
Thursday, April 7, 2016

THE ONGOING MUSLIM ARAB AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE and the ABSURD alliance of Afro-Americans with Muslims - ISLAM sanctions slavery - Muslims, particularly ARABS, still own African slaves - Also: WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT "BLACK LIVES MATTER" now allied with MUSLIM organization CAIR - A co-founder of BLM is a black Muslim woman who publicly expresses her desire to kill whites

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Black Americans seem woefully unaware that their Muslim allies' religion condones slavery, and that Muslim Arabs are responsible for the death of 120 million Africans during the height of the slave trade.  To this day Muslim Arabs continue to buy and own black African slaves, and raise slave children like cattle - for more slavery.
  • c171b27aa2b6486b7ff6c5db4cb8b0f3
    The Black Lives Matter organization is now officially allied with CAIR, the Council of American-Islamic Relations.  No wonder.  One of BLM founders is a Muslim woman. 
  • You may have heard of CAIR before as the Muslim organization that looks for every opportunity to sue private individuals, businesses, and institutions for failing to accommodate Muslim religious and traditional needs in America. 
  • CAIR has a rather close relationship and influence with the Obama administration and US government agencies.  It often manages to shape government regulations and methods to fight terror, so as to minimize or eliminate any mention of Islam, and to soften security measures that inconvenience Muslims.  See more further down this page.
  • MUSLIMS still buy
    and sell African slaves
    and raise
    children for slavery
    One of the many differences between Muslim migration from all other groups that have migrated into America is Muslims' relentless effort to transform the society that has welcome them to make it reflect the interests, traditions, and values of Muslim societies.  They don't want to become Americans.  They want America to become Muslim.
  • Muslim Arabs have been, and continue to be, the greatest slave traders in the world.
  • People of African descent should examine closely their history before lending support to Muslim causes, or accepting Muslim meddling into their own organizations.  
  • While Afro-Americans still condemn American past of slavery, it does not occur to them to also denounce Islam and the Arabs in particular.
  • While the US was the first country to outlaw slavery, Muslims still continue to engage in this horrendous practice.
  •  Muslim Arabs are responsible for the murder of at least 120 million Africans during the height of the slave trade. 
  • Thousands more Africans are still suffering due to the ongoing Muslim tradition of slavery - condoned by the Koran.    
  • There are 30 MILLION slaves in the world today, most of them owned by Muslims.
Short Video about today's Muslim practice of slavery in Mauritania

EXTENDED VIDEO - The Untold Story of
Arab Slave Trade of Africans
This Muslim slave trade goes on to this day.
At least 120 MILLION Africans killed during the Muslim conquest of Africa died from mistreatment by Arab slave traders.  Many others may have died resisting the Arab invader.

Dr. Bill Warner, who has studied Islam's history and doctrine in depth, quotes scholars' estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East.

For every slave captured many others died.
Estimates of this collateral damage vary. It is estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.

So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people.  Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. 

READ MORE on the genocide perpetrated by Islam's conquest, tyranny, and slavery that has killed 270 million human beings in Asia and Africa.
Prof. Bill Warner, Political Islam 

There is also a website dedicated
to document the historical and ongoing Arab Slave Trade: 

The following is an article by BARE NAKED ISLAM

Muslim co-founder of Black Lives Matter
 expresses her almost irrepressible desire to kill whites


Yusra KhogaliAccording to Yusra Khogali, Black (and Muslim) lives matter … but the lives of “men and white folks” do not. No wonder designated terrorist group CAIR always happens to show up whenever Black Lives Matter is in town to stir up hate against whites.

CityNews  (h/t TROP) That apparently is the message Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali  (photo on the right) was trying to convey when she posted a controversial tweet on Feb. 9 that surfaced Tuesday morning. In the tweet, Khogali asks Allah for strength “to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

Black Lives Matters activist Sandy Hudson blamed the media for focusing on the tweet, instead of the larger issues at hand. “This is extremely frustrating and emotional for me because we slept outside for two weeks to get somebody to care about death in our community and this is what you decided to focus on? It’s very, very, very irresponsible,” she said. When repeatedly asked for a comment on the tweet, she refused.

CAIR joins Black Lives Matter movement 


Continue reading


CAIR INFLUENCES US GOVERNMENT  -  CAIR demands changes to FBI anti-terrorism website, and gets them. There is no longer any mention of Islamic extremists.
A government anti-radicalization internet program set to be launched months ago is finally up and running with the changes demanded by Islamic activists that claimed the original version was biased against Muslims. This is a story Judicial Watch has followed closely. 
This pathetic censorship is part of a broader effort by the government to appease Muslim rights groups, which have proven to wield tremendous power in the Obama administration.
This is especially true of the terrorist front organization Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which also flexed its muscle in this matter. It was CAIR that got the FBI to purge anti-terrorism material determined to be offensive to Muslims.
CAIR and its allies also got several police departments in President Obama’s home state of Illinois to cancel essential counterterrorism courses over accusations that the instructor was anti-Muslim. The course was called “Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy” and departments in Lombard, Elmhurst and Highland Park caved into CAIR’s demands.

Judicial Watch -  CAIR news archive


WHY NOT PULL DOWN THE SLAVERY FLAGS OF ISLAM AND AFRICA in addition to the Confederate flag? asks writer Daniel Greenfield. After all, Islam clearly sanctions slave ownership, and even to this day Muslims own slaves.


Most slave families in Mauritania consist of dark-skinned people whose ancestors were captured by lighter-skinned Arab Berbers centuries ago. Slaves typically are not bought and sold — only given as gifts, and bound for life. Their offspring automatically become slaves, too.



Even the United States has 60,000 slaves, a figure that is bound to grow along with the number of new immigrants from slave-owning countries

Here is a breakdown by countries:


More on Muslim slavery on BNI


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