
- While you and the entire nation are distracted by the "Russia Collusion investigation" a real government conspiracy that took place during the Obama administration is being covered up.
- Important clues were exposed in 2016, but they were quickly dismissed and buried by the mainstream media's ongoing relentless and obsessive anti-Trump campaign aimed at undermining his administration and driving him out of office.
- Additional details now exposed by a Congressional investigation and confirmed by government documentation, demonstrates how fragile are the foundations of the USA when corruption seeps deep into the Executive and intelligence agencies. And this exposure is just beginning. The swamp is deep and full of shocking secrets.
- Trump's eccentric personality has served the conspirators and their accomplices well, as the media focuses daily on his tweets, his controversial comments, and the Mueller investigation - while keeping you distracted and ignorant of the real scandal behind the scenes: The Obama-Clinton-FBI conspiracy to prevent American voters from electing a president that threatened to "drain the swamp".
- The following 15 minute video by Sean Hannity clearly explains the machinations and corruption by high officials and most trusted intelligence agencies during the Obama administration - and the ongoing coverup by Obama holdovers in government agencies. As you CONNECT THE DOTS, you will be alarmed, regardless of whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. Something much more important than mere partisan politics is at stake for the nation.
Hannity: The conspiracy to obstruct justice
Video VIA Whatfinger
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OBAMA politicized and weaponized government agencies to ensure Trump's election defeat, or his downfall once in office
On this 7 minute video Judge Jeanine Pirro exposes the plot against Trump. Please watch it and read further on this subject.
Even if you hate Trump, you must realize that violations of YOUR right to elect the country's president by hidden and illegal actions of power-hungry and ideologically-driven government officials could operate next time against the candidate YOU want. This corruption must be exposed and rooted out.
Judge Jeanine Pirro on Twitter https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine
BOMBSHELL - THE REAL COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA SCANDAL EXPLODES - Report exposes top Obama officials colluding to cover up huge bribery and uranium sale scandal
UK DAILY MAIL - Senate probes corrupt Russian money funneled to Clinton Foundation as FBI informant at scandal's center is revealed to have been gagged by Obama's Justice Department during 2016 campaign

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