
Monday, November 28, 2016


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Munich train station, as more Muslim migrants arrived in the thousands.
Days later they began gang raping German women.
The word multicultural reflects a recent western liberal fantasy where all different cultures - natives and newcomers - coexist peacefully and culturally enrich each other.   The same liberals allow non-western countries to be exempted from this notion out of respect for their ancient traditions of violent intolerance.    
Let's see how Muslim-Infidel coexistence worked out in other nations.  Muslims, originally from Arabia, either gradually infiltrated, or more often violently invaded and conquered vast swathes of land in Asia and Africa. They either forcibly converted the native population, or enslaved it, or slaughtered it in 14 centuries of jihad.  The toll is 270 million victims (see more further down this page).  The clash of cultures (Muslim against Infidel, Muslim faction against Muslim faction) in those lands is still exploding to these days. 
India was once a Hindu nation.  It was forced to partition itself to give Muslims their own country, Pakistan.  Africa had its own indigenous religions, and was partly Christian.  Today it is mostly ruled by Islam.  Much of the Middle East was Christian.  Not anymore.  Israel too was invaded by Islam.   Today the Jews are characterized as "occupiers" while the Arab invaders are legitimized as true owners of the land of Israel.  And the madness continues, as illustrated by the following articles. 
BREAKING NEWS:  Muslim Somali refugee and legal resident in the USA suspect in mass stabbing at Ohio State University 
An Ohio State University student plowed into a campus crowd with a car, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.   Nine people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, and one was in critical condition.

News of Islam compiled by the website   Click and read                    

Moroccan TV Teaches Women to Hide Bruising with Makeup…
Swedish Rape Victim Called 'Racist' for Identifying Her Rapist…
Britain Gives ISIS Defendant £132000 in Legal Aid…

Continue reading

ISIS Plants Bomb Outside US Embassy in the Philippines…
Syrian 'Migrant' Stopped with Explosives - Then Released…
Imam Found Guilty of Sexual Assault at Canadian Mosque…
Gaza Woman Defies Hamas's Ban on 'Biking After Puberty'…
Woman Sports ISIS Logo at Trinidad Airport…


Imam Claims His Appearance in Court Will Cause Communal Riots…
Maryland Man Threatens to Blow Up Plane…
(Finland) 84% of 'Asylum Seekers' Plan to Stay Permanently…
Muslim Honored for Staying With Non-Muslim Friends During Attack
8 Taliban Dead as Suicide Bomber Suffers Premature Detonation…
Afghanistan: Illiteracy Rate of Women in Rural Areas is 90%...
Sheikh: West is Too Soft on Terror-Enabling Saudi Arabia…
'Slave of Allah' Has 2nd Thoughts: Wants Daddy to Come Get Her…
Anti-Semitic, Misogynist Preacher Still in Charge of NZ Mosque…
Bill Banning Forced Conversions is 'Against the Spirit of Islam'…
Caliphate Urges Lone Wolves to Kill Unbelievers 'in the Name of Allah'
Christian Crucified 'Like Jesus' after Five Hours of Torture…

Pregnant Buddhist Woman Gunned Down…
'Embrace Islam or We Will Shoot Your Son'…
'Moderate' Malaysia Offers Citizenship to Extremist Cleric…
Pedophile Imam Eludes Capture…
'Islamic Activists' Arrested for Fomenting Temple Mount Unrest…
Obama to 'Fast-Track' 1800 Muslims Rejected by Australia…
ISIS Attack on Israel Ends Badly for ISIS…
50% of 'Asylum Seekers' Complain About Housing Provided by UK…

German Town: 180 'Refugee' Rapes, Robberies and Assaults…
DHL Forced to Halt Deliveries in Berlin…

Jihadists Block Aid to Refugees in Cameroon…
Tearful British Pop Star Backtracks on Promise to Take in 'Refugee'…
Sharia 'Already Affecting' Non-Muslims in 'Moderate' Malaysia…
Islam in America: 81 Sand-Filled Trucks Protect Macy's Parade…
Woman Speaks of Ordeal After Escaping Sharia Death Sentence…
ISIS Imposes Islamic Rules on Palestinian Refugee Camp…
Iran Loses Radioactive Device…
Islamic Extremist Has Guiding Hand in British Muslim School…

US Justice Department Crushing Local Resistance to Mosques…
ISIS Hacker Used Child as Human Shield…
(Canada) Muslim Delegation Refuses to Stand for National Anthem…
Women Seek Asylum from Asylum Centers…
Migrants Burn Greek Camp to the Ground…
Christian Family Escapes after Forced Conversion to Islam…
France Orders 'Star of David' Treatment for 'Settlement' Products…
Erdogan Threatens to Flood EU with Migrants - Again…
Malaysian Province: Two Years in Jail for Missing Islamic Prayer…

(France) Muslim Prison Charity Found to Be Promoting Jihad…
al-Aqsa Sermon: Use Pak. Nukes to Destroy Israel in 'Service to Islam'
Dutch Uncover Religion of Peace Plot to Shoot Up Synagogue…
Demanding Migrants Riot, Destroy Cars, Call Italians 'Racist'…
Arab 'Migrants' Awaiting Deportation Sling Feces at Guards…

Lars Vilks' Famed Sculpture Torched…
Canadian Imam Asks Allah to Burn All of Israel…
Saudi Arabia Bans Transgenders from Visiting…
Saudi Scholar Urges Polygamy: 'One Wife is Not Enough'…
Caliph Orders Execution of Friend and Family…

Disneyland Paris, Champs-Elysees on List of Busted Terror Cell…
Syrian 'Refugee' Tours Europe with Bomb-making Materials…
Russia: No Charges for 'Allah Akbar' Nanny Who Beheaded Child…
(German) New Arrival Rapes Woman on University Campus…
(Sri Lanka) 'Muslim Personal Law' Lets 12-Year-Olds Be Married Off…
Uzbekistan Releases Christian Convert After 7 Years in Prison…

British Benefits Used to Fund Brussels and Paris Attacks…
Trump Doubles Muslim Vote from Romney…
Migrants Riot in Bulgaria, Attack Police and Firefighters…
Arab Social Media Users Thanks Allah for Israel Fires…
Lawmakers Who Don't Support Sharia are 'Devils'…

Child Jihadist Calls on Malala to Renounce Western Education…
DC Imam: Muslims Will Rescue 'Dumb' Americans from Trump…
Norwegian PM: Migrants Can't Use Religion as Excuse to Shun Work…
Researcher Says Bangladesh Will Not Have Hindus in 30 Years…
Migrant Claims He Raped Belgian Teen 'With Her Permission'…
New Zealand Mosque Leader 'Won't Talk' to Female Reporter…


KSM: Islamists Plot to Destroy West Through Immigration, Welfare…
Yemen Assassination Filmed 'Video Game Style' on Go-Pro…
UN Finds Some Returning ISIS Know How to Create Mustard Gas…
Ohio Chemistry Student Sentenced in Plot to Behead US Soldier…
Germany Arrests Three More Syrians for Jihad Activities…
Islamic Heritage Month in Canada: Wife Assigned Household Duties…

Twitter Video Shows Luxury Cars Burning in France…
France Tries Paying Migrants to Leave…
Europe Can't Deport Ten of Thousands Due to Cost…

Yemen's Perpetual War Forcing Children into Marriage…
German Santa Fired for Slamming Child Marriage…
Creeping Islamization in Amsterdam: Mosque Seeks to Broadcast Prayer after Promising Not To…
Murderer Flees Swedish Justice for Sharia Court…

Italian Study Shows Crime Rate 14 Times Higher Among Illegals…
Cleric Stabs Landlord to Death…
Ellison Campaigned for Hamas Supporter…
Swiss Mosque Supported after Call to Murder Non-Praying Muslims…
Primary School Worker Among 7 Arrested for Plotting Massacre…
Danish Imam Preaches Jews are 'Offspring of Apes and Pigs'…
AUS MP Agrees Letting in Lebanese Muslims Was a 'Mistake'…
Italian Women Protest Migrant Policy: "It's Not Safe Here Anymore"
Pastor Assists Muslim Acid Attack Victim…
Five Sentenced for Throwing Christian Couple into an Oven…
Turkey Purges 110,000 Civil Servants over 'Coup'…
Islam-Critical Books Defaced with Swastikas at Illinois Library…
UN Steals #BeatMe Campaign from Female Photographer…

'Co-Exist' Rabbi Teams Up with Hamas-Linked Imam…
Nigerians Describe Latest Slaughter of Christian Woman & Children…
Merkel Targets Social Media for Government Censorship…
Imam Warns Extremist Recruitment is Coming to Ireland…
Caliphate Textbook: Make Sentence from 'Bomb', 'Vest', 'Explode'…
Boko Haram Struggles to Keep Up with Demand for Viagra…
'Moderate' Indonesia Interrogates Christian for Hours over Quran
'Migrants' Arrested for Plotting Islamic Terror in Spain…
Christians Speak of Torture, Slavery and Death Under Islamic Rule…
Engineer Busted by Saudi Cops for 'Insulting' Kaaba on Facebook…
French Couple Wants to Name Baby after Child-Killing Terrorist…
Canadian Pols. Make Up Stories about Muslim Kids with Broken Bones
80-Year-Old Mosque Leader Knocked Out by Young Contender...
Caliph Vows to Turn Israel into Graveyard…
Caliph Sleeps in Suicide Vest…
Demanding Migrants Set Fire to Greek Camps…
(France) 80-Year-Old Woman Raped, Killed and Cut Up…
Mosques Work to Swing the Vote in France…
Hamas Official: Donald Trump is Secretly 'a Jew'…
1 in 3 Germans Feel Like 'Strangers in Their Own Country'…
'Human Rights Activist' Calls Hitler a Great Man…
German Court: Sharia Patrols are Free to Walk the Streets…
(US) Man Guilty of 2012 Hate Crime at NY Mosque…
Beslan Terrorist has No Remorse for Murdered Children…
Italy Sends 150 Troops to Secure Milan from Migrants…
Woman Dragged Behind Car through Streets of Germany…
Halal Baby Food Named after Muhammad's Child Bride…
(UK) Muslim Gang Poses as Police to Rob Elderly…
E-Mails Show Link Between Imam's Asylum and Clinton Foundation…
Muslim Immigrant Arrested for Plotting to Blow Up Times Square…
'Migrants' Burn Down €10 Million Hall over Gummibears…
Muslim Brotherhood-Tied Group Paid for Ellison's Trip to Mecca..
Female Reporter Flees Rape Threats After Criticizing Burqa…
Merkel's Open Door Resulting in More Deaths at Sea…
(Iraq) Former Human Shields Speak of Ordeal…
NZ Islamic Leader Preaches Hate for Women and Jews…
Caliphate Steals Organs from Its Own Members…
Bangladesh: 1 in 10 University Students Support Terrorism…
France Charges Man in Plot to Attack Church…
ISIS Publishes a 'How to Outfox Twitter' Guide…
New Mexico Quran Scholar Held on National Security Concern…
(UK) Muslim Family Whines about 'Synthetic Pork' Vaccine…
Indiana City Renames Holidays to Be 'Culturally Sensitive'…
Hamas Facing Cash Crunch…
Monkey Pulls Headscarf Off Girl - 16 People Die…
UK Orders Molester to Pay £20 to 14-Year-Old Victims…
Pastor Released After 6 Years in Iranian Prison…
'Asylum Seeker' Sexually Assaults 8-Year-Old Italian Boy…
Australian Church Hosts Islamic Prayers…
100-Year-Old Sufi Cleric Executed by Co-Religionists…
Renowned Islamic Apologist Dodges Terror Probe in India…
UK Court Says Migrant Child Rapist Just Needs Good Parenting…
BDS Trashes Chef's Restaurant in Portugal Because He Visited Israel
Dutch Party: Replace 'Integration' with 'Mutual Acceptance'…
(Swedish) Migration Board Presses for More Iraqis…
Victims Describe 'Mr. Islam's' Quest to Touch Everyone at AUS Bank…
Captured Yazidi Children Forced to Study Quran and Bomb-making
Shocker in Germany: Jihad Preached 'Under the Guise of Islam'…
Only 1 in 3 Muslim Nations Sign Coalition to Fight ISIS…
Religious Man Loves Kittens - and Beheading 'Enemies of Allah'…
Zakir Naik's Organization Banned in India for Promoting Hate & Violence
Woman in France Beaten for Dating Catholic Man…
Following Arrest, Tourists to Dubai Urged Not to Report Rape…
Customers Burned at Australian Bank by 'Refugee'…
Pro-Brexit MP Sent Mock-Up Pic of Son's 'Execution' by ISIS… 

More latest news:

ISRAEL ON FIRE - WAVE OF ARAB ARSON TERROR ON ISRAELI TOWNS AND FORESTS - HAIFA residents evacuated - Homes, nursery school burn down - VIDEO - Palestinians celebrate


Articles of interest selected by

Robert Spencer The SPLC and False Claims of Racism and Bigotry

YouTube Italy 'Cannot' Deport Illegals Who Commit Crime (Video)

RAWA Horrific Cases of Women Abuse in Afghanistan

Swarajya Magazine Jihad's Existential Threat to the Indian Subcontinent

Gatestone A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: October, 2016

Jihad Watch The Forgotten European Slaves of Barbary North Africa and Ottoman Turkey (Video)

Gatestone UK: Two Systems of Justice

Dawn No Safe Space for Muslim Reformers

Rich Lowry The Muslim Registry that Wasn't

Clarion Project Five Muslim Countries that Openly Discriminate Against Muslims

Gatestone Europe: "Let's Self-Destruct!" Britain Turns Blind Eye to Abuse of Women by Sharia Courts

Hindu Existence Tarek Fatah: Islamic Banking is Economic Jihad

Pat Condell A Word to the Criminal Migrant (Video)

Gatestone France on the Verge of Collapse

Raymond Ibrahim The Houris: Islam's Sexual Superwomen

Investigative Magazine The New Jihad and the Radicals Next Door

Gatestone Wilders Trial: "Unnecessarily Offensive"

Gatestone Final Statement at Geert Wilders Trial

Jihad Watch Spencer: 'No Religious Rationale' for Terrorism? (Video)

Gatestone The Atrocious Scandal of the UNESCO Vote on Jerusalem

ME Forum Is Obama Sabotaging Trump's Mideast Policy?

Creeping Sharia Keeping Up with CAIR's Radicalism (Video)

IPT Ottawa's Muslim Outreach Includes Islamists Only

William Kilpatrick In Denial about Islam

Daniel Greenfield A Tiny Minority… of a Million Muslims in America

CIJ News An Open Letter: I Have a Reasonable Fear. Here's Why

Algemeiner Democrats Must Scrutinize Keith Ellison's Anti-Semitic Past and Ties to Radical Islam

YouTube Brave Iranian Woman Defies Hijab Mandate

READ MORE on Muslim genocide
Dr Bill Warner's Tear of Jihad


BREITBART - Migrant crisis latest news

Bare Naked Islam

The Muslim Issue


Tundra Tabloids

Allah's Willing Executioners

Jihad Watch

Soeren Kern 

Gates of Vienna

Frontpage Magazine

Creeping Sharia

Refugee Resettlement Watch

Money Jihad (recommended)

Sharia Finance Watch

Geert Wilders

Andrew Bostom

Vlad Tepes

The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Palestinian Media Watch


The Religion of Peace

The Myths of Islam

Islam's history

Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons

Killings for Islam


Koran as hate speech

Islam terror and genocide through the centuries

Professor Bill Warner:  Video - Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam.  He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.

Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam

Professor Bill Warner - Political Islam
Islam has been subjugating the world for 1400 years

Other sources

Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.

ISIS is selling women as slaves.  Nothing new, as you can see.  Slavery is part of Islam

Myths of Islam -

The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) -

What the Koran says about violence -

Islam and human rights


Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)
The greatest genocide in history:  Islam's slaughter of non-Muslims
Conservative estimate:  270 million killed

Bill Warner's YouTube channel


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