
Thursday, August 4, 2016

IS HILLARY CLINTON MENTALLY FIT TO BE PRESIDENT? - VIDEO shows disturbing signs of neurological and mental disorders in this elderly woman, who could become the USA Commander in Chief

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  • Neither of the presidential candidates is truly liked or trusted by the electorate, but fate has dictated that US voters will have to choose between Trump and Clinton.  
  • Trump is unpredictable, and Clinton appears to be alarmingly unstable.   
  • Trump lacks a political track record, and his performance during the campaign has been at times erratic, and even profoundly naïve. 
  • For such a savvy guy, he has easily fallen into traps set up by his political adversaries. 
  • But he seems to have done well in business, and raised good kids.  That counts for something. 
  • Clinton's long personal and professional record is a long one, but beset by numerous ethical and moral failures that date back to her days as a young lawyer.  
  • More  recently, secret and disturbing machinations in Libya and the Middle East, as well as security breaches she incurred during her tenure as Secretary of State, could have landed her in jail - had she been someone with less power in the Democrat Party.  
  • And now she could become president of the United States.
  • Aside from her moral and ethical failures, there are real issues with her mental and physical health.  
  • She is a 69 years old woman with undisclosed health problems. 
  • Instead of taking care of herself at this advanced age, she is pushing herself to the limit in order to fulfill her ambition to become president.  Perhaps she feels that no price will be too big, as long as she makes history.   
  • Voters who access the mainstream media exclusively are being spared any kind of scrutiny over Hillary Clinton's past failures, and her current state of health. 
  • Just like her, the media just wants Trump's defeat.  The media does not care how low they sink in journalistic malpractice as long as they can help Clinton defeat Trump.  
  • Whatever your political persuasion, please watch this video.  It is very disturbing, as it shows Hillary's obvious signs of physical and mental breakdown, and of life-long signs of psychopathic behavior .   
VIDEO - The truth about Hillary's increasingly bizarre behavior - By Paul Joseph Watson


Continue reading and watch VIDEOS:  (1) "Clinton Cash" (based on the book), (2) Hillary Ten Top Scandals, and (3) the Video of interview where she laughs at having defended child rapist who she knew was guilty, and smearing his victim.


"CLINTON CASH" - The Full Documentary Movie



VIDEO - Hillary Clinton Top Ten Scandals
VIDEO -  Hillary Clinton early in her law career laughs at having defended a child rapist after having denigrated the victim
'I never trusted a polygraph again': Hillary Clinton LAUGHS in 30-year-old interview as she recalls how she helped a suspected child rapist walk free after the prosecution lost crucial evidence
  • Hillary Clinton defended Thomas Alfred Taylor, 41, in 1975 in Fayettville, Arkansas

  • Then aged 27, Clinton found a loophole in the prosecution case and Taylor walked free
  • Newly unearthed audio interview from the early 1980s has Clinton discussing the case with Arkansas journalist
  • Recordings throw into question Clinton's claim to be a champion of women and children's causes
  • Taylor died in 1992 and his alleged victim is now a drug addict still in Fayettville, Arkansas

  • VIDEO OF AUDIO INTERVIEW  WITH HILLARY CLINTON  with transcript, where she laughs while discussing her defense of a child rapist, who SHE KNEW was guilty.

    Legal past: Hillary Clinton, pictured in 1980, helped a man accused of child rape get a lighter sentenceDuring the course of the conversation which dates from the early 1980s, Clinton, then 27, outlines how she used a mistake by the prosecution to get 41-year-old Thomas Alfred Taylor to walk free.
    Indeed, so cavalier is her attitude to securing the freedom of a man suspected of raping a child that the shocking and candid interview may tarnish her role as an advocate for women and children in the United States.

    The recordings which date from 1983-1987 were discovered by the Washington Free Beacon and are of Clinton recalling her role in the most important criminal case of her career.

     - Muslim donors made substantial contributions 
     - Saudi Arabia is third largest donor to the Clinton Foundation


    Breitbart's news archive on "CLINTON CASH"

    Wikipedia:  Clinton Cash



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