
Friday, August 5, 2016

GERMAN MAN WHO VERBALLY CONFRONTED MUSLIM MASS KILLER IS NOW UNDER POLICE INVESTIGATION FOR INSULTING HIM - Why European civilization will submit to Islam and die - The FATWA issued by the EU ruling elite against criticizing or resisting Islamization - The new Commandments in Eurabia - The elite's insidious plan for the destruction of European Civilization and suppression of dissent

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The horrors resulting from Angela Merkel's Open Borders policy - rapes, murders, theft, terror - should have induced an Open Rebellion across Europe long ago.

But, on the contrary, there is a widespread mindset of submission to Islam that indicates very clearly that the upcoming end of Western Civilization is now a certainty.
VIDEO - 50,000 Turks demonstrated all over Germany in favor of Islamist Turkish president Erdogan, shouting WE ARE GERMANY.  Erdogan is now morphing formerly semi-secular Turkey into a fully-fledged Islamic country.  German Turks support that.  The following video shows just one of those demonstrations.
More videos on Face of a Dying Nation YouTube Channel
Germans demonstrating in defense of their own European values have never reached such numbers, or such passion.  Germany is kaput.  Europe is kaput.

Pockets of sanity may remain for a while in countries such as Poland and Hungary - where governments are defying EU orders to accept hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants - but the die has been cast.  Those countries are small islands in a sea that will eventually swallow them too.  Europe's choice of cultural and demographic suicide is now irrevocable.

Don't pay attention to the apparent rearrangement of the deckchairs on the Titanic, such as measures to "control extremism".  They are deceptive actions taken for the sake of appearances, and to pacify the rising wave of discomfort, if not outright discontent, among the passive native population. 
The real fateful acts of surrender are taking place at the European Civilization's very heart, with the quick erosion of principles of law, freedom, and equality for all, the suppression of dissent, and the elevation of the ideology of Islam to a privileged protected status never enjoyed by any other minority in European history - except perhaps by royalty based on divine rights. 
Europe's New Commandments
  • Thou shalt not offend Muslims, even when they are massacring innocent people.
  • Thou shalt not tell the truth about Islam.
  • Thou shalt not quote from the Koran's most violent and intolerant edicts.
  • Infidel lives are worth less than Muslim lives, and deserve less protection.  When facing the choice between protecting Infidel lives or offending Muslims, sacrifice Infidel lives.
  • Western culture is worth less than Muslim traditions.  When facing the choice between them, sacrifice Western values.
  • Thou shalt refrain from identifying lawbreakers, rapists, murderers and terrorists by religion, if Muslim - or by ancestry, if their roots are from Muslim-dominated countries. 
  • When Muslims go on a rampage, endeavor to ascribe non-religious motivations to their actions, such as mental illness, or poverty, or social resentment.
  • Anyone who dissents with any of the above shall be prosecuted and punished, even if it means violating Europe's historical principle of law. 
  • More commandments are being decreed as we speak, to fit the new realities of Europe morphing into Eurabia. 
In an insidious and wicked plan, the elites have imported MILLIONS of people who hate European values and civilization, and whose ideology orders them to impose their own, even if it takes violence and terror to do so. 
At the same time authorities, with the complicity of the media, have created a shield of protection for the enemy within.  Islam is now an ideology enjoying an unprecedented reverence from authorities.

The powerful elites have been issuing their own fatwas on any form of even mild dissent against this onslaught against European security, values, and the lives of innocent Europeans.
This man is regarded as a threat to Angela Merkel's plan for complete submission to Islam - Armed with a bottle and a few choice words, he confronted a Muslim mass murderer.  German law now says he insulted the terrorist and must be investigated for prosecution.
Thomas Salbey on the balcony of his fifth floor flat, which overlooks the shopping centre car park. He exchanged words and insults with Ali Sonboly, who ran amok. murdering nine young people 
Thomas Salbey on the balcony of his fifth floor flat, which overlooks the shopping centre car park. He exchanged words and insults with Ali Sonboly, who ran amok. murdering nine young people 
Brave man who stood up to Munich shooter now facing prosecution for 'INSULTING killer'
A man who famously stood up to the Munich shooter after he killed nine people is facing being charged by a prosecutor for insulting the killer.

Continue reading and see references for Islam in Europe

This is what the European elite regards as a crime:  A German confronts a Muslim terrorist with WORDS. 


In another video on social media a man can be heard yelling at suspect in the car park that he is a 'w*****' and an 'a******e.' And he yelled: 'Put your gun down.'

Balcony man: 'You fucking a*****e you...' 
Gunman: 'Because of you I was bullied for 7 years...'
Balcony man: 'You w****r you. you're a w****r'
Gunman: '...and now I have to buy a gun to shoot you'
Balcony man: 'A gun! F**k off! Your head should be cut off you a*****e'
The gunman and balcony man begin shouting at each other.  
Balcony man apparently to people filming: 'He's got a gun here the guy has one'
Unseen voice: 'F*****g Turks!'
Balcony man: 'F*****g foreigner'
Balcony man to someone else: 'Hey! He's got a gun! He has loaded his gun. Get the cops here. He's walking around here the w****r!'
Gunman: 'I am German.'
Balcony man: 'You're a w****r is what you are'
Gunman: 'Stop filming!'

Balcony man: 'A w****r is what you are. What the f**k are you doing?'
Shooter: 'Yeah what, I was born here.'
Balcony man: 'Yeah and what the f**k you think you're doing?'
Gunman: 'I grew up here in the Hartz 4 (unemployment benefits in Germany) area.'

Balcony man and Shooter talk at same time. 

Balcony man: 'Yeah treatment is something for you'
Gunman: 'I haven't done anything here for (unintelligible) ... 'Please shut your mouth'
Balcony man: 'You c**t you'
Balcony man to people nearby: 'Hey, he's on the upper floor here.'

The cameraman goes into cover as the gunman starts firing.
Balcony man calls him a c***t again.
Balcony man: 'They must have been s******g into your head' 
Gunman: 'They have not. They have not, that's the thing. They have not.'    

In another video on social media a man can be heard yelling at suspect in the car park that he is a 'w*****' and an 'a******e.' And he yelled: 'Put your gun down.'


Thomas Salbey, 57, saw the shooting happening from his balcony in the Bavarian capital on July 22.

In an attempt to stop 18 year old Ali Sonboly from further slaughtering people, he swore at the shooter as he was standing in a car park below.

Sonboly shouted at him: "I am a German."

Footage of the feisty exchange went viral as thousands praised Mr Salbey for standing up to the deluded teenager.
The plucky German also hurled a beer bottle at the attacker in a desperate attempt to stop him.
He said: “All I had was a beer bottle to throw at him, but if I had a gun I would have shot him in the head.”
Loner Sonboly had just shot dead nine people, mainly young teenagers he had lured to McDonald’s on the premise of free food.

The German-Iranian also injured 16 others during the rampage before he killed himself a kilometre away from the Munich Olympiad shopping centre he carried the shooting out at.

Now, in a twist of German justice, Mr Salbey is now facing charges for standing up to the killer who shot himself in the head.

Florian Weinzierl, spokesman from the Munich State Prosecutor’s office, confirmed the Munich resident is being investigated.

He said the post-shooting exchange between Mr Salbey and Sonboly had no influence on their actions.
What will be included in the charges remains to be established, as it whether they will be brought forward.
But Mr Weinzierl, suggested they could include “insults to the detriment of the dead.”
According to the spokesman, a court review will be completed soon.
Shortly after the shooting, it was revealed Sonboly considered himself Aryan, despite his Iranian heritage, and held racist view, including a deep hatred for Turks and Arabs.

Iran is considered to be the home of the Aryan race and Sonboly was said to be proud of his Iranian ancestry despite his dislike for neighbouring countries in the Middle East.
The right-wing killer also said it was an “honour” to have shared his birthday - April 20 - with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
Materials found at the gunman's home also showed he had been hospitalised for three months to treat a mental health condition and was an avid player of violent video games.



French police REFUSE to make picture of wanted AFGHAN asylum seeker public, despite fears he is plotting terror attack in Paris.

Monday, February 22, 2016
GettyImages-511407260EUROPEANS ON THEIR KNEES 
-  Man arrested in the Netherlands for wearing a child's hat shaped like a piggy because pigs offend Muslims
 - In the meantime EU police are so overwhelmed by violent migrant crime that they have given up trying to enforce the law
- But they can still arrest a man wearing a pig hat.



Increasingly we hear that Muslim terror is being attributed to "mental illness" instead of Muslim ideology.  This is partly true.  Here is why.


- Early indoctrination advocating supremacy, violent conquest, gruesome punishments, as well as the forced suppression of normal sexuality and rational secular thinking produce inheritable detrimental effects on the genome, according to the science of EPIGENETICS 
 - Widespread child abuse, inbreeding and backwardness aggravate the situation even further



BREITBART - Migrant crisis latest news

Bare Naked Islam

Jihad Watch
Allah's Willing Executioners
Andrew Bostom
Palestinian Media Watch


The Religion of Peace

The Myths of Islam

Islam's history

Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons

Killings for Islam


Koran as hate speech

Islam terror and genocide through the centuries

Professor Bill Warner:  Video - Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam.  He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.

Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam

Professor Bill Warner - Political Islam
Islam has been subjugating the world for 1400 years
Other sources

Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature

ISIS is selling women as slaves.  Nothing new, as you can see.  Slavery is part of Islam

Myths of Islam -

The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) -

What the Koran says about violence -

Islam and human rights


Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)
The greatest genocide in history:  Islam's slaughter of non-Muslims
Conservative estimate:  270 million killed

Bill Warner's YouTube channel

 Islam and the Koran

Verses of violence on the Koran
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"  No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.
Read more

More on Islam

The Myths of Islam

Islam's history

Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons

Killings for Islam


Koran as hate speech

Islam terror and genocide through the centuries

Daily news from the world of Islam

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