
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

SCIENTIST SAYS CHANCES ARE VERY HIGH THAT A MAJOR SOLAR FLARE HITTING EARTH WILL WIPE OUT ALL TECHNOLOGY AND CIVILIZATION - Starvation and social chaos will ensue - Nuclear power plants will go into meltdown - The similar effects from an EMP weapon

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WATCH NASA Magnificent Solar Eruption:
  • Scientist says chances of a catastrophic effects from a major solar flare hitting Earth are very high.
  • It would wipe out the electric grid and all electronics
  • This would result in the end of civilization as we know it.
  • satelliteAll electronics would be fried:  from computers to bank machines to medical devices to satellites.
  • Transportation, food processing and distribution, water treatment, just about everything we take for granted would be permanently and severely disrupted.
  • Starvation would turn civilized people into savages, fighting for every morsel of food available.  Armed criminal gangs would roam the cities and the countryside.
  • The worst and more lasting effects would be when nuclear power plants would go into meltdown, since they require outside electricity to function.  The radioactive poisoning of large areas of the continent would kill all life, including humans.
  • The United States has NO CONTINGENCY PLAN in place to deal with either the immediate effects of a major solar flare, such as the loss of the electric grid, or the social chaos that would ensue.  None whatsoever, although the government knows that millions would die.
  • A major solar flare could hit Earth any day.  The Carrington Event in 1859 caused hardly a ripple because civilization did not depend on electronics yet.  Life went on as usual.
  • Many major solar flares occur all the time and so far they have been directed away from Earth.  But our luck won't last forever, and we are not prepared. 
  • Similar to a solar flare in its effects would be a nuclear bomb detonated above the United States, which would also fry the electric grid and all electronics.  
  • Solar flares and a nuclear attack of that sort are called electromagnetic pulse events, or EMPs. 
Continue reading, including suggestions for preparedness

There is  a very good chance that the Earth will be hit by a huge solar storm by 2020 says scientist, which could potentially leave the world without Internet, phone service and many more services that modern-day humans rely on.
It would likely be as huge as the Carrington Event, which occurred on 1859, when civilization did not depend on electronics.  Today, in a world so dependent on technology, the consequences would be catastrophic.
Solar storms can wreak havoc on global technology as the radiation which pummels our planet heats up the outer atmosphere, causing it to expand.  This means that satellite signals will struggle to penetrate the swollen atmosphere, leading to a lack of Internet service, GPS navigation, satellite TV such as Sky and mobile phone signal.
The electric grid would be fried for years - Additionally, increased currents in the Earth’s magnetic field – or magnetosphere – could theoretically lead to a surge of electricity in power lines, which can blow out electrical transformers and power stations leading to loss of electricity in a region. 
The United States has NO PLAN to replace the grid in a catastrophe, or to deal with the  social upheaval that would ensue from lack of food, treated drinking water, and the many services that keep us civilized.  Savagery on a grand scale  would take over.
The prediction of a huge solar storm by 2020 was made by Pete Riley, senior scientist at Predictive Science in San Diego, California, who was surprised to see that the chance was so high.  

A solar storm the size of the Carrington Event would cost an estimated $2trillion (£1.6trillion) to the US economy in the first year it struck, with a 2008 report from the National Research Council stating that it could take up to 10 years to fully recover.

The solar storm which hit 150 years ago was so powerful that its southern auroras could be seen as far north as Queensland in Australia.

northern lights



April 11, 2015
emp42 - An EMP event from a nuclear bomb or a major solar flare would fry the electrical grid and ALL ELECTRONICS indefinitely 
- Nuclear power plants would suffer full meltdown 
 - There would be millions of victims of radiation, violence, and famine

For years, scientists have been attempting to turn fantasy into reality by working on a system known as Champ, or Counter-electronics High-powered microwave Advanced Missile ProjectCHAMP - ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE (EMP) WEAPON THAT CAN DESTROY ELECTRONICS OF AN ENTIRE CITY 
 - Who will have it next? 
 - Are you prepared?

Friday, July 25, 2014
 - It might get us next time. So what are governments doing to prepare? NOTHING 
  - A major solar flare would destroy electronics and our power grid, and cause the meltdown of nuclear power plants
On July 23, 2012, a plasma cloud or 'CME' rocketed away from the sun as fast as 3000 km/s, more than four times faster than a typical eruption.
Solar flare almost blasted Earth back to the dark ages in 2012, NASA scientists reveal
  • Plasma cloud or 'CME' rocketed away from the sun as fast as 3000 km/s on July 23, 2012
  • Had the eruption occurred just one week earlier, the blast site would have been facing Earth
  • Direct hit could cause widespread power blackouts, disabling everything that plugs into a wall socket.
  • Total economic impact could have exceeded $2 trillion or 20 times greater than the costs of a Hurricane Katrina  

    William R. Forstchen, author of "One Second After", writes about what to do in case of an EMP catastrophe
    His book is an excellent fictional account of how a small college town manages to survive the savagery that ensues after an EMP event.
    For now, read his articles on preparedness:
    Matthew Stein's When Technology Fails
    There are nearly 450 nuclear reactors in the world, with hundreds more either under construction or in the planning stages.
    There are 104 of these reactors in the USA and 195 in Europe. Imagine what havoc it would wreak on our civilization and the planet’s ecosystems if we were to suddenly witness not just one or two nuclear melt-downs but 400 or more!
    How likely is it that our world might experience an event that could ultimately cause hundreds of reactors to fail and melt down at approximately the same time? 
    I venture to say that, unless we take significant protective measures, this apocalyptic scenario is not only possible but probable.
    Read his advice for preparedness

    Be well prepared to take your pets along with you

    Read more

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    15. Doom And Bloom
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