
Thursday, April 21, 2016

ARAB CLANS NOW IN CHARGE OF BERLIN CRIMINAL UNDERWORLD SAYS REPORT, while North Africans turn BERLIN's Kreutzberg Kottbusser Tor into a NO-GO ZONE filled with crime

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BOMBSHELL REPORT: Berlin ‘Lost To Arab Clans’ Now Recruiting ‘Physically Strong Young Migrants’ with no police record.

Breitbart:  Berlin’s criminal underworld has been “lost to Arab clans” according to a new report published by the mainstream German newspaper Die Welt.
The report, which reveals how Arab migration has transformed Berlin’s entire criminal landscape, exposes how extended migrant families, now recruiting new migrants, run the entirety of the city’s organised crime. 
In Berlin-Neukölln blüht das Geschäft mit den „Autovermietungen“
 The Berlin-Neukölln neighborhood
has had a large number of Muslim residents for decades
The report speaks of the ‘amazing’ sight of luxury sedans cruising up to refugee, asylum centre, and migrant lodgings filled with “people who have lost everything.”
Investigators reported that the criminal gangs have “exploited the situation” of the migrant crisis, in which German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policies saw well over a million migrants from the third world settle in Europe last year.
The source explained that “young and physically strong men” are targeted by the gangs and then used for “dirty work” like burglaries, drug trafficking, and fights with criminal competitors.
Child refugees are also welcomed as their faces are unknown to the police.
Despite the prospect of arrest, or even going to prison, many of the new arrivals are willing to take the risk as it is unlikely they will be deported.  

Continue reading about this and Kreutzberg's No-Go Zone

Germany’s problems with its immigrant population are nothing new. According to authorities in Berlin the majority of the city’s organised crime is controlled by seven to nine extended families who came in the late 1970s from Lebanon.
Dirk Jacob, the director of the State Criminal Police Office (LKA), describes how the clans specialise in property crime and drug trafficking.
They show their power in the city with highly visible stunts such as the “daring daylight heist” which saw a masked gang armed with assault rifles, machetes and hand grenades steal the jackpot from a poker tournament at the Hyatt Hotel, and “spectacular heists” at Berlin’s iconic Kaufhaus des Westens luxury department store.
Despite all efforts Jacob says it’s “extremely difficult to penetrate” these extended families as they are “solid structures” that can be cracked “only through lengthy and costly investigations.”
Describing problems policemen run into when faced with the clans’ criminal machinations he says if for example, a family member of a competitor is knocked down or seriously injured with a knife, officials have little time to secure the testimony of witnesses.
“Because,” Jacob explains, “very quickly the family turn and manipulate the witness, they are either bought or threatened. After, we learn nothing more.”
The “great families of the city” also control the majority of prostitution in Berlin. Prostitutes must pay the Arab clans a demurrage “otherwise there are beatings”, pimps must pay protection money, and pressure has recently been growing too on the small apartment brothels dotted over the German capital.
What is most startling about the revelations is that it sounds like few areas of business in the city are free from these families’ criminal grasp with “hardly a hookah bar operator spared from extortion”. 
Michael Kuhr, Germany’s most famous celebrity bodyguard cooperated with police, as he always does, after the heist at the Hyatt Hotel’s poker tournament.

His testimony helped jail the perpetrators, members of the notorious Arab clans, but the former world champion kickboxer said that a contract killer was hired to take his life as a result. For months the professional bodyguard had to be accompanied by personal bodyguards himself.
Mr. Kuhr, who has detailed insight into Berlin’s underworld, declared the capital is “lost” as “[the clans’ structures] are manifested in all areas of organized crime”. In addition, he concluded “the people are extremely dangerous” and have no respect for the state.
Berlin police have arrested eight suspected criminal members of large Arab families amid claims their 'clans' have taken over the city's underworld
A recent police raid
Berlin police have arrested eight suspected criminal members of large Arab families amid claims their 'clans' have taken over the city's underworld.
Officers carried out 16 dawn raids across the German capital as part of investigations in to a series of crimes including robberies at a major city department store and incitement to a contract killing. 

They are suspected of offences including involvement in a 2014 robbery at the KaDeWe department store in which jewelry and watches were stolen, incitement to a contract killing and illegal weapons possession.  

Officers carried out 16 dawn raids across the German capital as part of investigations in to a series of crimes including robberies at a major city department store and incitement to a contract killing



Police spokesman Stefan Redlich told n-tv television that authorities seized a gun, ammunition, cash, jewelry and a Porsche car, among other things.

Dirk Jacob, the director of the State Criminal Police Office (LKA), told German newspaper Die Welt how groups were specialising in drug trafficking and property crime.
He said it was becoming 'extremely difficult to penetrate' criminal elements of the clans that had become 'solid structures'.
Jacob added that there was an increasing problem with witness intimidation.

He is quoted as saying that police have little time to gather evidence from witnesses 'because very quickly the family turn and manipulate the witness, they are either bought or threatened. After, we learn nothing more.'



North African Migrants Turning Berlin’s Notorious ‘Kotti’ Area Into No-Go Zone


North Africans are turning Berlin’s notorious Kottbusser tor, or “Kotti” area into a no-go zone, according to a veteran drug dealer.

One of the most notorious areas in all of Berlin for drug dealing and petty thefts is the area outside the Kottbusser Tor, nicknamed the “kotti.”
Gangs of criminals have long used the area, which is close to various nightclubs, to peddle drugs to party goers and steal the possessions of those too drunk to fight back.
Breitbart London reported on the Kotti back in February and told how it had become a centre for migrant gangs.
Kottbuser Tor U-Bahn station
The crime statistics in the area leapt from 336 cases in 2014 to 775 in 2015 and many expect 2016 to increase even further. Kebab sellers described how migrants set upon people and stole their belongings but now even the local drug dealers are saying migrants have become a problem and might be turning the area into a no-go zone.
A long-time established drug dealer named ‘Mustafa’ opened up about his experiences with the new migrants to German weekly Junge Freiheit.
Mustafa, who is now middle aged and deals hashish, has been dealing drugs in the area of the Kotti since he was only 14-years-old. He came to Germany as an asylum seeker with his parents from the Palestinian Territories when he was ten.
Das Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg.
“We are the ones who are always there,” he told the paper saying that he had seen a huge change in the last year.
The 48-year-old told the paper that all the new migrants were bad for business for the existing dealers and said, “if there are too many dealers here, they argue over customers. This theatre attracts the police.”
“The North Africans are the problem, they are different,” Mustafa complained that the new arrivals from Tunisia, Morroco and Algeria were scaring people away from the area because they often travelled in large groups.
He called the North Africans cowardly because they hang around in gangs picking on whichever unfortunate passer-by comes near them, sexually abusing girls or robbing men and women.
According to the veteran of the Kotti the police have somewhat of an unwritten code when it comes to the drug dealers. The police will routinely stop and frisk the dealers and confiscate any drugs they find but Mustafa says that people rarely get arrested and only when the cops have it out for them.
The Mayor of the area Monika Hermann of the Green Party, says she wants to curb the drug dealing that occurs, not just from street dealers but also out of the back doors of kebab stands and coffee shops. She said that the situation was difficult and in the end it’s a police matter.
The mayor of Berlin recently hired 360 new officers to deal with the growing problem though there is little sign of them in Kotti yet.

Source - Breitbart



Bringing more hate and violence
into Europe 

MUSLIMS IN GERMANY AGAIN MAKE THE NAZI SALUTE while chanting "Adolf Hitler!" and their war cry Allahu Akbar

 - Nazism and Islam, an alliance dating back to the Nazi years in Europe, when a Muslim Nazi SS army unit committed crimes against humanity

 - Today the eulogizing of Hitler and his genocidal ideas continues among Muslims, including the Palestinians




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