
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

GOP INSIDIOUS COUNTERCOUP by slithering into TRUMP's cabinet - It's all the result of a secret Trump-GOP deal to allow the GOP to select key members of his administration, says MICHAEL SAVAGE on VIDEO PODCAST

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The truth is that Trump will be forced to compromise because his Democrat and GOP establishment opponents will continue to engage in machinations to delegitimize him and remove him from office.  Never in US history has one man defied so many odds to win the presidency, while being relentlessly vilified by the media, constantly threatened with assassination, and attacked by his own party.  Trump needs to be held accountable, but he also deserves some sympathy for the struggle he has to wage to do the job he was elected to do. 
According to popular radio commentator Michael Savage, of the Savage Nation Radio Show, a Trump-GOP establishment deal was struck sometime in the summer, when Trump realized that the GOP was in open revolt against his candidacy to the presidency. 
As a matter of survival, Trump agreed to allow the establishment RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) to pick key positions in his administration, says Savage, thus allowing them to take control of his presidency.  This would explain the inexplicable:  Trump's support for arch-RINO Mitt Romney as Secretary of State.  Trump's supporters are aghast at cabinet selections that betray the spirit of his revolution.

* Chief of Staff Reince Preibus has a long pedigree as establishment Republican, and served as RNC Chairman.  His position as Chief of Staff wields enormous power.
Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, wife of Uber-RINO Mitch McConnell.
* Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, who worked at Goldman Sachs for 17 years before launching his own hedge fund, the Dune Capital Management.
* Education Secretary Betsy De Vos is a supporter of Common Core which whitewashes Islam and she funded anti-Israel, Pro-Islam curriculum in America’s Public Schools. She also supports extremist Muslims who aid and abet Islamic terrorist groups, bring terrorism-supporting Muslim illegal aliens into the United States, and boycott Israel.  (Read more further down this page.)

This string of appointments is the second betrayal of fed-up GOP and independent voters in only a few years.  Tea Party supporters helped elect many GOP candidates during the Obama administration, but the RINO establishment dismissed them and their ideas, and carried on as usual with its informal semi-alliance with the Democrat establishment.  
Michael Savage can rightly claim that he helped elect Donald Trump.  Savage has a highly popular radio show with considerable influence.  He interviewed Donald Trump numerous times, and gave him a platform when other media only wanted to ridicule him. 
Michael Savage is bitter at Trump's many instances of backtracking on his promises, but he sustains that Trump - whatever his presidency turns out to be - is still a much better alternative to Clinton, who would have destroyed the USA with her corruption and plans to flood the country with millions of migrants from Muslim nations and from all over the world. 

During the Obama administration the RINOs went along with Obama's immigration policies in full knowledge of the harm they did to the country.  They ignored wakened borders and lax enforcement of immigration laws, and Obama's importation of millions of Muslims.  They also supported amnesty for millions of illegal migrants, future Democrat voters! 
Continue reading

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

HILARIOUS: HOW A MAN MET HIS WIFE - A story illustrating the quirks of the English language

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This 1994 essay uses logical words that actually don't exist but whose construction make perfect sense in a twisted and hilarious way.  
As I posted this article my computer spellcheck was going nuts!

How a Man Met his Wife 
By Jack Winter, The New Yorker
It had been a rough day, so when I walked into the party I was very chalant, despite my efforts to appear gruntled and consolate.
I was furling my wieldy umbrella for the coat check when I saw her standing alone in a corner. She was a descript person, a woman in a state of total array.  Her hair was kempt, her clothing shevelled, and she moved in a gainly way.
I wanted desperately to meet her, but I knew I'd have to make bones about it, since I was travelling cognito.  Beknownst to me, the hostess, whom I could see both hide and hair of, was very proper, so it would be skin off my nose if anything bad happened. And even though I had only swerving loyalty to her, my manners couldn't be peccable.
Continue reading and smiling

SCIENTIST SAYS CHANCES ARE VERY HIGH THAT A MAJOR SOLAR FLARE HITTING EARTH WILL WIPE OUT ALL TECHNOLOGY AND CIVILIZATION - Starvation and social chaos will ensue - Nuclear power plants will go into meltdown - The similar effects from an EMP weapon

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WATCH NASA Magnificent Solar Eruption:
  • Scientist says chances of a catastrophic effects from a major solar flare hitting Earth are very high.
  • It would wipe out the electric grid and all electronics
  • This would result in the end of civilization as we know it.
  • satelliteAll electronics would be fried:  from computers to bank machines to medical devices to satellites.
  • Transportation, food processing and distribution, water treatment, just about everything we take for granted would be permanently and severely disrupted.
  • Starvation would turn civilized people into savages, fighting for every morsel of food available.  Armed criminal gangs would roam the cities and the countryside.
  • The worst and more lasting effects would be when nuclear power plants would go into meltdown, since they require outside electricity to function.  The radioactive poisoning of large areas of the continent would kill all life, including humans.
  • The United States has NO CONTINGENCY PLAN in place to deal with either the immediate effects of a major solar flare, such as the loss of the electric grid, or the social chaos that would ensue.  None whatsoever, although the government knows that millions would die.
  • A major solar flare could hit Earth any day.  The Carrington Event in 1859 caused hardly a ripple because civilization did not depend on electronics yet.  Life went on as usual.
  • Many major solar flares occur all the time and so far they have been directed away from Earth.  But our luck won't last forever, and we are not prepared. 
  • Similar to a solar flare in its effects would be a nuclear bomb detonated above the United States, which would also fry the electric grid and all electronics.  
  • Solar flares and a nuclear attack of that sort are called electromagnetic pulse events, or EMPs. 
Continue reading, including suggestions for preparedness

Monday, November 28, 2016


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Munich train station, as more Muslim migrants arrived in the thousands.
Days later they began gang raping German women.
The word multicultural reflects a recent western liberal fantasy where all different cultures - natives and newcomers - coexist peacefully and culturally enrich each other.   The same liberals allow non-western countries to be exempted from this notion out of respect for their ancient traditions of violent intolerance.    
Let's see how Muslim-Infidel coexistence worked out in other nations.  Muslims, originally from Arabia, either gradually infiltrated, or more often violently invaded and conquered vast swathes of land in Asia and Africa. They either forcibly converted the native population, or enslaved it, or slaughtered it in 14 centuries of jihad.  The toll is 270 million victims (see more further down this page).  The clash of cultures (Muslim against Infidel, Muslim faction against Muslim faction) in those lands is still exploding to these days. 
India was once a Hindu nation.  It was forced to partition itself to give Muslims their own country, Pakistan.  Africa had its own indigenous religions, and was partly Christian.  Today it is mostly ruled by Islam.  Much of the Middle East was Christian.  Not anymore.  Israel too was invaded by Islam.   Today the Jews are characterized as "occupiers" while the Arab invaders are legitimized as true owners of the land of Israel.  And the madness continues, as illustrated by the following articles. 
BREAKING NEWS:  Muslim Somali refugee and legal resident in the USA suspect in mass stabbing at Ohio State University 
An Ohio State University student plowed into a campus crowd with a car, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.   Nine people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, and one was in critical condition.

News of Islam compiled by the website   Click and read                    

Moroccan TV Teaches Women to Hide Bruising with Makeup…
Swedish Rape Victim Called 'Racist' for Identifying Her Rapist…
Britain Gives ISIS Defendant £132000 in Legal Aid…

Continue reading

Sunday, November 27, 2016

VIDEO - COURAGEOUS GIRAFFE FIGHTS OFF A PACK OF LIONS AND WINS - The video documentary was part of a Planet Earth II episode

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'That giraffe was having none of it!' Viewers go crazy as a pride of desert lions get an unexpected kicking in latest episode of Planet Earth II
  • Pride of lions seen hunting giraffe in dry river bed in African desert
  • Pride chase seemingly vulnerable prey with a lead lion ambushing
  • Big cat leaps into action but is shrugged off by giraffe and stamped on
  • Shocked viewers took to Twitter after watching incredible scene  

Desert hunt: Suspense grew in tonight's episode when a pride  stalked a lone giraffe as it grazed on plants along a dry river bed

The stalking of prey

Animal lovers were left open-mouthed as a giraffe dealt out a savage kicking to a desert lion on this week's dramatic episode of Planet Earth II.
Continue reading, see more images, and WATCH VIDEOS of the amazing encounter

CELEBRITIES LOVED A TYRANT - They mourn the passing of mass murderer Fidel Castro - List of Castro's crimes against the Cuban people - Fidel Castro's fortune is estimated at close to ONE BILLION dollars

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Wall Street Journal:  By 2005 close to ten thousand names had been verified as victims killed by Fidel Castro's revolution.  The number could be ten times higher.   Many more have died trying to flee the dictatorship, fighting the regime, and as soldiers forced to participate in Fidel's revolutionary adventures abroad on behalf of the Soviets.  
  • In the aftermath of  Fidel Castro's death, it is relevant to note how much American celebrities contributed to this mass murderer's success because he was a leftist, and celebrities never met a leftist cause they didn't like. 
  • Augusto Pinochet, Chile's military dictator, was vilified by celebrities and their fans because he was right wing, although his crimes never reached the level of those perpetrated by Fidel Castro. 
  • These days bashing Israel is the favorite, and often only cause for celebrities and their fans, although China occupies Tibet.  China engages in extreme political oppression and the ongoing extraction of thousands of political prisoners' organs for the profitable China state industry of medical transplants (see more further down this page). 
  • When was the last time you heard celebrities or human rights activists boycotting and protesting against the government of China?   Or against the Cuban regime's oppression of its people?
  • Che Guevara, another mass murderer, is still an icon representing chic rebellion against authority.
  • Fidel Castro hired Nazi SS members to train his troops.
  • Fidel's fortune is estimated at $900 million

Art and celebrities are used by the elites to manipulate the masses, normalizing and mainstreaming certain political ideologies, as well as bad habits (smoking is still being promoted in films), and depraved lifestyles.
Whether celebrities represent glamour or faux-rebelliousness, they mesmerize the masses.  They can influence the articles you purchase, the way you dress, how you vote in national elections, and even how you live your life.
They don't always earn money in proportion to their talent but in how well they manipulate the media to promote their popularity.
Celebrities are both puppets and manipulators.  They, their work, and the elites are all part of  the same web of deception. 

As puppets celebrities themselves are manipulated and pressured to go along with liberal causes, lest they may be blacklisted.  Countless artists who had agreed to perform in Israel have been forced to retract because of peer pressure to boycott Israel.

So called celebrities rise to prominence not always due to their intellectual abilities or education, but to their good looks, artistic work, or their bizarre lifestyles. 
Celebrities preaching to the rest of us often cannot even manage their own lives with a minimum or self-control and decorum, engaging in substance addiction, promiscuity, and even outright depravity (idolized Michael Jackson was a well-known pedophile). 

Fidel Castro's crimes - A summary
Summary by Professor Carlos Eire of Yale University, writing for the Washington Post - Read entire article further on this page.

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.
●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.
●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.
He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.
●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.
He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.
●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.
He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.
●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion.
He censored all means of expression and communication.
●He established a fraudulent school system that provided indoctrination rather than education, and created a two-tier health-care system, with inferior medical care for the majority of Cubans and superior care for himself and his oligarchy, and then claimed that all his repressive measures were absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of these two ostensibly “free” social welfare projects.
He turned Cuba into a labyrinth of ruins and established an apartheid society in which millions of foreign visitors enjoyed rights and privileges forbidden to his people.
●He never apologized for any of his crimes and never stood trial for them. 

 Fidel Castro, idolized by American celebrities
Breitbart.  Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90. Through the years, a long list of Hollywood elites have been bewitched by Castro, despite his Communist regime’s imprisonment of political opponents, homosexuals, and journalists.  Below is a list of some of the entertainers who have praised and  rubbed shoulders with the deceased dictator:

Continue reading this article and others exposing Castro's crimes, and related material such as China's own organ harvesting practices, ignored by celebrities.

Friday, November 25, 2016


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Incredible photo series shows huge dogs gently playing with their tiny toddler pals
Photographer Andy Seliverstoff, 58, spent four months taking pictures in St. Petersburg, Russia, for a book called 'Little Kids and Their Big Dogs'. 

See more pictures of these wonderful canine babysitters

Thursday, November 24, 2016

LEBANON BUILDS A WALL TO PROTECT ITSELF FROM PALESTINIANS - Arab countries limit civil rights and discriminate against exiled Palestinians because they routinely cause violent conflict in their host countries

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From the EOZ website:    This article, from The New Arab, drips with irony:
The first blocks of an isolation wall were erected around the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon this week, as a plan to build 'security' cordons and watchtowers around Ain al-Hilweh came into effect.

The security wall forms part of an agreement between Palestinian factions and the authorities in Lebanon in attempt to contain recent confrontations between Palestinians inside the camp and the Lebanese army, Lebanese and Palestinian officials claim.
Continue reading, including article detailing how Arab countries deal with Palestinians


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Jimmy Kimmel Skewers SJWs with ‘Politically Correct Thanksgiving Pageant’

ISRAEL ON FIRE - WAVE OF ARAB ARSON TERROR ON ISRAELI TOWNS AND FORESTS - HAIFA residents evacuated - Homes, nursery school burn down - VIDEO - Palestinians celebrate

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IF THIS CAN BE BLAMED ON THE ISRAELI "OCCUPATION", why is it that Muslims are torching thousands of cars and their own shelters in Europe, blowing up adversaries' mosques in the Middle East, and creating mayhem all over the world?  HOW CAN ISRAEL BE EXPECTED TO MAKE PEACE with Muslims when Muslims themselves are at war with each other and with the rest of the people of the world? 

Forest fire at Geva'ot in Gush Etzion.Forest fire at Geva'ot in Gush Etzion, Israel.
  • People and wildlife are victimized by these acts of Muslim terror.
  • UPDATE:  12 Arabs caught and arrested so far.
  • Authorities admit that at least half of the fires have been terror-motivated.
  • Yeshiva students caught an Arab teen red-handed as he made kindling from cardboard boxes to start another fire
  • A terrorist tried to ignite a fire at a gas station, aiming for an even greater catastrophe.
  • Residents in some cities and communities are being evacuated.
  • Many are in hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.
  • People living in zones not affected by the fires are taking in fire refugees.
  • Nursery children rescued as fire ignited school

  • A similar wave of Muslim arson in 2010 killed 42 people.
  • Russia, Cyprus, Italy, and other countries are sending fire-fighting assistance
  • The large city of Haifa, which has made extreme efforts to integrate its Arab population, illustrates what coexistence really looks like, says Middle East expert.  He calls for government action to end Arab leaders' genocidal incitement against Jews.
  • Europe too has experienced several instances of massive arson of wildlife areas in the last few years, where Muslims have been the prime suspects.
  • Torching cars in the hundreds is a recurrent terror activity by Muslims in France, Sweden, and other European countries. 
A fir burns in Haifa, Israel, Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016. Israeli police have arrested four Palestinians in connection with one of several large fires that dama...
Fire advances on Haifa residences.

A number of arrests have been made by security personnel as Israeli firefighters continued on Thursday to battle blazes raging across the center and north of the country, with communities in the south opening their doors to those who were forced to flee the flames.
“It’s likely that there is a nationalist motive in some of the arson cases,” Police Commissioner Roni Alsheikh told reporters at a briefing in the northern city of Haifa on Thursday.  “We have a special integrated investigation team that is monitoring everything that is happening across the country,” he said.
“I don’t want to get into questions regarding where [we suspect] arson and where we do not. If this is… arson, it could be nationalistically motivated. It’s certainly not just [simple] pyromania,” he emphasized. “And there have been arrests. But Alsheikh declined to share further details.

Continue reading, see more images and watch VIDEO

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

VIDEO - BLACK CRIME AND THE DEMOCRATS' WAR AGAINST MORAL VALUES in America - Congressman Danny Davis' grandson shot dead by teenagers in Chicago in a dispute over shoes - VIDEO BY WILD BILL FOR AMERICA

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Dead Teens and Democrats
Democrats unleashed a war against the moral foundation of America, particularly against traditional family values, the Ten Commandments, and God Himself.  The result is in the rapidly deteriorating American families and communities, and the very social fabric of America. 
  • Chicago teens fatally shot congressman’s grandson Jovan Wilson (photo) in fight over shoes, police say
  • A 16-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl in Chicago were charged Sunday with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Jovan Wilson, the teenage grandson of longtime Illinois Democratic Rep. Danny Davis, in an attack police said was sparked by a dispute over gym shoes. 
  • The two teens had forced their way into the house brandishing a gun.  They were also initially charged with home invasion. 
  • By November 1st, Chicago surpassed 600 homicides in ten months, a number that could rise to 730 homicides by December 31 at the current pace.
  • Chicago is a Democrat-run, gun-free city.
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BOOK BITS - "AVENUE OF SPIES" by Alex Kershaw - A true story of a family heroic resistance in Nazi occupied Paris - Or, from a different perspective, how one selfish woman brought tragedy to her husband and son

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The carnage of World War Two was unleashed because of those who wanted peace at any cost.  They deliberately refused to believe Hitler's plans as detailed on his book Mein Kampf, or My Struggle.  These days liberals refuse to believe those who warn of Islam's expansionist, supremacist, and brutal nature, as clearly exposed in the Koran's own words.  By coincidence, the word Jihad translates as "struggle".

"Avenue of Spies: A True Story of Terror, Espionage, and One American Family's Heroic Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Paris" by Alex Kershaw 

The author's narrative is presented as the story of a family's heroism and resistance.  As a reader I saw the drama of how one woman's selfishness brought suffering and tragedy to her husband and child. 
Imagine Toquette, almost thirty years old, a Swiss nurse living in Paris, not attractive at all, and at 28 years old already a spinster, who luckily meets a tall and ruggedly handsome American doctor, Sumner Jackson, a good man. 

There are four photographs of her on this book and in all of them she has her head lowered, frowning, looking up, her lips pursed in anger, as if furious about something.  She looks like that even in happy times while on the beach with her husband and a puppy, and in another photo with her husband and small child.    
But inexplicably he falls in love with her and marries her.  It was the late twenties and the thirties in Europe and things were rather unsettling, so he takes her to the United States to live a peaceful life as a doctor's wife.  But she hates it in America.  What was it in Paris that she missed so much in these tumultuous times?  Who knows.
Surgeon Sumner Jackson with his son, Phillip, in Paris in the 1930s.Back in France the situation is extremely hard for Sumner, who must study medicine all over again to be allowed to work as a doctor in France.  Imagine the sacrifice, the wasted years of study.  All for Toquette, because he loves her, while she hates America.

They have a child, Phillip, a beautiful boy.  But that's still not a good enough reason for her to leave Paris for a safer life in the USA.  No.  She makes her husband and child stay even as the Nazis invade France. 

They stay even as the United States gets involved in the war and the family is liable to be rounded up and interned at any time.  They stay. Because she loves Paris or something in that city that she can't give up. 
They live right inside the maw of the enemy, in the elegant Avenue Foch, where the Gestapo and other Nazi agencies of persecution and torture were located just meters away from the Jacksons' home. 

They stayed, while Sumner worked as a surgeon at the American Hospital in Paris and the city starved.  They stayed even as Americans were rounded up and placed in concentration camps.  They stayed.  Because she wanted to.
In the meantime, not finding all that risk and wartime hardship enough for the family, in the summer of 1943 Toquette agrees to join the resistance and gets her husband embroiled in it too.  Agents come and go using the doctor's home as a center for exchanging messages.  Sometimes Sumner helps a ring that hides downed Allied airmen to be later on smuggled out across the border and into safety.   All that within meters of Nazi agencies of police, espionage and torture on Avenue Foch. 

Continue reading

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


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GERMANY KAPUT - COURT LEGALIZES SHARIA PATROLS - Sharia law has been legally implemented on Muslims in Germany for years - Young Muslim male population will overtake young Germans in numbers by 2020

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UnknownEurope has lost.  The time to react to the Muslim invasion was years ago, but the European indigenous population reacted with resignation to that and to the rising levels of crime and terror against Europeans.   This is not surprising since the left has been at work for decades preparing Europeans for surrender to Islam by:
  • (1)  Indoctrinating a couple of generations to feel guilty about their race and past crimes of colonization and genocide, while ignoring Islam's much more shameful past of genocide (see details further on this page).  They've done this through the media and educational institutions. 
  • (2) Demonizing, intimidating and even incarcerating anyone who dares to question open borders or criticize Islam.  The words "racist" and "Nazi" seem to be deterrent enough.   Anti-Islamization political parties are increasing in popularity but not fast enough to save Europe. 
  • (3) Using the European Union dictatorial powers to dilute people's democratic rights to determine their own laws and ways of governance, and to defend their borders.  The next EU step in tightening its globalist grip on Europe will be through the creation of an all-powerful EU army to obliterate any anti-Islam uprising.  This army will be a reality in a matter of months.
DEMOGRAPHICS IS FATE - To understand how quickly Islam will be able to take over you only need to look at demographics.  They show that the majority of the indigenous population are middle aged and elderly, while migrants are of reproductive age. 
Among the young male population, Europeans are becoming a minority already, as waves of young migrants from the Middle East and Africa continue to arrive.  Once established they will send for their wives - they can have up to four - and their many children.  The fate of Europe has been sealed.
Figures released by the government’s statistics agency (Destatis) show that more than 2.1 million people migrated to Germany in 2015, an increase of 672,000 or 46 percent on the previous year.
I highly recommend the following 14 minute video which clearly explains how young Muslims will demographically overtake young Germans by the year 2020.
Germany Crosses the Demographic RUBICON: Germans 20-35 years old will be a MINORITY by 2020
The court ruled the vests, like the one shown in this image, did not break laws governing wearing political uniformsDaily Mail - Sharia patrol organized by Muslim preacher ordering people to stop drinking or listening to music is BACKED by German courts. The group lead by German convert Sven Lau held patrols in the city of Wuppertal in 2014.  They wear vests bearing the words "Sharia Police".  The court ruled their activities and uniform did not break the law.

Continue reading this article, and further related information, including article on Muslim genocide detailing the number of non-Muslims killed by conquest and jihad since the beginning of Islam:  a staggering 270 million.