
Saturday, September 24, 2016

OBAMA PROTECTS SAUDIS INVOLVED IN 9/11 - HE VETOES BILL that would have allowed families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi government - Secret documents reveal SAUDIS HELPED 9/11 TERRORISTS - BUSH AND OBAMA COVERED UP the evidence for years - Now Obama shuts down WHISTLEBLOWER PROGRAM when it revealed "high level fraud" in granting citizenship to almost 2000 migrants suspect of connections to terror who should have been deported

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  • Remember how the Bush administration secretly spirited Saudis out of the US while the Twin Towers were still burning? 
  • Both Republicans and Democrat presidents endeavored to hide evidence of Saudi involvement in the attack that murdered almost 3,000 people and terrorized millions of Americans. 
  • Now Obama has vetoed a bill that would have allowed the families of victims of 9/11 to sue the Saudi government for aiding the terrorists involved in that attack.
  • This is the equivalent of siding with the enemy in time of war.  There is a name for that. 
  • Many of the Republican and Democrat politicians appear to be bought and paid for.  After all their electoral campaigns cost millions.  The money must come from somewhere. 
  • There is not other explanation for so much betrayal of the United States of America by its own top civil servants, who swore to protect it.  
  • We must ask ourselves what else have they been hiding and plotting - and how far are they willing to go to keep their betrayals from the American public, and to silence those who dare to expose the.  And who are those pulling the strings?  It's a terrifying thought. 
  • What is most blatant about this betrayal is how authorities have gone overboard to protect "the religion of peace" from even the mildest of criticism, and to facilitate a massive Muslim invasion into the USA.   
  • Why does the Muslim ideology and its practitioners enjoy such a protected and privileged status in the USA?
  • As you read an article by Paul Sperry on this page, keep in mind that what he exposes is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  Much more evidence is being kept away from the public.  The whistleblower who dares to expose more of this betrayal will have to run for his life. 
  • The latest chapter of this betrayal is Obama's vetoing the bill that would have allowed Americans to sue the Saudis for their involvement with the 9/11 attack.  
President Barack Obama has vetoed a bill that would have allowed the families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia
US President Barack Obama smiles alongside King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia during meetings in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC, June 29, 2010. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)The move sets Obama up for a possible first veto override by Congress. Both chambers passed the bill by voice vote.
The House sent Obama the bill just before the 15th anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001.
Obama says the bill would “upset longstanding international principles regarding sovereign immunity.”  The bill would have given 9/11 families the right to sue in U.S. court for any role that elements of the Saudi government may have played in the attacks.  Fifteen of the 19 men who carried out the attacks were Saudi nationals.
OBAMA SHUTS DOWN WHISTLEBLOWER PROGRAM after revealing citizenship for 1,811 from terrorist countries
Under the Obama administration, 1,811 aliens from terrorist countries were granted U.S. citizenship instead of being deported—and the Obama administration ended the program that uncovered the extensive fraud.

Originally, the Associated Press reported that the aliens’ fingerprints were not in searchable government databases, allowing them to apply for citizenship under different names and birthdays.
The scope of the problem is massive: “Fingerprints are missing from federal databases for as many as 315,000 immigrants with final deportation orders or who are fugitive criminals,” the Associated Press stated.

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not reviewed about 148,000 of those immigrants’ files to add fingerprints to the digital record.”
Three of the aliens under final deportation orders who were granted citizenship gained access to secure commercial airliner areas and maritime facilities. Another is working as a law enforcement officer.
(More of this article further down this page)


By Paul Sperry New York Post, author of
INFILTRATION: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington,” which exposes the Saudi terror support network in America.

Now we know why the missing 28 pages on 9/11 were kept under lock and key for 15 years: They show the hijackers got help across America from Saudi diplomats and spies in the run-up to the attacks.
Because of the coverup, a Saudi terror support network may still be in place inside the United States.
A CIA memorandum dated July 2, 2002, stated unequivocally that the connections found between the hijackers, the Saudi embassy in Washington and Saudi consulate in Los Angeles are “incontrovertible evidence that there is support for these terrorists within the Saudi government.”
“Numerous” FBI files also fingered two Saudi government employees who assisted the 9/11 hijackers as “Saudi intelligence officers,” the newly declassified documents reveal.
Though much is still redacted, they also show the Saudi government’s ties to the hijackers and other al Qaeda suspects were so extensive that the FBI’s Washington field office created a special squad to investigate the Saudi angle.
But this special focus on Saudi Arabia occurred belatedly, only after the 9/11 attacks, “due to Saudi Arabia’s status as an American ‘ally.’ ”
Astoundingly, investigative resources were not dedicated to Saudi involvement in financing and supporting terrorism prior to 9/11.
The explosive information was locked up in a top-secret, highly secured room in the basement of the US Capitol for the past 15 years, ostensibly to protect the Kingdom from embarrassment. (The Post helped get the declassification ball rolling with the December 2013 piece, “Inside the Saudi 9/11 coverup.”)

Continue reading

That means for 15 years, 9/11 victims and their families have been denied by their own government critical evidence they’ve sought to sue the Saudi government for responsibility in the death of their loved ones.
It also means Washington has misled the American people about foreign sponsorship of 9/11.
For 15 years, we’ve been told that al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors. We were led to believe that 15 Saudi nationals who barely spoke English received no help while in America; that they operated in isolation, like visitors from outer space.
It was all a monstrous lie.
FBI files show Saudi agent Omar al-Bayoumi provided “substantial assistance” to Saudi hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi after they arrived in San Diego in February 2000.
Hazmi was the leader of the cell that attacked the Pentagon, while Mihdhar was one of that cell’s muscle hijackers. The two even stayed at Bayoumi’s apartment, working out in his gym.
At the same time he was aiding the hijackers, Bayoumi was getting large salary increases from a Saudi defense front company tied to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, where he worked as a ghost employee.
Another alleged Saudi intelligence officer who handled the hijackers, Osama Bassnan, worked closely with Bayoumi.
According to a CIA memo, cited by the now-uncensored 28-page section of the 9/11 report, “Bassnan reportedly received funding and possibly a fake passport from Saudi government officials.”
More alarming, “he and his wife have received financial support from the Saudi ambassador to the United States and his wife.” That would be Prince Bandar, who was promoted to Saudi intelligence minister after 9/11.
The same report says Bassnan, described as a “supporter of Osama bin Laden,” also got “a significant amount of cash” from another “member of the Saudi Royal Family.”
 Saudi Ambassador to the US
Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud
FBI documents and a CIA memo further indicate that the hijackers had contact with Shayk Fahad al-Thumairy, then a Saudi consular official in Los Angeles. Records show the accredited Saudi diplomat had dozens of phone conversations and at least one meeting with Bayoumi in advance of the hijackers’ arrival.
But wait, the Saudi-9/11 conspiracy gets even worse.
A Saudi interior ministry official stayed at the same hotel in Herndon, Va., with Hazmi and other Pentagon cell hijackers on the night before they hijacked the plane that departed that fateful Sept. 11, 2001, morning from nearby Dulles airport.
FBI agents felt Saleh al-Hussayen lied about not meeting with or even knowing the hijackers, but when they tried to re-interview him, it was too late — he had been spirited out of the country along with dozens of other Saudi VIP suspects at Bandar’s request, and with the White House’s permission.
Speaking of Bandar, it turns out that an unlisted phone number connected to the good prince’s Aspen chalet was found in the phone book of senior al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaida when he was captured in Pakistan in 2002. Zubaida also just happened to have a contact number for Bandar’s bodyguard at the Saudi Embassy.
Mind you, these stomach-turning revelations are gleaned from merely summaries of FBI case files and CIA memos. There is much rawer intel that remains classified about the Saudi government’s role in 9/11.
The treachery may still be worse than we know.
And it may be ongoing. As the 28 pages warn: “Saudi government officials in the United States may have other ties to al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.”
Sperry is author of “INFILTRATION: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington,” which exposes the Saudi terror support network in America.


OBAMA SHUTS DOWN WHISTLEBLOWER PROGRAM after revealing citizenship for 1,811 from terrorist countries
Under the Obama administration, 1,811 aliens from terrorist countries were granted U.S. citizenship instead of being deported—and the Obama administration ended the program that uncovered the extensive fraud.
Originally, the Associated Press reported that the aliens’ fingerprints were not in searchable government databases, allowing them to apply for citizenship under different names and birthdays.
The scope of the problem is massive: “Fingerprints are missing from federal databases for as many as 315,000 immigrants with final deportation orders or who are fugitive criminals,” the Associated Press stated. “Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not reviewed about 148,000 of those immigrants’ files to add fingerprints to the digital record.”
Three of the aliens under final deportation orders who were granted citizenship gained access to secure commercial airliner areas and maritime facilities. Another is working as a law enforcement officer.

But the Obama administration shut down that program, the Office of Inspector General found:
In 2016, OPS [Office of Operations Coordination] eliminated Operation Janus and disbanded its staff, which raises concerns about the future ability of ICE [U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] and USCIS to continue identifying and prioritizing individuals for investigation.  
Since 2010 and until recently, Operation Janus identified these individuals, created watchlist entries to ensure law enforcement and immigration officials were aware of them, and coordinated DHS and other agencies’ activities related to these individuals.  
Two DHS employees outside of OPS said that without Operation Janus, it would be difficult to coordinate these cases and combat immigration fraud perpetrated by individuals using multiple identities. We received this information late in our review and cannot assess the future impact of this change.
ICE didn’t consistently log the digital fingerprints of illegal aliens their agents found until 2010—and federal prosecutors have repeatedly declined criminal cases that could end in the aliens being stripped of their citizenship.
The implications were not lost on one DHS whistleblower.

“If the Department of Homeland Security was serious about this, they would not have shut down the program that discovered this lapse in the first place,” whistleblower Philip Haney said on Fox and Friends Tuesday.
“They say they’re addressing it, but they shut the program down that originally discovered it. It’s hard to effectively address it. But they say they have recommendations that the agencies are following, and they’re expecting a follow-up report.”
Haney believed that “high-level fraud” took place: “These individuals are from countries of concern, for terrorists. All of them. The report makes that quite plain. If you come to a law enforcement officer, and you don’t have your complete records, your fingerprints in particular, that could halt the process right there. How people came into the country, either legally or illegally, and accidentally gained citizenship is an impossible concept to me, as a law enforcement officer.”


Sunday, September 11, 2016

VIDEOS of Muslims in the USA and Muslim Palestinians celebrating the carnage during the 9/11 terror attack.
- SAUDI connection to 9/11 terrorists
- HILLARY wants to increase Syrian immigration by 500% 

Twitter is partly owned by a Saudi royal.  No wonder they routinely block criticism of Islam.

Most of you know TWITTER has blocked everyone from Retweeting BNI posts right after a Saudi Prince invested $300 million and became Twitter’s second largest shareholder

WHY TWITTER BLOCKS BNI RETWEETS: Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bought a $300 million stake in TWITTER

More articles on the Saudis on Bare Naked Islam


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