish community has said protesters plan to desecrate Israeli flags and Jewish holy books in solidarity with the Palestinians and against the State of Israel.
European neo-Nazi groups have increasingly embraced the "Palestinian cause" in an effort to piggyback off of popular anti-Israel sentiment, which is often used as a pretext for anti-Semitism by Islamist and far-left groups.
Most notably, the Hungarian fascist Jobbik party has been vocal in its support of Palestinian Arab terrorism against the Jewish state.
Joshua Bonehill - a fascist activist with numerous convictions for petty crime and racism - initiated the anti-Semitic campaign earlier this year, to target British Jews by holding so-called "anti-Jewification" rallies in areas of London with sizable Jewish communities.
The campaign has since been picked up by a coalition of neo-Nazis and other far-right groups, who recently held a small protest in Stamford Hill, which is home to one of the largest concentrations of Orthodox Jews in Europe.
But the movement has unsurprisingly taken a more widely and aggressively anti-Semitic tone from the outset.
Writing on his website, Bonehill claimed that the Golders Green march will take that message of hate one step further.
"Not only will we be demonstrating against the undemocratic and illegal Jewish Shomrim Police on July 4th but also we will be standing in solidarity with those oppressed by the illegal state of Israel," he stated.
He urged far-right activists to bring with Israeli flags to destroy "in an act of opposition to Israel. This will be a show of solidarity by English people who recognise that Israel is a corrupt state which is responsible for horrific war crimes."
He added that to "avoid prosecution," activists would not be openly burning the flags but will "dismember them by hand."
"There will also be a private ceremony held before the demonstration at an undisclosed and private location where copies of the Talmud books will be burnt in recognition of its racist Anti-White teachings," he added.
London's Jewish community has mobilized to fight back against the far-right campaign, which comes as anti-Semitism in the UK and Europe is on the rise more generally - fueled mostly by Muslim extremists.
By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magzine
And yet the German police have noted a disturbing rise in the number of people of Arabic and Turkish descent arrested on suspicion of anti-Semitic acts in recent years, especially over the last several months. After noticing an alarming uptick in anti-Semitic sentiment among immigrant students, the German government is considering a special fund for Holocaust education.
But the rise of Muslim anti-Semitism is responsible for the recent change in the tone of hate in Germany. Until recently, the country’s anti-Semitism has been largely coded and anonymous.
Messages might be spray-painted on walls at night; during the day, though, it would be rare to hear someone shout, as protesters did in Berlin in July, “Jews to the gas!”
Another popular slogan at this and other rallies was “Jew, coward pig, come out and fight alone!” — shouted just yards from Berlin’s main Holocaust memorial.
Talking to Muslim friends, I can’t help but believe that the audacity of today’s anti-Semitism is in part a result of the exploitation of a “victim status,” an underdog sentiment that too many European Muslims have embraced enthusiastically.
The op-ed goes on about educating Muslims on the Holocaust. But that doesn’t work since Muslims are already educated about the Holocaust.
Mein Kampf is very popular in Turkey. The Muslim Brotherhood was interlinked with the Nazis.
Mein Kampf is very popular in Turkey. The Muslim Brotherhood was interlinked with the Nazis.
To an already genocidal religion, the Holocaust was something to emulate. Mohammed was killing Jews long before Hitler. His followers are still killing Jews over a thousand years later.
There’s your thousand year Reich.
The victim status is very much an issue but Muslims feel like victims because they’re failed supremacists. The Islamist has a lot in common with the Neo-Nazi. Except his Hitler is the founder of a religion that continues to expand.
Of course, anti-Semitism didn’t originate with Europe’s Muslims, nor are they its only proponents today. The traditional anti-Semitism of Europe’s far right persists. So, too, does that of the far left, as a negative byproduct of sympathy for the Palestinian liberation struggle. There’s also an anti-Semitism of the center, a subcategory of the sort of casual anti-Americanism
There’s a certain amount of truth there, but it obscures the larger issue which is that Muslim anti-Semitism has become a proxy for leftist anti-Semitism. It was never about the Pallies.
Left-wing anti-Semitism, like Muslim anti-Semitism, predates the modern State of Israel, predates Zionism.
Left-wing anti-Semitism, like Muslim anti-Semitism, predates the modern State of Israel, predates Zionism.
The left seeks out noble savages to act out its worst impulses, its animalistic urges, glorifying them and degrading them at the same time.
The left doesn’t seem to understand that Muslims are not there to be their proxies, they don’t hate Jews because the left hates Jews, but because they hate everyone who isn’t them. Islam is pure uncut xenophobia.
The sort of xenophobia that only the truly degraded who believe that they ought to be running the world are capable of practicing.
That’s what we see with ISIS or with the Muslim settlers of Europe who murder Jewish children. The new Nazis of Europe are older than its oldest Nazis.
The Palestinians - Nazis then, Nazis now

Not well known: The very active role that the Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, played in the Holocaust. He worked side by side with Hitler and his top officials in the design and implementation of the extermination of the Jews.
Today genocidal Nazi ideology is rampant in the Palestinian territories.
Photos above: Left, the Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler. Right, Palestinian students rally in Jerusalem.
The city of Nuremberg then and now

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Inside Adolph Hitler's Bunker
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