
Friday, April 8, 2016


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From a smirking seal to a giggling gorilla, series of funny pictures prove it's not all beastly in the animal kingdom 
Hilarious images show the biggest smiles in the animal kingdom

See more images of animals having a good laugh

What's so funny? This raccoon looks like he has just heard the punchline of a joke. Maybe he is a bit of a raccoonteur
 What's so funny? This raccoon looks like he has just heard the punchline of a joke. Maybe he is a bit of a raccoonteur

 This seal at the Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, California appears to be cracking up about something deeply amusing. 
 This seal at the Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, California appears to be cracking up about something deeply amusing. 

This snowy owl is having a rare old time at the Olympic National Park in Washington state in the US. 
This snowy owl is having a rare old time at the Olympic National Park in Washington state in the US. 

This baby zebra is game for a laugh. This image was snapped at the Busch Gardens safari park in Tampa, Florida
This baby zebra is game for a laugh. This image was snapped at the Busch Gardens safari park in Tampa, Florida

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are not known as the cleanest of animals so this porker is bound to be chuckling at a dirty joke
Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are not known as the cleanest of animals so this porker is bound to be chuckling at a dirty joke
If there is one animal you probably don't want to see smile it's a shark. The grin of this lemon shark reveals two rows of terrifying teeth. But there have only been a handful of attacks recorded on humans by lemon sharks
If there is one animal you probably don't want to see smile it's a shark. The grin of this lemon shark reveals two rows of terrifying teeth. But there have only been a handful of attacks recorded on humans by lemon sharks

 This fish looks like an extra from a Disney movie as it swims near Key West in Florida. But then living off the coast of Florida doesn't sound such a bad life, as long there are no sharks about
 This fish looks like an extra from a Disney movie as it swims near Key West in Florida. But then living off the coast of Florida doesn't sound such a bad life, as long there are no sharks about
What do you get a donkey with a fool? A big ass! This is a burro, a breed of wild donkey found in Spain and also, like this one, in the United States (pictured) and Latin America
This is a burro, a breed of wild donkey found in Spain and also, like this one, in the United States (pictured) and Latin America

This creature has got to be Mother Nature's best gag. It is the theridion grallator, better known as the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider. Scientists can find no evolutionary reason for the bizarre patterns on the littler critter's abdomen
This creature has got to be Mother Nature's best gag. It is the theridion grallator, better known as the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider. Scientists can find no evolutionary reason for the bizarre patterns on the littler critter's abdomen

Never play cards with a cheetah because they will always have the last laugh. This cheetah cub at the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania appears to be having a good giggle at our expense
Never play cards with a cheetah because they will always have the last laugh. This cheetah cub at the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania appears to be having a good giggle at our expense

Otis the hippo is a good natured fellow. He lives in a large pool at San Diego Zoo, one of the world's best, and has fathered several calves with his partner, Funani. So it's no surprise that he is smiling
Otis the hippo is a good natured fellow. He lives in a large pool at San Diego Zoo, one of the world's best, and has fathered several calves with his partner, Funani. So it's no surprise that he is smiling

That tickles! Kituba the baby gorilla is in fits of laughter as he plays with his mum, Lena, at Dublin Zoo
That tickles! Kituba the baby gorilla is in fits of laughter as he plays with his mum, Lena, at Dublin Zoo

Always look on the bright side of life. That is definitely the case with this Sulawesi crested black macaque. They are one of the most endangered species in Indonesia 
Always look on the bright side of life. That is definitely the case with this Sulawesi crested black macaque. They are one of the most endangered species in Indonesia 
This caracal seems to be smiling at the camera. Caracals are widespread in Africa and the Middle East and were revered by the Ancient Egyptians. They have also been bred in captivity 
This caracal seems to be smiling at the camera. Caracals are widespread in Africa and the Middle East and were revered by the Ancient Egyptians. They have also been bred in captivity 
This rabbit seems to be full of the joys of life. This image was captured by a photographer in the Netherlands where, like Britain, rabbits are a common sight
This rabbit seems to be full of the joys of life. This image was captured by a photographer in the Netherlands where, like Britain, rabbits are a common sight



TAKE A BREAK AND SMILE WITH THESE PENSIVE AND CHEERFUL DOGS in portraits taken by Australian animal photographer Alex Cearns

See more pictures of dogs smiling


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