Whatever we think of Donald Trump, his charge that Muslims in America were celebrating the terrorist attack against more than 3,000 innocent people at the World Trade Center is factual.
Continue reading, see VIDEOS and read witness accounts by media and government authorities at that time confirming how Muslims living in America celebrated the 9/11 terror attack. Also see video of Palestinians in joyful celebration that day.
The DC Media has spent the last two weeks attempting to destroy Donald Trump with lies. Outright lies, and they are doing so in order to protect a 14 year-old cover up.
Not only have eyewitnesses and contemporaneous reports proven Donald Trump 100% correct about Muslims celebrating 9/11, a just-uncovered local CBS News (WCBS-TV in New York) report completely vindicates Trump’s claim of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center.
The video below is from a September 16, 2001 news report:
TRANSCRIPT: Just a couple of blocks away from that Jersey City apartment the F.B.I. raided yesterday and had evidence removed, there is another apartment building, one that investigators told me, quote, was swarming with suspects — suspects who I’m told were cheering on the roof when they saw the planes slam into the Trade Center. Police were called to the building by neighbors and found eight men celebrating, six of them tenants in the building.“Swarms.”
The F.B.I. and other terrorist task force agencies arrived, and the older investigators on the task force recalled that they had been to this building before, eight years ago, when the first World Trade Center attack led them to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, whose Jersey City mosque lies between the two buildings getting attention today. And the older investigators remember that the suspects that eventually got convicted for the first Trade Center case … lived in the building where these same eight men were celebrating the destruction that they saw from the roof. Calling this a hot address, the task force investigators ordered everyone detained.
ADDED: People are arguing falsely that the fact that only 8 suspects were apprehended contradicts the “swarm” claim. Read it again. An “investigator” told CBS about the “swarm.”
The fact that a certain number were brought into custody does not change the fact that there was a “swarm.”
The obvious impression is that of the “swarm,” only eight were brought into custody. Eight people do not swarm on all those rooftops. They “gather.” Look at the video of the rooftop and picture “swarming.”
You want to get into semantics about how many people make up a swarm?
But that’s not all.
You have to add up all of the contemporaneous news reports. You are Donald Trump. You are taking in all the news during that awful week. You are told by the media that “swarms” of Muslims in a known terrorist’s neighborhood were seen on rooftops celebrating 9/11.
Just two days earlier you have read this in the New York Post:
Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attack in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New Yorker-ers that is would be wrong to take their anger our on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.You hear radio news reports about Muslims celebrations.
MTV runs a news report about Muslim celebrations.
From all of those news reports, it is perfectly reasonable and nothing close to lying to put together a picture of “thousands”.
FACT: Donald Trump is now vindicated.
If these celebrations did not occur, the only thing Trump did wrong was to believe the same media that is now calling him a liar — and doing so to cover up the truth about American Muslims celebrating 9/11 and their own covering up of that fact.
Numerous times I’ve suggested Trump exaggerated the “thousands” claim, and for that I apologize.
Nine items confirming that American Muslims were celebrating the Twin Towers terror attack:
BREIBART - There is nothing yet that validates Donald Trump’s claim that on that terrible September morning “thousands and thousands” of American Muslims cheered the collapse of the World Trade Center.
At worst, though, the Republican frontrunner is guilty of exaggerating. The DC Media, however, has been exposed (once again) as bald-faced liars who engaged in a 14 year cover-up.
Contemporaneous reports and eyewitnesses prove once and for all that some number of Muslims did in fact celebrate the collapse of the Twin Towers. Trump was not only right on this point, but by pressing the matter he has forced the DC Media to uncover a truth they did not want to tell.
Let’s lay it out:
- New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Camerota quizzed Giuliani, hoping he would say that Trump is “lying.” She was frustrated when Giuliani merely said that Trump had been “exaggerating,” and pointing out hitherto ignored examples of handfuls of Muslims celebrating in New York.
“And those weren’t just rumors, those weren’t just reports, you went out and checked them out?” Camerota said–as if the former mayor whose credibility she had hoped to exploit to bash Trump were suddenly in doubt. (Giuliani confirmed the reports.)
- CNN’s Chris Cuomo
Dishonest left-wing outlets like MTV, National Journal and Mediaite are desperately spinning the revelation of these contemporaneous reports as proof Trump lied. In a burst of Orwellian memory-holing, MTV even brought back one of the witnesses so she could recant her story 14 year later.
Nevertheless, all that spin cannot change the fact that news reports of American Muslims cheering the fall of the World Trade Center have been found.
It doesn’t matter what the witness says now, what matters is what Trump might have seen at the time, and what Trump saw were news reports on television about people in New Jersey celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center.
- The Washington Post
In his lying fact check, Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler writes, “There is absolutely no evidence of the celebration cited by Trump.”
Except, of course, for all the proof listed here and a contemporaneous report in his own left-wing newspaper. A report, I should add, that Kessler did not include his initial fact check. Either this Hillary Guardian tried to cover up the Washington Post report, or he just didn’t look hard enough for evidence backing Trump’s claim.
This appeared in the Washington Post on September 18, 2001:
In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.The report was never retracted by the Washington Post.
- The New York Post
Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attack in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New Yorker-ers that is would be wrong to take their anger our on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.This story was never retracted.
- Radio News Reports of Muslim Celebrations
Siegel told Daily Intelligencer that he first heard about the celebrations (and the nationalities of the perpetrators) on the radio, though he couldn’t remember which station. In addition to those news reports, he said, he believes that some Muslims did celebrate because he heard it from two sources: an acquaintance from Clifton, New Jersey, and an Arab-American professor with whom he corresponded.Not a small detail.
- Legions of Witnesses
8. Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik
9. CBS Anchor Dan Rather Click here and scroll to the 12:30 mark. Dan Rather, who was then anchoring the CBS Evening News, tells David Letterman of reports of witnesses who saw Muslims on rooftops celebrating.
Between the contemporaneous reports above and these eyewitnesses that have come out in the wake of the DC Media attempting to bury Trump, there is now no question that some number of American Muslims celebrated 9/11.It happened.
And for 14 years the DC Media covered this crucially important story up.
And now, thanks to Donald Trump, we know the truth.
Trump appears to have exaggerated.
The DC Media, however, lied for 14 years and continues to lie today.
New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik confirms Trump’s claim that on 9/11/01, Muslims in the NYC/NJ area were cheering* the attacks on the Twin Towers. There might not have been “thousands” as Trump claimed, but there were at least hundreds according to several reports that the media is trying to hide.
*Don’t forget, back in 2001, there were no iPhones, no video capabilities on cell phones, and not many, if any had a built-in still camera feature.

CTH In an exclusive interview with One America News Network’s Cameron Cramer, NYC Police Commissioner on 9/11, Bernard Kerik, confirms Trump’s statements of numerous celebrations after the 9/11 attacks:
This follows the discovery of FOUR additional affirmations as well as the now scrubbed New York Post stories about the dancing Muslims on 9/11:

On September 14th 2001 the New York Post ran an article (Op-Ed) with the headline: “The Issue Is Radical Islam“. Within the article you find the following paragraph(s):
[…] In Sudan, the Islamic militants impose slavery on captured Dinkas – but wherever radical Islam is in power, it subjugates people it regards as infidels. The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights, an organization supporting those persecuted by militant Islam, argues that “radical Islamism is a world ideology, fielding a world terror-army, which oppresses millions with a racist ideology” that deems non-Muslims less than fully human.
Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attacks in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New York- ers that it would be wrong to take their anger out on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.
Omar, a Muslim New Yorker and former student of mine at Cooper Union, e-mailed me to say he was “sickened to watch Middle Easterners celebrate our sorrow.” He is an American who has imbibed our values while maintaining his Muslim faith. He wants no truck with those who kill in the name of Islam. (link via Wayback Machine – Web Archive)
As Mike M states, which is the bigger issue? That Trump would exaggerate the number of people celebrating, or that the New York Post would delete evidence of the protest itself?

The New York Post also reported that callers to the Howard Stern Show confirmed that Muslims were celebrating 9/11:
And here’s another story within the New York Post specifically discussing how video of Muslims celebrating the 9-11-01 attack was confiscated and deleted. In a massive note of irony, their concern at the time was “censorship”:
New York Post “Now P.C. Means Censorship”
[…] The PC concern is that the Israelis will somehow “take advantage” of the attacks and therefore that negative stories about Palestinians are to be handled as gingerly as stories about American Arabs and Muslims.
That’s why you probably don’t know about the Palestinian Authority’s death threat against a videographer who took footage of a 4,000-person celebration on Sept. 11 – which led to the seizure of the news footage and its erasure. The fact that bin Laden’s allies on the West Bank targeted a news photographer for death for filming Palestinians dancing at the news of the death of 7,000 Americans didn’t make it anywhere near the front pages.
The news media usually make a stink when the media are threatened. Not this time. (link)
This second New York Post report about journalist censorship and having footage deleted/destroyed is also confirmed by an independent notice from the Committee to Protect Journalists. READ HERE
The DC Media has spent the last two weeks attempting to destroy Donald Trump with lies. Outright lies, and they are doing so in order to protect a 14 year-old cover up.
Breitbart Not only have eyewitnesses and contemporaneous reports proven Donald Trump 100% correct about Muslims celebrating 9/11, a just-uncovered local CBS News (WCBS-TV in New York) report completely vindicates Trump’s claim of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center.
A just uncovered CBS News report about “swarms of suspects” cheering 9/11 from rooftops has validated Trump’s “thousands” claim.
The video below is from a September 16, 2001 news report:
Dan Rather, who was then anchoring the CBS Evening News, tells David Letterman of reports of witnesses who saw Muslims on rooftops celebrating.
Between the contemporaneous reports above and these eyewitnesses that have come out in the wake of the DC Media attempting to bury Trump, there is now no question that some number of American Muslims celebrated 9/11.
It happened. And for 14 years the DC Media covered this crucially important story up. And now, thanks to Donald Trump, we know the truth.
Trump appears to have exaggerated the numbers. The DC Media, however, lied for 14 years and continues to lie today.

The Obama administration wants to give them a state on Jewish land.

Creeping Sharia
Bare Naked Islam
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Money Jihad (recommended)
Sharia Finance Watch
The Muslim Issue
Soeren Kern
Gates of Vienna
Geert Wilders
Tundra Tabloids
Andrew Bostom
Vlad Tepes
The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Jihad Watch
Palestinian Media Watch
Militant Islam Monitor
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Religion of Peace - 25,176 Muslim attacks since 9/11
The Myths of Islam
Islam's history
Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons
Killings for Islam
Koran as hate speech
Islam terror and genocide through the centuries
Professor Bill Warner: Video - Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam. He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.
Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam
Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam
Other sources
Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.
ISIS is selling women as slaves. Nothing new, as you can see. Slavery is part of Islam
Myths of Islam -
The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) - http://civilusdefendus.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/4-stages-of-islamic-conquest/
What the Koran says about violence -
Islam and human rights
Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)
Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.
ISIS is selling women as slaves. Nothing new, as you can see. Slavery is part of Islam
Myths of Islam -
The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) - http://civilusdefendus.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/4-stages-of-islamic-conquest/
What the Koran says about violence -
Islam and human rights
Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)
The greatest genocide
At least 250 million non-Muslims slaughtered by Islam through the centuries
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