
Saturday, August 6, 2016

SYRIAN PROFESSOR SAYS ARABS MIGRATE TO EUROPE FOR SLUTS AND LUXURY, AND ATTACK WHEN THEY DON'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM - This is a misleading statement. - Muslims engage in violence because it is their culture, and violence is sanctioned and encouraged by their sacred texts. - Muslims attack all over the world, not out of frustration, but to impose their values and advance their cause

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-  What we have here is the meeting of two very stupid ethnic groups, and the result of this encounter is unmitigated disaster.  
-  Europeans are too unintelligent to react to a major threat to their civilization, their children, their women, and their way of life.  Mindlessly and passively, they keep welcoming millions of additional Merkel Muslims. 
-  And Muslim migrants are too unintelligent to appreciate the opportunity to live civilized lives, and now they endeavor to turn Europe into another cauldron of hate, backwardness, violence, and daily acts of terror, as the countries they left behind.  
-  Demographically, Muslims will eventually outnumber Europeans.  The future of Europe is nothing less than a nightmare.

  • A Syrian professor in Germany has asserted that Arab migrants see “slut” German women as fair game for assault, and warned that the country is set to see “big social conflicts” as a result of Angela Merkel and EU open border policies. 
  • What he probably means is an  ethnic war in Europe, which has already started with daily terror attacks.
  • Prof. Bassam Tibi said that the mass sex attacks in Cologne were a result of the migrants’ “value system”: furious at not being given a luxury lifestyle, they intended to “humiliate” Germans.
  • The professor, who now lives in Germany, said that Arab men come expecting “great apartments, blonde women, and the welfare state”.
  • The political scientist noted that tax payers are providing migrants with far more than they could expect even with wages in their homelands, but warned they find the hospitality “insufficient”.
  • muslim-refugees-destroyAnother serious problem, the professor added, is these migrants value system, which is incompatible with modernity - meaning that Islam itself is rooted in 7th century Arabian desert values. 
  • The Koran decrees that Sharia should be the law of the land, applying not only to religious and social issues, but to political ones as well.
  • It is important to note that Muslim migrants are often undereducated and at best with only rudimentary knowledge of German, so it will take at least another generation for them to climb the social ladder - unless they destroy Germany before that.
  • And it is even more important to understand that Islam is an ideology geared at conquest and the submission - and oftentimes the killing - of the Infidel. 
  • Islam has caused the death of 270 million non-Muslims since its inception in the 7th century.  Most of the victims have been Africans and Hindus.
  • Professor Tibi is being disingenuous when he blames Muslim violence and terror on frustration at not getting enough European women and money.
Continue reading news report by Breitbarts

Pointing out that two-bedroom apartments are a luxury in Cairo, the professor noted that he knows 16-year-old migrants, each with two-bedroom apartments to themselves at the expense of German tax payers. These boys remain dissatisfied however, as they had hoped for cars too.

Interviewed by Basler Zeitung, Professor Tibi said that migrants were expecting to be given a luxury lifestyle, one comparable to portrayals of rich Europeans shown in the Arab media.
He predicted that migrant disappointment with their standard of living is likely to cause the country problems in the future.
“Think even of the grateful Syrians who took the famous selfies with Merkel. [One of them] was on TV a few weeks ago and declared that he was now very disappointed with her. He wants a job, a secure income and an apartment. We will see big social conflicts,” the professor warned.
Asked how he could be sure of this, Professor Tibi stated that as well as the fact the state cannot meet their high expectations, the migrants have a “value system that is incompatible with modernity”.
The professor revealed that Arabs believe themselves to be honourable and that Germans are not, as German women are allowed to “sleep with everyone”.
Europeans still ask:  Where are the widows and children?
They were left behind to fend for themselves.
Professor Tibi pointed to a number of factors that he believes led to the mass sex attacks in Cologne. He said migrants knew their behaviour was criminal but that they think “German women are sluts”, and felt they would face no punishment.
The decorated academic said that police’s “fear of the racist accusation” is greater than their fear of the decline of public order. This, he contends, leads migrants to view German police as “wimps”.
Professor Tibi argued that sexual assaults on German women are driven by vengeance for not being given nice cars and flats. He also pointed to Syrian culture as playing a part.
The “Islamology” founder disclosed: “Rape of women is a weapon of war in Syria. All warring parties do that. The refugees who come here, come from this culture and not all are victims.
“If such men do not get what they expect, they are angry. In the culture I come from, you want to humiliate people who make a mad.
“In the Orient, to humiliate a man, one rapes his wife. My guess is that these young Muslim men wanted in Cologne to humiliate the women, and behind this humiliation is the humiliation of the German man. The woman is an instrument for it.”

Professor Tibi is a Muslim, but criticizes Ialamism and advocates reforming Islam.  He suggests that Muslim migrants should refrain from engaging in religions missionary activities. 
Muslim migrant who sexually harassed girls in SWEDEN SAID:  "I HATE SWEDEN, I'm just here to have sex with Swedish girls and spend Swedish welfare money"
 - Early indoctrination advocating supremacy, violent conquest, gruesome punishments, as well as the forced suppression of normal sexuality and rational secular thinking produce inheritable detrimental effects on the genome, according to the science of EPIGENETICS 
 - Widespread child abuse, inbreeding and backwardness aggravate the situation even further

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