
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

GOP INSIDIOUS COUNTERCOUP by slithering into TRUMP's cabinet - It's all the result of a secret Trump-GOP deal to allow the GOP to select key members of his administration, says MICHAEL SAVAGE on VIDEO PODCAST

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The truth is that Trump will be forced to compromise because his Democrat and GOP establishment opponents will continue to engage in machinations to delegitimize him and remove him from office.  Never in US history has one man defied so many odds to win the presidency, while being relentlessly vilified by the media, constantly threatened with assassination, and attacked by his own party.  Trump needs to be held accountable, but he also deserves some sympathy for the struggle he has to wage to do the job he was elected to do. 
According to popular radio commentator Michael Savage, of the Savage Nation Radio Show, a Trump-GOP establishment deal was struck sometime in the summer, when Trump realized that the GOP was in open revolt against his candidacy to the presidency. 
As a matter of survival, Trump agreed to allow the establishment RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) to pick key positions in his administration, says Savage, thus allowing them to take control of his presidency.  This would explain the inexplicable:  Trump's support for arch-RINO Mitt Romney as Secretary of State.  Trump's supporters are aghast at cabinet selections that betray the spirit of his revolution.

* Chief of Staff Reince Preibus has a long pedigree as establishment Republican, and served as RNC Chairman.  His position as Chief of Staff wields enormous power.
Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, wife of Uber-RINO Mitch McConnell.
* Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, who worked at Goldman Sachs for 17 years before launching his own hedge fund, the Dune Capital Management.
* Education Secretary Betsy De Vos is a supporter of Common Core which whitewashes Islam and she funded anti-Israel, Pro-Islam curriculum in America’s Public Schools. She also supports extremist Muslims who aid and abet Islamic terrorist groups, bring terrorism-supporting Muslim illegal aliens into the United States, and boycott Israel.  (Read more further down this page.)

This string of appointments is the second betrayal of fed-up GOP and independent voters in only a few years.  Tea Party supporters helped elect many GOP candidates during the Obama administration, but the RINO establishment dismissed them and their ideas, and carried on as usual with its informal semi-alliance with the Democrat establishment.  
Michael Savage can rightly claim that he helped elect Donald Trump.  Savage has a highly popular radio show with considerable influence.  He interviewed Donald Trump numerous times, and gave him a platform when other media only wanted to ridicule him. 
Michael Savage is bitter at Trump's many instances of backtracking on his promises, but he sustains that Trump - whatever his presidency turns out to be - is still a much better alternative to Clinton, who would have destroyed the USA with her corruption and plans to flood the country with millions of migrants from Muslim nations and from all over the world. 

During the Obama administration the RINOs went along with Obama's immigration policies in full knowledge of the harm they did to the country.  They ignored wakened borders and lax enforcement of immigration laws, and Obama's importation of millions of Muslims.  They also supported amnesty for millions of illegal migrants, future Democrat voters! 
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 About Michael Savage:

Wikipedia:  Michael Alan Weiner (born March 31, 1942), better known by his professional name Michael Savage, is an American radio host, author, activist, nutritionist, and conservative political commentator.    
In 2016 Michael Savage was named as an inductee to the National Radio Hall of Fame in the category of Spoken Word On-Air Personality. He was selected over other nominees Sean Hannity, Diane Rehm and Mike Francesa 
He is the host of The Savage Nation, a nationally syndicated talk show that aired on Talk Radio Network across the United States until 2012, and in 2009 was the second most listened-to radio talk show in the country with an audience of over 20 million listeners on 400 stations across the United States.
As Michael Weiner, he has written books on nutrition, herbal medicine, and homeopathy; as Michael Savage, he has written four political books that have reached The New York Times Best Seller List. 
 Photo published for Teddy and Me: Confessions of a Service Human

Photo published for Michael Savage Warns Donald Trump: ‘Rinse’ Reince; He’s ‘Everything the Voters Rejected’ - Breitbart




More articles on Savage Nation on this blog, where Michael Savage holds Trump's feet to the fire



By Debbie Schlussel 
A lot of conservatives are gushing over Betsy DeVos, the rich chick whom Donald Trump chose today as his Education Secretary. They claim she’s a good choice because she supports charter schools and school choice. Don’t believe the hype. I have personal experience with this woman, and she’s an alarming choice–especially if you are concerned about America’s kids being indoctrinated with Islam at school. Here’s why . . .
* She funded ANTI-ISRAEL, Pro-Muslim curriculum in America’s Public Schools. 
Betsy DeVos and her husband, Dick DeVos, financed anti-Israel, pro-Muslim propaganda posing as “curriculum” in America’s public schools. The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation financed the anti-Israel, pro-Muslim MidEast Policy Council’s “Teach MidEast” and its “Bridges at School” curriculum. (She’s also a Common Core supporter and fought to make this anti-Israel crap part of the Common Core agenda taught at America’s public schools.)
Bridges at School is a topical curriculum developed for American middle school classrooms. Contextualizing the Arab World and providing a unique series of both critical thinking and creative exercises that shed light on the rich historical, scientific, mathematical, religious, and cultural legacy of the region, this program focuses on the themes of global citizenship and identity through a series of analysis-based activities.  
Bridges at School highlights poetry and values-based paired texts; fashion and style; visual art; food and spice; drama; music; language; medicine and science; and media. Activities are available free of charge via the online platform NextLesson. Development funding for Bridges at School is courtesy of Donna Pearson Chapman and The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation.


* She supports extremist Muslims who aid and abet Islamic terrorist groups, bring terrorism-supporting Muslim illegal aliens into the United States, and boycott Israel.
Betsy DeVos and her husband Dick DeVos (also born into money) are donors and contributors to ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services. And they also attend ACCESS annual fundraising dinners.
As I’ve reported on this site previously, ACCESS–which receives millions of dollars in government grants and aid–actively brings Muslim illegal aliens into the United States and helps them stay here.

ACCESS continues to date to bring thousands of pregnant Muslim women from around the world into the United States to defraud Medicaid and give birth to their children here–making them U.S. citizens and eligible for entitlements and voting privileges.
ACCESS was founded by Ismael Ahmed as a campaign to get the Big Three automakers to divest from Israel and companies that do business with it. ACCESS sponsored the Divestment (from Israel) Conference at the University of Michigan. ACCESS opposed and lobbied Congress against making it illegal to donate to Islamic terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad. Fortunately, the efforts failed and Bill Clinton signed a package into law.
As I’ve also noted, ACCESS also spent thousands of dollars in government money to provide job training and training for commercial drivers licenses and HazMat haulding certificates to members of the Detroit Al-Qaeda terror cell. And its tax-funded Arab American National Museum features several anti-Israel, anti-Semitic “exhibits” and “art.”
He was flustered, didn’t have an answer, and had his handlers escort me out of the event.
* She’s An Affirmative Action Promoter and Plays the Race Card.
I was general counsel for the courageous Ward Connerly’s Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI), for which Michigan voters voted in overwhelming numbers in 2006. MCRI’s purpose was to eliminate race-and-gender-based preferences in admissions, hiring, and promotions in public institutions and government in Michigan. In other words, get rid of institutional racism against White males and in favor of Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc.
Betsy DeVos, as then-Chair (yup, a piece of furniture–‘cuz, G-d-forbid, you use the term “chairwoman”) of the Michigan Republican Party, came out repeatedly and very publicly against us. She called us “RAAAAAAYCIST!” Yup, lily-White, privileged Betsy DeVos–who was born into and then also married great wealth and never had to work a day in her charmed life–called Ward Connerly, a self-made Black man, a “racist.”
She worked against MCRI and brought the full power of the Michigan Republican Party to bear against us. She also put her daddy’s and hubby’s daddy’s money to work against us. And she tried to pressure Republicans who sat on the committee that certified what qualified for the ballot, to vote against us.
Despite DeVos’ siding with the likes of Jesse Jackson and Weird Al Sharpton and their acolytes in Michigan (and she was our loudest critic–louder than anyone on the left), we won overwhelmingly by a margin of 3-2 in a virtual election landslide unheard of for a ballot initiative in Michigan.
As a lifelong Michiganian, I can tell you that Betsy DeVos is and always has been part of the GOP establishment here in Michigan. She’s never been seen as a conservative.
And, now, Betsy DeVos is Trump’s choice for Secretary of Education. Look for her to pimp her anti-Israel propaganda further into America’s education system. Don’t look for her to end the wasteful, highly-discriminatory, Department of Education efforts at “diversity” and affirmative action at schools and universities. And look for her to keep up her usual efforts at being a dhimmi Islamo-panderer. In other words, look for those anti-Israel, anti-American, pro-Muslim textbooks to continue to be in the curricula throughout America’s public schools. Betsy won’t lift a finger to change the crap that America is teaching our kids.
In other words, it’ll be biz as usual at the Trump Department of Education. Same as it ever was.
One other thing: Betsy DeVos’ brother is Erik Prince, the founder and chief of Blackwater for many years. I’d much prefer him running anything in government to her. He knows what Muslims are like. He had to deal with them in their natural habitat and managed to keep the American dignitaries his company was hired to protect, safe.
Sadly, his sis just doesn’t get it. And she never will.

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