Something similar to the resentful fairy's attitude is taking place now, with the vociferous hatred against the patriarchy, against whites, and against western culture.
What nobody dares to mention is that had people from Asia or Africa instead of Europeans originally colonized North America, this part of the world would be a reflection of their cultures.
Non-western children all over the world dream of emigrating to America or Europe - not Karachi or Iraq or Nigeria. But once they get here, they denigrate the USA and its people and demand an end to white culture.
Non-western children all over the world dream of emigrating to America or Europe - not Karachi or Iraq or Nigeria. But once they get here, they denigrate the USA and its people and demand an end to white culture.
Had Amerindians retained control of the continent it would be less prosperous and much more violent, like Mexico and other Latino-American countries. Some of the most gruesome violence in the world occurs just south of the US border. And that gruesome violence goes way, way back to ancient times - long before the white man arrived on these shores.
However, demographic trends indicate that whites will be a minority in the USA in two or three decades. This does not bode well for society in general. Whites (and high IQ Asians) are already being discriminated against by university entrance boards and by employers - all in the name of diversity. Merit is being sacrificed in the name of affirmative action.
PS: your blogger isn't white. I just happen to realize that, while nothing is perfect, western civilization is worth saving.
PS: your blogger isn't white. I just happen to realize that, while nothing is perfect, western civilization is worth saving.
The following short video by Tucker Carlson raises the alarm at how violence by those claiming to be excluded, aided by radical whites, is seeping into the politics of the United States.
VIDEO - Tucker Carlson - The left is using language of total war. It's scary. We're heading into something awful
More by Tucker Carlson on Fox News
Or on his YouTube channel
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