
Friday, April 22, 2016

PALESTINIAN TERROR AND MARTYRDOM - IS SEXUAL FRUSTRATION ONE OF THEIR MOTIVATIONS? Palestinian terrorist girls seeking martyrdom admit that their hope was to meet good looking guys in heaven - Men who become martyrs have been promised 72 VIRGINS once they get to Muslim heaven

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  • Of course Muslim terror has roots that are much more complex than a simple romantic longing. 
  • It starts with the Koran itself, that tells Muslims to kill the Infidel. 
  • In the Palestinian case, it is also a relentless - decades long - indoctrination of Arab children to hate and despise Jews, and to regard their murder as an act of heroism.
  • Palestinian terrorists are routinely eulogized as heroes, and have public places such as playgrounds and schools named after them.
  • Terrorists and their families receive generous salaries from the Palestinian Authority, with funds provided by the governments of the United States and Europe.  In this way western taxpayers are funding and rewarding the murder of Jews. 
Palestinian Girls Become Terrorists ‘So They Can Meet Good-Looking Guys in Heaven’
The Jerusalem Post reports: Young Palestinian girls turn to terrorism as a means of reaching heaven and meeting good-looking male “martyrs,” Israel’s public security minister said Wednesday.
AP Photo
Palestinian suicide bomber
Gilad Erdan made the remark during a pre-Passover toast in Rishon Lezion.

 “They used to promise terrorists that they would attain 72 female virgins,” Erdan said.
“What happened was that there were a number of terrorists who were so good-looking, that the female terrorists told interrogators that they wanted to die so that they could meet them.”
Erdan cited the example of Fadi Alon, a 19-year-old Palestinian from east Jerusalem’s Isawiya neighborhood on Mount Scopus. Alon was shot dead after stabbing a 15-yearold Jewish boy in Jerusalem last October. The boy suffered moderate wounds in the attack.

“The thing that has driven this recent wave of terrorism was the campaign of incitement that began before Rosh Hashana and was waged by extremist elements like Islamic Movement, Israeli Arab leaders, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas,” the minister said.

Saturday, April 2, 2016 - The UK Daily Mail breaks news of this scandal. 
The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken in Israel. Kay Wilson survived by playing dead. Her friend Kristine was butchered.
 - The murderers and all other terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through their generous funding of the Palestinian Authority
VIDEO - Survivor Kay Wilson's testimony at the UNHRC: 

Read more about the Palestinian culture of corruption and glorification of terror - and watch more videos - and how the West funds Muslim terror in Israel.


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