The following article on enforced racial homogeneity in Japanese schools may be related to Japan's ingrained disapproval of race mixing.
Children of American GIs and Japanese women have suffered painful discrimination in Japan, even by members of their own extended families.
Japan has refused to take in world refugees. There is no Muslim population in Japan. This has resulted in no incidence of Islamic terror in the country.
The Japanese have a fascination with Nazism. Government officials and celebrities have even praised it publicly. Although there are practically no Jews in Japan, there is a current of anti-Semitism. Japan was an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II.
Japanese Girl Sues School For Forcing Her To Dye Her Hair Black
“Even if we had a blond foreign exchange student, we would force them to dye their hair black,” a school representative allegedly told the girl’s attorney.
When a Japanese school forced a student to dye her naturally brown hair to black, she filed suit against the district in a case that began Friday.
I personally don't like Halloween, but I could not resist these cute pictures of dogs all dressed up in costumes. At the All Dogs Matter Halloween Dog Walk in London pooches of all breeds donned their best spooky looks.The annual charity is a hit with dog owners and dog lovers in general. ....... Not sure what the dogs think about the whole undignified affair. This blogger's favorite...
Smile with more picturesof adorable dogs in absolutely ridiculous costumes :-)
The following video is the musings of a man who is trying to understand the disintegration of Germany. Stefan Molyneux outlines social and ideological movements that made western men and women into what we are today: soft, shielded from reality, depending on the state for our needs, losing the values of freedom, hard work, and personal independence that built post-war societies.
At one point Molyneux mentions something that I have wanted to write about for some time: our idealization of non-western societies and denial of how brutal they can be.
Continue reading and see the latest headlines of the social, cultural, and ethnic collapse of Europe.
Imagine you wake up one day without electric power. None of your electronic devices works either. You sense something is wrong, get dressed and head for your car to drive to the grocery store and stock up on essentials. Your car, equipped as it is with electronic parts, won't start.
You're lucky enough to live within walking distance of a grocery store. Once you get there it's total mayhem, people are trampling over each other to grab whatever they can. No way to call police. You walk back home wondering what is going on.
The days that follow are of pure savagery, with the country technically and culturally back in the Stone Age. Bands of armed thugs loot stalled trucks containing food items, and roam cities stealing food and everything they can. They kill whoever gets in their way.
The sick, unable to get medical aid, would begin to die. Non-nursing babies would starve without formula.
Highways would be clogged with stalled vehicles. Computers, phones, TVs, and radios would all be useless.
Remember, there is no transportation, no distribution of food or medicine, no clean water, no working electronics, and no power to run any of the machines we count on to maintain civilization. And no police presence.
Along with social chaos, there is starvation. Urban survivors not part of gangs of thugs would be reduced to eating their pets and wildlife. Farmers would be unable to defend themselves against bands of thieves.
Good citizens with guns would fare better than those without them, but only temporarily. Resources would eventually dwindle to nothing. Unless you are one of those preppers who have thought of everything and are well stocked, well armed, and well hidden and protected, your chances of survival are zilch. And this is the prospect for 90% of people living in the USA.
Whether this EMP scenario is caused by a bomb detonated in the atmosphere by a foreign government or a fanatic, or by a giant solar flare directed at us, it does not matter. An EMP catastrophe is not a matter of if, but of WHEN.
Congress has been remiss in addressing this issue and providing funds to fortify the US electrical grid. As it stands now, there are not enough spare parts in America, and they would have to be imported. It would take many months to reconstruct the grid, but first social order would have to be restored and the mess cleaned up.
Maybe coastal areas would start the rebirth, as they could more easily access supplies from overseas. Maybe.
A disturbing question is WHO would be in charge of the country's reconstruction. It's not inconceivable that it would be a foreign power. China - desperate as it is for land and resources - would perhaps come to the rescue, at a high price.
So, dear American reader, when your President and Congressmen waste their time talking about marginal issues, ask them what exactly they are doing to prepare the nation for an EMP catastrophe.
The Obama administration and the Democrats have said that the worst threat to the USA - besides Trump - is CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!
The Climate Change campaign has been a ruse to divert attention away from real threats such as EMPs, nuclear power plants (NPPs), and overpopulation devouring ever shrinking natural resources while polluting the planet.
Please keep in mind that without electrical power to operate their machines, nuclear power plants go into meltdown. After an EMP there would be a series of nuclear power plant meltdowns across the USA contaminating land and killing people. At present a single case of loss of electrical power in an NPP can be dealt with, but not when the country is in complete chaos.
The Trump administration appears not to have effective preparations for a solar-caused or man-made EMP that would destroy the American civilization and kill 90% of the US population.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT THING TO KEEP IN MIND is that the number one priority for government authorities at all levels - before, during, and after a disaster - is to avoid panic, and this is why an EMP catastrophe is almost never mentioned.
This blog recently reported how Californian authorities decided not to warn residents of looming wild fires because they did not want to cause panic on the roads. As a result dozens of people woke up as flames engulfed their property and they perished. Read more on this failure to protect citizens HERE
CONGRESSIONAL REPORT: An EMP Attack Would Cause Mass U.S. Starvation and kill 9 in 10 Americans
By Bruce Dorminey, Forbes Magazine
A new congressional report contends that a North Korean electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the U.S. would ultimately wipe out 90% of the population.
Continue reading this article, and one outlining how nuclear power plants go into meltdown after an EMP.
The paw-fect pair! Rescue dog abused in previous home is photographed cuddling up to her tiny new owner as she learns to trust humans again.
Baby Archie Spence, from Manitoba, Canada, and rescue dog Nora are inseparable - with dozens of photographs shared online showing them snuggling up to one another. In fact, the English pointer is described as being terrified of 'almost everything' after being abused by a former owner - making her friendship with Archie even more remarkable.
See more pictures of this adorable pair of friends
For months we have seen multiple investigations on the Trump Team's possible collusion with the Russians, and on Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.
Now a couple of investigative journalists with The Hill have put together a detailed report documenting how Hillary Clinton and other top members of the Obama administration were involved in a scandal of deep collusion, bribery, and coverup involving the sale of uranium to Russia.
The whole Trump-and-Russia narrative was a deliberate web of deception created by the liberal media and the Democrats to deflect attention away from the real scandal involving Obama officials, the Clinton Foundation, and Russia.
One issue rarely mentioned is how current Attorney General Jeff Sessions has wasted precious time and resources on issues extraneous to Trump's agenda, and has REFUSED to investigate Hillary Clinton.
Sessions' latest statement on the matter was ambiguous, declaring that his Department can't reveal whether or not there is an ongoing investigation on Hillary Clinton and the uranium scandal. Sessions' secrecy could technically stretch for the next three years, and the guilty party never be investigated at all.
Sessions' extremely disappointing performance as Attorney General has led some pundits to speculate whether he is being blackmailed into distraction and inaction. President Trump needs to replace him.
UPDATE October 20: GATEWAY PUNDIT Why does Sessions seem to be protecting Obama and the Clintons? He refuses to release gag order on key witness to uranium scandal. - - Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer says“I don’t understand why AG Jeff Sessions isn’t lifting that non-disclosure right now and freeing this informant to tell the Judiciary Committee, the Intelligence Committees and indeed, the American people everything he knows about what is, appears to be, one of the or the most extraordinary cover ups in this country’s history.”
While Sessions appears to be putting the breaks on the investigation, John Solomon announced Thursday on Hannity that the House Intelligence Committee is now investigating the matter.
UPDATE October 22 - Daniel John Sobiesky writes:Jeff Sessions recused himself from all things Russian because he thought it would insulate him from having to divulge what he knew about Uranium One (and all the top government officials involved). See full article further on this page.
UPDATE October 23 - TEN URANIUM ONE FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW (read article on this page)
UK DAILY MAIL - Senate probes corrupt Russian money funneled to Clinton Foundation as FBI informant at scandal's center is revealed to have been gagged by Obama's Justice Department during 2016 campaign
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is looking into a Russian uranium deal that Hillary Clinton signed off on as secretary of state
The deal happened amid companies associated with it giving donations to the Clinton Foundation and paying her husband Bill Clinton to speak
Now it's come to light that the company involved in the deal was being investigated by the FBI for bribery, extortion and money laundering
Yet the deal was approved, with Grassley now writing letters and seeking documents trying to find out why
The lawyer for an FBI informant on the deal told the Hill newspaper this week her client was told to sign a non-disclosure agreement and thus barred to speak out
She told the paper that he had information about how the Russians tried to woo Clinton and the Obama administration but wasn't allowed to speak to lawmakers
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said Wednesday he is looking into potential 'conflicts of interest' of Hillary Clinton's over a Russian uranium deal that was approved despite an ongoing FBI investigation of the company concerned.
'It turns out during the transaction, the Justice Department had an ongoing criminal investigation for bribery, extortion and money laundering into officials for the Russian company making that purchase,' Grassley said during a Capitol Hill hearing. 'While all of this was going on, the Clinton Foundation reportedly received millions of dollars from interested parties in the transaction.'
The Hill newspaper also reported that a key FBI informant, an American businessman with knowledge of the Russian nuclear industry's efforts to woo the Clintons and the Obama administration, was blocked by President Obama's Justice Department last year from telling Congress what he knew.
Continue reading this article,see link to The Hill's extensive investigative report on the Obama-Clinton-Russia uranium scandal, and watch recent VIDEO by Stefan Molyneux on this scandal and instances of FBI CORRUPTION.
Drone video captures USPS truck delivering mail to burned out communities in California.
Back in 1985 science fiction author David Brin published The Postman, a story of a post-apocalyptic United States where a survivor takes on the uniform and the role of a postman to bring back some hope for the restoration of social order in the country. It was later made into a movie with Kevin Kostner.
On this page watch surreal drone video of a postman delivering mail to California communities burnt to ashes by wildfires. It brings to mind that book, and also our silent fear of how close we are to natural and terror-caused disasters of continental proportions. Here are some very likely scenarios:
The eruption of the Yellowstone mega volcano would render much of the United States into a disaster zone. Agriculture, transportation, and much more would disappear for years to come. Experts say this eruption could happen any day now.
A major solar flare hitting North America would cause an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would fry the power grid. The USA would be unable to restore it for months, maybe years. All electronics would be immediately inoperable. Cars could not run since they have so many electronics. No vehicles, no transportation, no food.
A nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere above the USA would have the same result as a major solar flare: an EMP that would paralyze the country and result in total social chaos. IMPORTANT: Without electric power to run their machinery, nuclear power plants go into meltdown, compounding the disaster.
One fact that needs to be stressed is that California AUTHORITIESDECIDED NOT TO ALERT THE POPULATION AS WILDFIRES APPROACHED residential areas. By the time many people saw the flames, it was too late to escape, thus the many casualties -Sonoma County officials made land-line phone calls but did not use the wireless emergency alert for cellphones, like the Amber Alerts for missing children. Officials claim that they did not want to issue broad evacuation alerts that would panic residents and snarl traffic, preventing access for emergency vehicles.
WATCH MORE VIDEOSof man driving through fire, of woman who cycles to safety carrying her 70 pound dog in a duffel bag on her back, and another drone video by Douglas Thron, and see links to 50 best SURVIVAL BLOGS
Some thoughts in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein's scandal, where this powerful movie producer preyed on starlets eager for an opportunity in the business. (Photo: Weinstein at a typical Hollywood party.)
There is no doubt that some powerful men sometimes victimize people around them, both men and women.
But beyond Hollywood and the big corporations, there is the world that you and I are more familiar with.
Women in the workplace flirt with men. This is often done in a good-natured way, but sometimes as a means to obtain favorable treatment. It's not that most women want to go beyond the flirting, but they do it.
It's no surprising then that male co-workers will take flirting as a signal, and they may act in inappropriate ways. Unfortunately some men are too stupid to stop when rebuffed, and then the situation escalates and gets toxic.
Often women are completely innocent of attracting unwanted attention. But that's not always the case.
In a few instances women encourage inappropriate attention from key executives, and when men respond, the targeted woman launches a sexual harassment lawsuit that gets settled to their financial advantage. An easy way to make thousands of dollars.
This reminds us of another ploy meant to harm men. A young woman gets affectionate with her date, a university student, for example, drinks a lot, ends up in the bedroom, and then claims to have been raped. It's her word against his, so he gets expelled from school, and maybe even goes to jail. A life is ruined.
Women are outraged by the Weinstein scandal and are loudly denouncing what they call men's culture of sexual harassment. It's the new moral crusade.
Those same women, however, are most likely fierce defenders of abortion, including the one done in the last weeks of pregnancy, where an innocent baby is cut to pieces in the womb. No moral outrage about that.
There is also media silence about the epidemic of physical and mental abuse of men by women.
Scientific American just posted the following article about women harassing and raping men. The magazine was unaware of the looming Hollywood scandal, so it offers interesting statistics of another side of the problem.
We should keep in mind that the statistics of female-to-male sexual and violent abuse most likely do not reflect the true extent of this crime, since men are too ashamed to report these situations to authorities.
Scene from the film DISCLOSURE with Michael Douglas and Demi Moore. Here the female boss is the sexual predator, and the man employee her unwilling prey.
Sexual Victimization of Men by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known
A new study gives a portrait of female perpetrators
The results were surprising. For example, the CDC’s nationally representative data revealed that over one year, men and women were equally likely to experience nonconsensual sex, and most male victims reported female perpetrators.
We also pooled four years of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data and found that 35 percent of male victims who experienced rape or sexual assault reported at least one female perpetrator.
Lara Stempleis the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies and International Student Programs at UCLA School of Law. She also directs the Health and Human Rights Law Project.
Ilan H. Meyeris a Williams Distinguished Senior Scholar for Public Policy at the Williams Institute for Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at UCLA School of Law.
Take a moment and picture an image of a rapist. Without a doubt, you are thinking about a man. Given our pervasive cultural understanding that perpetrators of sexual violence are nearly always men, this makes sense.
But this assumption belies the reality, revealed in ourstudyof large-scale federal agency surveys, that women are also often perpetrators of sexual victimization.
In 2014, we published a studyon the sexual victimization of men, finding that men were much more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than was thought.
To understand who was committing the abuse, we next analyzed four surveys conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to glean an overall picture of how frequently women were committing sexual victimization.
Political groups have learned how to market themselves by deceitfully using product advertising formulas. Marketers can label something "natural," or "light," or "proven effective," without having to define or give evidence for any of those claims.
Lately there have been several political and activist groups that have appropriated harmless, or positive, or popular words to cover their true nefarious agendas. Here are some examples:
ANTI-FA groups in Europe and the United States claim to be against fascism, but their violent tactics against opponents at public demonstrations and against free speech everywhere, particularly in college campuses, use 1930s brutal fascist tactics themselves.
LEFTIST JEWS, whose only link to Judaism is often their surname (being the product of mixed marriages), follow the leftist doctrine, their true religion, and hate Israel. Leftist Jews create "Jewish" organizations to sell a fraudulent product that claims to be Jewish but it's in fact strongly anti-Israel.
J STREET was allegedly founded to speak for average American Jews. However its true goal is to undermine Israel. It has a pro-Palestinian agenda and Muslim donors. Its top echelon includes militant Muslims.
The Center for Jewish History, Peace Now (in Israel), and many other Jewish organizations wave the flag of Jewishness for the sake of credibility, but are staffed by strongly anti-Israel, and often downright anti-Semitic individuals. Talk about deceitful advertising ....
BLACK LIVES MATTER (such a valid sentence, who could disagree with it) is actually a black supremacist and discriminatory group, prone to use violence to advance its goals.
SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER, or SPLC, is under scrutiny. Its innocuous name hides a dangerous and hateful agenda. Their marketing is so effective that celebrities such as George Clooney, and big corporations such as Apple, are flooding it with cash - for what they think is a good cause: fighting anti-black hate.
What donors don't realize is that the spreading of anti-white hate and anti-white culture, has become profitable in America, as long as it is cleverly marketed as something else.
VIDEO: Southern Poverty Law Center - The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group - By Prager University
Breitbart News: The “Poverty” Law Center was hardly in dire straights before corporate America decided to throw their lot in with them. Last year, the Birmingham, AL, group was reputed to have an endowment larger than $300 million. According to tax documents examined by the Washington Free Beacon, the SPLC has stashed millions of that in offshore accounts while paying some of its executives salaries in excess of $300,000. All officers, directors, trustees, and “key employees” are reportedly making six-figures.
What the Southern Poverty Law Center appears to peddle the most these days is hate against anyone who does not agree with their agenda, labeling perfectly mainstream intellectuals as haters, fascists, racists, white supremacists, and more. Their targets are not the KKK but college professors, politicians, journalists. The SPLC has created a map of hate groups that is outright misleading. There you go, marketing is everything ....
Breitbart News: Even the mainstream media began to look more critically on the SPLC’s “research” as the group pulled stunts like listing Harvard social scientist Charles Murrayas a “white nationalist” and ex-Muslim civil rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Alias an “extremist.” Even the SPLC itself admittedit went too far in calling Dr. Ben Carson a hater. But, as the narrative of an out-of-control violent “white supremacist” movement sweeping the country pulsed through the media, the SPLC, whose reputation has been on the ropes for years, suddenly swung back into the mainstream press’s good graces.
Some coastal communities in the Canadian west coast that are vulnerable to tsunamis have set up a rather low-tech means of alerting the population of an impending tidal wave: a siren.
The United States has the most sophisticated means of communication in the world, and yet people living in areas prone to wildfires go to sleep at night not knowing whether they will awake when it's too late and the fire is at their door.
That is what happened to a large number of people in California, caught completely unawares as rapidly moving wildfires engulfed their homes and their lives.
At the time of posting this article the number of fatalities is 23 but it's expected to rise dramatically. The number of unaccounted for is in the hundreds. Thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes. An additional heartbreak is the number of animals that panicked people left behind to burn and die.
We can never be fully prepared for all eventualities. There were instances when people fleeing in their vehicles found that one escape route after another was blocked by fire.
What makes the following images so eerie is the fairy tale nature of many of those luxurious homes, once a dream come true for families and retirees. The horror of this fire is how it is now devouring those beautiful dreams, sometimes along with the people who built them.
The incongruent contrast of Disneyland - the Happiest Place on Earth - and the ominous orange and smoky sky of out-of-control wildfires in nearby areas.
Do you recognize this adorable, albeit slightly charred face? The photo, which was posted to Facebook on Oct. 9 by the Sonoma Humane Society, has gone viral with over 11,650 shares to date. A message about the cat, lost during the North Bay fires, indicates the sweet survivor with the singed whiskers was found underneath a car. He is microchipped and in the Humane Society’s care until an owner comes forward.
Breitbart News: As the situation worsens ... Criticism is beginning to boil that local safety officials gave no warning of the coming fires, resulting in panicked residents who smelled the smoke and realized that flames were approaching. Sonoma County officials made land-line phone calls but did not use the wireless emergency alert for cellphones, like the Amber Alerts for missing children. Officials claim that they did not want to issue broad evacuation alerts that would panic residents and snarl traffic, preventing access for emergency vehicles.
Within hours of the massacre 17 therapy dogs and their handlers were getting ready for their trip to Las Vegas. The group was coordinated by Lutheran Churches Charities, LCC. There were deployed to help victims of the Las Vegas shooting in a therapeutic capacity. The lovable mutts have been visiting survivors such as the ones in Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center.
Tim Hetzner, founder of the K-9 Comfort Dog Ministries told ABC news, "the great thing about the dogs, they're unconditional, confidential and safe." He also told ABC that the dogs themselves are sensitive to people's emotional needs. "Dogs have an incredible sense of when somebody is hurting," he said, "they'll just come and lay themselves into somebody's lap."
See more pictures of these loving animals visiting survivors