What do the Olympics actually represent?
- The modern Olympic Games have a history tainted by the worst of humankind. While athletes - doped up many of them - compete and collect medals, there is an undercurrent of deep corruption at all levels, starting with the organizers themselves.
- That in addition to outrageous national expenditures by the host countries on the back of the people.
- During the 2016 Rio Olympics the Lebanon delegation blocked the Israelis from boarding a bus. They did not want to share space with Jews.
- A defeated Egyptian judoka competitor (pictured with blue robe) refused to shake the hand of the Israeli winner, breaking one of the sport's basic rules.
- Anti-Israel delegates have made their anti-Semitic feelings public, even to the point of refusing to compete against Israeli athletes.
- Some journalists say Rio Olympics anti-Semitism is out of control. Much of the expenditures for venues, athletes and anti-Semitic activity are funded by taxpayers.
- During the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany, Palestinian terrorists, secretly aided in the background by German neo-Nazis, kidnapped, tortured and killed 11 Israeli athletes and their coach. The Games continued undisturbed and unashamed.
- While Hitler's campaign against German Jews was in full swing, the world did not bat an eye and flocked to Germany to compete in the 1936 Olympics.
- On the expenditure issue alone, think of how much good could be done if at least some of the money invested in new venues and athletic superstars (who go on to make millions for themselves in advertising) could be spent in expanding and improving children gyms and physical education for youth all over the world.
The Olympic Games is a metaphor for the world. Here you see the behavior of nations, good and bad.
Here we saw Israelis and Jews slaughtered by Palestinian Arab terrorists on prime time television. While Israel was bringing the bodies of our finest back home for burial the Games barely missed a beat and, today, the non-state of Palestine is allowed to participate even as they reject the notion of living in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel.
Even so, we turn up to participate in the spirit of the Olympics to show the world, and ourselves, our finest sporting face, even if the door to the shared bus with the Lebanese delegation is slammed in our face, or when the Saudis refuse to compete with us, or when the Egyptians, who are supposed to have signed a peace agreement with us, refuse to shake our hand.
Despite all this rejection, and the inability of the Olympic Organizing Committee to stamp out the unsporting hate that is an anathema of the raison d'etre of the Olympic movement, Israel will continue to show up, strive to do our best and, where possible, to win medals and bring pride to our nation and to the Jewish People. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/19346

by Palestinian terrorists.
The Telegraph, UK:
- Horrific new details have emerged of how Israeli athletes taken hostage in the 1972 Munich Olympics were brutalised before they were ultimately slaughtered.
- Long-hidden German police records and interviews with the families of the athletes reveal that the some of Israeli sportsmen were beaten by Palestinian terrorists until their bones snapped.
- One of the athletes, weightlifter Yossef Romano, was castrated in front of his teammates.
- “What they did is that they cut off his genitals through his underwear and abused him,” his widow Ilana Romano told the New York Times. “Can you imagine the nine others sitting around tied up? They watched this.”
- It remains unclear if Mr Romano was still alive when he was mutilated.
- Mr Romano was shot and killed along with one other athlete when gunmen from the Palestinian Black September group stormed into the Israeli team’s rooms in the Olympic Village.
- The other nine hostages were all killed during a botched rescue attempt by German police on the runway of a nearby airbase.
- The families tried unsuccessfully to convince the International Olympic Committee to mark the 40th anniversary of the killings by holding a moment of silence during the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics.
- Relatives said the Olympic Committee’s refusal of their request was “shameful”.
GERMANY subsequently faked an airplane hijacking in order to free a surviving Palestinian terrorist. Read details further down this page.
Hitler's Olympic Village is crumbling -
But his hatred against Jews lives in Muslim ideology and anti-Semitism everywhere.

Falling away: On the outskirts of Berlin, the Olympic Village in Wustermark features training areas, a swimming pool and dormitories which are far from their peak condition of 80 years ago
Hitler’s crumbling Olympic vision: Athletes’ village designed by Nazi leader for 1936 Games which became a base for German troops in Second World War lies crumbling on outskirts of Berlin

It was the athletes' village for the infamous Nazi 1936 Olympics Games but it now lies decaying in a state of disrepair.
In 1931, two years before the Nazi Party came to power, Germany won the right to host the games.
Adolf Hitler saw this as an opportunity to showcase his far-right totalitarian ideology he wanted to impose on the world.
But the brilliant American Jesse Owens, one of athletics all-time greats, won four gold medals in track and field much to the disappointment of Hitler and his supporters.

The German chancellor wanted to ban black and Jewish athletes from competing in the first televised Olympics but failed when nations threatened to boycott the games.
Although the 100,000 seater stadium built for the games is still used today as one of the finest sports venues in Europe, much of the lesser-known Olympic Village is falling apart.

Decaying: During the war, Nazi solders used the Olympic complex as a hospital. As the German military were overwhelmed in the final few weeks of the war, Russian troops used the venue as a barracks in 1945
On the outskirts of Berlin, the Olympic Village in Wustermark features training areas, a swimming pool and dormitories which are far from their peak condition of 80 years ago.
Around 4,000 athletes had use of the luxury accommodation in the complex named 'village of peace'.

State of disrepair: Around 4,000 athletes had the use of the luxury accommodation in the complex named 'village of peace'
It was meant to portray a peaceful, idyllic picture of a modern Germany but only three years later the Third Reich would be at war with Britain, France and much of Europe.
During the war, Nazi solders used the Olympic complex as a hospital. As the German military were overwhelmed in the final few weeks of the war, Russian troops used the venue as a barracks in 1945.
It was kept under Russian control as a site for KGB interrogations until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Unused: Although the 100,000 seater stadium built for the games is still used today as one of the finest sports venues in Europe, much of the lesser-known Olympic Village (pictured) is falling apart

In the 1990s the complex was left to crumble and fall into the long forgotten past.
But restorations efforts are now underway to build a museum and construct apartments and homes to meet the needs of Berlin's rising population.
The village has even hosted sporting competitions and is accessible through tours and visits including to Jesse Owen's reconstructed dormitory.

Needing work: The village has even hosted sporting competitions and is accessible through tours and visits including to Jesse Owen's reconstructed dormitory

Sporting vision: German officials look over the plans for the Olympic village for the 1936 Games which were the first to be televised

Capacity: The stadium built for the games is still used today in Berlin by Hertha BSC and some matches for the German national team
All-time great: The American Jesse Owens won four gold medals in track and field much to the disappointment of Hitler and his supporters

Athletes: The village was meant to portray a peaceful, idyllic picture of a modern Germany but only three years later the Third Reich would be at war with Britain, France and much of Europe

Crowds: During the war, Nazi solders used the Olympic complex as a hospital. As the German military were overwhelmed in the final few weeks of the war, Russian troops used the venue as a barracks in 1945 (pictured is the Olympic Stadium)

Olympic vision: The 1936 Olympics were the first to be televised and were beamed around the world in black and white

German sporting victory: Adolf Hitler was delighted as his German ‘supermen’ won the Games with a medal count of nearly 90. The record books tell how in three weeks the participants consumed 100 cows, 91 pigs, over 650 lambs, 8,000lb of coffee, 150,000lb of vegetables and 160,000 pints of milk

Berlin in 1936: Among the new tenants of the Olympic Village were the Communist torturers of SMERSH and the KGB, interrogators who turned the subterranean rooms housing the swimming pool’s heating system into a theatre of pain and death

From the past: Since the fall of communism, the Olympic Village has been largely undisturbed, any hopes of restoring it scuppered by its Nazi history
Anti-Semitism at the Rio Olympics
is out of control
Throughout the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Israeli athletes have encountered stark anti-Semitism.
After losing a judo match on Friday, Islam el-Shehaby, a fighter from Egypt, refused to shake his Israeli opponent’s hand — a major breach of judo etiquette.
After beating him handily, Israeli fighter Or Sasson extended his hand to el-Shehaby. In response, the Egyptian fighter backed away, refusing to reciprocate the gesture.
El-Shehaby was reportedly under pressure from Islamic groups and Egyptian nationalists to drop out of the match with Sasson.
The day before the match, a TV host for an Islamist-leaning network pressured el-Shehaby to refuse to fight Sasson, the Daily Mail reports.

The Egyptian athlete let out a war cry Allahu Akbar before fighting the Israeli.
“My son watch out, don’t be fooled, or fool yourself thinking you will play with the Israeli athlete to defeat him and make Egypt happy,” the host said. “Egypt will cry. Egypt will be sad and you will be seen as a traitor and a normalizer in the eyes of your people.”
The incident between the two fighters is only the latest anti-Semitic action Israeli athletes have faced in Rio.
In an Olympic qualifying match, Ala Ghasoun, a boxer from Syria, refused to fight an Israeli athlete. Ghasoun said competing with an athlete from Israel “would mean that I, as an athlete, and Syria, as a state, recognize the state of Israel.”
Earlier this week, another judo fighter reportedly forfeited a match so as not to face an Israeli athlete in a later round.
Saudi Arabian officials tweeted out that judo fighter Joud Fahmy dropped out of a preliminary round due to an injury sustained during training, but multiple media outlets reported later that she was not injured.
Women in Saudi Arabia are heavily restricted from athletic activities. In 2009 and 2010, Saudi officials shuttered women-only gyms. Women are also barred from virtually all sporting arenas.
Last week, the head of the Lebanese Olympic delegation refused to let Israeli athletes board a bus the two countries were supposed to share en route to the opening ceremonies, The Washington Times reports. Olympic organizers had to send a separate bus to transport the stranded Israeli athletes so they could get to the games.
Just before the start of the games, media outlets pushed a sob story about Palestinian swimmer Mary al-Atrash, claiming she was unable to use an Olympic-sized pool for training.
“There is no Olympic-sized swimming pool in the Palestinian territories that Palestinians are allowed to use, so Atrash practices at the YMCA in Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem,” Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported. “The pool is 25 meters long, half the length of the facility she’ll compete in at Rio.”
In a Facebook post, Israeli officials called out Atrash, saying she refused to apply for a permit to travel to Jerusalem to use their facilities. Liel Liebovitz of Tablet Magazine pointed out that there are several full-sized pools within the Palestinian territories she could have used as well.
The 1972 Munich Olympics Terror -
A look back at German indifference and incompetence

The response of the German authorities was pure incompetence, and the response of the International Olympic movement was shockingly mild.
Two of the Israelis were killed immediately upon the hostage-taking.
The hostage-takers then demanded the release and transfer to Egypt of a large number of Palestinians and others jailed in Israel.
Israel’s response was absolute – no negotiations with terrorist murderers.
Israel offered to send a special forces unit to Germany to try to free the hostages, but Germany refused.
Instead Germany undertook an operation which was so incompetent that it would be laughable if the consequences hadn’t been so tragic.
First, the Germans dispatched to the Olympic village some members of the border-police, completely untrained in any sort of counter-terrorist response, and without any plan of attack.
They took up positions, awaiting orders that never came.
Second, German television camera crews starting filming the police squad on the roof of a building, and once the terrorists saw the footage on television, and showed they knew where the police were, the operation was abandoned.
The German authorities pretended to give in to the terrorists’ demand for transportation to Cairo; but instead of taking them to the international airport, the Germans transported them to a military airbase, where they planned to attack them.
The Germans selected five snipers, but none of them had any special training and were only chosen because they shot competitively on weekends.
A Boeing jet was positioned on the tarmac, and the Germans placed five or six armed police, dressed as flight crew, in the plane.
They were to overpower the terrorists who would be inspecting the plane, and the other snipers were to kill the remainder of the terrorists who would be in the helicopters which delivered them from the Olympic site.
The armed police, however, again had no counter-terrorism training, and at the last moment just as the helicopters arrived, the police panicked and voted among themselves to abandon their mission, which they did, without even contacting their central command.
When the terrorist leaders inspected the empty jet, they knew they had been duped, and a chaotic scene ensued. But the German snipers, who had no radio contact with each other, and hence no coordination of their efforts, were not even equipped with steel helmets or bullet-proof vests. In the end all of the hostages were killed, and all but three of the terrorists.
After a one-day suspension, the Games continued. At a memorial service, IOC President Avery Brundage spoke about the strength of the Olympic movement, but chose not to refer to the slain Israeli athletes! And the Arab nations objected to a plan to fly flags at half mast!
The bodies of the five Palestinians who were killed were, for some reason, delivered to Libya, where they received heroes’ funerals with full military honors.
The three surviving terrorists were jailed, but less than two months later, a German Lufthansa jet was hijacked and the Germans quickly traded two of the terrorists for release of the hijacked plane.
(There is evidence that this was a fake hijacking where Germans colluded with Palestinians in order to free the terrorists. To this day Germany heavily subsidizes Palestinian terror under the cover of "humanitarian aid".)
We should understand that 9/11 and the various terrorist attacks in Europe are part of the same problem that Israel faces. Sadly, the European Left (and increasingly the American Left) seeks to distinguish the two and continues to work to sacrifice Israel to the Islamist beast, in the hopes that it will be sated and not come after them.
Incompetence to save Israeli athletes in 1972 and incompetence to save their own people (from Muslim migrant crime and violence) in 2016. And the reason for the incompetence is the foolish ideology adopted by the children and grandchildren of Nazi murderers that the problem of terrorism was a deserved problem of the Israeli Jews and that it wasn’t their problem.
Black September, the Palestinian terror group that killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, was allowed by the German government to hijack a passenger jet two months later to provide a 'cover story' for the release of the three gunmen captured at the scene.
According to One Day in September - an Oscar-nominated documentary which is to be released in Britain in May - Bonn indicated to the terrorist group that it would give in to their demands should a certain aircraft - carrying no women and children - be hijacked.
The Germans were keen to release the three jailed terrorists to avoid Black September fulfilling threats to carry out a series of bombings and hijackings.
On 29 October, 1972 - not even eight weeks after the Munich attack - a Lufthansa Boeing 727 on its way from Damascus, Syria, to Frankfurt was hijacked by two terrorists as it left Beirut airport. There were only 11 passengers on board, all male.
The pilot was told to fly to Munich and the terrorists' demands were relayed to Bonn. Within hours the German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, gave in and the three men were handed over. The Israelis were not consulted.
All three Black September men had been arrested during a botched attempt by German authorities to rescue the Israeli athletes taken hostage in the Olympic Village. Nine hostages and five terrorists died in the shoot-out.
Two of the surviving terrorists were later killed by Mossad - the Israeli secret service - but Jamal Al-Gashey, the third, has survived in hiding. He gave his first, and only, interview to the One Day in September team. 'An agreement had been made with the German government for our release after the hijacking of a Lufthansa plane,' Al-Gashey told researchers. 'I found out later.'
Though Brandt himself denied any deal, Al-Gashey's allegations are supported by a range of senior German, Palestinian and Israeli intelligence and political sources. Ulrich Wegener, then a key aide of the Interior Minister and the founder of GSG-9, the Germans' crack counter-terrorist unit, said Bonn did not want to risk confronting the Palestinians after the attack on the Olympics.
Earlier in the year Lufthansa had allegedly paid a ransom of $5million (£3.2m) after the hijack of a jet flying to Yemen. 'At this time
the German government thought they could negotiate with terrorists, and [that] they could give them money [or] something else to get rid of them,' Wegener said.
The return of the hostages was celebrated in the Middle East. But the Israelis were stunned. Golda Meir, the Prime Minister, decided that their release - and the conciliatory attitude of Bonn - had to be answered.
Within hours of hearing the news that Al-Gashey and his comrades were free, she authorised Mossad to launch 'Operation Wrath of God'. For the next 20 years, Israeli agents tracked down those connected with the Munich attack and killed them.
Many relatives are bitter about Bonn's acts. 'Of course I blame the terrorists,' Ankie Spitzer, widow of the Israeli fencing coach who died, said. 'But most of all I blame the German authorities.'
MUSLIM ANTI-SEMITISM - based on teachings by the Koran - Muslims have been massacring Jews since the times of Mohammad.
VIDEO by Pat Condell
- How Muslims have brought virulent and violent anti-Semitism back to the West
- Why the Left refuses to talk about Muslim Anti-Semitism
- And some of the gruesome Muslim attacks against Jews in France
VIDEO - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement
The Palestinian active role in the Holocaust.
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