
Thursday, April 21, 2016

MIGRANTS RIOT IN THE CENTER OF PARIS IN AN EXPLOSION OF VIOLENCE THAT EVEN TARGETS POLICE - Bloody battles with iron bars, stones, and other makeshift weapons at Stalingrad Metro Station

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The perfect storm: 
  • European countries with no borders, and Europeans with no backbone or survival instinct. 
  • Europeans afflicted by terminal political correctness, bent on their own cultural and demographic suicide. 
  • Europeans obsessed with the creation of a Palestinian state, while they lose their own countries to Islam. 
  • Combine all that with the mass arrival of Muslim migrants who, after destroying their own societies, want to destroy yours.
Bloody battles with iron bars, planks of wood, stones and bottles: Inside the squalid 'mini jungle' migrant camp in Paris where migrants planning their journeys to Britain.
The violence erupted underneath the tracks when (allegedly) a group of men threw objects at the migrants, most of whom are thought to come from Africa and the Middle East.  
Armed and dangerous: Scores armed themselves with planks of wood, metal bars and debris during clashes at the metro station last week
Continue reading and watch video of the migrant riot in Paris


The police are said to have been pelted with bottles and debris when they arrived at the scene of the fight between the migrants and a so called 'anti crime brigade' from Stalingrad, which lies in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.  Police had to use tear gas to disperse the crowd.
Violence: The incident was caught on camera, showing the ferocious battle, which was only ended after police used tear gas

Almost 1,000 migrants have arrived in the area in just over a month, many travelling from Calais having crossed the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East.


French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve had earlier announced the removal of the camp in a joint statement with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, but the migrants returned with makeshift mattresses two weeks later.

Successful dispersal: Riot police fire tear gas into the camp successful managing to disperse the riot
The camp has been a home for hundreds of people from countries as diverse as Eritrea, Sudan and Afghanistan, but the source of the fights are unclear.


During the day riot police had to use tear gas and pepper spray to control hundreds of protesters who revolted over proposed labour-law reforms, yet it is unknown whether the events are linked. 



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