It happened this week in the Suez Canal. The captains of these two enormous container ships somehow managed not to see each other's ships and collided.
The point is that Murphy's Law - Anything that can go wrong will go wrong - is at work when we least expect it.
Murphy's Law seems to be particularly prevalent among those entrusted to run our countries and the world.
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US Sec of State Kerry |
Broke and limping as it is right now, the US still wants to be regarded as the "Leader of the Free World," as it pushes its way around whenever it can. Particularly when it comes to deciding the fate of Israel.
Disrespected everywhere, only when pushing Israel around the US feels like a macho
Disrespected everywhere, only when pushing Israel around the US feels like a macho
For some time the US State Department, with Secretary Kerry at the helm, has openly bullied Israel into doing what the administration thinks it's best for its Muslim allies in the Middle East.
President Obama has even gone to the extent of saying that Israelis "do not know what their best interests are," so that's why he is so determined to tell them what to do:
Not what is legal and just, but what will please the Muslim world, in the hope that Israel won't feel so isolated. As if by making further concessions Israel will notice any difference in a world that wants a Middle East without Jews - and sometimes even a world without Jews. |
But does the US administration understand the Middle East, and know what it's best for American interests?
Ironically, the Obama administration has been forced to agree that it does not understand the Middle East. The US-supported Arab Spring went awry. And now the president admits that he failed to take the threat of ISIS seriously.
The Blaze: President Barack Obama compared Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Iraq and Syria (as ISIS has been called until recently) to junior varsity basketball players (JVs), downplaying their threat as small-league.

After the president blamed intelligence officers for this lapse in judgment, top intelligence officers have countered his assertions by insisting that the president was actually informed about this threat all along.
A national security staffer in the Obama administration said the president has been seeing 'highly accurate predictions' about the rise of the ISIS terror army since 'before the 2012 election'
The fact that the president missed close to 60% of the White House daily intelligence briefings may be indicative that the administration implements policy based on ideology, not on facts.
A national security staffer in the Obama administration said the president has been seeing 'highly accurate predictions' about the rise of the ISIS terror army since 'before the 2012 election'
The fact that the president missed close to 60% of the White House daily intelligence briefings may be indicative that the administration implements policy based on ideology, not on facts.
But considering that decisions are made with the participation of a variety of administration officials and advisors, the apparent White House misjudgement may have been a deliberate policy of allowing ISIS to carry on in the hope that it would help topple Syria's president Assad, who is the last Middle East ruler stubbornly hanging on to power after the eruption of the Arab Spring.
A Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring and a partitioned Israel
The Arab Spring came into being with the unofficial assistance of the US State Department. It aimed at wholesale regime change in the region. This has been one of the two top priorities in this administration Middle East policy. The US has been trying to remake the Middle East in a way that favors the dominance of the Muslim Brotherhood. Toppling Assad would fit into this US goal.
A Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring and a partitioned Israel
The Arab Spring came into being with the unofficial assistance of the US State Department. It aimed at wholesale regime change in the region. This has been one of the two top priorities in this administration Middle East policy. The US has been trying to remake the Middle East in a way that favors the dominance of the Muslim Brotherhood. Toppling Assad would fit into this US goal.
The US Middle East agenda has been the transformation of the area through popular uprisings.
The Arab Spring has blown up in the US administration's face, with bloody sectarian infighting, genocidal attacks on Christians and other minorities, and general mayhem everywhere.
Anyone with a realistic understanding of that part of the world was able to predict that genuine democracy contradicts Islam and Sharia Law, and so it's an impossible proposition.
The tiny secular Arab minority idealistically advocating for Western-style democracy was used by the Muslim Brotherhood and other fundamentalists as useful tools to advance their regime change agenda of replacing secular tyrants with fundamentalist ones.
The Arab Spring has blown up in the US administration's face, with bloody sectarian infighting, genocidal attacks on Christians and other minorities, and general mayhem everywhere.
Egypt was able to undo some of the damage by restoring secular rule, which has made the US look upon them with less than friendly eyes.
Daniel Greenfield:
The Obama administration conducted an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2010 and 2011, beginning even before the events known as the “Arab Spring” erupted in Tunisia and in Egypt.
The President personally issued Presidential Study Directive 11 (PSD-11) in 2010, ordering an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood and other “political Islamist” movements, including the ruling AKP in Turkey, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting “stability” in the Middle East and North Africa (that is, support for “stable regimes” even if they were authoritarian), to a policy of backing “moderate” Islamic political movements.
The US president has openly said that the Israeli prime minister is too strong to compromise. He said this at the height of popular support for PM Netanyahu during the war on Gaza. A subtle hint, perhaps, that regime change would be welcome by the administration. If he doesn't feel some internal pressure, the president admonished, then it’s hard to see him being able to make some very difficult compromises.
United States Moral Credibility Gap
The other major effort - the most obsessive goal of this administration - is still the partition Israel for the creation of another Arab State.
The US president has openly said that the Israeli prime minister is too strong to compromise. He said this at the height of popular support for PM Netanyahu during the war on Gaza. A subtle hint, perhaps, that regime change would be welcome by the administration. If he doesn't feel some internal pressure, the president admonished, then it’s hard to see him being able to make some very difficult compromises.
United States Moral Credibility Gap
It has been during this administration when tens of thousands of people in the Middle East - Muslims, Christians, Yazidis - have been left at the mercy of Islamists. They have been persecuted, tortured, raped, murdered. The survivors live scattered in substandard refugee camps in Jordan and other places.
We watched the genocidal horrors on TV, and did nothing. Again.
Whose turn is it next? Will it be Israel, if it follows the directives of a pro-Muslim US administration?
The width of Israel under the boundaries that the US is trying so hard to impose would be only nine miles wide at some point. They are often called "the Auschwitz borders".
Pacifism or Military Involvement
World War I was unleashed because of some European rulers' eagerness to use war as a means of redrawing the map of Europe, oblivious to the variables that could turn the expected short conflict into a protracted massacre that killed millions, while setting the conditions for an even bigger conflict only two decades later.
World War II erupted because of world leaders' timidity in using force to stop Hitler from doing what he had clearly announced on his book Mein Kampf. Those leaders chose to accept being deceived by Hitler's soothing words about the limited scope of his ambitions, and failed to really listen to what he had been threatening for years. Pacifism sounded good then.
Pacifism or war are not abstract philosophical concepts. Each should be applied with full knowledge of what is at stake, what are the risks either way, and what can realistically be achieved by military intervention. Sometimes it makes sense to intervene. Sometimes it does not.
Some foreign conflicts, such as the Sunni-Shia divide in the Muslim world, are just beyond anyone's power to straighten out.
This Sunni-Shia conflict dates from the 7th century, and it originates at the moment of the prophet Muhammad's death, when his followers could not agree who was to inherit his leadership.
Muslims have been slaughtering each other since in an effort to settle the issue by force. The very idea that Western style "democracy" can ever bring peace to those countries is presumptuous, uninformed, and downright ridiculous.
Iran, on the other hand, has repeatedly threatened Israel with annihilation. But is the US listening? Apparently not, since it is facilitating Iran's acquisition of nuclear power.
Iran, on the other hand, has repeatedly threatened Israel with annihilation. But is the US listening? Apparently not, since it is facilitating Iran's acquisition of nuclear power.
The United States is now defining who is and who is not a Muslim
One of the most ludicrous and embarrassing situations these days is to watch Western leaders stand on a podium and tell the world what is and what is not Islam.
Their desperate attempt to maintain the myth of the Religion of Peace is being counteracted every day as violent attacks in the name of Islam are perpetrated all over the world, now sadly including in Europe and America as well.
Worse, this whitewashing of Islam goes against this ideology fundamental beliefs, as stated on their most sacred texts.
Why would any non-Muslim in the West presume to contradict what prophet Mohammed clearly stated in the 7th century?
Moderate Islam is not true Islam. And Palestinians are not moderate, whether they call themselves Fatah or Hamas. They differ only in tactics, not in the ultimate goal of destroying Israel.
After the recent speech by Israel's PM Netanyahu at the UN, where he presented the equivalence of Hamas and other Islamist terror groups such as ISIS.
The US State Department distanced itself of such assertions. They have been trying to legitimize Hamas for some time.
However, it was Hamas itself that backed Netanyahu's equivalence of Hamas and ISIS.
Hamas: We are Islamic. We want an Islamic State.
Israel National News: While it may reject Israel’s existence, Hamas certainly agrees with Prime MInister Binyamin Netanyahu - and disagrees with the US State Department - that its “ultimate goal” is to establish an “Islamic state” (caliphate) over what it sees as the “occupied lands of Palestine.” In short, while the US disputes PM Netanyahu’s statement that “Hamas is ISIS, and ISIS is Hamas” – Hamas itself does not.
Their desperate attempt to maintain the myth of the Religion of Peace is being counteracted every day as violent attacks in the name of Islam are perpetrated all over the world, now sadly including in Europe and America as well.
Worse, this whitewashing of Islam goes against this ideology fundamental beliefs, as stated on their most sacred texts.
Why would any non-Muslim in the West presume to contradict what prophet Mohammed clearly stated in the 7th century?
Moderate Islam is not true Islam. And Palestinians are not moderate, whether they call themselves Fatah or Hamas. They differ only in tactics, not in the ultimate goal of destroying Israel.
After the recent speech by Israel's PM Netanyahu at the UN, where he presented the equivalence of Hamas and other Islamist terror groups such as ISIS.
The US State Department distanced itself of such assertions. They have been trying to legitimize Hamas for some time.
However, it was Hamas itself that backed Netanyahu's equivalence of Hamas and ISIS.
Hamas: We are Islamic. We want an Islamic State.
Israel National News: While it may reject Israel’s existence, Hamas certainly agrees with Prime MInister Binyamin Netanyahu - and disagrees with the US State Department - that its “ultimate goal” is to establish an “Islamic state” (caliphate) over what it sees as the “occupied lands of Palestine.” In short, while the US disputes PM Netanyahu’s statement that “Hamas is ISIS, and ISIS is Hamas” – Hamas itself does not.
President Obama's most catastrophic legacy: his enabling of a nuclear Iran
It’s one thing to confront militant Islamists on pick-up trucks, armed with Kalashnikov rifles. It’s another thing to confront militant Islamists armed with weapons of mass destruction.
Would you let ISIS enrich uranium?
Would you let ISIS build a heavy water reactor?
Would you let ISIS develop intercontinental ballistic missiles?
Of course you wouldn’t.
Then you mustn’t let the Islamic state of Iran do those things either.
Because here’s what will happen:
Once Iran produces atomic bombs, all the charm and all the smiles will suddenly disappear. They’ll just vanish. It’s then that the ayatollahs will show their true face and unleash their aggressive fanaticism on the entire world.
There is only one responsible course of action to address this threat:
Iran’s nuclear military capabilities must be fully dismantled.
Make no mistake — ISIS must be defeated. But to defeat ISIS and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war.
To defeat ISIS and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war.
The US State Department bullying of Israel
It would be unfair to only blame president Obama for the US bullying of Israel and the obsession with portioning this tiny country to create another Arab state. In fact, this has been going on for many decades.
There is the irrational notion that by sacrificing Israel - not just by demanding a piece of land, but by making it so small and vulnerable that it won't be able to defend itself - Muslims will regard the United States more favorably.
Most people think this is all about peace and giving the Arabs another state.
What Hamas wants is the obliteration of Israel, and most Palestinians support Hamas.
What "moderate" Fatah says it wants is a state along the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem handed over to them for their capital, and Israel cut in two to create a land corridor between Ramallah and Gaza.
The United States fully support these demands, while giving lip service to "security concerns" and assuring Israel that the US government is 100% behind Israel.
The U.S., that has betrayed many of its allies, and which cannot secure its own borders from waves of infiltrators, or even secure the White House from a Muslim intruder armed with a knife, should not be issuing empty reassuring statements to a country like Israel, surrounded by hostile Muslim states and terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hizbollah, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and many more.
The United States' unable to deal with threats at home
A U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona claims he was privy to classified intelligence that proves terrorists have infiltrated the homeland from Mexico.
The border with Mexico continues to be open for anyone, including drug cartels, common criminals, and Muslim terrorists.
Homeland Security has lost track of one million foreigners.
A Muslim convert armed with a knife recently crossed the White House fence and got all the way inside, very close to the president's living quarters. He was tackled by an off-duty officer.
Ebola has already arrived in the United States although there was ample knowledge about its danger. A hospital bungled the treatment of a suspected case, and now there are dozens of people who were in contact with traveller from Liberia, and who are in danger of having contracted this dreaded disease.
Ebola has already arrived in the United States although there was ample knowledge about its danger. A hospital bungled the treatment of a suspected case, and now there are dozens of people who were in contact with traveller from Liberia, and who are in danger of having contracted this dreaded disease.
Ship collision -
January 2013 - US President says he knows what's best for Israel. -
August 2014 - The US president says that the Israeli PM is too strong to compromise.
January 2014 - Take a Nobel ‘and leave us alone': Israeli minister slams ‘obsession’ behind Kerry’s trip
The US has been pursuing the destruction of Israel
Obama rescues Hamas
The US pushes for a cease fire just when Israel uncovers the extent of Hamas terror infrastructure
Full text of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations
The US State Department distances itself from Netanyahu assertions
PM Netanyahu tells Obama to check the facts before using the word "occupation" so liberally
Iran's supreme leader calls on Muslim unity for Israel's annihilation
Meanwhile the US is diligently working on lowering sanctions on Iran
No difference between 'moderate' and 'extremist' Palestinian factions.
Read the Fatah and Hamas charters here -
The genocidal Palestinian ideology
A history of collaboration with, and sympathy for Nazis.
US Secretary Kerry has made countless trips to the Middle East fixated on only one major goal: The partition of Israel, the area marked in red on this map. This, the US administration believes, would bring peace to the Middle East and world acceptance of Israel.
Missed intelligence briefings.
September 29, 2014 - A new government report reveals that the US president attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014.
US president dismisses ISIS as small league players
US president was informed about ISIS threat since 2012 says insider
Criticism mounts
Republicans are not remaining quiet. Mike Rogers, the chairman of the Hosue Intelligence Committee, is quoted in The Hill saying that
...the intelligence community had warned President Obama about the threat from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for "over a year."
"This was not an Intelligence Community failure, but a failure by policy makers to confront the threat," Rogers said in a statement Monday.
US administration misjudging the Middle East
September 29, 2014 - US admits misjudging ISIS, misjudging the Iraqi army preparedness, misjudging the situation in Syria.
June 2014 - Daniel Greenfield on secret US foreign policy document
Policy shift from support for US allies to Islamist groups in the Middle East
(This includes increased acceptance of Hamas in tandem with denunciation of Israel)
The religion of peace
Myths of Islam
The Muslim Sunni-Shia conflict
The UK Independent: The vicious schism between Sunni and Shia has been poisoning Islam for 1,400 years - and it's getting worse. The rift between the two biggest Muslim factions goes right back to the beginning - and a row over who should succeed the Prophet Mohamed as leader of the emerging Islamic community when he died in the early 7th century.
Netanyahu at the UN: Hamas is ISIS
Netanyahu at the UN: Hamas is ISIS
Gaza Hamas: We are Islamics. We want an Islamic State
No, Mr President, Islamics are the real Islam
Genocide by the religion of peace.
The greatest genocide in the history of humankind has been perpetrated by Muslims. A conservative estimate is that 250 million non-Muslims have been slaughtered by Islam. This is without taking into account Muslim sectarian wars.
Muslim intruder armed with a knife makes it all the way to the White House East Room. Stopped by off-duty guard. The cover up.
Homeland Security has lost track of one million foreigners
Proof Muslim terrorists are getting across the US border
Billions for Islamists, much less for Americans
Billions are spent in reconstruction abroad and in paying Palestinians, while US infrastructure continues to deteriorate.
Photos of post-Apocalyptic Detroit, once a prosperous manufacturing city.

Read more
There is always money for Palestinians who kill Jews and want to destroy Israel
US Aid to Palestinians - Please remember that a Palestinian State would not be economically sustainable. It would continue to be dependent on donations, most likely from Iran and other Muslim states that will use it as a platform to attack Israel.
Money flows for Palestinian terrorists:
U.S. Bilateral Assistance to the Palestinians, FY2006-FY2013 (regular and supplemental appropriations; current year $ in millions)
P.L. 480
(Food Aid) |
Read more -
American taxpayers paying for Palestinian terrorists that kill Jews
Still on US Security:
Allowing a preventable Ebola outbreak in the US
Six crucial ways in which the US government failed in its Ebola response
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