
Saturday, April 9, 2016

GERMAN GOVERNMENT'S SINISTER PLAN TO COVER UP MIGRANT RAPES - Minister told police to remove word "RAPE" from Muslim migrants crime reports - If governments are the first to break the law, what can we expect from criminals?

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German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve'. 
leaked cache of confidential emails and notes passed between the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government and local police has revealed the extent to which the force were placed under pressure to cover up the migrant sex attacks at New Year’s Eve.
A German state minister allegedly tried to pressure police in Cologne to remove the word rape from reports about the mass sexual assaults committed by asylum seekers on New Year's Eve
Muslim migrants organized mass gang rapes
across Germany on New Year's Eve.
The most media-publicized took place
in Cologne, but there were many others
  • Senior police officer claims he was urged to remove word 'rape' from reports
  • He was allegedly given the order by the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia (where city of Cologne is)
  • Ralf Jäger is facing calls to stand down but has since denied the allegation
  • An internal report was drawn up morning after New Year's Eve attacks in Cologne
  • Police also ignored citizens' complaints of mass sexual assaults and rapes occurring near main railway station on New Year's Eve involving about 1,000 attackers and hundreds of victims.
  • The next day police reported the night had been calm, glaring evidence of a cover up.
  • But police sent hundreds of reinforcements with water cannons a few days later to contain a peaceful demonstration by Germans against migrant rape. 
  • Water cannon was deployed in a bid to stem the growing dis contempt among protesters
    Cologne police in full force attack
    peaceful anti-migrant rape
     demonstrators a few days later
    In view of government lax response to Muslim migrant crime, the rape wave continues.
  • The German government now has started placing women-and-children-only carriages on trains in order to reduce the incidence of Muslim rapes on vulnerable citizens.
  • This amounts to establishing Sharia Law of gender segregation in Germany, instead of enforcing German law and charging and prosecuting  the criminals.
One of the documents sent by Jäger’s interior ministry to the police on the first of January is a so-called “Important Event-Message” (“Wichtiges Ereignis-Meldung”).
Minister Ralf Jäger

Far from the initial claims made, and statements made at an early press conference about the attacks the message confirmed the state government had full knowledge of the gang sex attacks.
The internal message explained there had been “Rape, sexual offenses, thefts, robberies committed by larger foreign group” ... acting in the “downtown area” by the railway station “to the detriment of young women”.
Describing the offences, it said: “The women were in this case surrounded by the group of people and groped above their clothing, jewellery stolen and was snatched. In one case, a 19-year-old German victim had fingers inserted into her (private) body openings.
“The criminal group was consistently described by the victims as North Africans, between 17-28 years of age. Investigations are continuing”.  In all, there were 359 complaints of sexual assault and rape on that night alone.
More damning than the revelation that police knew about the attacks and kept them from the public was the explicit order to play down the seriousness of crimes by the Interior ministry.

VIDEO - Muslim migrants shoot guns in downtown Cologne, Germany, turning it into a war zone


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Silvester-Bilanz: Hunderte Täter, 118 Anzeigen, 0 Verdächtige
COLOGNE:  They threw firecrackers directly at victims in order to create chaos, and then proceeded to gang rape the women and steal from the men.

An “internal police memo” detailed “a request from the ministry, a request from the ministry in their reports.
Speaking to the Express, a spokesman for minister Jäger admitted there had been “coordination meetings” between the government and police in the aftermath of the attacks. The paper called the notes and meetings nothing less than a “cover up”.

Cologne's Express newspaper claimed that the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia pressured a senior police officer to delete 'rape' from an internal report issued on January 1.

'KHK told me that the state control centre wanted the report cancelled and the expression "rape" deleted,' read a document written by another police officer which was printed by the Express.
According to the paper, officer KHK and his colleague were on duty when the events of the night before were being discussed for an interim report.

Cultural enrichment?  They bring sexual depravity, hate, violence, intolerance, and all kinds of criminality into the country that gave them such a generous welcome.  As all those migrant crimes continue, European authorities' cover up also continues.

The night before hundreds of women had been sexually molested and robbed by marauding gangs of refugees, most of them from North Africa.
The initial report that the officers discussed read 'rape, sexual harassment, thefts, committed by a large group of foreign people'.
Officer KHK received a call hours later requesting he delete 'rape' at the behest of the state interior ministry. The officer refused.
The night before the alleged discussion, hundreds of women had been sexually molested and robbed by marauding gangs in Cologne (pictured)
Cologne.  Migrant gang rapes took place
between the cathedral and the main
railway station
NRW interior minister Ralf Jäger, member of the socialist SPD party, who allegedly wanted the word rape removed from official reports, is facing calls to stand down. He is due to be quizzed by parliamentary colleagues.
He denied the allegations through a spokesman who said; 'It's not true that the rape on New Year's Eve in Cologne was supposed to be hushed up.'
But his office did admit to 'professional discussions' about the 'criminal classification' of what went on - events which forever changed German perceptions about mass immigration.
Government initially turned down police request for more officers prior to the Cologne mass rape.
These revelations may make uneasy reading for minister Jäger, having already courted some controversy for firing his chief of police after revelations that officers were too overstretched to effectively control the migrant riot in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
Although the decision to sack the veteran officer was claimed to be over restoring faith in the force, just days later it was revealed the chief of police had foreseen trouble and appealed to minister Jäger for backup.
The NRW politician turned down the request for more officers, exacerbating what was the most chaotic night in Cologne in decades.
Cologne police had initially claimed they had just 143 officers on duty on New Year’s Eve to police the whole city, leaving them severely under-staffed and forcing arresting officers to release suspects without charge as they lacked prison cells and police vans to hold them.
In yet another embarrassing revelation it was discovered in March that far from those 143, the force had just 80 on duty.
As reported by Breitbart London, a spokesman blamed the discrepancy on “misinformation”.
Such alarming reports of government cover up have had a profound effect on many people in this increasingly fractured society, which has seen a huge influx of young Muslim men from a host of countries after Chancellor Angela Merkel invited migrants from Syria to come to Germany last year.
And their minds will not have been put at ease by the news that a German train operator has announced it is introducing women-only carriages on its trains following the New Year attacks.
The introduction of the carriages, which will be next to the conductor, has already led to heated debate on German social media. The hashtag #imzugpassiert (which translates as ‘it happened in a train’) has become a talking point on Twitter, with women giving examples of when they have been accosted by foreign-speaking men on trains.
The train company, Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn, says it will provide women-only carriages on routes out of Leipzig, an hour’s drive from Magdeburg, with a spokesman explaining: ‘They are designed to make solo female travellers or women with young children feel safer.’
He denied, improbably, that the move was because of the widespread sex attacks on women in Cologne and elsewhere in Germany, yet it will have done little to assuage the fears of many who have seen countless thousands of newcomers arrive from a different cultural background to be housed in their midst in 2,000 hostels, hotels, tented camps and newly-built blocks across Germany.
The depth of unease here at the numbers was spelt out all too starkly in recent regional elections in Saxony-Anhalt, when nearly a quarter of the population, many aged under 40, voted for the anti-immigration, Right-wing Alternative for Germany (AFD), which has sprung from nothing in just three years.
In the country’s wealthy western states of Baden-Wurttemburg and Rhineland Palatinate, where elections were also held, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s middle-of-the-road Christian Democratic Party (CDU) also lost considerable ground.  It was in Saxony-Anhalt that her ruling party only just managed to cling to power.

The results were a stark condemnation of Merkel’s open-door migration policy, which has caused chaos across the EU.
Many Germans complain that the most powerful female politician in the world has ignored their views by inviting in more than a million people in less than a year from countries besieged by war, high levels of crime, and illiteracy. 

Latest news:  
The motherlode of DUMB DEALS has been reached between the EU and Turkey
migrantsgetty640x480-viThe European Union sealed a controversial deal with Turkey on Friday intended to halt illegal migration flows to Europe in return for $3 billion in financial aid and political rewards for Ankara.
But not only will it NOT halt the Muslim illegal migration flow, it will give 78 million Turkish Muslims visa-free entry into the EU as well as the fast-tracking of Turkey for membership in the EU.
VIDEO - Nigel Farage on the absurd and dangerous deal with Turkey.
Nigel Paul Farage is a British politician and former commodity broker. He is the leader of the UK Independence Party, having held the position since November 2010, and previously from September 2006 to November 2009. Wikipedia
Please stay to the end of this video to listen to what Turks really think of Europeans, and what they want to do to them.
You would think that after the very expensive deal with Turkey the tide of migrants has been stopped.  It's only a pause. 
Millions are determined to come into Europe using any route available.  They know that the border situation in Europe is nothing less than chaotic, and they want to take advantage of that. 
For every ineligible migrant returned to Turkey, Turkey will send a Syrian refugee into Europe. 
On top of that, Turkey gets billions of Euros, and visa-free entry for Turkish citizens into Europe.
When I visited the area, it took me an afternoon to locate the main departure point — a small beach, hidden from the road by a hillDaily Mail - April 9, 2016
You might think the EU is finally getting to grips with the migrant crisis...but the human tide trying to get to Europe makes a mockery of the £4bn deal to send refugees back home  
  • The EU deal to repatriate migrants to Turkey gives £4billion to that country 
  • In return their authorities are meant to be deporting intercepted migrants
  • First waves of migrants are being sent back through Turkey in the deal
  • But nearly three times as many were landing by boat on Chios, Greece (see photo).
Read more
More articles on the subject on this blog

Michelle speaks out about the Cologne attacksNEW YEAR OF MUSLIM RAPE AND TERROR IN EUROPE - Raping women travellers at COLOGNE train station, stealing, terrorizing the public, torching hundreds of cars in PARIS, and plotting mass terror attacks at various European cities


Line of police officers attempted to keep control of the demonstration as supporters for PEGIDA called for action against migrants


 - ANTI-MIGRANT RAPE CROWDS VIOLENTLY CONFRONTED BY RAPISTS' DEFENDERS from leftist groups at parallel demonstrations 

POLICE use pepper spray and water cannons against protestors.



Wednesday, March 23, 2016
- THE BIGGEST CRIMINALS are European authorities who knowingly are handing their countries over to their enemy, Islam. 
- BECAUSE OF PUSILLANIMOUS EUROPEAN CITIZENS, who'd rather submit than be called racist




READ MORE and watch videos


ELIN KRANTZ was brutally raped and murdered by an African in Sweden. 

-  She had been strong advocate of Muslim migration into her country

- SHE WAS LIKE SWEDEN AND THE WEST, welcoming those who will destroy them.



Image result for taharrushTAHARRUSH - the Muslim custom of mob raping women 



European authorities continue to welcome and protect the same migrants who hate, rape, and murder their own citizens with impunity, while neglecting to protect the victims.
That is treason.



BREITBART - Migrant crisis latest news

Bare Naked Islam

The Muslim Issue

Tundra Tabloids

Allah's Willing Executioners

Jihad Watch

Soeren Kern 

Gates of Vienna

Frontpage Magazine

Creeping Sharia

Refugee Resettlement Watch

Money Jihad (recommended)

Sharia Finance Watch

Geert Wilders

Andrew Bostom

Vlad Tepes

The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Palestinian Media Watch


The Religion of Peace

The Myths of Islam

Islam's history

Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons

Killings for Islam


Koran as hate speech

Islam terror and genocide through the centuries

Professor Bill Warner:  Video - Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam.  He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.

Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam

Professor Bill Warner - Political Islam
Islam has been subjugating the world for 1400 years


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