
Monday, September 26, 2016

VET DOCTOR WHO VIOLENTLY ABUSED HIS ANIMAL PATIENTS IS SUSPENDED FOR ONLY FOUR MONTHS - Dr. Mahavir Singh Rekhi has been practicing in CANADA, but was educated in PAKISTAN, a Muslim country where animals can be LEGALLY tortured since there are no laws against animal cruelty

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  • Dr. Mahavir Singh Rekhi, will probably return to his practice at the SKYWAY ANIMAL HOSPITAL in St. Catherine, Ontario, after a suspension originally of ten months to be reduced to only four months if he takes two and a half days of retraining.
  • Incriminating videos showed him choking, beating, and engaging in other violent acts against his little animal patients. 
  • Animal rights advocates, and the four whistleblower employees who witnessed the abuse first hand are outraged because they think the punishment does not fit the crime, and rightfully so.



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