
Monday, September 26, 2016

LEAKED FBI DATA REVEALS 7700 ENCOUNTERS WITH TERRORISTS IN THE USA IN ONLY ONE YEAR - Hillary Clinton promises to expand Syrian migration into the US by 500% - in addition to the also increasing Muslim migration from Africa and the Middle East

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  • The American people are waking up - too late perhaps - to the fact that their country is being invaded by jihadis, thanks to the White House pro-Islam policies. 
  • Fearful of being characterized as "racists" for even bringing up this facts, Americans may need to become more outspoken once they see the statistics, and once they begin to take notice to almost daily acts of violence against Americans perpetrated by followers of the "religion of peace".
  • In the meantime the Obama administration is expediting the rushed migration into the United States of tens of thousands of Muslims from terror countries.
  • Each one of them and their prolific families will represent extra votes for the Democrats in the future - even at the cost of increased terror in America.
  • Hillary Clinton has promised to increase by 500% the number of Syrian migrants alone, in addition to Muslims coming from other areas of the Middle East and Africa.
Leaked FBI data reveals 7700 encounters with terrorists - in only one year
By Brandon Darby - Breitbarts
  • Leaked documents with sensitive FBI data exclusively obtained by Breitbart Texas reveal that 7,712 terrorist encounters occurred within the United States in one year and that many of those encounters occurred near the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • The incidents are characterized as “Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounters.”
  • Some of the encounters occurred near the U.S.-Mexico border at ports-of-entry and some occurred in between, indicating that persons known or reasonably suspected of being terrorists attempted to sneak into the U.S. across the border.
  • In all, the encounters occurred in higher numbers in border states.
Some of the documents pertain to the entire U.S., while others focus specifically on the state of Arizona. The documents are labeled, “UNCLASSIFIED/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE” and contain data from the FBI-administered Terrorist Screening Center, the organization maintaining the Terrorist Screening Database, also known as the “Terror Watch List.”
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Border Sign in Arizona
The leaked FBI data are contained in a fusion center’s educational materials, specifically the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center’s (ACTIC) “Known or Suspected Terrorist (KST) Encounters Briefing” covering from July 20 2015 through July 20 2016.
The leaked documents are composed of 10 individual pages, but Breitbart Texas chose to release only nine of them due to page 10 containing contact information for ACTIC.
Page Two of the documents contains a map of the entire U.S. with the numbers of encounters per state. The states with the highest encounters are all border states. Texas, California, and Arizona–all states with a shared border with Mexico–rank high in encounters.
Page Three shows a map of where the encounters occurred in the state of Arizona. The majority from this map occurred in Phoenix, a major destination point for people who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
The map also shows that encounters occurred at ports-of-entry, likely from persons either walking up and asking for asylum or from Sinaloa cartel attempts to smuggle them into the U.S. in vehicles.
Most significantly, the map shows that many of the encounters occurred near the border outside of ports-of-entry, indicating that persons were attempting to sneak into the U.S.
Page Six shows a pie chart indicating that the majority of encounters in Arizona were with Islamic known or suspected terrorists, both Sunni and Shi’a. Eighty-nine encounters were Sunni, 56 were Shi’a, 70 were “Other International Terrorist Groups or Affiliates,” and only 52 were with “Domestic Terrorism.”
Page 7 contains definitions to help understand the maps.
Breitbart Texas provides the leaked documents and data below:

Page 1 of 9 by Brandon Darby on Scribd

Those pages also appear on this same Breitbart article

Brandon Darby is managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.


OBAMA PROTECTS SAUDIS INVOLVED IN 9/11 - HE VETOES BILL that would have allowed families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi government
- Secret documents reveal SAUDIS HELPED 9/11 TERRORISTS
- BUSH AND OBAMA COVERED UP the evidence for years
 - Now Obama shuts down WHISTLEBLOWER PROGRAM when it revealed "high level fraud" in granting citizenship to almost 2000 migrants suspect of connections to terror who should have been deported



June 2016:  A smuggling network has managed to sneak illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern terrorism hotbeds straight to the doorstep of the U.S., including helping one Afghan who authorities say was part of an attack plot in North America.
Immigration officials have identified at least a dozen Middle Eastern men smuggled into the Western Hemisphere by a Brazilian-based network that connected them with Mexicans who guided them to the U.S. border, according to internal government documents reviewed by The Washington Times.
Those smuggled included Palestinians, Pakistanis and the Afghan man who Homeland Security officials said had family ties to the Taliban and was “involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. and/or Canada.” He is in custody, but The Times is withholding his name at the request of law enforcement to protect investigations.


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